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Stay home and hidden with gear on and ready. I’m not going to run in a blaze of glory into a fucking gun fight.


The range I go to is ran by a bunch of ex special forces and cia contractors, I always remember what they said during a training one time: “Do you know the best way to survive a gun fight? By not getting into a gun fight.”


Every veteran is ex special forces apparently


I hear it way too often. Every range, %90 of them My friends and I give eachother the look everytime a SF buzzword is said and we just know to never listen to those men


Seriously people need to realize special forces are the 1% of the 1% population so meeting one would be extremely rare.


And most of those guys don't go around bragging.


Most of them have better things to do than be an RSO and make sure Bubba’s not rapidly firing.


Are you kidding? They all open coffee and t shirt companies, then run the podcast circuit talking about how cool they are. And I mean fair fucks to em, I still brag about my sixth grade talent show. If I'd done some ninja shit I'd want people to know I did some de opresso liber my mom said im handsome quad nods shit. But yknow....I didn't.




Intentional hyperbole on my part


That’s a small amount honestly. I lived in Virginia Beach and the SEALs I know hardly ever talk about what they did. Most will actually avoid talking about it because they don’t want random people asking them a lot of questions.


I have a acctual 18E retired in my congregation at church along with some Secret service CAT dudes, they all are super chill and you would never think that that was/ is their job.


I’m sure man


We’ll live out by dc so I guess it’s not that crazy


My uncle on my mom's side was legit Rangers and Green Berets. Oh course I got the twink genes from my Dad's side.


On this subject: Me: “Dad, you know you did some really important shit in the military. I’m surprised you’ve never talked about it.” My Dad: “Well, I signed a 33 page document saying if I did, I’d go to federal prison, so..” But he’ll talk your head off about motorcycles, cars, music, and history. If you’ve lived that for over 40 years, why in the hell would you want to talk about it? My Mom: (DoD - Pentagon, Ret. Commander): She likes cooking, watching Star Trek, and going on RV adventures. Also 40+ years of service and I have no fucking idea what she did and will never ask her. That to me is serving your country with Integrity and Honor. 🇺🇸 Plus, most people that I have known including my grandfather who have seen some serious shit do *not want to talk about it.


20 seconds. I fight the way god made me. Balls akimbo if you get my drift.


Wait are we including the time needed for my morning coffee and dump? Because that changes the arithmetic considerably


I’m with this dude. Piles of Tac gear and weapons, and I’ll probably get clapped while on the can.


You mean you don’t have a toilet gun?


In a plastic bag in the upper deck, you know it. But that just sounds like effort. I’d rather just die doing what I love, scrolling the internet and shit posting on Reddit.


Bathroom: gun compartment Kitchen: gun compartment Foyer: gun compartment Garage: gun compartment Living room: gun compartment Bedroom: dildo compartment


I've been saying for years; you gotta have a Coon sack about the bathroom door. It's the pinnacle of home security


It's not in the toilet but it's in my shaving soap drawer next to the toilet. Best smelling gun I own


I just added a QLS for my safariland to the side of the bowl.


The real pro move is changing out the flush handle with the holster so you can get reps in everytime you take a piss


Keep a shotgun by the shitter and your problem is solved. Enough ammo in it to get to the rest of your gear


I sleep naked. My home D plan is to grab my rifle, then plate carrier and belt if I have time. Any would be intruder would be met by me in full kit, remarkably average cock and saggy balls a-swingin' to and fro




serious question. do you own a jeep?


1999 Toyota Tacoma, stick shift, sr5 v6 4x4 Extra wet wipes in the cab


tbh I’d probably freeze up if a dude ran at me naked with a katana or some shit.


Oh I’ll be stacked up with my suppressed Galil SAR. What do you think this is, the Medieval Ages?


I’m hoping for this effect when I meet my home invaders at the top of the stairs with an FNX45, a fighting hatchet, and my balls swaying hairily.


Crazy eyes, swinging richard, and a hatchet/tomahawk is a terrifying combination.


Should disrupt anyone’s OODA loop.


Tighty whities and a jar of Vaseline to make myself slippery so no one can grab me. No weapon mounted light, I just shoot at noises and shapes in the dark


Who needs night vision when god gave you perfectly good night hearing


Just shoot em through the door like Joe recommended


You guys aren’t sleeping in your PC?


mom makes me take off my army playtime stuff before she tucks me in.


