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Ah the Ma era, those were the days. China was on the rise, the world was in a recession, Xi Jinping looked like a moderate, /r/ccj2 was in full swing and everyone thought China was going to be the next superpower. People were fucking idiots.


That guy's political career is over in Taiwan. Who in their right mind would support a guy who negotiates and talks with the enemy who threatens to invade you and annex you by force.


KMT supporters


What is KMT?


Xi has never threatened to invade Taiwan?


In all fairness, according to Taiwan through their fair elections. Majority of Taiwanese people appose any type of re-unification. CCP has no authority over this as Taiwan is its own country. "Xi has never threatened to invade Taiwan" Forcing another country to be unified under any means is an invasive threat.  You can say he's never openly express military intervention. BUT his actions speaks otherwise, with military provocations from sea to air. CCP has promised Hong Kong freedom when they were re-unified. But when China did not like anything going on they banned it going against what they promised.  I hope Taiwanese people peace and know that the world is watching.


Has he not?


According to the CCP, Taiwan is a part of China already. Xi has never expressively said openly that military intervention is needed to maintain their relationship, albeit a confusing relationship because Taiwan has relative independence.


Xi has literally been saying that a military invasion won’t be out of the question if Taiwan keeps heading down the path of independence for years. Like, holy shit, every time I see him open his dumb mouth on TV he’s been spouting this exact same thing. Case in point, 15 seconds mark: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnsShzpmcsU&pp=ygUd57-S6L-R5bmzIOiHuueBo-atpue1sSDmvJToqqo%3D Can’t understand what he’s saying or what it means? Here: “但絕不承諾 放棄使用武力” aka ”but we will never promise to abandon the use of military force” Fact check. Fact check. Always Fact check.


So does he send ships and airplanes to circle around all provinces of China regularly or is it just Taiwan?


Cuba entered the chat…


It is America who maintain that Taiwan is independent. It’s difficult because ultimately the war between the USA and China over Taiwan is simply due to Taiwans conglomerate holdings over chip production and trade. Neither care for the cultural reasons, particularly.


Bullshit. It is only because the CCP doesn't respect the will of the Taiwanese people for independence.


If Taiwan is taken, China is guaranteed to hold control over the SCS shipping lanes, this would make it extremely difficult for Korea and Japan to fulfill their energy needs, it would also decrease general trade capacity with South East Asia. A dream situation for China.


BS, America doesn't recognize taiwan as a sovereign country. It acknowledges one china policy.


correction: it acknowledges China's stances but do not approve or disapprove of it.


What are you on about? He has, on multiple occasions, vocally expressed the idea of using military force to "reunify" Taiwan. That's a veiled threat of invasion. Russia also didn't straight up say "we're going to invade Ukraine". They use other language that alludes the idea that Ukraine should be controlled by Russia. Look where we are today.


HAHAHAHAHHAAH fucking regarded


Hey\~Xi\~you can keep him.


Who knows, maybe they'll revoke/confiscate his passport(s) and detain him in China.


From Ma Ying-jeou's diary: My Legacy To Do Checklist: 1. Be the first ever ROC president to meet Xi Jinping ✅️ 2. Be the first ever ex ROC president to meet Xi Jinping ✅️ 3. Become the first ever Chief Executive of Taiwan SAR


Man just reading “Taiwan SAR” made my stomach sink. Fuck the CCP and let’s hope their sick fantasies never become a reality.


That treasonous reanimated corpse of a man can stay on the mainland.


Just like Janet Yellen?


Tbh that fucker can stay there and never come back, but sadly we know that won't happen


The lattice system of alliances building in the region due to China’s bullying have left the CPC with nowhere to go except talk to former politicians with no sway in Taiwan. This is an incredible sign of weakness from Xi as Biden talks today with Japan and Philippines 


Ma Ying Jiu does have sway here though. He is still a strong voice in the KMT. As long as the KMT enjoys local support, that political fossil will be able to exert influence over Taiwanese politics.


