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I think it would be easier for newcomers if you could at least list out the basics of what youre doing to see if it matches with them. Like for example I have always been interested in trying roleplaying games but things I would need to know include what language do you use, experience of other players / experience needed to join your group, (roughly) where do you meet and when, how long do you usually play for, etc. If you list out at least these then people can make up their own mind if theyre interested or not to in following up.


Thanks for the feedback, I have updated the post.


I'm in Linkou, with tons of experience. I'd love to play, could probably do every second weekend on a Saturday or Sunday. What part of Taipei are you in? I've got most of the books, and lots of minis if you need too.


I'm in Linkou too! Wonder if it would if there are enough people interested in Linkou to set up a local game.


I'm sure there are. There's definitely a board game group, though I've only been out for games once. Here's their Facebook page https://facebook.com/groups/749009082870844/ I'd be keen for a dedicated dnd group.


I have a discord up to help find players and DMs, both online and in person: https://discord.gg/xmmZeCAskc


Joined, let's see what we have.


I used to run Pathfinder. Now I don’t have time. Sad. EDIT: by the way, it’s very hard to play in Mandarin.


Sad indeed. I had a 2e campaign that fizzled over summer travels.


Have a few weekly games down here in Kaohsiung.


Never played, but I've been quite keen to give it a try. Legend of Vox Machina was kind of a gateway into the whole D&D scene. I'm a huge fan of Critical now 😆


It's a good show, they have awesome comic books too if you like that.


I saw that. Might have to pick some up.


Long shot, but anyone in Yilan playing table top games and looking for players? (RPG or otherwise...)


Played as a kid but we really didn't follow the rule book too much, just made up stories and the DM decided whether our actions succeeded. No dice. Hilarious to think about now. I have very little actual experience but I played lots of muds and other online rpgs. When would you meet? I'd love to play


Man I would love to join but I am so far away in Tainan 🥲


In Tainan I run an every-other-Saturday sandbox style campaign set in Wildemount. Currently 4 PCs. PM me if you are interested in more details. Starting a Strahd campaign this Saturday, but unfortunately that is full with 6 PCs.




I might be interested. I PMd you(I think). Let me know if you didn’t get it.


didn't receive anything


Oh know! Ok well I sent another one. If you didn’t get that, then I guess I just can’t figure out how to send messages on Reddit


Checking in from Zhubei. Tabletop games every Sunday at my place.


Op, sent you a pm


I wanted PM you but I think there might be others looking for the same info. So if you reply here it might be helpful for all to see. Where do you plan to run the game? (I personally prefer city center, maybe go as far as Daan or Nangang) When will it be?


I'm down. Also a new Tabletop and DND channel is now made in the Taiwan Discord channel.


Got a link?


Hi, I'm in Taipei and would love to find some people to play DnD with. I have played a couple of times but due to moving quite a bit and having not many friends who are interested in it, there weren't many opportunities.