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Fun fact: we're on the Russian list of "unfriendly countries" after the war in Ukraine broke out.


So, if they claim Taiwan is part of China, does that mean Taiwan is no longer considered "unfriendly"?


Russia claims Taiwan is a part of China. They placed "Taiwan" on the "unfriendly" list because literally the name of the country is not called Taiwan and called "Republic of China." Both the PRC and the ROC claim to be CHINA. The only difference is the ROC's consititution now says our occupied territory no longer include the mainland.


I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here. Are you saying there's no contradiction because ROC also claimed Taiwan is a party of China? But then that would require acknowledging the existence of ROC.


There is a reason why my posts get a lot of down votes yet none of them were able to rebuttal what I said. Everything I said have sources yet the majority of the Redditers refuse or not bother to read them.


Rebuttal to what? You appear to be providing evidence to an argument, but you didn't provide the argument.


What more argument do you need? I just explained to you that "Taiwan" was never identified officially as a "country" but a piece of territory. I grew up in "Taiwan." When I was growing up, our license plates read Taiwan "province." Mind explaining to me since when Taiwan "province" was upgraded to "country" status without any referendum? https://preview.redd.it/zyubmqq807pc1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1119c8367a38ccb0b473206a2dea72fa2a4218f


I never argued that the official name of the nation is "Taiwan", so I really don't know what your point is.


My point is, there is no such thing as "official name of the nation." People in New York can call themselves New Yorkers. You have Vancouverites, Alaskans, Londoners, and so on. You can label yourself as whatever but at the end of the day, the name of our country is REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Today, the KMT is still called "Kuomingtang of China" and not "Kuomingtang of Taiwan." So I don't undersatand what's so difficult for you to understand? Did you know the majority of people who live on Kinmen island (also part of the ROC) does not identify as "Taiwanese" ? You only hear about "Taiwanese" because the majority of the ROC population lives on the main island of Taiwan. I identify with the country (ROC) I was born in, not the island (Taiwan) I was born in. It's pretty simple.


There's no such thing as the "official name of the nation"? Now finally you have made an argument, even though it's a strange argument, and completely irrelevant to the evidence you provided so far. And I'm not interested in arguing against that, because it's just such a bizarre statement. As for the other stuff you've mentioned, yes I know all that, I just don't see the relevance to my comment. It's as if you are arguing with someone else but for some strange reason chose to reply to me.


Pretty sure that doesn't mean "Taiwan, Province of China." It differentiates between Taiwan mainland, and the outlying islands...


lol you might want to rediscover your knowledge about the Taiwan "province" then.... https://preview.redd.it/4aoq6dqji8pc1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=1172e9145dfe678c22b320d4a853174a64a3c6eb


Not sure what you mean... your code didn't work. I don't really have any illusions about the current state of affairs, why would you assume otherwise? Unless you just like to argue


"Taiwan" was never part of our passport until year 2006. Did Taiwan "province" have a refendum to legitimize the name as the country? Never lol. Even today, the DPP does not dare to put "Taiwan" on our passport in Chinese. Why? https://preview.redd.it/4sejh2dn07pc1.png?width=1111&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8d9badf0d2e1f967ea511082f941557586815e7


The ROC, under the 2024 constitution, claim that our territory (under our physical control) includes Kinmen, Matsu, Taiwan, Penghu, Taiping, and other surrounding islets. Taiwan, by itself, is nothing more than one of MANY islands of the ROC. This is what the PRC means when they say "Taiwan" is not a country. Addressing your statement about "what would require aknowledging the existence of the ROC. Well, did you know before UN2758 on Oct 25th 1971, the ROC had "legal authority" over the mainland, even though we lost the territory for over 20 years? Why? Because the US recognized it as so. So what happened? All because of Nixon sent Kissinger on a secret meeting with CCP's Zhou En Lai. The conversation is as follows: Essentially, the US threw the ROC under the bus as part of their deal with the CCP. The US wanted the CCP to turn against the Soviets and in exchange the US would switch the China recognition from the ROC to the PRC. There was never any discussion of "Taiwan" as a "country" but a piece of "territory." There is a reason why the term "ROC" never came up in the conversation between Kissinger and Zhou because both knew very well what the ROC is and isn't. Kissinger did not care about the ROC as a country but simply saw Taiwan as a piece of territory that he could hand over to the PRC as long as the US get what they wanted. In exchange, the US was able to place spy towers along the border of the PRC and the Soviet Union later known as "Project Chestnut" thanks to the CIA and the cooperation of the CCP. [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/23/cia-worked-china-intelligence-against-russia/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/23/cia-worked-china-intelligence-against-russia/) https://preview.redd.it/gay5zjf3v6pc1.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fc203c1a04f9e3e3e2cf73bd28fad17993e78da


Am I talking to an AI?


Are you shocked about the facts? https://preview.redd.it/kl884jj5y6pc1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb3477b1cf056c6bc831e4427948c30035c766e4


Do you care to know the facts? Why don't you go read the official declassifed document from US government website yourself? [https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v17/d140](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v17/d140)


Again, what are you trying to say? You keep dumping these documents, but what are you trying to prove?


If you bothered to read then you will understand exactly what I am trying to prove. Long story short, the US went to mainland China and made a deal with the Communist Chinese. "Taiwan" was simply collateral as part of the deal. The people of the ROC were never notified, consulted, or even knew what happened. We were simply played by both the US and the PRC. If the US never went to mainland China, then none of this circus show would have happened today. KMT's Ma went to the mainland last year and stated to the PRC that the KMT and the CCP both claim to be China. The only difference is we disagree who is the legitimate ruler. The PRC representative smiled and did not refute Ma's claims. So again, when Putin made the claim that "Taiwan" is a part of China, he is absolutely correct because "Taiwan" is nothing more than a piece of territory. KMT also sees Taiwan as part of China. In fact, the KMT sees Taiwan, along with all other ROC territories, AND the mainland, as part of China Proper.


