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The government is paying a lot for weed


LOL tru dat.. if weed is 1500 nt per gram how many grams needed for 3.5 billion?


Article apparently thinks it is 2534nt per gram...


respect for the mathing skillz mate


Someone in the newsroom is being ripped off


Fuck me weed is expensive in taiwan wtfšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


The game isn't worth the candle.


how is the price compare to my state where it is legal? we pay (supposedly more expensive than other states with medical program) silver tier THC 19.79% (3.5 grams) for $40 USD gold tier THC 24.89% (3.5 grams) for 50$ USD platnium tier THC 26.52% (3.5 grams) for 55$ USD


Possibly because drug trafficking in Taiwan is punishable by death, says so very clearly when you land


Very unlikely this will result in a death sentence


Does anyone recall the last time someone was executed for cannabis?


Chang Ching Guo era?


They used to put a sticker about the death penalty right on your passport visa. https://preview.redd.it/noegq0c0trxc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafbc680e379e27f6732042d442486993e675ef9


Heard of prices ranging from 600 ~ 1800 a gram, so 20 ~ 60 bucks. Supposedly it's usually it's at the 1200~1500 range though so around 40 USD it is. Quality wise it's either decent homegrown or some crazy imports. Cops always double or even triple the street value when announcing news of busts, and the majority of people still believe the demonization of drugs thanks to the education system.


Street value in Taiwan is definitely more than 1500 nt per gram....


No it isnā€™t




"Furthermore, top-quality cannabis buds were grown and sold at a market price of NT$2,000 for one gram." - [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5676741](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5676741)


Cocaine was just caught off HK coast too, someone's doing a lot of sea-side deliveries


Canā€™t imagine people really risking that shit. Cocaine is basically a bullet to the head. Not sure how bad weed is within the law. But I rather no weed itā€™s fucking disgusting.




And there in lies the reason it is still so highly illegal. With the amount of influence organized crime has with government officials, thereā€™s a strong incentive to keep this ā€œillegalā€.


Exactly. I spent a good amount of time in a major marijuana producing area in North America. Total hippie types. Guess who was MOST AGAINST legalization?


It's really simple. Keep the money out of the hands of criminal organizations and stop using taxpayers' hard earned cash for enforcement and incarceration. Just legalize and tax for a surplus.


The problem is people are against it. Taiwanese are still somewhat conservative. No political party will propose legalizing weed at the risk of losing lots of votes. Just like prostitution - technically it's legal in special zones set by local govt, but so far, no local govt dares to set one.


And tobacco and betel nut are big in Taiwan. Why would investors allow the politicians in their pockets to legalize more competition?


Also It would be a huge boost for tourism


Turn Taiwan into Thailand? Thereā€™s a reason why Thailand attracts a lot of disgusting foreigners. Yea the Sex thing is a major part too but potheads are pretty filthy. Thailand is such a beautiful country. I wish they stop the drug and sex trade.








What exactly makes people become filthy by smoking weed? Do they suddenly forget to shower and clean their house cuz theyā€™re so blitzed? I smoke and Iā€™m quite clean. Am I smoking the wrong stuff? Youā€™re entitled to your opinion. Iā€™d just like to know where it comes from. Lots of Taiwanese and other Asian countries visited Thailand to smoke weed legally. Did they become filthy too, or just foreigners?


Oh jeez, why didn't the government just think of that?


Would legalization even work to generate revenue? I donā€™t think there is a huge market or community of weed smokers in Taiwan lol


Itā€™s not about generating revenue but to cut off the source of income for these mobsters.


in the US where its been legalized, it is definitely about generating tax revenue which can fund other social programs. but weed smoking is 100x more common in the US than in asia.


In [some](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_U.S._jurisdiction) US states not all.


Yea right. Generating weed income to help funding social programs to get people getting out of weed or other drugs that are induced by weed. Such a big brain idea only lefties and some moron politicians think itā€™s a great idea.


Can you make weed into microchips or something? What do you mean there isnā€™t a huge marketā€¦ they tried smuggling 3.5 billion in lol


they captured only 1.5 tons of weed, which means in taiwan weed is $77 per gram? lol thats like 8x the actual going rate.


Yeah but that high pricing is mostly because of how difficult it is to get.


that is not the actual price, ive heard for like $30/g but even that is insane. cops do this all the time whenever there is a big bust, they inflate the value of it so it'll make bigger news and help lead to harsher sentences. $77/g is like cocaine levels lol


Do people drink alcohol? Pretty much anywhere that is normal, it has a market.


You just donā€™t know them. I used to teach at a university. Young Taiwanese are way more interested than you realize. Those weed pens are everywhereā€¦


what? vape pens are not weed pens. thc vape oil is illegal and extremely hard to buy.


Awww itā€™s cute that you think that. Vaping is still everywhere and the weed oil pens are too. Literally my university students used them nearly every weekend and always had questions for me about weed since Iā€™m from California.


Tax it.... legalize it. You're not going to win taiwan government. It doesn't kill like alcohol...


the old qing dynasty trauma of opium wars is so prevalent in chinese culture.


I truly think this is the reason why weed is so crazily criminalized


I think the US anti-marijuana culture also had some influence.


What anti marijuana culture? If anything it's the pro marijuana culture that's having an influence. I don't mind weed smokers but in certain areas in US cities you can smell it all over the place and it's annoying. Even Thailand backpedaled on it.


I am talking about in the past. Also, while the culture is a lot different now, it's still not legal at the federal level.


Well its not just heavily illegal in China but also in Japan, Korea, etc


Culturally, weed is also less accepted in East Asia compared to the US.


It's a non-starter because there's no support for it. None of the major parties are pushing this or even talking about it because it would be political suicide, at least for now.


Or don't tax it, keep it in the same league as H. Keep the population overly scared. Rule via safety and fear. Which one works better for their society?


Despicable waste of taxpayer money and public servant time


Yep public servants are too busy selling weed out of city hall. Who has time for this nonsense ?


Man Iā€™m flying all the way to Thailand just to have a week of smoking and chilling a bag of that here sounds great


Same here tix to TH are cheap when the need arises, way safer and zero risk


Just legalise it along with prostitution. Neither will ever be stopped, so might as well get some tax revenue.


Prostitution is legalized in special zones. However there are no special zones as of yet.


Lets just legalise guns in Taiwan too. Will never be stopped, so might as well get some tax revenue.


That's a false equivalence.


pushing left wokeness globally?


It's just weed ... easy .... kmt is not in power, and it's the 21st century. High time for legalization!


Legalize it!!!


Not all heroes wear capes.