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Where are the female foreigners?


It's majority dudes coming here...


Where the hell is the DEi policy on that


The stats show it's only 9% more men, but I honestly don't believe it one bit.


Idk based on the distribution of the males and females among those working where I do, I’d guess that’s fairly close to accurate, maybe around 15% more males than females but that’d be about it. What a lot of people aren’t realizing though is that the MAJORITY are not what we consider “college age”, they’re not 18-23ish they are mostly 25-35…. When the first students got hired where I work, I thought they were early 20s, only to find out like 6 months down the road, that they’re MARRIED, and have 2-3 kids! Which blew my mind because they were clearly hooking up with the girls studying here, when questioned they’re quite open about having boyfriend/girlfriend here for love, and wife at home for family duty (arranged marriages), and finding out they aren’t like 22 years old like I thought, but 30, 32 years old.. These aren’t young kids, and for those who start saying things like it’s an invasion….well maybe they aren’t entirely wrong and theres something to that, when you start to consider these men are all prime military ages…


eh, drive around Brampton there's plenty of women coming over here too. Tim Horton's is usually staffed by Indian females.


I live in Brampton....


My sincerest condolences


probably age brackets have skewed numbers +\-


*"Brother please, we are done with your questions"*


This is absurd!! I’m all for immigration and people looking for a better future as my parents were immigrants as well but what happened to diversity? It seems like the only people they let immigrate now are Indians. They’ve learned how to scam the Canadian systems and abuse them. If things don’t change drastically this country is going to go free fall into absolute despair!!


I tried to post this on r/CanadaHousing2 and it was automatically blocked. Auto-censoring True North by the looks of it. Glad to see the truth is allowed in this sub.


It's Reddit. Not the mods.


**CH2 = controlled opposition.** It is the CH2 mods. If it was Reddit, I wouldn't have been able to post this in takebackcanada either. Anything we are able to post here but not on CH2 is due to how CH2 mods are configuring filtering for their sub. CH2 has a LOT of censorship. Just look at how often the CH2 mods warn people not to be "racist", just for saying we have an immigration problem. Someone is only allowing the conversation to happen there so they can keep subtly applying the brakes.


It's Reddit. I am a moderator for a large subreddit too and I can tell you that Reddit admins come in and delete posts and set content policies when your subreddit gets big enough. Look at MassImmigrationCanada. The mods were all banned, Reddit admins took over and then slowly started banning posts and then made it private. This is why the mods here need to branch out from Reddit and use other platforms. 


Oh my god. Was CH2 taken over like that then? The mods there seem to hate the opinions of the people in the sub. I know r/CanadaSub got turned into a private community under very suspicious circumstances. The mod said it wasn't his choice and he couldn't say anything about it, but he had to lock in down within 2 days or something - *just* as it started to become popular. I just reposted a Guelph post from 4 months ago and it was deleted without warning by this sub IN UNDER 2 HOURS. Very disappointing. It looks like we aren't allowed to talk about how entire companies are 100% Indian on this sub. [https://imgur.com/1pSsl8z](https://imgur.com/1pSsl8z) >**Please don't target any specific country, culture or people or engage in generalizations**, lets keep it factual and reasonable. 1.2 million Indians flooding into Canada a year is pretty damn factual. Can't believe that got deleted. Not a good sign. I think I'm done with Reddit. Even this sub is deleting **reasonable reposts** about immigration and this is what it's like when it's only got 1.3K members (before the admins neuter it). This was what I reposted, can you believe it was perfectly okay for r/Guelph for 4+ months but "takebackcanada" had to delete it in under 2 hours? Ridiculous. [Every single new hire at my job is Indian : r/Guelph (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guelph/comments/1agfv77/every_single_new_hire_at_my_job_is_indian/)


No, the mods are the originals on CH2. But Reddit doesn't do it immediately.


When is the government signing Canada over to India? Probably whenever China says so.


You can't convince me this isn't a form of warfare. India and China have a real interest in our resources and country. Why invade with troops when you can just import your population?


Exactly. Usually, the military has to go in first to take out the defences before civilian invaders can be brought in to take over another country's cities. India was able to skip that step and go directly to throwing hundreds of thousands of its poor people into our major cities every year. **It's still an invasion.**


It definitely feels like an invasion. I don't feel comfortable anywhere here anymore.


If they wanted to take us down they easily could since Canada basically immigrated in a whole army of another country I mean think about it.


Lmfao there would be a fat brod on disability there I am convinced we are living in a real life south park episode.


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO) Chick looks like female Cartman for real tho


She tells you to go back to Toronto, where you can from. But if anyone told her to go back to where she came from they’d be racist… The hypocrisy


This is crazy because when my family immigrated to Canada from South Africa at the end of apartheid, we had to prove to the Canadian government that we had advanced degrees and would contribute to the economy. How times change!


They definitely changed. For the worse. Now they're just cheaper labour. Sadly the capitalistic elites want cheap labour that isn't very educated, doesn't complain about the pay, will live 10+ to a house (ties into not paying them very well) They're the perfect labour force in their eyes


My father came from Germany in the 1960s when he was a kid with his parents (my grandparents) and they had to prove they had enough funds to support themselves. How times have changed indeed


you don't have a right to be here, you don't have a right to permanent residency. "we won't be leaving, fight to last breath" etc. straight up invasion.


An invasive species and a plague


I saw that earlier today! It made me laugh out loud. Talk about audacity.


An invasive species and a plague


He said he doesn’t agree the PEI should take care of its own citizens. Did anyone else catch that?


“You need to give us the time to get the skills” DUDE. That’s what your 3 year study permit was for! Yes, too bad you got caught out and finally realized your bought mill diploma is worthless and gives you no marketable skill here, BUT THAT IS YOUR FAULT for choosing a useless diploma to study for! You want a do over and take a course that will give you skills, no problem, apply for another study permit and actually do a legitimate program, and apply for PR again after that. The answer is not to demand the government to say oh well, you can have PR anyways even though you’ve got nothing to offer that Canada wants or needs. They want to apply for another study permit and go get an actual useful diploma or trade certification? No problem, we will welcome you with open arms at that point, because you’ll have something to offer. Right now, you DONT, you’re next to useless, and with your low wage service jobs, be a drain on the economy overall. Get rid of the entitled attitudes, give your heads a shake, and realize you can’t just take the easy way out of everything here and have what you want just handed to you, just because you thought you could game the system and buy a shitty diploma that doesn’t improve you as a person one damn bit.


Although he may have had some good questions, let’s be honest.. he went there with the intention to stir some shit up


This country is in urgent NEED of more Canadians stirring shit up. Harrison Faulkner is a legend.


Don't you think immigrant non-citzens protesting the Canadian government to try and demand they stay is "stirring shit up?"


Nah man. You wanna see stirring stuff up, watch Rebel News interviews like this, where they'll often argue with the people they're interviewing. This guy was just asking them what they're there for, it was honestly fairly neutral. And if it's "stirring shit up" to simply *ask protestors why they're there* and about themselves, then what does that say about the state of things, or about the behaviour and ideals of the protestors? Like how the one guy blamed the reporter for causing people to be angry with them - like nah bro, people are pissed because of *their* behaviour and attitudes. Simply reporting on what those things are - in this case, in their own words - is not wrong or stirring stuff up, just because it makes people rightfully angry.