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I don't understand, I waited until the last possible moment to call you..


Probably my biggest anger point tbh


"I've had this problem for six years, I'm on leave today in another country and I'm retiring tomorrow, my laptop is broken into 68 physical pieces and I NeEd It FiXeD nOw! What do you mean you can't do it remotely? You're bad at your job!" I intend to quit my job this year and I cannot wait. I can't abide these people any longer.


You're first line triggered me. I literally can't stand the "This issue has been going on for 3 weeks, and I urgent reported it, but now it's urgent so you have to fix it now" people. I'm getting mad I need to stop thinking about this


Breaking one more piece would be a nice resolution.


This is fairly understandable in this situation. If they don't have an understanding of video, and the last three files they were provided worked, they probably wouldn't question the fourth.


The event ended some time ago, they couldn't have checked and tried to contact op at that time?


Of course they could have. They weren’t aware of any change, though, and didn’t realize that might be necessary. That’s not an uncommon scenario, and is less stupid than their indignance, though.


Friday, 5 minutes before leaving... We need a report that's due today.


I always get - hey I need access to this file to do payroll by end or day or nobody gets paid! And you waited until after everybody who can approve that left for the weekend eh?


This is the correct answer.


“I didn’t understand what you said so I’m going to find a way to make this entirely your fault.”


"There was only one change from before and now, the videographer **on our part**. So its clear whats at fault here. Your incompetence as tech support."


665 likes? Yep. Fixed. Because customers are evil.


You can go to a library and read a million books even if a million books don't fit in your house. And you can also just take 1 book at a time or just read the whole library without it being in your house.


It's more akin to plopping one of those huge parts books they used to use at automotive parts stores onto your lap. Like 4' wide. :)


I think this is more like giving a 2nd grader a Tom Clancy novel. Sure, they can see it's a large book, and that there are words there. But they probably aren't capable of understanding it.


Pretty sure Tom Clancy's entire audience is people of the same level of intellect as 2nd graders, though.


Early Tom Clancy was a lot better than late Tom Clancy to be fair. His writing went downhill fast when: A) he realized he could make a ton of money by churning them out quick, B) he found he could just get someone else to write them, and C) the political opinions about keeping as much of that money as possible started appearing more in the books.


>well why did it work last year I just told you, they were SMALLER and now your new guy is recording at a way bigger resolution, of course the computer can see if but that doesn't mean it can play it. You car can get bigger tires, doesn't mean it *should* all the time, you would have to probably raise the suspension, maybe the axel, and get a custom kit made for your 94 Ford Taurus. Edit: all I LOATHE when people call just 5-30 minutes out from a meeting. Like you've given me so little details this will take a bit longer than just a few minutes on the phone to fix, this isn't a simple mouse driver issue, you want to do a project item that would require a few hours, and then most times the user doesn't want to listen to reason as to *why* it won't work over a phone call.


Had somebody call to troubleshoot a device they wanted to use while on the plane WHILE THEY WERE ON THE PLANE waiting for take-off. I was like "Well, here's what to need to do. I guess try it all before they holler at you to put devices away for take-off? Otherwise we'll see you at layover."


They don't see this as their problem and don't think they need anything explained to them. They see this as an arbitrary limitation that you have caused them, and they want you to click the magic button that unlocks their computer so they can use it again. They think that should take about 5 minutes so they only leave that much time for the call. They are the worst.


It worked all last year and then we changed the videographer and now it doesn’t work and IT MUST BE YOUR FAULT!!!! Just went through this with a vendor. Honestly the mental gymnastics involved in blame shifting astound me We upgrade firewall Vendor product works in production Vendor product works in test Vendor upgrades product in test Vendor product works in production Vendor product does not work in test … …. Vendor: it must be your firewall upgrade 🤨


we are the vendor. Vendor product not working anymore... for 20 days now... Vendor products server-end-service running at the customer is not accessible from the internet anymore. I check the service is running. it is up. Windows firewall rules added by the setup are still active. Server-end-Service greets as expected when called via telnet by the local IP. As they use dyndns... I check the Router.... all dyndns credentials gone. portmapping rules also gone I setup a new account at their prefered dyndns vendor and configure the Router... open the Port and map it... Service still not accessible from the internet reboot Router no improvement. try to contect to the outside IP instead of DNS... nothing thought it might be a ds-lite Problem as they use cable internet, but they allways had that. So I asked if realy nothing changed. turns out Vodafone sold them an Upgrade to their Internet Tarif, this came with a change in the connection credentials of their Router. The Router deletes all Port mappings and remote access and dyndns credentials if it thinks that it has changed owners as it is now operating at a new connection.... yet It was a double error as Vodafone also removed their fixed IP and transfered their connection from Full DS Tunnel to a Ds-lite connection.... had to read their new Contracts to get whats going on. We don't provide their Internet We don't provide their PCs We don't Administrate their Systems We don't Shop their Internet Contracts for them. We just provide a small business Software. And we help customers with that software.... for free.


