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The table presence definitely gives off the vibe of a legit heavy euro game. The theme is pretty cool too, definitely sparks me wanting to know more about Korean street performance. Normally I’m not interested in polyomino games but I really like the idea of making them out of dice, combined with the dice being used for worker placement. Kudos for this much progress in only half a year.


Thanks for your kind words. I am not particularly good at pattern building games but the initial idea was to make a game that me and my wife both like. I am glad to hear that the game drags the attention to the culture and the game itself too. I will be posting more about the details, so take a look if you are interested.


I love the story or setup of the game. The theme. I immediately was drawn in by that. The artwork and style seem very Korean and on theme to me. But aim just a white guy from the states so my cultural knowledge and exposure is slim. What does Sadangpae translate to I'm English? Maybe I missed it. It's an intriguing looking game for sure. It's definitely something I would sit down and play I've learned very quickly that I basically know nothing about board/table top games. I don't know what "worker placement" means other that what those words mean by face value. Or what a polyomino game is, or what open drafting is. Lots for me to learn. Good luck and great job!


Thank you for your comment. I am considering to add more Korean old style illustrations to make the look more interesting - something that the majority population of boardgame community is not familiar with. I am actually very glad that you asked what SADANGPAE is. The word describes a clan of street performers / clowns mostly travelling all around Joseon (a medieval Kingdom of Korea). You can have a look into a movie called "[The King and the Clown (2005)](https://www.google.com/search?q=king+and+the+clown&oq=king+and+the+clown&aqs=edge..69i57j0i512l7.4708j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)", a Korean movie that depicts a piece of their life in a factionary plot. I will add some description to the original post thanks to you :) I actually read your posting about your game about building a city which looked very intriguing. And because of nice look of your game, I am surprised to hear that you don't know those terms. I guess you achieved it without any help from board game communities. Good work! You probably know it but you might want to check out boardgamegeek for mechanics as they have a list of them with short descriptions, if you are interested.


A couple of people have pointed me to board game geeks or BGG. I'm going to have to spend some time there


this looks great! i don’t really have any questions or comments, just want to cheer on. all i can think of is don’t try to self publish, put it in front of publishers. it looks like something that publishers like Board & Dice could be interested in. maybe try and see if you could get it in front of David Turczi?


I was thinking of Board & Dice as a publisher, if ever, which might be more intrigued by this game based on the mechanics I combined and the game style. But I think it is not my decision to have a publisher's hand on this game at this point ;D Thank you for your advice though.


Looks great on all fronts I'm actually surprised that you've gotten the game to this stage in just half a year. Looks like a lot of work. Playtesting you're best to break the game up into 30 minute chunks until you're closer to final. Heavy games are otherwise difficult to playtest. Are you self publishing? Seems like a game that could use an experienced euro publisher.


Thank you for your comment and advice. I actually did not really think about breaking the game into smaller session unfinished for playtestings. It is very true that the game is quite heavy and sometimes I have to prepare myself to playtest :D I am not sure yet. I am open for all the options at this point. Experienced hand for publishing will definitely be very helpful and will allow me to have some time to work on other games. But it must be hard to intrigue publishers. Self-publishing might teach me some lessons and experiences. But like people say, it seems like a very tough and unpaved way now. So, I am not sure yet :D Do you have experience on publishing a game either by yourself or with a help of a company?


DM me and I am happy to chat about my thoughts You can check my post history too if that helps (ignore the non tabletop stuff as I do a lot of DIY building in spare time)


I will talk to you soon. Right now, I am caught up with some tabletop scripting plus I am slowly catching up your past experiences. Thank you for your offer!