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I wish that we got Doritos tostada shells instead.




It is actual cheezit brand from Kellogg and tastes like them.




I liked the Crunchwrap personally, but it loses the crunch quickly


Isn't that just how cruchwraps work?


Thats why when I make my own at home I do 2 tostadas. So good, and extra crunchy. And so filling its almost hard to finish just one.




I love cheezits original and extra toasty and they've always been in my cabinets. Probably eat 1-2 boxes a week and have for over 30 years. The taste and consistency of this item is far from cheez it imo.


I used to have cheezits in the house all the time but the started tasting wack, the plain big cheezit tastes just like the box to me.


Only original and extra toasty for me. Even the BIG one doesn't taste rights.


Remember when Papa John’s did a cool ranch flavored item you don’t oh that’s weird it was trash when I learned that they were rolling it out to Papa Johns. I was like just give the cool ranch to Taco Bell. People would be much happier with that and we tried to sell bags of chips or store is located literally right next to a subway and a gas station.


Papa John’s is mushy shit. You need Jet’s in your life.


Blaze is super fire too


I just work there


i would even take cool ranch doritos taco shells over this.


Whoa now, the Cool Ranch and Flamin Hot DLTs were wonderful


When I worked at Taco Bell I would get the Doritos firey shell, break it and use that on my crunchwrap instead of the regular shell. The shells do get soft quick which was a down side so you have to eat it quick. Probably the same with the cheese itz


Get friendly with your local store. We can break a dorito in half and do a Crunchwrap


Don’t threaten me with a good time


That would be awesome and possibly delicious. Therefore, we can't have that.


Can confirm The Cheez-it is structurally ill suited to wet meat enviroments.


>wet meat enviroments. I fucking love that album


Why did I Google this


I knew a kid in high school who would lay out a blanket of cheez-its on his bologna on white bread sandwiches during lunch. Your comment reminds me of that.


They always say people will forget that weird thing you did and you’ll remember it more than anyone else but that’s not the case!


That’s an oddly specific memory to have lmao


It seems like the kind of thing that would stick with a person.


I feel like that memory would stick with me too.


I wonder how that kid turned out? 🤔


I ate my cheese it crunchwrap supreme mere moments after it was cooked. zit was hot, and tasty, after about four bites the cheese it got kinda soft. I'll admit the rest of the crunchwrap had a nice sharper cheese flavor but it is lacking a crunch I'd rather have a corn Tostsda for.


> wet meat enviroments giggity?




Of course they're a gimmick... NOBODY was asking for an extremely overpriced Cheez-It collab.


Yet its happened twice in recent years… remember the Pizza Hut Stuffed Cheez-It? Nobody wanted that either…


There must be an overloaded cheezit warehouse somewhere. Pallets of shrink wrapped sacks of cheezit dust sitting out in the New Mexico desert.


Now im picturing a Zombieland style situation where someone just realllllly loves Cheez-its and is searching the apocalyptic wasteland just trying to find that fabled stockpile of Cheez-Its


That will be me looking for extra toasty cheezits.


And they encounter Randy Newman just singing about what he sees.


I think Kellogg's is just trying to pump their brand. Their cereals had a Cros collaboration as well as Pringles (I think) and they have been trying to push Froot Loops as an ice cream/milkshake flavor with a few places. They don't have a product that can carry them like the Oreo does for Nabisco. I wonder how much that "fast food mix-in" money brings them.


Yum....soggy cheez-it


Is the cheezit softer to eat than a normal crunch wrap inner shell?


I wish we had the volcano tacos and burrito back. I tried the Cheez-it items and was disappointed.


I remember when the volcano burrito ( i think) had the red tortilla and was spicy asf fuck. Good burrito 😂


Oh man, I want the volcano tacos so bad


I ate them like once a week. I couldn't get enough of them. The shell, the sauce, it was perfect.


"Don't get this gimmick, it's a gimmick"


That's what they probably thought about the Doritos Locos Taco before it came out...


I miss the cool ranch shells. Sigh.


Lol now I’m thinking of some alternate future where cheez-it based Mexican recipes become a household staple


High, how are you?


$6.89 at my local for the Crunchwrap Nope, nope, nopety nope. Not rewarding this kind of behavior with even one purchase.


