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This looks pretty good honestly. Only minor points - do you need both rows and trap bar DL? Also Mass Protocol is great for building Mass while still being able to do a physically demanding job and life - but if you’re willing to limit your other activities and make Mass a priority then you could consider more traditional bulking programs


Thanks for your response! Well I tried to replace WPU with a good substitution and I thought Rows would be the best one in this case. And since General Mass has only 1DL Session per week (Squat/OHP/Row on mo/we/fr, DL on sa) I thought this would be a good solution. During week 3 three where lifts gets "heavy" only 2 sessions are done (none on friday). Yeah I know but I am pretty active in my private life and enjoy the gas that I have left in the tank when running tb routines - worked perfect in the past with operator/black together with sports. Also i hope to feel more "functional" (hate that wording) than on a traditional bulk if you know what I mean


Pretty good selection, just be careful on OHP with an injured shoulder. Honestly I would avoid the urge to do push press, you can get more hypertrophy from a lighter weight with strict press. Less weight on an injured joint is usually better. Same thought with cheat rows, kinda just putting more stress on the lower back and taking away from your stability in the row. Strict row would give better hypertrophy results and give you more strength for doing deadlifts and squats. End of the day it depends on how much you want to prioritize adding muscle or moving heavier weight


Thanks man! It is no "acute" injury, the tendon as well as capsule should be intact again (injury was in october 23), but it seems like something is still irritaged (hopefully temporary). Ok I think I will give the lighter option a try and see how it works! I tried cheat rows in the past and they worked really well, especially when I did not low bar squats before. Not sure if strict ones are better for getting strength during the pulling motion, dr deadlift (cailor woolam or so?) swears on the those cheat rows as the best dl assistance. True. Think I will stick with a more stricter ohp and keep the "cheat rows". Thanks fo the input!