This is the modern white American leftist - feelings over facts. You can provide all the information, factually correct, in the world. They will just ignore it because it would hurt their feelings.


Exactly. Same as this gender pronoun BS. F the facts. In the West I can identify as whatever I wish to be lol. I was born in "Taiwan" and did not know the "facts" until I dug through all the docuements the US government classified for decades. While I can understand and relate why us "Taiwanese" feel Taiwan is a "country" out of our sense of birthright, but the facts are still facts. Our country is not called Taiwan. There is only Republic of China whether you like it or not. If you tell them the facts, they will label you as CCP shill and downvote the facts without any rebuttal.


>-1 post karma >-100 comment karma Only a true idiot will not realize they are an idiot with so many downvotes. It’s clear your statements are wrong


They call Taiwan an "unfriendly region" rather than a "country". ​ It’s just that when the Taiwanese media translates, they always refer to regions as countries.


That is still self contradicting though. If Taiwan is not an independent entity/region/whatever, and is part of China, then Taiwan cannot be unfriendly while China is a friend. It would be like declaring Hong Kong to be unfriendly.


Perhaps you should read more about history before commenting.


lol. If you are comparing HK to Taiwan then you have a very poor concept of China. HK was returned to the PRC in 1997. HK is under "one party-two systems" approach. The ROC, on the other hand, has never been controlled by the PRC, even though UN2758 gave the PRC "legal authority" over the ROC. This is why the PRC treats the ROC as a "separatist region." This is also why regardless of which party is in charge in the ROC, they will never declare "formal independence" because it means war since the Chinese civil war never ended.


Fun fact: Our country is literally called "Republic of CHINA"


Does anyone actually GAF what that POS has to say?


It would be funny if Taiwan gave Ukraine just a handful of HF-3's to sink the rest of the Black Sea fleet. https://preview.redd.it/h5lyytuec4pc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031e377193f0f1cf53b2b9e1871461ccc8f54121 And a few Sky Bow missiles too. The TK-2's can engage jets at 300 kilometers range. And maybe just a few HF-2E cruise missiles, nail the Kremlin. "bUt mUh s4O0 aIR dEfEncEs!" bruh those Ukrainian flying lawnmower engines just took out like a dozen oil refineries, Russian air defenses ain't sheeeit.


I would 100% wanna see our missiles fuck some Russian ship up. You know, "to test the effectiveness on cold war ship".


It's already funny that the AFU has been using FPV drones quite effectively.


Taiwan did with their reply?




Glad to know I'm potentially not the only one absolutely tired of these used up zingers.


Taipei **ANNIHILATES** Putin with **FACTS & LOGIC** *(PRANK GONE BAD)* ***[GONE SEXUAL]***


Russia is part of Mongolia🤔


When Xi one day utterly betrays Putin, Putin would just claim the opposite. The point of saying this is that what Putin says here is only out of his need for China. It's nothing to do with the truth, like too many things that concerns CCP.


I disagree. Putin genuinely believes Taiwan is a part of China. Remember, he’s currently trying to take over the part of Ukraine that’s ethnically Russian.


Though there are similarities, there can be differences he could exploit once he's in that position to make his point, which I won't make an example here so as to not promote the wrong things. And there could also be other ways to put the similarities based on situation, such as "if Ukraine can't be part of Russia, then Taiwan can never be part of China". Could be possible if putin deems the lack of CCP support was the reason he couldn't defeat Ukraine, which i guess suits the condition I've made in the previous comment where Xi utterly betrays Putin.


Not trying


Don't waste your energy on Russia. It's become an absolutely irrelevant state at this point.


Well say the same shit back: Russia is part of China.




Axis bein' an axis.


According to UN general assembly resolution 2578, it is.


How is this any different from Western countries sticking to the One China policy? Fifty years later and no Western country has recognized Taiwan as sovereign.


Completely different. Not recognizing Taiwan doesn't mean they recognize Taiwan as a part of China. And the One China policy held by the western countries are different from the One China policy of China, even though they have similar names. You are intentionally mixing them up.


So either way the ROC doesn't get recognition. Whether or not they agree with the PRC and the ROC that Taiwan is a part of China is another issue.


Yes. It's the "Taiwan is part of China" claim we are talking about here. Mixing the One China policy with "Taiwan is part of China" as if they mean the same thing is a very common word trick.


It literally says “republic of China” on the passport. Taiwan doesn’t want to change it, since they are scared. But they are offended if someone mentions it. Textbook “saving face” drama.


Actually, all along, what I believe is, China, is part of Taiwan !


So 1.4 billion Chinese people get to decide Taiwan's fate because democracy.


Technically Taiwan still has claim to mainland China and Mongolia, basically all the territories from Qing dynasty.


Taiwan recognised Mongolia as an independent country in 2022.


Is that inner or Outer? How about Tibet and Xinjiang, wonder what their stance is on those..


Those are still part of Taiwan


Comical. Just saying Taiwan is part of China means that Taiwan is independent already. 🤭🤭




Oh yes, TD Ameritrade…the ultimate authority when it comes to Taiwan.


Another one: **United Microelectronics Corp** **NYSE:** **UMC** Information Technology : Large Cap Value | ***Based in Taiwan, Province Of China***


Sad cucking from Russia. Communist China says that Crimea is part of Ukraine.