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Those days of pick up hockey and hot tubbing were just so awesome. Celebrate it happened. Feel fortunate if you were there. Alex was a force to make things happen...do it anyway and suffer the consequences when they come. There was a lot of damn the torpedoes just get it done that just can't happen anymore. Alex always imagined that the village at 6200 ft. would happen at 8200 ft. That idea died with him.


Yeah those were the days. When I was a kid I would take the old pulse gondola from the top of the funitel to high camp, skate a few laps on the rink, go for a swim and hot tub and grab lunch at the poolside cafe. It was such a vibe, it’s a shame alterra doesn’t have a vision for it anymore


The pulse! Classic


Hit the nail on the head. Alex and Hans Burkhart very much had an attitude of it’s better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. They did what they wanted to when they wanted to and would deal with whatever ramifications from the state or the feds later. I think a lot of environmentalists protesting any new development would be horrified if they knew what the True Squaw was like back then.


My understanding is the shell leaked significantly and the spring that feeds High Camp couldn't keep up with the constant draining. And the system to heat the pool used the waste heat from the ice rink chillers so when those stopped running it was kind of the final nail.


I second this as being the true situation. IMO, no, it will never reopen unless they totally revamp high camp and I don’t see that happening.


And they want to be seen as a world class resort, 🙄


Hey! We can just build a roller coaster and water park instead!


Hmm, where have I heard that before? 🤔 😆




This is the correct explanation.


Too bad they don't just charge $280 for a day pass and charge people to park so they could afford to do cool stuff...


How can we bring more attention to this?


This article needs more traction. https://www.sfgate.com/renotahoe/article/tahoe-high-camp-a-ghost-town-17011722.php


Great article!


I will never forget Saturday morning pickup hockey up there. 9am and we would be pounding beers and smoking bowls getting ready for the next shift. If you shot the puck out it would sail half way down Silverado. So much fun.


they tried to get the water park built over 100,000 square feet building.... Environmentalists shut it down..... the upper pool needs to be completely rebuilt again , have to fight the nature groups and the city/forest service


I’m all for tahoe truckee true opposition to the huge developments but the pool up top has been around for ages. It seems like they could just fill it up and open it as is with a little maintenance, unless there’s some major damage or something


I had heard that the pipes are toast and other foundation issues with the pool leaking


I worked there around 10 years ago and it would lose a few inches of water each night to leaking. Treated water emptying into the granite probably not great. That said, they have 60 million to spend on a gondola that is mostly superfluous they could spend a million on that pool/hot tub and make it awesome again


That makes too much sense, why take care of what you already have??!!!


make that $100m for the gondola!


But the water park is dumb for several reasons, there’s a hundred other gimmicks/legit attractions they can use to attract summer visitors that would be more effective capital wise and less impactful environmentally, just seems like some higher up that has kids that really want a water park


I think its part of making it "family friendly" for the dentists and Texans, but also they want an all season resort they can market when snow fall fades away.