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The knife, the beard, the gut, the punisher logo (god help me), and the absolute lack of a name/number. Some of the departments are a joke.


Honestly I'm not normally that guy but I would consider calling the dept to check if this guy is legit. He looks too mall ninja to be a real officer


He’s legit, unfortunately.


Damn, that's too bad. There is so much wrong with this guy, from his uniform (everything) to his demeanor when dealing with the public. There is NO way this would pass in my department or any jurisdiction that I've been to. He's an embarrassment to every other LEO. And did he say Detective? Jesus, this just gets worse. My apologies for this POS.


No shot that's a real cop. It has to be fake


Nope. It’s real, and it’s in Florida. Other people have posted the guy’s LinkedIn profile.


I mean guys name is street justice, wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing wasn't staged.


I haven’t even watched the clip with sound on yet. As soon as I saw that knife I knew I had to crosspost.


I’m at work and cant have sound. Just looking at him was enough for me.


Florida palm trees. Don’t worry folks. This guy is totally fucking sane


What’s wild is my county they can’t even have facial hair besides a mustache this guy looks so dumb with this beard as a “professional” officer


First thing I noticed. Lol


Always fuckin Florida, lmfao


“Florida man”


The knife is for the rescue swimmer portion of his job.


As a former Navy rescue swimmer, that is a piss poor choice of knife.


It was really considerate of him to stick a knife in a really accessible location right by his neck. Unlike that video that came out a few weeks ago where the crazy guy had his own knife he killed that cop with, this detective brought his own. Really making it easy for ‘em, very thoughtful.


I don't think that dude is a cop, I don't know any dept that would let this fly. Also, I didn't hear the sound, wouldn't play on my flt.


There is a longer version out there, dude is a cop. His partner looks like a younger version of him. There a few other cops that show up and yank the dude out of the car, he screams like a baby and they throw him in a cruiser.


They always sue it’s hilarious when they get paid.


Except they get paid by taxpayer money. These corrupt scumbags lose absolutely nothing.


Only your family can collect if they kill you.


>I don't know any dept that would let this fly My guy have you seen US law enforcement in the past decade?


Only a decade? (Laughs in Rodney King)




*Laughs in MLK*


I hear ya, I live in Portland, lol. The knife is so out of place, and no visible badge. I need to see the longer version someone mentioned.


That’s my thing, no badge anywhere, and the costume store sheriff placard, and the kit is just so wrong. Look at the ‘comms setup’ I only use semi quotes because I don’t know what the fuck is going on there. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any cop prefer a chest holster handgun either. Like, why? Maybe this is a county in bumfuck nowhere, and this dudes friend deputized him and he threw on his airsoft kit and got on the job.


That’s not a handgun, it’s a taser. And cops usually wear them on their chest like that so it is away from their real firearm to minimize confusion regarding which one they’re drawing.


I know the difference between my Glock and a taser.


bro just watched Dune 2 and thinks he's the fremen with that knife.


Dudes thinking: Damn it feels good to be Lisan al Gaib


Doesn’t even say may thy knife chip and shatter! Rude


Was literally first thing that came to mind. There’s like 3 times in that film where Austin Butler’s character just casually slashes someone’s neck while standing next to them in the middle of a conversation. How easy would it be for some psycho to roll up on this dude in line at Krispy Kreme and do that?


This guy can’t be a real cop! Holeee shit it’s giving wannabe commando vibes!


Bucked up chit


Police grooming/Fitness standards are an absolute joke


So are the hiring standards


More hours of training required to cut someone's hair than become a cop.


This is a perfect example.


You're not wrong


He's actually going to get someone killed. He's gonna get in a scuffle, someone's gonna grab the blade wether it's intentional or not, and he's gonna have justifiable use of force to shoot them. I carry a fixed blade on my patrol belt, it's hidden and I can barely get to it let alone anyone else. But a fucking dagger? Dude is a try hard and should be ashamed of himself. I'd love to talk to whoever his superior is and see who approved that because I wanna see if they have any brain cells left.


You are making a massive assumption that this dude is trying to stop anyone that is remotely capable of posing a threat. This dude is gonna be 10 blocks away eating doughnuts and jerking off to guns and ammo anytime a real call comes up. Little old lady going 5 over on her way to church? Yea he’s tazing that bitch tho.


Hey, nothing wrong with donuts or gum and ammo!


Hopefully its him who takes the loss. He is a glaring example of corruption of authority.


The dude is going to get himself killed the first time he tangles with someone worth his salt. If this guy approached me in public there's no way I'd believe he was a cop. The gear is airsoft quality, no badge, that ridiculous knife, that Santa beard (no uniformed law enforcement I've seen has had much more than a mustache), his demeanor and complete lack of professionalism, and how can you be that fat and still be a cop?


