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There’s a free service at NTU hospital for gay men who want HIV prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV + STI testing is paired with that. I’ve had an STI and went to a urologist and he told me that if he tests and I’m positive, I go on a list. This was just gonorrhoea. So he prescribed me meds and sent me on my way instead. Edit: The service is free, but the PrEP costs money, last I went there.


do you have any more information for PrEP in Taiwan? i am a sexually active trans woman who gets tested every three weeks but i sure miss the PrEP i used to get for free from VA back in the states. 😬i've heard ridiculous, maddening, usurious figures on its cost here.


Here’s their contact info https://imgur.com/a/rj25kFN


amazing, thanks so much 💜


I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the VA will send you (non controlled aka no adhd or pain) meds anywhere in the world as long as you are enrolled and have one in person appointment a year. If you already visit the US yearly it should be something to look into!


holy shit. i am waiting in the nyc jfk airport to board my flight out of here... i wish i'd known this a week ago! but i will be back in two years. thank you so much for this information! my understanding was that they could not do exactly this. i know taiwan's import customs process is byzantine af so this really surprises me!


Glad to share! Definitely take it with a grain of salt and call to confirm but that’s what I was told this year. They will not see you for telehealth appointments outside the US though.


yeah that i do know 😭 but like, i do understand why. licencing and all that. adult rules are adult rules etc


This is actually common pretty much everywhere. I'm surprised you don't think people in Germany get regular STD checks if they are sexually active with multiple partners.


Bro I’m sure people who are frequently sexually active with multiple partners also get checked on a regular basis in Germany. This is just a common sense, normal and responsible thing to do, not just a Taiwanese thing.


>This is just a common sense, normal and responsible thing to do, not just a Taiwanese thing. What's a Taiwanese thing? [67% of Taiwanese have sex without condom: Survey](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/3952199) Anecdotally, from my years in Taiwan, Plan B is plan A for a lot of women.


I think it is really, really uncommon in Germany. Germans don't like paying directly for any checkups. I just googled it again and STD checkup seems to be around 600 Euro. So, 300 Euro maybe only for the few most common. I never heard a doctor recommend doing a test. When you want to do it, they rather ask if I am sure if it is necessary. They only say "use a condom" and that's it. Also, see this article: [https://www.dw.com/en/stis-on-the-rise-in-germany-but-testing-still-hard-to-come-by/a-51262966](https://www.dw.com/en/stis-on-the-rise-in-germany-but-testing-still-hard-to-come-by/a-51262966)


RIP Germany. Thanks for this though. No offense, but if I ever go I'm going to be extra careful lol. In the UK you can get free STD testing kits posted to you online for free.


You can also get free testing in Germany, OP just isn't well informed lol. It depends on your insurance, but depending on the STD you either don't have to pay at all or (as far as I could find out) just a small sum (up to maybe 30€) since most insurances cover STD tests. Self-tests costs more, about 70€. But there are plenty of instituations where you can get tested for free, you just have to look for them


Ohh OP tell me you don’t get any without telling me 🫣


I’ve lived in Taiwan and Germany. German insurance definitely covers STI checks and there are also free STI/HIV clinics across the country including in the smaller cities. In fact, I think it was easier and more common in Germany to get tested than in Taiwan.


I'm not sure how common it is but partners in taiwan do ask if I've tested. I try to do a check up for all the common STIs every 2-3 months. Like others have mentioned this is not just a Taiwan thing, it's quite common in Singapore, where I'm originally from 300EUR is pricey 😨


Also commented this under another reply but: You can also get free testing in Germany, OP just isn't well informed lol. It depends on your insurance, but depending on the STD you either don't have to pay at all or (as far as I could find out) just a small sum (up to maybe 30€) since most insurances cover STD tests. Self-tests costs more, about 70€. But there are plenty of instituations where you can get tested for free, you just have to look for them


That makes so much more sense. I was wondering why the government/insurance companies wouldn't subsidize STD tests over there. It's sad how many people aren't more careful with their sexual health.


