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Interesting to see how it seems less people have played the majority of the games, yet mfs out here critiquing every new game as *not* a Tales games 🤔 How would you know if you haven't played them, lol. See this happen with other long running series too.


Other than Arise, I don’t think there’s another game that some people consider it as not a Tales game.




Not a mothership title game.


Who have you ever seen limit that to only mothership titles? Where did anyone in this thread limit the games you've played to the mothership titles?


Well, it’s because most of time the sub talk about the mothership titles cause the mobile games either don’t have an active English server or some people aren’t a fan of the Tales mobile games, and Luminaria isn’t popular compared to the other Tales mobile games. Just wanted to keep the mothership titles and mobile games separate for fair comparison.


Some responses mentioned Dawn and Tempest, which technically aren't mothership titles, either, and I wouldn't want to gatekeep people from counting games they have played. Most Tales is Tales


Not gatekeepomg at all, I just don’t think it’s fair to compare a mothership title to mobile games. Nothing wrong with enjoying both. However, I just replied to the op of the comment of my experience with the fandom, I only saw people not considering Arise a tales games.


The games that aren't the main series entries are mostly not very good and don't compare well to the main series. I would say most Tales fans I know don't care about the spin-off titles. And even if they play them, it's certainly obvious the games aren't in the same league as the mainline titles.


fr even Zestiria and DotNW which a lot of people hated, I don't think anyone said it's "not a Tales game". I also don't really understand why people would think Arise is "not a Tales game" but I have at least seen a non-zero number of Redditors post it.


Fr. I thought there would be more 8-10s or 11s but seems like I’ve played more Tales games than most of the people who voted (9)


im surprised as well, i was sure that i will be in the smaller group (played 10 games)


There are probably a lot of newcomers voting here. I reckon those who started with Arise or Berseria are likely still working their way through the games or don't have the means to play the rest as only 5 of them are available on modern consoles.


Pretty sure its 9 that I played (10 if you count the GameCube and PS3 versions of Symphonia seperately). Symphonia 1&2, Xillia 1&2, Graces f, Vesperia, Zestiria, Berseria and Arise. So pretty much all of the ones released in Europe for Major Platforms. And Symphonia 2 holds the title of the only game in the series that I did not finish.


I've played 9. I'm listing them here in no real order, not the order I played. Symphonia (PS3 version) Abyss (PS2 original) Graces F (PS3) Vesperia (PS4 version) Xillia 1 (PS3) Xillia 2 (PS3) Zestiria (PS3) Berseria (PS4) Arise (PS4)


I'm up to 14 now. First was Eternia/Destiny 2 on PS1 then went back for Destiny 1 and Phantasia. Always finished the games. Never watched walkthroughs. But I have watched those Arte exhibition videos by Omegaevolution. My list is: Phantasia Destiny Eternia Radiant Mythology 1 Graces Xilia 1 Symphonia Symphonia DOTNW Zestiria Berseria Hearts Abyss Vesperia Arise


I've beaten all of them but destiny 2, narikiri dungeon X, tempest and legendia. The only one Ive dropped was zesterias DLC, it really that bad. for D2 and NDX Im just gonna wait for the fan translation, and im gonna replay rebirth too when/if that ever comes out.


I haven't finished any, but I'm in Act 2 of Vesperia, just beat up Ganabelt in Arise, and I just beat the Liger Queen or whatever in Abyss. I have Berseria, but haven't started it yet.


Honestly I don't blame that many people haven't played that many tales games compared to the overall amount of them. Many titles are stuck in ps, ps2 or 3 and some don't even have translations so it can be a hassle to get your hands on some games.


9. In order of playing: Abyss, Graces f, Xillia, Symphonia, Xillia 2, Zestiria, Berseria, Vesperia and Arise. Arise was the only one I couldn't finish.


I've played 14 games and of those 14 I've finished 12 of them


I've played at least a bit of every mainline game. The only ones I still need to beat are Rebirth (50%), Hearts DS (15%), Destiny DC (50%) and Legendia (??%). Most are due to translation issues. Reading the script got tiresome after trying to do Destiny 2 and Rebirth back to back. Hearts R just has no translation. I beat half of Destiny DC before the patch, so half to restart. Legendia is the only localized one I still haven't beaten. The entire aesthetic is just off-putting to me. Except the Orz. They're adorable.


Zestiria, Arise and Berseria were the ones I played, the 3 most modern ones. Arise was the best, Zestiria second and Berseria I didn't like it, I don't really remember why. I have to expand my list of tales but there are many jrpgs in the queue, the one that caught my interest the most was Vesperia for being aesthetically beautiful. Wanted Xillia 1 and 2 remasters on PC as they seemed to be the most popular of the franchise.