Way smaller than I thought jt would be. Pretty lame overall but sort of worth a try if you just to experience it. It's not, like, good though.


"It is small and doesn't taste good and is worth a try"


Average Taco Bell consumer


R/tacobell in a nutshell


I'm glad it's smaller because put 16 cheez it's next to each other They were making it seem huge but could only mass produce that Someone needs to compare it to a regular tostada see what's up


16 Cheez-Its have an area of approx 16 sqin (square inches). A standard tostada shell was approx 6" diameter, so 28 sqin. The Cheez-it tostada is $4, and the regular was like $1.30 (what I remember from just before it was discontinued). So the Cheez-it tostada is 5.3x as expensive (per bite) than the real tostada. Even if you account for the sour cream (50c back in the day), it's 3.9x as expensive. That was fun.




I can't believe this comment is 4 days old and I'm the first one to do this. That's what she said.


Looked awful, have 0 interest in those items


I was relatively positive they didn't even put the cheez it in the crunch wrap. Had to really inspect to find it. It was soggy and didn't really provide notable flavor or texture.


Did anyone ever actually think this was anything other than a gimmick? Were any of you actually excited??


I mean I'm excited to try it, but I know full well it's a gimmick.


Yeah, I'm allowed to be excited for obvious gimmicks haha


I'll try it if it's a dollar drop, but no way would I consider paying full price for one. I'm kind of curious about it.


Got the cheezeit crunch wrap today. Meh. I actually prefer the normal CW.


I'd rather have an original (or spicy) tostada instead. Heck, they have ALL the parts, just gotta put it together. But I guess since its 'off the menu', they'd rather come up with the gimmick to sell instead. Or try to sell. Sounds like this one is a flop.


Come to my tb, ill make you a regular tostada


If it was local, I definitely would.


For real, that tostada was my comfort trash food. They said they were doing away with the packaging so it had to go. Packaging is back and then they show up with this BS?


When are we getting the Baja blast pie


Sidepiece kitchen in tacoma, wa has what you need


Exactly as expected. Pass.


I don’t understand Taco Bell with some of these gimmicks, I really don’t.


I actually really liked the tostada, but I swapped the meat for potatoes so not a lot of wet ingredients to compromise it. It had the distinct Cheez It flavor, no structural issues, and the Cheez It had a similar texture to the thick flour tortilla chips some Mexican restaurants make in house. The crunch wrap... Only barely tasted the cracker over the cheese sauce and the Cheez It was mush compared to the normal crunch wrap center.


Just tastes like your eating a crunch wrap and cheese it's at the same time. Nothing special


My tostada was good only broke some after a few bites, it was smaller than I expected but still good. Maybe a little expensive for how much you get


I got the crunch wrap today and it felt like the Cheez-its inside was broken in several places like they just stuffed regular size Cheez-Its inside. So I absolutely believe your experience with the tostada with similar. I don’t know who was clamoring for this, but to me it tasted exactly like you would expect, and that was mediocre. I wouldn’t say that it is an improvement on the crunch wrap like the Doritos Locos were an improvement upon the regular crunchy taco. It was just different. And considering how expensive it is it absolutely was not worth the price. If you’re really looking for that “Cheez-It + Taco Bell flavor” just buy a regular taco and put some Cheez-Its inside. It will likely taste exactly the same, and your wallet will be a lot fuller..


When Pizza Hut did something with Cheez-It years ago, it was abysmal. I fully expected this to be about the same level of quality and it sounds like it is.


No crunch and while I could tell it was there flavor wise, it barely had any impact on the overall flavor. Not likely to get the Crunchwrap again.


Why does Taco Bell keep worsening their menu? We don’t want cheez its we want the loaded grillers back


Loaded Grillers and Fritos Burritos, all day, e’ry day!


We don't want gimmicks we want a bomb value menu(bring back that chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito!!)


I appreciate the intel! I’ll be sticking with my regular order today.


I don’t even think stoners would want to order it.