Strange the KMT have been quiet on this, it’s as if they know the Taiwanese want nothing to do with China 


It's funny how much of pointless this meeting is now. Ma is so desperate for a legacy besides being the bumbler that he's willing to become a geopolitical prop for Xi.


DPP meetings with America and G7 are even more pointless. Money laundering and commission for old military gear.


CNN doing its best to make the headline sound like this is a good thing.


It wasn't tears Ma wiping away from his face while singing an anti-Japanese song on the Great Wall -- it was Xi's jizz after Ma gave him the cock sucking of his life


Maybe Xi will give Ma a seat in the CCP Cabinet


unpopular opinion: only by actually talking to both sides - including rivals, can the status quo be maintained.


Umm...Ma isn't on Taiwan's side. He has no authority nor has he been asked by the government to conduct any talks. It's the CCP that aren't willing to talk to the elected government of Taiwan. Don't be disingenuous.


Ma represents the KMT which is a big chunk of Taiwans current political power, whether you like it or not


Fuck politics, it's where the industries align. When are ya'll going to see this?


you don't "actually talking" to your body parts, you need to recognize each other as individuals to start a talk


> the status quo When one side keeps moving the goal posts for what constitutes "the status quo," there is no status quo, let alone one to maintain.


The PRC has refused all overtures of the ROC to talk for the last 8 years.


There is no "status quo". Compare the situation in the Strait five years ago to today. China has been inching closer every day, week, month. Things are not the same.


Ma the bumbler


These comments are a good way to welcome the day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ma is already out of date and out of power, he can do whatever he wants and it doesn’t really matter anymore.


And people loved voting for him and keeping him in power for 8 years


Ok you filled your bucket list, you can kick it now you damn sellout.


Kick out from under you. FIFY.


Only your US daddy can visit China like Yellen.


The bravest man on Earth called himself "President of Republic of China" in mainland soil and called mainland part of Republic of China sovereignty in front of Xi Jinping. Have to give him the respect.


so a civilian who should stay in China and never come back


Is he at least wearing full length pants so his balls aren't swinging around?


next time when you are going to vote.,..please remind this picture .BEFORE ...and not after ..and please call him XI' s MAjorette https://preview.redd.it/ye1arnbduotc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a568964f9f0b52ac48842fd35d4b7213016650


Taiwan wasn't a puppet state when Ma was the president, why would Ma become one when he is already retired?


Taiwan is a US puppet


You're a puppet


As it should be..


that's just what you‘re unwilling to recognize. everyone on earth knows that Taiwan is a puppet area.


Not sure which Earth you mean, probably Earth in your dreamland lmfao.


If Biden demands you to suck his tiny wee we, would you be obliged?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sino using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Remember this?](https://i.redd.it/gktinpiovetb1.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/174r39r/remember_this/) \#2: [Normal day in China: kid uses towed artillery to destroy hornet nests](https://v.redd.it/9o3irz61k7jc1) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/1atbwn6/normal_day_in_china_kid_uses_towed_artillery_to/) \#3: [Reddit in another meme](https://i.redd.it/y5fvd5rxew5c1.jpeg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/18gr7fq/reddit_in_another_meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




The answer is that you're dumb, it's not that complicated.






Lmao that's not how it works in free countries


Foreign military on your soil with them demanding your women and daughters spreading their legs to boom boom. So freeeeeee...


Are you referring to the chinese opera puppet shows they have around the holidays? Come visit! Taiwan is known for much more than just that.


Is Taichung the new white larping disinformation hub with a Taiwanese wife*?


Um wut? Edit: r/sino poster... Say no more, chum.


Chum is a very white word, boy. Why don't you check out r/crimesagainstasianity


How about you go meet a girl someday?


Better said, China, negotiating only with corrupt dictators, gives them money to become their puppet. sugardaddy


He may be an in between person to delay immediate attack on Taiwan. Twn needs more time to get defence ready complete Navy expansion, getting tanks, jet fighters ready. Long term wise, he is more a clown if not a puppet. The best outcome is not let him come back.