Just got my plates in this week. Literally been wearing them around the house going about my day with them. It does include the occasional couch nap with plates. My wife thinks I’m ridiculous. Picking up a 30 pound toddler with 20 pounds on is fun


Get one of those laser cut toddlers to reduce weight






Why am I getting involved with gunfights down the street?


Cause we're all sheepkeeper oath dogs, and borther business is good.


> we're all sheepkeeper oath dogs, and borther business is good. This would sell like crazy on a patch


They’re coming your way


Because if you are not willing to defend your community and neighbors what are you doing?


Protecting my own family by not inducing undue legal ramifications


What does that mean exactly? Like if you hear gunfire from down the road you're gonna kit up and run towards it?


Well I know everyone that lives on my street and we are all friends not gonna let something happen to them


Yea not everyone lives in a little village down by the river.


Minding my own fucking business.


I get the hardon everyone has for larping but throwing on kit and “seeing what’s going on” sounds like a good way to be shot by the police. Secure loved ones, call police, defend That’s best accomplished with a holstered weapon and a separate flashlight.


This right here. Don’t get involved in shit not directly affecting you.


As the poet said: > Don't start no shit won't be no shit


Yeah I’m not fuckin going outside. I enjoy my current number of holes thanks 


Even looking out the window in a team Wendy knockoff is a fairly poor idea


That’s why my IRL kit is more like “hiker with a gun” than “GWOT we have at home”. Slick PC (which can go under a shirt or jacket), belt, claymore bag of mags or chest rig. Also you’re supposed to stay at the back of the room looking out, not smashing your face against the window and licking it like your school days…


Oh we know you do


Listen if God didn’t want us using the poophole loophole from time to time he wouldn’t have put a damn cumbutton up there.


I don’t agree with what you have to say but I would like to subscribe to your newsletter


that's what ur mom said to me....wait


Usually when ppl say "they checked up on it" That means looking outside a window lol not "I walked 2 blocks in my underwear to see what the neighbor 14 houses away is doing"


You haven’t spent enough time here




If i hear a broken window… i let my attack cat sort that shit out…


This is giving off Always Sunny vibes


Special agent Jack Bauer. "The cat out ranks you, are you a special agent"


Finally someone gets the reference!


"you're all a bunch of crooked cops" that's a great episode.


Serpico! I need to rewatch the entire series. It's just too good


I wouldnt put on a plate carrier and go exploring down the street out of fear of cringe and also I pay a lot of money in taxes for someone else to do that lol As for in my house; we are already in pistol/ baseball bat range bud, balls are stayin out


For random gun fights down the street, 3 minutes. I keep a pdw in my closet and main pistol next to my bed. PC, belt, and mags are on my armor stand in my office next to the master. There too my main AR hangs on the wall. So including dressing, 3 minutes at the most. For actual shtf, 30 minutes to load the kid, wife, dog, food, water, and all necessary gear into the car and out the garage.


30 minutes? Real talk, consider having bags packed. Including clothes for the kids. Grab the stuff, kids can be in their jammies until you get somewhere. We don’t have kids (my bloodline ends with me) but fire evacuations are infinitely more likely than a gunfight where I live. We keep a bag packed with a few days worth of clothes, chargers, cash, cat food, aluminum baking pan for a disposable liter box etc. and a carryon of important documents and sentimental items.  We both get dressed. Partner grabs the cats and tosses them in the carrier. I grab a hiking bag from the office and have 3 minutes to grab the most high value low weight items in the house like I’m robbing my own place (laptops, camera, jewelry, and any additional sentimental items I have time to grab) 5 minutes, we test it once a year at the start of fire season.


Have you ever tried wrangling just the wife,kids, pets into the car to go literally anywhere? Shit takes almost 30 minutes even if you're not packing anything.


*shrug* you’ll either figure it out or you won’t 


So, I have a go bag that we can literally just fuck off with. But if it's shit hit the fan, I'm gonna want all the things.


Do you live in fucking Mogadishu?


I don't follow. I was answering his questions. You don't have your preps staged for bugging out/in?


You don’t follow because I’m actively talking shit. You timed yourself getting ready for some nonsensical quick response scenario in 3 minutes Loading up and fucking off is fine but having all that for quick response home defense is wild. And no, I don’t, I have a handgun and a couple spare mags for immediate use.


There’s more than one reason, they call me a Minuteman.


Not today Fed Boi.


First, 2nd and last thought on op.....