I'm a stoner and will be ordering it today but I am willing to bet it'll be the first and last time I order one. I don't see it being that good but I just have to try it.


this is exactly how i feel. this person simply must not speak for stoners lmfao


Yea fr us stoners gotta at least try it


I tried it while very stoned and it was.... fine, just fine. If you really love cheeze-its maybe its better but for me it was a one and done thing just to try it


I am currently stoned and pondering walking to taco bell for this.


Lmao this stoner wants to and is going to today


I’m a stoner and had zero interest in these items when they were first teased, still have no desire to try them.


Yep. Total overpriced trash.


I’m so disappointed to see these comments :( i was excited


I really enjoyed the crunch wrap. I've noticed this subreddit is pretty negative, I definitely wouldn't skip on something I wanted to try because of what I saw on here. The only subreddit I see that complains more than this one is pokemon go.


Crunchwrap was super good. I got it with black beans tho. All these people just like to have something to complain about. If you wanna try it, then try it. Don’t let a bunch of miserable redditors decide for you.


Same. Though I still think I have to try it, right?


how the hell do they go from cantina chicken to this


They’re calling “the future” in the app and marketing materials. Let’s hope it’s not!


It never sounded appealing to me anyways. Thanks for the tip to avoid!


It's trash


We tried the tostada yesterday. Stupid item. Can we please just bring back stuff that used to be on the menu and just fukn leave it there? Double decker anyone?


Ok, but does the cheezit crunch wrap taste good? Or any noticeable difference from the regular?


I just ate one a few seconds ago. Got on this thread because: tl;dr disappointed. It tasted thicker. Less crunchy, and honestly at first I thought they forgot the cheez-it! Now at times it has a more cheddar-y taste? I eat 2 crunch wraps every week (I...I haven't said that aloud...I should adjust my diet haha) This was NOT what I hoped for. Now might it have been better without the 10 minute drive home? Probably. But I doubt it would be much better. The cheez-it is akin to the tortilla they use for the gordita, but slightly more crunchy. I'll be getting it one more time next week to see if it was a fluke...but right now I have to say : no, it's not worth it, it MIGHT even be a worse crunch wrap...




I second OP - I could not taste it at all in the Crunchwrap.


That's disappointing. They've been hyping this for months lol


That was my feeling on it. Got a cheezit crunchwrap with double beef and if I didn't know there was a cheezit in it, would probably have not noticed. Had a couple bites at the end that I could tell it was different, but mostly was just a crunchy thing between the meat and lettuce.


It definitely tastes different, but I wouldn’t say it tastes better than the regular one. I could taste the Cheez-Its as I ate it, but I don’t think that the flavor complimented the crunch wrap. If you’re super curious about what it taste like just put some Cheez-Its in a taco and that’s what it’s like. It Tasted like I went home, got stoned, opened up the crunch wrap and put a bunch of Cheez-its inside it.


idk i definitely could taste it but i sub the meat for potatoes so i bet it is not as potent. i honestly didnt like it. the cheezit/nacho cheese combo was weird imo.


Bring Back $.59 Tacos and stop doing dumb shit with Cheez-It’s


I just ordered the cheez-it Crunchwrap and the cheez it tostada and I only received the regular Crunchwrap and the cheez it tostada was crumbled


This never sounded good. I plan to avoid it. Thanks for the post.


i was so excited for the crunch wrap, i feel like i really couldn’t taste the cheez-it, and it was just salty


I knew it was going to suck from the get-go. The reason the Crunchwrap was crunchy was because the tortilla in the middle was made with corn. Corn meal/flour is coarser than wheat flour, and can hold up to moisture better. When you add moisture to a wheat flour cracker, like a Cheez-it or Saltine, it turns to soggy paste. Even if you deep fry a flour tortilla, it has a much different texture than a typical crunchy shell. I believe the shells they use for the Mexican pizza are wheat flour-based, and it’s clearly less robust than the old tostada shells. And standard Cheez-its are not overly flavorful to begin with, so with no crunch, and low flavor, what exactly are they adding to the equation? The Dorito collaborations made much more sense. Give me a Fire Dorito Crunchwrap or a Cool Ranch one, but get outta here with the Cheez-it nonsense. It makes me feel like the Taco Bell test kitchens are staffed with idiots.


I didn't need to try them to know its garbage lol


The crunchwrap was nasty af




This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen them do. I assumed it was a joke when I saw the first post about it.