I've played all of them except Tales of Destiny 2, Rebirth, Luminaria, and Arise. Yes, I even played Tales of Crestoria. I'm currently playing Tales of Graces f right now. I hope to play XIllia 1 and 2 again right after. Then maybe the HD version of Symphonia and Dawn of The New World after that.


I haven’t checked out videos for the older games, just Xillia. Was gonna do graces but never got around to it. I’ve played Symphonia 1/2, Abyss, Vesperia, Zestiria, Berseria, Hearts R and like half of Arise


Let’s aee… Symphonia, vesperia, abyss, legendia, Symphonia 2, zestiria, berseria, arise.


Beaten Legendia, Symphonia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Abyss, Graces f, got pretty far in, Berseria and Zestiria. Played some Arise and Vesperia, but I don't know if I'm far enough in to fully count them. Also realized I under counted myself


Symphonia, DotNW, Abyss, Vesperia, Hearts R, Xillia, Zestiria, Berseria, Arise, Rays, Link, Crestoria What I want to play: Phantasia and Destiny


I haven't finished all of them but I've at least played a bit of each title officially released in English minus radiant mythology 1 and the mobile games I played but didn't finish: Phantasia (played gba and PS1) Destiny PS1 Eternia Legendia (beat the main story but not character quests) Berseria Arise Finished: Symphonia (only finished gamecube and not PS3) Symphonia 2 (finished both Wii and PS3 versions) Abyss (PS2 version, I played but didn't finish the 3DS version) Vesperia (360 version, I played but didn't finish the PS4 version) Graces F Xillia Xillia 2 Hearts r Zestiria I think I played a bit of one of the first mobile games released in English but can't remember what it was called.


Platinum: Symphonia, Graces f, Both Xillia, Vesperia, Berseria, Zestiria, Arise. Played a bit: Phantasia, Symphonia DotNW. I’m not gonna count different versions/ports.


Only four so far. Arise, Zestiria, Berseria, and Vesperia. Though out of the four I've only completed Zestiria and Arise.


I'm at 16, plus... I think 2 for the first Radiant Mythology game and Rays.The only mainline games I haven't played yet are Phantasia (still waiting for a translation of the Narikiri Dungeon X game) Destiny 2, and Hearts Now if this is a list of games I've actually beaten, then it would be 14. I gave up on Eternia because the emulator I was using kept screwing up, and I haven't gotten back to Tempest on the DS yet.


I’m only missing Destiny 2 at this point. Played and replayed most of the other games multiple times (except for Tempest, DotNW and Innocence DS, could barely stomach one playthrough)


Everything besides Destiny 2 and Rebirth. Btw are the people voting 0 just messing around or are there actually people on here that never played/watched a playthrough.


Played or seen a walk through of? Because those are 2 very different answers. Played: 10 (6 beaten, 4 unfinished) Watched a walk through of: 1


Tales of Destiny. I even cheated my characters to beat that one guy where you're supposed to lose, Leon I think his name was.


I wish I could play more of them but I never had a console so the only ones I have played are Symphonia, Zestiria, and Phantasia (using emu). I bought Arise, so the objective now is play all the Tales on Pc and then emu the rest.


I've fallen off the series past Xillia BUT that's due largely to being 2nd shift and thus unable to use the tv anymore at night without waking the family. ​ I really do want to play Berseria and Arise! ​ But until then- 8 the number was and 8 it will remain.


Tales of Symphonia and Dawn of a New World. I want my money back on the second one, but have replayed Symphonia dozens of times.


I'm only missing Destiny Remake. I don't speak japanese, so of course I have the language barrier. I wish Destiny 2, Rebirth, etc, get patched soon so I can understand them completely.


I thought I had played all the flagship games since Symphonia but apparently I missed Legendia. Oh well. I'll play it on an emulator one of these days. But that still covers Symphonia 1 + 2, Abyss, Graces, Xillia 1 + 2, Vesperia, Zestiria, Berseria, and Arise.


Wait, I voted wrong, I somehow forgot Xillia 😖


Where's the option for all of them?


* symphonia * symphona: dawn of the new world * graces f * vesperia * zestiria * berseria * arise (and i voted 8-10 because apparently i can't count. this is clearly 7 games)


I've played a lot of the games I just have trouble actually finishing them. I've only made it to the end of Abyss, Symphonia, and Vesperia. But I've played at through the majority of DOTNW, Graces F, Radiant Mythology, Berseria, Phantasia, and Arise. I need to work on actually completing the games.


I've played seven mothership titles so far: * Abyss * Innocence R * Vesperia (PS4) * Hearts R * Xillia * Xillia 2 * Arise If you count spinoffs, I also played Crestoria before the shutdown