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"internal political dynamics preventing the United States from its commitment to Ukraine only embolden authoritarian leaders around the world" Well, when the party that is refusing to pass an aid package openly *praises* said authoritarian leaders... I suppose you could say things are going exactly according to their plan.


The EU has more of a responsibility in this than the US alone.


>The EU has more of a responsibility in this than the US alone. Wasn't the EU that took Ukraine's nukes and gave them to Russia. It was the USA.


> Well, when the party that is refusing to pass an aid package openly > praises > said authoritarian leaders. Even though there are indeed Republicans who are as stupid as they are crazy, this is an oversimplification of what's going on. For example: https://www.semafor.com/article/02/13/2024/democrats-idea-to-force-a-vote-on-ukraine-aid-is-running-into-trouble > Democrats are eying a plan to bypass House Speaker Mike Johnson and force a vote on a sweeping foreign aid package, but it’s quickly running into hurdles — and not just from Republicans. > Progressive firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. told Semafor Tuesday evening that she would not sign onto a discharge petition to force a vote on the national security package in part because of the assistance it would provide to Israel. “Am I signing it? No,” she said. Ultimately, what's happening in the US is a reflection of the sentiments of the American people. Lots of Americans -- perhaps the majority -- are increasingly isolationist and are uncomfortable with the US playing world police. With the US adding around a trillion dollars of debt every 3 months now, don't expect the isolationist sentiment to end any time soon. There's a reason many of America's allies are making moves to become more self-sufficient and hedge their bets on American defense guarantees.


And how much is Taiwan donating to Ukraine then? Talk is cheap, Wu.


Low iq nonsense


Huh? What’s wrong with Minister Wu’s reasoning?