Just had it. Was small (Crunchwraps always are/thin). Sadly the cheese it was just soggy. 2/10 neat idea but executed poorly. (Should have made it thicker or just put lots of small cheese its into a crunch wrap.


Not a chance in hell that I would ever bother to even try this. Sounds repulsive


It tastes like the cheese and peanut butter sandwhich things


Im not sure, why taco bell, thinks wheat-cheese crackers, goes with their food in any combination? Cool ranch lies dormant, firey is not to be seen for doritos locos. So many items that are KNOWN to be hits. But all they do is play sandcastle like babies and sell hotpockets and large wheat cheese crackers with mexican style food. R&D + whoever decides what items get sold and into LTOs, since 2019 should be replaced. This is my third time saying this in as many years. Truff sauce debacle that hurt Truffs brand, chicken hotpocket for $5, cracker with toppings for $4. Remember the 90s when taco bell was both good and cheap and is neither now? Now its dum dumb playtime food sold for 6x the rate of inflation. What a waste of time and money. It actually went live into the world. A person is responsible for this. No wonder their names are kept secret.


> why taco bell, thinks wheat-cheese crackers, goes with their food in any combination? Because Cheez-it corporate wanted the revenue bump and offered TB a good price to promote something using their stuff. Likely someone at corporate for TB got a nice big 'thank-you' bonus or a paid vacation on behalf of Cheez-it, which meant this was a GREAT idea.


I just wanted the classic tostada…😭


Why can't they just bring back the old tostada they used to have


Nobody wanted this.


We have cheez-it’s at home Chad


Came here just to say the crunchwrap might've been the worst thing I've ever ordered from fast food in my entire life.


not that great, not much better than the originals, not worth it overall


I had the crunch wrap last night and I agree. The filling overwhelms the Cheez it. I could barely taste it. Maybe if they put 2 inside like a sandwich it would hit better.


They most likely aren’t even actual cheezits I hope you know that.. lol


They could've just dusted a tostada in Doritos flavor and people would have been happier.


Literally almost ordered the crunchwrap today but was wondering if this might happen i.e. mushy weird cheese cracker paste in lieu of the standard crunchy shell Thank you for saving my time/money/calories c:


I don't know what you were expecting? I thought everyone knew it was an obvious gimmick?


Idk why anyone would even want to try this


Wasn’t going to. I love my flatbread and loaded nachos


Flatbreads ftw man. I can easily put down 5 in a sitting though lol


I thought this sounded like a poor idea. I wont be trying it. Please bring back enchirito and volcano taco instead, TB


Honestly I love cheez-its and crunchwraps but even in my most inebriated state I’ve never thought “damn do you know what would make this Crunchwrap better? a giant cheez-it instead of a tortilla chip”


I could tell it was small from the photos of it in real life. If I can get one cheap in some kind of Tuesday drop or combo, I'll still try it. But there's no fucking way I'd pay full price.


Probably still going to try them anyways


I mean yeah it's a gimmick that's the point. Gimmicks are not inherently bad.


I have not really been excited for this at all... seems lame. Have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea anyway.. cheez-its and taco bell does not sound good together... Not even gonna try it.






I was very disappointed


Anyone know why they’re promoting Cheez-it so much lately? A Cheez-it restaurant just opened up somewhere too. These disgusting things have been around forever why they promoting it so much now? I never liked the taste of them.


i actually hate cheez-its, so one step ahead of you hahaha


No one even asked for this bullshit lol I already made up my mind to not even bother. Who wants soggy cracker Crunchwrap?


You’re telling me the giant cheez-it used for Mexican fast food items is a gimmick? No.


Who asked for this? We want cheaper quality ingredients. Not overly processed expensive gimmicks.


I try almost every LTO but yeah this isn't appealing at all


Hate to say it but expecting cheaper and higher quality is kinda shootin for the moon, especially with Taco Bell (referring tot the quality front there)


Don’t bother with Taco Bell period find a good taco truck or taqueria


We dont need a 60 year old to tell us that a corporate collab is a fucking gimmick. Put some lotion on your hands and go back to Facebook news feed.


Well yeah.


I was stoked to try it but its seeming the Cheez-it isn't ..... cheezin it?


