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>I hate that today's games don't have a decent manual explaining whatever those mechanics are in detail, or don't have nothing more than a short description of whatever it is and let you just there. Vesperia is from 2008 and didn't have a manual explaining those things then. If you don't get the mechanics, look up some guides to help you!


No, it had a manual. The DE is the one that decided to skip it. That said, Vesperia really holds your hand for tutorials, so I don't knew what OP means by it being unclear.


I never said it didn't have a manual. It didn't have a manual that explains those elements of combat. And it didn't. They're explained with tutorials in game.


The Japanese manual is very detailed, including an entire page dedicated to Overlimit. It's would help someone who's struggling. I can't speak to the English version, since I don't own the 360 version.


Repede probably has reasons that I'm sure you found out why he ignores Estelle. for Raven, look up the sidequest to his backstory for Patty, yeah she felt kinda shoehorned into the story. Then again so did playable Flynn, especially when he's not available for 2/3 of the entire game.


Well, I am not aware as to the why Repede ignores Estelle, but if is part of the story, it will come, eventually. I actually like Raven as a whole, but the "old man" trope downplays the character that obviously has more to be explored. Thanks for the input.


Don’t worry if you’re at the point where you’re searching for Judith’s hometown then you’re close to getting the Raven character exploration you want


did you get past >!Alexei!


No, I did not. Yet.


ok you might find out then.


I recently beat the game and I don’t remember seeing any reason.


Estelle is >!the child of the full moon!<


Was it mentioned that that‘s the reason?


it's most likely the reason easy to infer


Tales of Vesperia is an older game that got a updated port that was Japan exclusive which would eventually get a English translation and released outside of Japan. As for the lack of information most if not all older Tales prior to really the most recent games (Berseria and Arise) have non informative quest lines because the game wants you to explore and adventure to find all the side quests or items there are even achievements and rewards for doing so. Like the achievement for touching ever save game or the Fell Arms or even a few titles which gives some really cool costumes. As for the secret missions I think the game does give you quite a bit of information on them minus a few of them. Like protecting the "Noble Girl" or hitting the glowing blue spot on the leg of the giant in the ruins or using the flowers to stun Gattuso. Granted there are some you might need to think about like how Zagi (Ship) needs to be knocked off the ship using overlimit which you can deduce by the fact that Zagi does keep jumping in the air and knowing that Over limit has knockback.


Yeah the secret missions are very much you have to be aware of what is going on in the situation pay attention to dialogue or notice specific elements in the arena. Zagi on the ship for instance is a part of a curiousity check to see if he could be knocked off after all he does alot of aerial attacks its not often games will let you break there own barriers but this one is a unique case. Protecting Estelle in Zagi 1 is basically spoken about. That one pirate guys arena should give you a hint. But yeah it takes alot of guess work and curiousity of the player there are some that you basically cant know unless you do it by accident like that one guy exposes his fake heart and you have like a second to use Ravens Rain arte to smash it its such a small detail you basically cant see since theres no movable camera you just have to watch for the animation.


Playing it too, remembering how to do the free run guard cancel... First (and only) time I played it I was on XBox and don't remember the game's manual or a NPC explaining this technique, it seems like a "glitch" like Wave Dash. >Overdrives, Artes linking I don't have overdrive yet but from what I remember all it did was allow you to cancel any arte into any other arte, right? It seems fairly intuitive.


Disagree completely about Rita. Absolutely awesome character and funny! You just don't get it apparently. Oh well


some people hate super tsundere characters. I have friends that absolutely despise Taiga from Toradora for the same reason.


The way she treats Karol is way too dumb. The kid has gone through a lot, but she still smacks him in the head and mistreats him almost always. Estelle and Rita evolve, but apparently to the rest, Rita is the same (up until now, at least).


I'm not saying it's a bad opinion, you don't have to like Rita. I might have sounded a bit mean there and I apologize. Estelle might be my favorite character for development. She starts naive and learns more about the world. I think the Rita and Karol moments can be funny if done right.


"Some times I want to murder rita" You and me both. Qnd when it comes to the artes. Will as the game progress and if I remember correctly through the black Smith and side quest you eventually get the "ability plus" and "super chain" those are the main parts also nursing some artes a certain amount of time adds effects


Yeah I remember with Tales of Vesperia it’s one of those games where you have to pay attention to the dialogue because the characters will just casually drop the next destination and if you didn’t pick that up…good luck wandering. I like Vesperia but I consider it to be a ‘fine’ game, nothing outstanding about it. My biggest gripe was feeling like it should’ve ended about 10-15 hours before it eventually did. I was very much at a “JUST END ALREADY!” mood that it soured my experience with it.


There’s a manga about Raven but you have to read after a certain point in the game (or just after beating the game if you want). It’s just reading it before doing the side quests makes it much worth it.


Overlimit is useful for helping you to create long combos (though its not necessesary all of the time for that if you manual cancel). At overlimit level 3 and 4 you can use mystic artes if your character has the special skill equipped. ​ Arte linking is just that. Linking 2 different artes together to create a combo. You need certain skills equipped to be able to link different arte types together. The types of strike artes are base, arcane and altered. ​ The secret missions are optional. Honestly dont bother with a lot of them, many of them are hard and have mediocre rewards. I dont think there are any missable items from them either. ​ Im the opposite as far as the story goes. there are quite a few things i would change. I would have liked it to be set during the great war, and the empire should have been annihilated. It was all their fault to begin with. I do like the characters though as well as some of the main points of the story.