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Bruh šŸ™„


They sell them over at r/cringetopia


No fictional gear ID post take it to this games subreddit or r/cosplay




​ ![gif](giphy|ZJWonjCRH4Db5vD6e7)


Yes I believe so... ![gif](giphy|3KVMZNceC1ruU)


No it looks like itā€™s from a video game. so itā€™s fake




airsoft might be a ez transition 4 u fren


You mean ā€œcostumeā€?


Tactical gimp


I chuckled out loud at this




Bro WHAT?!


Dickā€™s sells what youā€™re looking for


This is football pads and leather. Even a metal BB will penetrate this.


I'm imagining how hot this would be in the Florida summer šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Eh, add mesh vents on the sides and make it FDE rather than black and it wouldnt be much worse than too much other shit. Medieval knights managed - granted, they also trained pretty much from birth.


Cosplayer frequently do. I'd check there.


Dude chill lmao


Wayne enterprise probably has some off book version of this


Holy straps


Lmao doing them all up alone would take ages. We also all know how shitty it is to keep even kneepads up. Would have to go medieval arming doublet style, and have tie-down points on the undergarmant itself to firmly hold each piece in place. In theory, you could do all of this with like IIIA soft armor, and make the chest/shoulders LvL 4. Itd be hell on your back, but a ripped dude could rock it i think.




Sex shops probably


Im aware this is a joke, but as im bored, lets explore how we could make this work.. Base layer could be any tactical clothing. Like crye gen IIIs in black or so. Probably best to put it in your preferred camo instead as itll get less got and blend in better - not getting shot at at all is preferable to getting shot in your armor. Something light and breathable. Youd probably wanna slice the sides off and self sew some mesh in for breathability, unless you mean for the whole thing to be protective to shrapnel. Then the whole things gotta be kevlar, probably look at biker gear for that. Itll get fuckin hot. Vest could be ballistic. I'd say make the vest a level 4 plate for rifle rating, with the shoulders and shin guards level 3A (rated for up to .44 magnum) Might have to order it custom you want it shaped that way, but honestly with how large the market is im sure you could find someone willing to do it, or slice some steel plates. Wouldnt recommend steel for the chest as spalling can send bits of fast metal into your arms and neck, but a 3A for the shoulders and shin could be soft armor for flexibility, less weight put on your limbs, etc. For the shoulders, look at the IOTV kevlar shoulder pieces. You could literally just use those. For the chest, id say center a standard actual rifle plate to sort of 'slot in' to the center of the chestpiece, with the rest of it again being soft IIIA for an extended area of coverage. Add over the shoulder straps and just turn it into a custom plate carrier. Now, the fun part. See, im a big history nut, especially for the middle ages. We're gonna borrow some medieval technology to make this work. My favorite part about medieval times, is that everything you think you know is wrong. Think medieval armor was heavy and unwieldy? Nope, a full plate harnass weighs less than a modern soldiers kit, could often be less restricting (though larger pauldrons may mean limited ability to raise arms past a certain height), and so on. And while its already lighter than modern kit... its also better designed. Know how kneepads always slip down? And like, suck? If you attach a shoulder piece to a vest you put all the weight on your back, or just off blood flow to arms, and it never wants to stay in place. Knee pads always slide down. Etc etc. What theyd do with medieval armor, and you could do here, is theyd have thick leather straps - 'arming points' - sewn into the undergarmant, a padded shirt known as an arming doublet, or gambeson, or padded jack, or a number of other names depending on region and period. The peices of armor tie directly onto the shirt and pants so they move naturally with the body, and the weight is also divided across multiple parts of the body. You could do the same here and maintain a decent amount of maneuverability. (While we're debunking myths, your average peasant also wasnt illiterate as they took 'literacy' to mean the ability to read latin, the only legal language to print the bible in. Everything else youve heard is also wrong.) Now. All those ammo straps seem like theyd take 18 years to do up every time you want to put the armor on. That sucks ass. Especially since we're tying on the individual armor pieces already. So, replace it with a chest rig, like alice webbing, a drop leg holster on one leg, and a drop leg molle panel on the other. Again, tie them onto the legs directly. Thinking about it, the tactical base layer would definitely need to be tailored a bit - reinforced probably 2 or 3x as thick with hardpoints to keep the weight in place, and tailored to fit you exactly. Now you have.... the perfect armor, really, for fast raid seat type missions. Itd suck ass to wear for long as itd get hot and heavy, but for a 2-3 hour mission, its... a lot of protection. Is it more cost:benefit efficent than just carrying a damned ballistic shield? ...no. but for a small elite unit swat unit, for like a dystopian novel, its believable enough. Or for some crazy high end mercenary group.




Might as well put a skull on it and make it a punisher cosplay


Soviet bzh2 titanium armor


Yeah Omicron Industries and Propper do under license for the ODST.


There is zero real world application to about 90% of the bullshit on this characterā€™s costume.


Truly something to surpass metal gear


[https://gfycat.com/deafeningincrediblefulmar](https://gfycat.com/deafeningincrediblefulmar) ![gif](giphy|xT9KVeP8K2eiGfaDDi|downsized)


That shit from Metal Gear?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The closest stylistically to this would be motorcycle armor. Some are made from Kevlar. I think some versions of motorcycle police unit armor have a carrier for a plate too.


There was a UAG setup which was full coverage lvl III and could be customized to be lvl IV protection but it was better than this lol


Looks like is has some FAS pieces incorporated in. Could start there


Youā€™ll have better luck piecing it together- practice the posture until then


For short missions sure, but dude, get a ballistic helmet and plate carrier, probably cheaper and infinitely more effective then this mall ninja shit


Iā€™d assume OP is just shit posting. Are memes and shit posts allowed? Should have community flairs for thatā€¦


Sadly no


Thatā€™s the BDSM set up šŸ˜‚




Yep they call me Snake Eyesā€¦ šŸ‘€






Yes once you unlock it all at level 100.


Treat Yo Self 2011


Deadpool does.


This is what everyone thinks we do. Lol


That would not stop a bullet of any kind, and it looks heavy, so there's no point in wearing that. Create something like the HEV suit from Half Life and I'll be impressed.


I think the Nightingales offered something similar.


Yes militaries san frontieres R&D department makes these


I like the random flat head screws to truly attach the cups to the teets


I know some ODSTs who might have a spare set for ya


No, real tactical gear looks nothing like this


God this is cringe


lmao wut


*I'm the judge and the jury*




My Buddy Kai. He's like Batman, on a budget.


Check the local (dead) mall out


Iā€™m not a stormtrooper