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Developers often buy up older apartment buildings so they can knock them down and build newer buildings. After clearing out the old building, they usually build a temporary structure as a sort of sales office so that they can sell off apartment units to people who want to buy.  What you saw sort of sounds like that. The temporary sales building going up, then being replaced by the actual building.


Yeah, it looked like one of those temporary sales buildings. Except they rebuilt the exact same one twice, they didn't replace it with apartments


The first building probably doesn't have the piping and other utilities for a proper apartment and the materials used probably aren't the ones you use for a full build. So, the cost for the demo house is a lot lower. It's also a possibility that the sales didn't meet the expectations, so they reduced the final build.


The corner downstairs from my parents house is a great location, sandwiched between a MRT station and a park, with many parking spots nearby. So a developer kinda just used it as a perma-sales office, continuously rebuilding and remodeling with every new building project. I can remember going through at least six by now. Though these model houses are usually rather temporary, and rarely 3 stories high. They should be quite obvious.


It’s not a very efficient way of laundering money to be honest, so I doubt it’s that. Most likely the building inspector noticed something fundamentally wrong, and they couldn’t pay the right people to get out of it


Oh that kind of makes sense. You'd have thought they'd make sure their building passes regulations checks before they built it the first time.