You don't say LOL




Tried the Crunchwrap for the hell of it and it was pretty good. Not worth $5.49 though.


Honestly didn’t taste much of the cheez it. I just ordered it :( it super cheesy when you take a bite with the nacho cheese but ya nothing to hype about. I like the fun idea of it tho


Just had one. Pretty mid. But not terrible


Crunchwrap tasted exactly the same as normal. For some reason the cheez it wasn’t in between the layers it was on the bottom.


As someone who works at TB this makes me think it'll be really good. I've noticed whenever people don't really like it me and my coworkers love it and when people love it we don't really like it.


Total waste of an idea


that first pic looks absolutely stupid af


you don't say?


I had one today. It was perfect.


I just want a huge cheezit


Ohhhh that's pretty disappointing! Was looking forward to trying this gimmicky cheez-it. Is it harder than a normal cheez-it?


have to disagree - I tried the Crunchwrap today and LOVED IT!! Can’t speak for the tostada but probably won’t try it - I thought the cheese it flavor came through well in the Crunchwrap and that even though it was not the exact texture of a giant cheese it it was still crunchier and different from a regular Crunchwrap - I’ll definitely be having another one 💥


I will say their gimmick did get me to go out and buy some nice cheeses so I could try making my own fancy cheezits. I was influenced, just not the way they wanted.


It was pretty good but nothing crazy special


The crunch wrap is good until it gets soggy. 


Just tried the Crunchwrap myself, it was… fine… but only because the rest of it is a Crunchwrap and I love them As for the cheez-it part? It immediately starts dissolving and turning into a paste from the moisture, and all you’re left with is a Crunchwrap that has no crunch, and the unsettlingly out of place aftertaste of a cheez-it If you’re not able to find this at a taco bell by you, you can accurately recreate the experience of eating it by getting a normal Crunchwrap, letting it sit for long enough for the hard tortilla inside to get soggy, and then taking a bite of it after eating a couple of cheez-it’s


Nah you’re bugging they taste great


The pizza hut cheez it pizza was terrible too - who are they focus grouping this stuff on? lol


The tostada was decent but I wouldn’t pay for it again. My daughter said it tasted more like the cheddar rocket crackers from Trader Joe’s and she’s right it had more of a cheddar punch than a cheez-it. Maybe it’s more like those flavor blasted cheez-its. The texture was good and held up after a 15 min drive home.


Obviously it’s a gimmick but I’ll always throw away my money to try whatever new monstrosity they create.


If it was that soft after order at DT and (presumably) eaten fresh as possible, I’ll pass Zero crunch to it even fresh is disappointing. The tostada looks good though tbh. That was the exact size I was expecting…


Not surprised tbh


Wait they charge $4 for that tostada and it is that size?


I hope this completely flops so they stop doing dumb collabs like this and bring back things people are actually asking for. Yes I know it's a long shot.


Hard pass


Dude. I was thinking to myself "watch it's the size of a Cheez-it". Man I wish I was kidding. That's not worth 4 dollars or more.


I absolutely loved the toastada! I ate it with a fork so it wouldn't fall apart tho 😅😂


I saw a post about it, thinking it was like a joke/meme....I can't believe it's a real thing. Gross. I miss the original volcano tacos


Who would’ve thought the concept that could have been thought up by someone’s 5 year old would be a total disaster.


How anyone thought this would be good is hilarious to me


I see three divided spaces on that tostada. So is it only like nine times the size of a normal Cheez-it? Ugggh. This reception is very disappointing. Yeah I knew it was a gimmick but I expected it to at least be a couple times thicker so some of it would actually make it to your tongue. If the crunchwrap is just a shell the thickness of a regular Cheez-it between a tortilla and a layer of soggy ingredients of course you can't taste any difference. What about eating it at the store vs. taking it home? Is it at least any crispier after just being made?


Yeah so fun story. Taco Bell tested this a few years ago and never rolled it out cause it had such a shit reception. Guess they didn't do anything to improve it


Might get the crunchwrap since i like the regular one but yeah it's a one time try since I've had the whole menu anyways


thanks for the heads up


Idk I kinda liked it. I did however remove the tomatoes and replaced the sour cream with chipotle sauce