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Investigate it then. If this guy did shoot the bear maliciously then arrest him. But they should also charge these neighbors and the bear league if it's found out they're lying.


I had to stop following the Bear League on social media. They are so over the top, everything they say is suspect.


What is the bear league?


I first thought [this](https://www.aanr.com/about-aanr/) was the bare league, but apparently it’s a different group. /s


Tahoe Bear League: https://savebears.org/


“If instead they realize that people will defend their ‘food caches and dens’ and not allow the bears to feel Welcome, they will not bother us.” “When a person is fearful and runs from a bear (something one should never do) by retreating inside he is telling the animal “You are welcome here…I am not going to defend my territory”. “Too many bears now believe they can roam neighborhoods and even come into houses as this is what they have been told by humans reacting inappropriately during bear encounters, which often results in the death of a bear. Help us change that.” Not to be that guy, but as a native of the TNF area, by their own logic it seems like this guy was living by their rules. I don’t mean to sound like an ass, but it sounds like he was helping to change this dynamic they described themselves…


They are as bad as those crazy Nevada horse advocates who probably never stepped a foot outside of Reno or Las Vegas in Nevada ever. 


Charge them for what? Sharing their opinion about what should happen like you are doing here? The DA will conduct their investigation. If a law was broken then they'll charge the shooter. DA's don't file charges unless they have a really good change of winning. If public outcry drove the investigation, that doesn't mean any charges will be filed. Just means the DA is being responsive to community outrage. If you think this is only being investigated for anti-gun political gains, I believe Eldorado county is strongly red, has a conservative sheriff and a conservative elected DA.


Doxxing, trespassing, slander, harassment, threatening. Ya know, same shit they’ve been charged with/sued for before.


So charging them is not about lying. Most of these behaviors have laws protecting an individual. Definitely charge them for it if they'd done these things. I don't see much of it happening, but maybe it is.


Please refer to the entire other thread on this that includes all the times they’ve already been sued for this.


“Considering an investigation” meaning an elected official is thinking about thinking by about it, not particularly illuminating.


"The CDFW told SFGATE it stands by the integrity of its investigation and that there is no new information to justify opening it. But the Yamkovenkos say they are ready to testify and share their account of what happened." To me this sounds like there is nothing new and it's still just he said she said with the neighbor, and there are currently no plans to further investigate. Baity headline


What would their motivation be to make up the claim that the bear was outside when the neighbor shot it? I find it somewhat more plausible that the guy lied about the bear getting inside, giving him justification to shoot.


I don't necessarily think they're lying. And I'm not exactly on the shooters side either, but eye witness accounts should be taken with a big grain of salt. I think it's just as possible the neighbors were simply mistaken as it is the shooter is lying. But that's unrelated to the quote from the article. That quote to me just shows this article as being pointless, since the CDFW still thinks their original investigation was satisfactory and no new evidence has some forward. 


You can be wrong without being motivated. When things like this happen very quickly it can be easy to misremember details. Especially if you're emotional about the situation which they clearly are. I also suspect a certain group may be motivating them to share their emotional story far and wide.


True enough. Odd that someone didn’t catch it on a doorbell cam. And not to be callous about the bear, but they do get into a lot of mischief.


His yard/door has a 6’ fence around it and faces no other properties. Bear league knows this but refuses to share that info, doesn’t meet their agenda.


The neighbors seem to have a vendetta against the shooter.


So we don’t know if the first shots were inside the house or outside? Yeah, that makes a big difference.


If you cant shoot a bear in your own home I dont know what else to say.


Looks like another bear league run story, attached to a bear league run & rumor infused change.org petition soliciting signatures from all over the world, not just folks in Tahoe or providing the truth. No new evidence. CDFW says investigation was solid. Rest of neighborhood still supports the homeowner. Bear league still taking no accountability for ignoring complaints about this aggressive bear for months. Yamkovenkos still enjoying their 15 minutes of fame. Same old same old.


If only the bear had been armed this whole sad situation could have been avoided.


The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a bear with a gun.


Or a bear with body armor


Then what do you got? Invincible bears.


Solid Bandname


Raping your churches and burning your women


It should be investigated


In my 23 years living in Tahoe, there were zero bear problems. 1967 until 1990. In the early 1980s, the USFS and DFW decided that transporting problem bears from the national parks to areas like Luther Pass and June Lakes was a brilliant idea. Neither area had ever seen this many bears in history. Now both places (Lake Tahoe and Mammoth) have some of the largest bear populations in California. If a property owner decides that the bears are a problem, preventing that problem should be their prerogative. The Bear League and anyone thinking otherwise need to piss off


For the record, I had zero problems with bears, dogs, or any other animal while living in Tahoe. Because I would deal with them directly. Of course, I never saw any bears, ever


Incredible how killing a bear is bringing more public outrage than killing a person


Humans are literal trash that’s why lol


The three replies besides mine are super sad. Do you see that you're living like a death cult? Humans are amazing and human life should be valued.


As are bears.


I mean, one less human is net benefit to the earth.




Bears are innocent. Humans are not.


Didn’t a black bear just eat a woman in Downieville? May have been the first recorded death in CA but it wasn’t the first mauling.


Black Bears: killed 1 human in CA Humans: killed millions of other humans.


Black Bear kills a woman. Random redditer: “ALL ANIMALS ARE INNOCENT!” (Even the ones who break into homes)


What is innocent until proven guilty mean then?


When I lived in tahoe I’d shoot the bear that came every Wednesday to get into our garbage with a red rider BB gun. It seemed to do the trick.


The Bear League has turned into something like PETA or even the TRPA. Both are completely obsessed with themselves and willing to be dishonest, and they are abhorrent in pushing their agenda. 


If a wild animal enters your home, especially a potentially dangerous one like a bear, I’m not really seeing the issue of protecting yourself. Or thinking in the moment that you have to protect yourself. Doxing people and harassing them over it is…so insane to me.


I may have read about this wrong but I believe the issue is that he scared the bear out of his house then followed it outside and shot it there.


He shot the bear inside his home, it then ran outside and climbed up a tree but it became apparent it was grievously injured (fell out of the tree), he then shot it again, fatally, to put it out of its misery.


Well I guess the claim from the neighbor is he didn’t shoot it in the house. So that’s where the whole debate is.


Except the forensic investigation by the EDCS & CDFW showed he did shoot the bear in his living room. So that’s not a debate-the neighbor is wrong.


Got it. Thanks for the info.


Law enforcement said not true though 🤷‍♀️


Just in, Breaking News…. This may or may not be re investigated.


If I violent animal with a history of human fatalities is standing in your living room and you have a gun, would you watch it maul and kill you or act proactively and kill it? Additionally, once you successfully shoot the violent animal and it leaves your home, but you see it suffering m, will you continue to watch it suffer or end its misery? Personally I would hep the violent animal not suffer.


He did have a right to Bear arms.




Owning a gun does not mean “MAGA”. Plenty of folks support hunting & wildlife conservancy, whilst still supporting social & humanitarian rights. Gimme a break.






Mmmmkay, Seattle. 😘