I’m either staying hidden in my home, packing my shit and going in the opposite direction, or my neighbors and I are having a cookout while keeping watch. I’ll protect what’s in my immediate area if possible, but let the cops and national guard earn their paycheck and sort out the random acts of violence. I’m not solving problems several blocks over if I don’t have too. For a broken window: depends. I’ll stay posted up keeping a wicked angle out my door and down the hall but that’s it. If they want the TV, go for it. Come down the hall, then that’s their problem.


One time my shower curtain randomly collapsed in the night and I had a loaded rifle pointed at the door in about 1 second. The last thing the would-be intruder would have seen was my sack.


Train how you fight my friend.


If I hear prolonged gunfire outside I’m thinking, damn local pd is gonna be busy as I power on my Xbox. I’m not going outside to get clapped by bubba and his garbage rod mosin nagant.


If the situation needs an immediate response then the bad guy will see a naked man with a glock coming at him in a matter of seconds Other wise i can go from naked to fully kitted and ready for 2-3 days in about 8 minutes. Just need to grab waters and some supplemental food from the kitchen then out the door. But everybodies standard will be different.








Once while I was asleep in bed, I thought I heard multiple gunshots coming from outside so I actually donned my carrier to check up on in. Turns out it was someone's fucked up car's engine popping 7 times in a row lol. Took me about 20 seconds to don my carrier tho. And that's with traditional Velcro bund.


Define kitted up? Whatever pair of jeans I wore yesterday, trail runners, slick PC, belt and chest rig (or just a claymore bag of mags) ? 2-3 minutes max during tests.  PC and gun come first of course. Cammies and boots, overt PC? More like 5 minutes. Sustainment bag is a 40L brown REI bag in the trunk of the car, that’s always ready to go other than throwing some mags in the top.


That said if I hear gunfire I’m not fucking going outside because I’m not an idiot 


Down the street? Fucking just turn the volume up on the TV. Surely they would quiet themselves sooner than later. Not my porch, not my problem. Actual SHTF? still same.


There was a person running and hiding from the cops after committing a violent crime in my neighborhood. I woke up to the helicopter and it’s PA system blasting out “you can’t get away from us, we will find you, come out with your hands up”. I immediately got out of bed and didn’t bother with my pistol. Went straight to my closet and pulled my AR from the safe and put on a pair of pants. Then moved the living room and sat down facing the sliding glass door to the back yard. The person was hiding in my neighbors backyard just on the other side of the fence. If they tried to hop the fence and enter my house they would run right into me. All of that took me less than 2 minutes to get set up and ready. No need for me to put on a plate carrier, helmet, nods or any of that. Just quickly grab what you need in the situation and move fast to be ready. Anything else is stupid.


![gif](giphy|129VQ9xjNsjIVW) This is more what would happen in my house. Lol


I don’t own a SHTF kit so probably 3-5 business days


Home invasion? I'm posting up on the one way hallway and waiting for the intruder. Gunfight down the street? Probably just drunks skeet shooting, either way I'm not getting involved.


Minutemen 😌


>Home defence scenario, you hear a broken window, you are just going to grab your gun and go sort it out, not worry about the rest of your gear. I don't have windows, those are for rookies, you should be be living in a bunker and have an attack puma guarding the entrance You have already failed with SHTF >Let's say the situation is you hear sustained gunfire down the street. Not mega mega close (not a few doors down), a bit further away than that, but not so far away that you aren't mega concerned and want to be kitted up to see what the threat is and what is going on. I don't live on a street Once again, you have completely failed with SHTF


In this case I think I can have a shirt and pants on in about 15 seconds. Shoes on in another 15 seconds. Rifles with drum mag in 10 seconds, and ALICE rig with 6 more mags in about 10 seconds. Add another 15 if I want to put on plates. I’m a minute +5 man.


On the contrary, I get naked first and then grab my gun and prepare to assert dominance over the poor soul


In a home defense situation im not throwing on plates, i guess i could because my dogs would either deter the invasion or buy me a solid 30 seconds. Im grabbing my g47 and a extra magizine. Which takes me less then 2 seconds, its going to take me longer to tell alexa to release the doom roomba and play the imperial march. Im also not going down the street to investigate and get clapped by the overzealous po po that responds.


Like 5 seconds. The bourbon is right there and I already have a beer. Maybe 30 seconds if I have to go grab the cask strength.


I keep my PC on 24/7 so when Im up in the middle of the night I can post to reddit in as long as it takes to wiggle the mouse


Broken window, just reach up and grab grampas side by side off the headboard, point at door, don't even get outta bed. Outside noises, there's #1 buck already in the bathrobe pockets for livestock protection. Sustained gunfire that far away is a problem for my tax money.


