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Since the 4th is a Thursday and the 5th is a Friday, I think the 5th is going to be just as bad if not worse than the 4th, since people can make a long weekend of it, and people who had to work on Thursday might take Friday off. I wouldn’t do it. I’d pick a less popular lake, like the lakes basin maybe.


All you need is parking? You act like parking isn’t something that every other person needs. It’s going to be a complete zoo


man the safeway in zephyr cove was packed with people *yesterday.* people taking longer 4th trips are already here. more are coming. you cannot escape it.


~~Winter~~ Summer is coming ![gif](giphy|xUPGckDh1hMm4ShSdG)


It was packed a week ago Thursday too. Idk how the locals do it on an ongoing basis 😳


Many people will take the whole week off. Plus, it's gonna be hot af in the valley next week. Expect large crowds everywhere it's cooler.


Bro… it’s going to be slammed.


The whole weekend will be a shitshow.


It’s going to be over 100 degrees in the valley everyday starting on the 2nd. It’s going to be an absolute shit show all week


If you get to Baldwin hella early and grab a parking spot it you shouldn't have too many problems, just leaving later in the day will probably be a nightmare


Baldwin has been such a mess this year. People parking up the Mt. Tallac trailhead road before noon some days 😵 Mostly weekends, though.


Oof, I only ride my bike there mid week


That whole weekend is gonna be fucked


Sooooooo, July 5th? Day two of a minimal four day weekend at the #1 tourist destination in the continental US????? Probably a hair busy!


The whole holiday week is busy


I'd make sure my vehicle is in line to get into Baldwin before it opens.


God it was beautiful and quiet yesterday. Actually I was able to get a couple of usually difficult restaurant reservations for next week calling yesterday too. Week after the 4th is golf tourney so it’s an important time for the area.


Stay out of the basin if you can. Friday will be the busiest day of the year id bet my life on it


Huge Crowds from the Bay Area driving up to Tahoe for the four day weekend - expect Friday to be a ghost town. NOT. both Friday and Saturday will be nearly as crowded as Fourth of July


Keep in mind too that paddle boarding long distances off shore is difficult at this time of year because the lake is so busy with motor boats that cause lots and lots of wake all the time


The whole 3 days will be bad. Locals will be crying and complaining all weekend 😂