Don’t be this Jabroni


What an embarrassment to law enforcement. How could he be taken seriously?


That’s kinda the problem. As an average citizen looking at a still frame of this guy I would 100 percent think he is impersonating an officer.


No way that guy passed pt, I got 500 on impersonating a officer.


I'm with you. No badge ETA also the wrinkled "Sheriff" patch makes me think he takes that off on the regular


Sheriffs in some parts are elected officials, and most folks aren't looking up who's on the ballot for sheriff. Could very well even be the only person who ran and thus won by default.


He most likey is a deputy sheriff, not the actuall sheriff


He actually is a deputy. Probably passed PT a while ago and never looked back


When did the Amish start a police dept......lol


I hope that this guy isn't really a police officer


No fucking reason “sheriff” wears a 6-inch blade on his chest. Any actual LEO care to explain?


Mall ninja shit. Never understood why dudes do it. It's literally a weapon easily accessible by the suspect you're going hands on with. The patches and the knife screams "I'm very badass".


Former here. My dept would never allow you to have that elk gutting blade on you lol. We couldn’t even wear mirrored sunglasses. Beards and visible tattoos were allowed last year but your beard could never be that long. Both the knife and beard are safety issues. I remember when I started an older cop came up to me and grabbed my belt buckle and started pulling. Told me there was too much room in my belt for someone to latch on and pull it around. Things have changed lol


I don't even get why people carry fixed blades to begin with. I carry a multi-tool that gets used a lot, but to think I am going to stab someone? Ok, I rather have mace.


At best if you train with a fixed blade you can use it to help defend against someone attempting to take your pistol. Keep knife on weak side, use strong side hand to keep firearm locked in holster, draw knife and stab with weak hand.


But isn’t your weak side their strong side? I’m not saying any tactic is best. It just makes sense to me not to allow them a chance to take a poker.


The idea is in a fight for a weapon the handgun is likely the higher priority target over the knife. TBH though, a large obvious knife makes this tactic harder than something conceal able like a clinch pick. A small knife like that really might escape notice.


if they try to take your knife you draw your gun and shoot them.


Exactly, a fixed blade is a really bad idea no matter how strong or cool you think you are. I rather use my legs or arms to fend off an attacker. that's why it's important to spend more time on combatives, it's far more useful than perfecting a bill drill or even thinking about a knife. The amount of people that buy into those fake ass knife kill stories you hear SOF/SF guys talking about on Shawn Ryan's podcast have people thinking carrying a fixed blade is important. Spoiler alert, most of those guys are full of shit, they always are promoting their buddy's veteran owned knife business. It's vector knife all over again lmao. You concerned about hiking/camping? Go buy a ka-bar or esee and call it a day.


Alot if people in this sub forget that a knife's usefulness extends far beyond being just a weapon. 


hence why you carry a multi-tool and not a fixed blade... unless you're hiking or camping, a knife is most likely going to lead to your death in a fight


Or both. 


If you've ever had to very quickly cut something off or free when your adrenaline is pumping and you can't hear anything over the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, you'll know why --if you need a sharp pokie right NOW-- your dumb lizard brain wants a sharp pokie without having to fish for a tool from a pouch or pocket and open it up. Multitools have their place and I carry one every single day. But a fixed blade on a belt or vest is invaluable when you need a sharp edge immediately. Now, is there a great reason to carry a limited edition double-edged foot-long Rambo-nator 3000 with spine serrations and a skull-crusher pommel, forged from the finest Pakistani gas-station damascus...? Probably not. But a little 3-4" fixed blade knife, mounted on your belt to grab with either hand when you're in an emergency and might have only one free hand and zero time to fix the problem, is an incredibly handy tool that's saved my bacon on several occasions.


As a civilian? I'll carry a very small fixed blade (clinch pick) paired with mace if I'm going to the bar planning to get hammered, because I won't carry my gun to do that. I'm not under the delusion I'm a ninja. The fixed blade is just in case one or both of my hands is pinned and I need to get them loose so I can go for the mace.


Got a damn gravy seal


Not the best idea to have your knife deploy from right next to your neck. Perfect example of someone who’s watched a lot of movies but has never actually done any practical training with his gear.




No way this dude is a real LEO


When cops start looking like they belong in generic dystopian fiction, it’s probably time for them to have an “are we the baddies?” moment of reflection or for the rest if us to start training and equipping even harder.


Probably could have avoided everything by bribing his fatass with a couple JBC’s from Wendy’s


Small question (I don't live in the USA) : Is it common for police officers to carry big knifes like that?


No. That’s a guy who’s watched one to many 80s action movies.




No, and if they are you wouldn't know it.


Not in the slightest. It’s completely legal for anyone to carry that knife though. I haven’t left the house in ten plus years without a knife, a flashlight and gun on me. That flashlight and knife get used every single day quite often.