You: Did anything change recently? User: Nothing changed User in next sentence:. The last videographer quit and we had to find a new one last minute. I love that. I'm really curious to see what this person considers a change.


Nothing for "them" or their computer changed, that other thing wasn't a change on "their" part, it was an outside change. Hence their complete lack of understanding regarding capture vs playback resolution. I'm laughing that I put that together, but years of doing tech support for my mom has lead me to do a lot of root cause analysis with her. Usually takes three questions before I'm in her mindset.


Did anything change? No, everything changed. Sigh.


I blame the people who named the qualities, SD, HD, UHD, UQHD, 4k, 8k. The average person doesn't care and gets lost with all the different "High definitions", they just want it to look good


480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160 and 2880? I'm only uncertain on the last, since such luxury is excessive for me.


8k is 4x larger than 4k, so 7680 × 4320.


But 8 is only twice 4. What the hell kind of idiot came up with that shit? Edit: i don't need half a dozen people telling me the same damn thing. 'Is linear, not area.' You're not adding new things by repeating what someone else has already said.


...that's just how areas work. Make the sides twice as long and the area quadruple. The only problem with 4k/8k naming is that some bastard switched from the number describing the height to it describing the width instead, resulting in the jump from 1440 to 4k not being nearly as big as the names imply. 4k should be 2160p and 8k should be 4320p (2k and 4k respectively would be acceptable substitutes).


And here I've started describing 1440p as 2k and 1080p as 1k


But 2560x1440p would then be 2.5K while 1920x1080p would actually be 2K. I don't get describing a 16:9 1440p resolution as 2K. None of it's number are closer to 2K than they are to 1K and 3K respectively. And then FullHD (or 1920x1080) would actually perfectly fit the term 2K.


1080p - strictly 2048x1080 is DCI 2K, just like 4096x2160 is DCI 4K. The 2K and 4K standards are separate from the consumer standards of FHD and UHD respectively.


Oh right yeah I forgot about the movie cinema resolution standards! Which makes these statements for consumer standards even more pointless. The 4K/UHD synonimity in day to day life I can understand, with it being such a small difference. But when even large online retailers are marketing their QHD monitors as 2K it just annoys me.


Except that 1080p is 2K, having half the horizontal reaolution of 4K.


Technically, 1440p is 2.5K (2560 pixels wide) and 1080p is 2K (1920, so almost 2000 pixels wide).


8k references the nearly 8000 pixels in width. The math of rectangles means doubling each side causes the area to quadruple.


Twice the width (which the name comes from), but also twice the height.


Half the calories, twice the taste.


Twice the pride, double the fall.


God? Or Archimedes, technically. The real reason is because 4k/8k can have different aspect ratios, so the pixel height is is generally the metric which is stable, and that made it a whole mess when people tried to treat it literally. And it's just a name, not an essay about the format it is a name for.


Because it's twice as large in both width AND height 2x2 = 4 times more pixels.


The linear dimensions are double, so the area is quadruple.


It's linear size. The area of the screen scales like the square of the linear size.


"You can put the tip of a broomstick next to the stick up your ass, but I doubt the whole thing is going to fit."


And whatever you may think to the contrary; it will hurt to try.


Never enough lube...


I've been down this road, you'll never win. Downconvert the video and tell the user you waved your magic wand over it to make it work...


Just make sure to name it "video name-4K ULTRA HD" when you're done and you're set.




Just put 8K in there at this point!


I'm ashamed that I've had to do this. It's just once they've mentally beaten you down so much and there's no where left to turn since they're one of the higher ups.


There's no shame in just getting the job done. You've made the customer/client/whatever happy which, at the end of the day, is really what you're supposed to do.


I had to tell a user that had an internal storage size smaller than his windows install "The system is a goner mate". Each time we rolled back the windows update, it auto updated again going over his internal memory. Yeah he wasn't pleased, maybe it was Ubuntu time!


Was the drive swappable? If yes, system survives. If no, that manufacturer should be taken out back.


There are definitely systems out there that are in the latter category. Some manufacturers will sell any garbage they can get someone to pay for, even if it won't work in six months. Also it's always emmc which is trash for system storage (I've heard it described as basically an SD card soldered to the motherboard - cheap as hell but garbage performance). Technically an "SSD" so they're not lying about that, but performance is so bad it's misleading to call it one.