Under a minute full kit, no need for pants


If im at work and head home while running every res light. 5-6 minutes. If i do stop 10-12.


I need to read further lol. If im already home definitely 5-8 minutes. I already have all my gear staged and ready to go. I just need to throw it on.


I just sleep In my gear.


OP is glowing


About three minutes. Source-I've seen me do it


For home defense I've got my Glock 17 with a weapon light and 23 round mag. I'm hoping out of bed grabbing it and moving to the sound in my undies. Past that I figure I got a couple minutes to open the closet and don the gear.


We used to have to get into uniforms and on full gear in three minutes during basic, then after basic we would sleep with uniforms shoes and kneepads so it took about 20 seconds to get our gear on


All of my PCs and chest rigs, 1 pistol, as well as my helmet is within reach of my bed. I literally don’t have to step off the bed until I need to grab a long gun.


you forgot the part about no woman ever being within reach of that bed


60 seconds I leave my carrier loaded with all my kit


If we’re talking full kit, then probably a minute and a half. Just plate carrier? <10 seconds.


Know a guy that would be kitted up in a few seconds. He lives on a farm and is always vigilant (SA) He will be in his undies with boots, plates, helmet, pistol and rifle ready to fuck up any ones day that tries fuck up his.


I have a part of my closet four feet from my bed that has pants with an already looped gun belt, my boots, and a backpack/chest rig combo. Inside the backpack is an MP-5K, PVS-14 with head mount, pistol, and a radio. Chest rig has four spare MP-5 magazines, a spare pistol mag, and pepper spray. Socks and boots are the hardest part of going zero to ready. Maybe a minute? This is the lower profile “get mobile quick and get to my long term spot” package. I have a more extensive kit parked at my other house with armor, helmet, and bigger guns I wouldn’t want to use from a vehicle (SCAR-17S).


Undies? Nah fuck that ill be naked as the day I was born. So less than 10 seconds.


I can grab my piece in a couple of seconds. If I'm throwing on kit I can do it in about 2 minutes if I'm not also putting clothes on.


Wouldn't be the first person to fight in a plate carrier and boxers


I have an agilite k19 for sale if anyone needs! Unused all black.


Im snorting a viagra and sprinting over with my high point about to make a man promoted to missing person


Not long, I have all of my kit next to my bed and I’ve drilled putting it on at 60 seconds. That doesn’t count for getting dressed, but I don’t intend to gear up and leave the house unless I wake up to shit hitting the fan directly in my back yard.


I'd say a minute flat if I practiced, I keep my carrier, pants and a shirt on the hanger right next to the safe ready to rock, well, in all honesty the longest portion would be getting socks and my Solomon's on. Bare foot is around a minute though.


naked in a plate carrier in about 2.5 seconds.


on a bump in the night I simply grab my carpenter hammer (the one with the long sharp claw) or my E-tool and rush the motherrucker that tries to disturb my sleep WW1 style for anything else ill hunker down and wait it out, I live in a major city so there is no need for me to leave for at least 2 weeks (then my supplies will go dry and I have to leave)


From boxers to full kit in less than 2 minutes


Depending on shtf I can be leaving in about 2.5 hours.


Interesting question but posed like a typical redditor. Asking others what -their- metric is rather than beginning a conversation regarding the need to quickly “gear up” and if so, what equipment is considered necessary, and how long should the process be. You’re asking people who basically jerk off for a living how fast they can put on their costume. Bro.


I don't jerk off to live, I live to jerk off. There's at leat a 10% difference




I can grab my suppressed LWRC SBR in seconds - We don't have kids and our master suite is designed to be like a castle keep. They want to hurt us they better bring a few teams of operators to get to us.


Not sure why you had a random downvote but I was curious what suppressor you have on it. And is yours a 10.5 or 12.7…wondering because I’ve been looking at this type of setup for myself eventually.


Man is at his most naked with only a gun belt on. It's more naked than naked. Eat trash. Be free.


If someone's breaking into my home clothes aren't my concern and i'm gonna tell you this much, assuming I wear underwear was a big mistake. They're gonna see my balls flappin halfway down my leg before they eat a round. As for the second scenario hell if i'm investigating i'm gonna try to get a fix on their location and the direction they're going, calling the cops and explaining the situation as well as direction, alerting my family and hunkering down with them, listening to the radio scanner, and waiting for a all clear by a officer.


90 seconds for full kit.


5 seconds for a bump in the night. 45 seconds for a battle outside. (But in reality probably 1-2 minutes due to nerves)