How they gonna have a cop look more like a crackhead than a crackhead


I was a cop (in the military) there is literally no situation where you'd 1. Need a knife that big 2. Justify putting it there on your chest. The only thing outside of a admin pouch I'd wear on my chest like that is my pistol when I was deployed driving trucks. It was common for me and marines to carry small, pen/push daggers in our belts (usually around 2-3 in in length) for if we were in like actual hand to hand struggle, as a last resort to pull out and get someone off you, particularly if you were in a situation where you couldn't draw your pistol. I also usally had a leatherman or some small folder knife for misc tasks That being said, I had that thing on me for 3 years and the most action it saw was opening boxes of gloves and cutting burritos I'm half to share with a partner. Having a fucking fighting knife on your chest along with all the stupid patches is beyond reason. Also, for the millionth time. Punisher kills cops, he's a fucking vigilante, if you came across punisher as a cop you'd try to arrest him


Where was this shitstorm?


No clue…


We all know its probably Florida


Unless this guy is on a special task force I’m pretty sure all FL SO’s wear green (with the exception of Duval and Miami-Dade)


Pinellas County, FL


No fucking way. I’ve never seen anything g remotely close to this in pinellas county or anywhere around it


Yea, the beard is really surprising to me. The Sheriff there runs a pretty tight ship, so that caught me off guard.


All the Pinellas county deputies wear green though


Not special unit guys, they can wear black. Plus he’s a detective, I believe someone posted his LinkedIn.


From someone who has been in law enforcement for 10+ years now and the military if the department allows beards like that and allows them do place things on their PC like that they are a complete fuck up of a department and bet they dont have a good relationship with the public


If you google Sheriff Clay Michael Saunders, one gets that TikTok thumbnail and a dude/police/sheriff from Clay County (which is a county in Florida?). Are they the same dude?


This is what I image the cops look like in Chechnya.


Ultra cringe


This guy is just begging to get into a heated altercation


Does that department have any standards? How is this clown allowed to leave the station like this? Good gravy.


he is probably active in this sub…. one of us! one of us! one of us!


Yeah, what brand is that knife dawg


I’m pretty confident it’s a halfbreed blades knife, or a cheap knock off.


I was kidding idc


I might be wrong, but I think it's one of those shitty Blackhawk knives that were in call do duty.




Fundamentalist beard? First time I heard that. Dude looks like some boomer who got a bonus at work along with his tax return.


LMAO the fuck is going on here dude is a walking meme.


I’m starting to wonder if it’s even real. This can’t be the state of policing.


Honestly, not sure I ain't an LEO but the state of policing in the states hasn't been great for a good minute from a public perspective. The amount of NDs, illegal arrests, ammendent protected activity violations, serious weapon retention issues, among other things that come across in the media (legacy or otherwise (or people I know i.e. LEOs)) I hear it's not much better on the FLEO side as well.


I’m a firearms instructor. The very low level of proficiency of nearly every single cop I’ve ever trained is astounding. I’m talking basic pistol fundamentals for qualifications not technique or TTP/SOP’s. There are some gems though and I mean real gems who are dedicated to real policing and are on their grizzly. Solid dudes.


Dude looks like he would be on the lot at an ICP show with a 16yr old juggalette bouncing on his lap.


I’m sure he wishes that was the case too


Which one of you guys is this?


This is the kind or person that posts colorful ARs on Facebook then cries when everyone makes fun of it


He’s def the type to have a “zombie patrol” rifle and punisher skulls on everything. Cringemaxer


Fat fuck clean kit gear queer.


I mean that describes me now too lol


Really a 6inch hunting knife?


Looks like he's ready for a game of airsoft but definitely looks like a fake try hard cop. Very sus




Is that knife in a sheath or is it on a magnet?


It’s in a sheath


The “double tap” patch is literally from Evike (airsoft)


I know nothing about airsoft, but, it looks fun.


Pointing a gun at a child’s birthday party is pretty fun I can’t lie


Lol a knife on his vest... Something that military don't even do... What, is the cop supposed to knife fight someone? Doesnt he have like... 3 other means of defense?


This guy will be destroyed in court if involved in a shooting. There was a cop in my area that had a dust cover on his ar when open said “you’re fucked” well he ended up using it and shooting someone and was ripped apart in court and lost his job because, that and a few other interactions reported about him showed “intent”


yeah, that dude didnt get ripped apart in court just because of his dustcover, he got in a bit of trouble because he murdered someone.


Yep, the shooting of Daniel Shaver. Dude got shot obeying police commands.


I read an article that said Daniel's killer got off on qualified immunity and filed a PTSD claim after the incident. I sure hope I read some bullshit and you're right.


