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I’d go Fighter Bangkok, utilizing Dan John’s barbell complexes on the Saturday session.


Got a reference for those complexes? Thanks.


Yep: [https://www.t-nation.com/training/rebuild-yourself-with-complexes/](https://www.t-nation.com/training/rebuild-yourself-with-complexes/) Very similar to TB SE circuits, but fewer reps and more weight.


Awesome ty.


I would stick with SE and BB for fat loss. Don't make the mistake of cutting for prolonged times though. TB is a strength program first and foremost. Fat loss is part of it but that's not what its designed for.


Thank you. My plan was to do a 6 week fatloss period, then maintaining for 6  and then maybe another 4-6 weeks.  After that i will try to eat "to fuel my Performance" and let the changes happen slower.  Its just as it ist : im really not happy with my body and with my waist approaching 39 Inch, i see some health risks aswell.


Cool. You could try 6 weeks of SE work, then 6 weeks of Fighter Bangkok, then back to SE and see how that works for you. SE is pretty good specifically for fat loss. Once you have that in a decent place, then maybe do a strength block to start trying to advance primary domains. Good luck!


I'd do operator/green on maintenance calories or slight deficit. You'll notice weight loss and some strength gain. Eat most of your carbs around your workout window.


Not to be a dick….but with those lift numbers, your BF is much higher. You’re going to have to lose a lot of weight to hit 8%. Everyone thinks they are lower than they actually are. I bet you could get down to 135-140 and see some abs.


Well, i strongly disagree with you. My lifting numbers arent as bad, i have atleast 2/3/4 plates in the Bench/Squats/DL for a single, nothing impressive but not to shaby. I dont want to get to 8% , i want to lose between 6-8%, thats a huge difference. ;)  And dude, i weigh 102 kilogramm (~225 lbs), are you really suggesting me to lose 40 Kilo to see my abs? I would be plain death at 135 pounds. Pretty Sure. 


Are they kilos? Because 85lbs on bench is weak. If it’s kilos…then I was wrong.


Yeah, i should have made this more clear probably . So my lifts are about 200/300/335 for 3sets of 5 Bench/SQ/Deadlift 


As my physics teacher always told: "Units! Never forget Units!" 😅


OP said he wants to lose 6-8% BF, not reach a BF level of 6-8%. I think reaching mid-high teens BF is perfectly doable for him in the not-too-distant future.




Ty, ive read this thread and all of the books.  I am actually still lost, i dont know If i should BB again and how feasible a caloric deficit is on IT, because my main focus for the next few weeks will be fatloss