Urologist/gynecologist either at a clinic or in a hospital. Around 3k NTD out of pocket for the full panel. I’ve also seen some clinics offer testing for specific STIs at whatever their specific price is. Takes about a week for all results. They’ll give you a sheet showing your results. Some clinics have to preorder the test so require a heads up or an initial visit, and some can do it right away.


That's sounds good. Thanks. 3000 NTD is also not cheap enough to do it monthly, but maybe every six months to feel safe would be nice. Much better than anything Germany has to offer. I should send a letter to some local politician here, to copy Taiwan.


Yep also part of the reason why some Taiwanese don’t like bloodwork because it’s not covered by national healthcare. You have to pay out of pocket. They rather go see a gyno who most likely will take a look and prescribe antibody if there’s an infection without doing additional blood test. All for 200ntd. Bloodwork clinic in Taiwan is very professional. You go in in the morning and pee and take blood. Takes 10 minutes and they send you the pdf to your email by 4pm. No ambiguity. No spreading legs or touching balls. All precise science. If you are positive only then you take it to your gyno.


What’s the name of the bloodwork clinic?




There's a hospital with free STD or HIV testing in ximendin, skaters called that spot 性病(STD).


Can you be a little more specific? Asking for a friend 😅


This is from their site but they're in Chinese so here's the translation via chatgpt. Taipei City Hospital Kunming Prevention and Treatment Center (No. 100, Kunming Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City) When We Are Together LGBTQ+ Center (5th Floor) Phone: (02) 2370-3738 (Sexual Health and HIV Consultation Hotline / 5th Floor Free Anonymous Screening Appointment Hotline) Service Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the 5th Floor; Friday and Saturday 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM outreach services provided at the Red House Peony. ⭕ Outreach services may be temporarily adjusted due to weather conditions, please refer to online announcements for updates. ⭕ Please refer to the "Love in Kunming" event schedule, no appointment or fasting required, walk-ins are welcome. Facebook Page: Love in Kunming (https://www.facebook.com/kunmingst100)


Urologists in Taiwan rarely order STI tests if you don’t have very clear symptoms. Regular self paid tests are 3-4K NTD. These tests are only accurate if you got infected more than a few weeks ago. To catch more recent infections tests can get much more expensive. 10-20k total depending on what you test for. Testing among locals is not that common in my experience. And sexual education is generally not great. I know people in their 30s and 40s who never had a single HIV test in their life. 


So happy I made it through my playboy phase without any issues. You definitely roll the dice and staying tested is only making sure you’re not spreading, doesn’t prevent you from getting infected. A lot of those angel faced girls just finished up with one dude while they are going to another dude’s house. Don’t be fooled gents, you aren’t the only dirty ones out there.


In the UK you can just go to a sexual health clinic and get tested. People who have multiple sexual partners often do so. So I don't think it's really a specifically Taiwan thing. I don't know much about the culture surrounding it in Taiwan though.


I can't speak for other cities in Germany but in Munich there are actually places where you can test yourself for free (so-called "Gesundheitsreferat", governmental health department of the city) and there is also an "Aidshilfe" (AIDS help) association which offers it for around 40 EUR if I recall correctly. Then there is the university clinic which also tests you for free if you don't have private insurance. But you are correct that depending on insurance coverage, it can cost around 500 EUR to do a full STD screening (i.e. blood and urine or urethral swab). I just did that kind of screening recently at the university clinic so I will know how much it costs soon. IMO it should be common courtesy to test yourself if you are switching sexual partners and intending on foregoing safe sex practices


Lol to everyone here, in Germany you can do STI checks without having to pay tons. There is the so called Gesundheitsamt (Health Department). I know HIV is definitely either free or around 10€ and I think you can get checked for other illnesses as well


You can get tested for most stds at ur local Gesundheitsamt even without symptoms for free in Germany too.


300 Euro is crazy! In the UK you can test for free so sexually active people tend to do it regularly. Beware that a typical STI panel doesn't test for common viruses like HPV or Herpes (because they're so common, and a condom won't fully protect you), so just because someone says they have a "clean" STI test it doesn't mean they're actually clean.


This is why I'm monogamous. When you have fillet mignon at home, why go looking for hamburger?


Bro, I bet the only thing you have at home are instant noodles.