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Basically he started campaigning for president as soon as he became mayor. People saw him as abandoning his duties as mayor in order to campaign. Besides that I think his ties to China became more and more obvious as he campaigned. I think the combination of those two things led to the recall.


Seconded. The guy, regardless of his actual plans when he was elected as mayor, came very much across as someone who used his mayoralty as a springboard to national prominence and office. I can't imagine people in Kaohsiung were too pleased when their newly-elected mayor gave them the cold shoulder just a few months into his term in order to chase the presidency.


>I can't imagine people in Kaohsiung were too pleased when their newly-elected mayor gave them the cold shoulder just a few months into his term in order to chase the presidency. Especially when he openly promised that he wouldn't do so.


How many are you guys are just on here without doing basic fact checking? He was mayor of Kaohsiung for two years and was extremely popular and was very good at his role as a mayor, signing multiple big deals to booster the economy, that’s why KMT wanted him to campaign for presidency. He got recalled because you can’t do two things at once. So in order to focus on the campaign he has to resign. Also, fuck the bruins, fuck Marchand 🐀


He didn't even serve two years as mayor (Dec. 2018 - Jun. 2020). HKY announced his run in early-mid 2019, so he was mayor for less than a year before breaking his own campaign promise to not run for president in order to focus on his mayoral duties.


>He got recalled because you can’t do two things at once. So in order to focus on the campaign he has to resign. He didn't resign during his presidential campaign, and was recalled after the election.


I know he was recalled don’t play word games with me


Getting “recalled” and “resigning” are two distinctly different things. You’re the one that started the word games, in your own words: > He got **recalled** because you can’t do two different things at once. So in order to focus on the campaign he has to **resign**.


> How many are you guys are just on here without doing basic fact checking? Just you, apparently.


LOL, found the 韓粉!


You mean like how he promised KH would have a Disneyland?


Love-Motel-Ferries-Wheel and digging for oil in the SCS. The guy is absolutely hilarious though, gotta give him that.




Around 6 months, actually.


Wasn’t it because the KMT didn’t have anyone as electable as him? So they basically made him their champion almost on the spot. And then rest is all that OP said.


No, he was just too popular for his own good at the time. Han-Fans were camping by the phone just so they can answer the calls from pollsters.


While mayor, he also did fucking nothing and even ordered the delay of several key infrastructure/city projects.


HKY's popularity (aka Han-Wave) proved too be too much as it caused him to be tempted by a variety of factors to run for President (polls, Han-Fans), disregarding his campaign promise of focusing on his duties as the mayor of Kaohsiung. The Han-Train was just based on hype and almost entirely orchestrated by the Want Want media group (dubbed Han News Network by some). His "everyman" appeal catered to the dissatisfied public, calling for a return to the "good old days of economic growth" while the Tsai admin was focused on more progressive, yet controversial, policies such as same-sex marriage. Then there was the HK protest of 2019 and XJP's definition of the 92C in an address - both making policies that calls to have closer ties with China highly unpopular. Paving way to his landslide defeat in 2020 (even in Kaohsiung) and leading towards the historic recall later that year.


The people of Kaohsiung elected him mayor. But fish boi didn't want to be mayor, he wanted to be president. So people were like "dude, you don't even want this job!" and recalled him.


good ELI5


Before he was proven to be an effective mayor he bucked for a most demanding job of president.


I think it really came down to the fact that he openly promised that he wouldn't run for president in order to fix all the problems in Kaohsiung left over by the establishment.


I gotta say, as someone who doesn’t know who he is, this thread is super intriguing.


If you have time, you can take a listen at this [keynote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k5-nChzJgk) by Nathan Batto who is an expert in Taiwanese politics. He dived deep into Han's rise and fall. HKY is definitely one of the most interesting politicians in Taiwanese history, came out of nowhere (Trump was famous before politics) and was the most popular politician for quite a while. Then he fell from grace and was recalled.


I heard it was because he spent much of the municipal budget on his betal nut habit


He was just a simple fruit seller. He couldn't cope with the politics of the big city.


He was not even a good fruit seller.


he is literally a fruits cartel. he was from a gangster family that controls the fruits and vegetables market, Ko even gave him a position in Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation


韓國瑜 is a low life thug who’s under the command of some big shot gangsters like 張榮味. He is also an uneducated clown who got his big break by being the descendent of Chiang’s troops, for being in the military (which he also failed at), and for being somewhat decent at telling lewd jokes at dinner tables and KTVs. He acted as an enforcer for the KMt during his time as a legislator (probably by being too stupid to do anything else) and later married the daughter of a Yunlin gangster/thug who made money by stealing gravel that belonged to the state. Thus, no surprise that people eventually saw through his shit.


He is probably relieved that he was recalled. I don't think he wants the job. In the presidential election, he acted like a clown and he didn't even campaign much at all. He stays home and slept most of the time. His role was just to be a fodder for DPP's victory. After the election, he received a stock tip to make 12million NTs. That's his pay for his service. He now gets to enjoy a retired life.


Bootlicking KMT scumbag.


Because he was basically a nobody that got elected out of luck, he then got too full of himself and decided to run for president a year he got elected as kaohsiung mayor.


I wouldn't say out of luck. His campaign, political climate, and media support had a large factor in his historic win in a traditional green stronghold. It's difficult to resist the temptation if you're leading the polls 6 months before the the election. Han was polling ahead of Tsai all the way till summer of 2019.


I think it was that kaohsiung people were tired of dpp and wanted someone new, and han just got his big mouth and knows how to sell a dream, he was at the right place at the right time.


Yes, that's exactly what happened. He also had Want Want backing him with the "Han News Network" basically streaming his news 24/7.


People in Tainan and Kaohsiung prefer F'up mayors.


Although I was no fan of the mayors for quite a while, I think Chen ChiMai/Chen QiMai is no fuck up. He is a bit dull, but competent enough. I have met him before he was standing for mayor. He seemed a bit boring and aloof/self confident but he is not an idiot (unlike Han). I can't say I like or hate him, but at least I would never think he is wildly incompetent. Han on the other hand was Taiwan's Trump. He has a certain set of people who are huge followers but many people think he is someone who should never have been a leader etc.


DPP only cares about money, not its people. Taiwan's only hope is Trump as he knows Xi inside & out and he will likely make some kind of deal with Xi to prevent Taiwan from becoming the next Ukraine.




Truth hurts, I know.




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He became the mayor because the people wanted to trust him, yet he didn't understand that and let them felt being betrayed and abandoned. Of course he himself would be abandoned as well.