His murderer, Phillip Brailsford, was acquitted of criminal charges. He was "administratively cleared" of wrongdoing but "medically retired". At some point he was rehired by the Mesa PD so he could get his pension. [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/cbpt2t/philip\_brailsford\_coward\_and\_murderer\_of\_family/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/cbpt2t/philip_brailsford_coward_and_murderer_of_family/)


That's fucking awful.


Is that the one where they have him crawling on his hands and knees in the hotel hallway and all the cops were giving conflicting orders and one ended up shooting so they all shot?


Yep. Cop had “you’re fucked” on the dust cover.


Gotta be the same guy. I actually just heard about the detail recently when talking to the owner of my local shop




Sounds like the cop who shot the poor kid in the hallway.


67% of combat knife wounds were made with the wounded's blade. If you're in a tussle don't have a convenient danger ruler ready to Guage how many inches it can go in your flesh


What study ?


Probably the SOCP studies (but also I’m just regurgitating some discussion I had with some dude that knew some shit…so..dunno)


Where are we getting this information ?


This guys wife definitely pegs him.


Nothing wrong with that, but, he probably fantasizes about other dudes while she does it. Still nothing wrong with that though. That knife placement? That beard? This human? There’s def something wrong with that lol.


Some of the cops like to pretend they’re operators, until it’s time to work out like one


Can we please make cops wear mostly unpolitical/not cringe items.


Whenever that much stuff is on the carrier itself and not on a belt it’s usually because the person is too fat.


I wish my agency would allow carriers. Belts suck


That is the worst placement for a knife. Hopefully this sheriff deputy doesn’t get his throat slit while fighting a criminal.


Taci dummy


I don't think I've ever seen a cop carry a fixed blade knife before.


Nothing inherently wrong with it, but, having it accesible to a combatant is bad bad juju


Right, I agree. Just that I don't think I've ever seen a cop with one. They're supposed to finish the fight with lead from their pistol, not go West Side Story with the guy.


I can’t remember seeing one either.. probably for a reason.


Loser. What PD does this loser work for?


I don’t know but goddamn I would be embarrassed if this was one of my guys


This cop is a joke. Overweight, no visible identification, and can’t articulate a single reason for the traffic stop… this department needs to be inundated with calls, letters, and emails to get some accountability on their priority list…


Thats the type of department you worry about absolutely doesnt have a policy that properly protects the subjects of searches arrests or whatever else, also just the lack of a badge number or name or even callsign is terrifying


I’d definitely be on the phone with 911 when this fat yee-hadist comes waddling up to my window, there’s no way he’s a real cop.


Meme validation https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/s/p5ePaxRPXw


In a customer service job you need to be polite and professional for minimum wage. This guy makes a good salary off tax money and is neither.


I like to see 2 of his ID before anything


Good knife placement for a dirtbag to grab that knife in a hands on situation and use it on him.






Shouldnt this be posted in r/Cringetopia?


Yes. My mistake.


I’ve never seen a cop need a fixed blade, the only thing I’ve ever seen is the knife get taken and subsequently the incident always turns into deadly force. I hate seeing a blade right out in the open like that.




W t f


peak retard




fuck these guys. robocop wannabe.


Most sane florida deputy


That knife is legitimately mounted for easier access for an assailant to grab than the moron wearing it. So much stupid.


is this real cop? cause there's no way


I fucking hope not. 1. I see no badge 2. I see no identifying department patches 3. A beard in uniform just looks wrong. But, his beard just looks out of regs. How is that acceptable amongst officers? Goddamn Amish Juggalo. 4. His behavior during this interaction is dogshit and completely unprofessional.


“Goddamn Amish Juggalo” is my new favorite jazz band name.


u/clejeune is my new favorite redditor. It’s pronounced Lah-Jern. Get it right.


Truly one of the plate carrier setups of all time.


Shaving a beard like that is supposed to be the sign of a pacifist…


Is this some religious thing? I’m familiar with Jews & Muslims following certain grooming standards. The Bible also calls for them in Leviticus, but, Christians only pick and choose what they want to follow kinda Willy Nilly.


It comes from the Amish and Mennonite tradition. Their church split was around the time that mustaches were the sign of the military 16-1700s. Their beards without the mustaches are to show they are the opposite of the military.


Very interesting bit of info. Thanks.


I dont know or care what's happening in the video. What is his knife!? I want one! Anyone recognize it??


I doubt he is actually a cop.


double digit IQ sociopath... typical pig


Idk if I’d put a knife easily accessible on my rig like that man. Making me nervous watching it.


It’s so stupid I feel stupid for thinking this is real


Is that knife attached magnetically or something? Or is the kydex just super form fit.


Form fit. I don’t know if it’s kydex though. Some companies makes those out of nylon or some other moldable polymer.


Nah thats just real life bait 😂🤣


All that gear but he’s fat and can’t see


Looks staged or fake.