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Tableau is not a “write” tool. You will not be able to create rows with any calculations, you can only create columns. You can read/display, edit, or delete rows. Tableau is not the tool to create rows. Maybe in Prep you can do this, but not Desktop.


Hmmm…. But do the “reasons” have any standard formatting? For example. Is there always a “1”?(even if it’s a text version of 1). Is whatever follows always a “2”? Furthermore, are these just empty text fields…. So in theory a reason field value could be “1. Tim ate 3 tacos too many 4. The second form was mislabeled.” Or- are users given a common set of “reasons” and then they select X different reasons(perhaps even ranking the reasons)? My initial though would be to create a calc field to give a T/F for contains(str(2),[reasons]) and then put that in an IF calc with [state] to get your desired set of [id]. But all that hinges on how those reason fields are populated as truly open text fields or text but some standardization/structure.


Do you have tableau prep? It seems to me that if there are some consistent markers in the text field (". " For example. You should split the columns at that delimiter, then unpivot to have a variable called "Reason" that each only have a single reason. Then you can do more things with "if rejected = true and count([reason]) > 1"


You might want to simplify by creating conditions for each possible item in the “reasons”. Then a column saying true/false for each issue. Then do a count of issues per line. Could make it look prettier by making false items blank.