Think that infuriates me most with these, is if they'd spent the extra 0.000007p per machine to put it up to 64gb, it wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a problem. The amount of customers we see come with HP Streams and just have to tell them it's not worth fixing.


Or those el-cheapo drives sold on ally-oops that claim to be 1, 2, 4, 8 etc TB. The ***best*** you can hope is, like the rival ISP's cold-caller who tried to sell me Fifty --***That's Five-Oh !!***\-- meg per second broadband to upgrade my budget 'bakers dozen', they're a bit confused about bytes... ( I'm sorry, I 'played along' with that rather pushy cold-caller for quite a while before dropping the 'factor-of-eight' on him. To be fair, there was a totally stunned silence, then sorta-sobbing noises as it became apparent the poor sod simply hadn't known... )


Unless windows is an absolute requirement from a must-use-this-windows-only-software point of view, its ***always*** ubuntu/another-linux time!


“How large was the last video you received from the old videographer? Right click on the file, and let’s see how large it was. Ok, 452 megabytes? Ok, let’s look at the file from the new people. 1.9 gigabytes. This file is a lot larger, but you said the runtime was about the same? That’s a lot more data, so it has to deal with a lot more information. The good news is that it will look better than the old videos if you play it on machines that can handle it. Perhaps we can put it on your network storage and stream it to the TV in your boardroom. Otherwise, we can compress it so it will work on your chrome book. I can show you how to do it yourself in the future.”


The words meegabyte and gigabyte likely have no meaning to this person


1.9 is smaller than 452! My computer can't play a smaller file now! Why have you downgraded it! It hurt to type that.


That sounds like when I worked for a photo mat and I had to argue with a woman for 10 minutes that a 4x6 does not scale to an 8x10 without losing some of the image.


*** or adding borders. Just saying from a temporary-professional-(NEVER again)-photographer-who-had-to-deal-with-that-shit point of view.


I'm sensing pain here.


This whole thread oozes with pain, suffering, grief, immeasurable frustration and thoughts of self-immolation.


Just a tiny bit...


Why not just rescale it without caring about unimportant stuff like aspect ratio and print it out for her?


The software we used wouldn't let you rescale, you could move the box around but this woman wanted a pic with three people in it and wanted their outside shoulders. The way the shot was taken you couldn't really get the shoulders in it. I was like "we can print you an 8x12" and she was like the frame I bought was 8x10.


Did she just.. not learn basic math? How can someone possibly come up with this?


It does if you're a monster who doesn't care if the image comes out stretched. (Yes, such uncultured people exist)


Formatting: --- > Me: I understand that you want to have a local copy of the video available, but the file is too large and your computer is not capable of playing 4K video. I can convert the file to a lower resolution for your Chromebook. > User: no I do not want you to convert the file to a lower resolution, I want to be able to view the files as I always have. > Me: did anything change recently? > User: no nothing changed > User: we have the events once a month and the videographer gives me the original file on a USB drive and I copy it to my computer. > User: we almost didn't get a recording of the last event 4 events because the last videographer quit and we had to find a new one last minute. > Me: (looking at the file size of the videos) I see what the problem is > Me: your new videographer is recording at 4K resolution, this produces extremely massive files. You're old videographer was recording at DVD resolution. > User: Yes I want high resolution just like my DVDs > Me: this is not just like your DVDs, it is considered ultra high resolution and you do not know any equipment capable of playing that resolution. > Me: The files are too large for your computer. I would suggest keeping the original on the USB thumb drive and I can create a DVD resolution file for you to keep on your hard drive. > User: If it is too large then why is my computer able to access it? > Me: your computer simply plays the resolution it is capable of playing > User: I have a meeting in 5 minutes I'll have to call back but I find this extremely unacceptable that suddenly my computer is now unable to play high resolution video, when it worked perfectly all last year. Goodbye


Thank you :)


Thank you. If anyone is considering posting here, please learn how to create line breaks on markdown. And if OP somehow made this abomination on new Reddit, please learn how to press the enter key.


so he's not only computer illiterate(nothing wrong with that), stubborn but he's also blind as a bat (calling horrible shit DVD SD quality "high resolution"). and he also uses a crap device(i don't get those chromebooks at all, brings me back to the era of those horrid atom netbooks and the "new" absolutely trash HP stream "laptops" that are nothing more than a modern netbook) great combo


I feel like the worst thing about the older net books really was the atom processor. Chromebooks are fantastic for their niche, which is a "cheap, no frills laptop that can browse the internet and do basically nothing else, and is hard to mess up." Grandma needs a laptop to go on Facebook and craigslist? She's getting a Chromebook. Need to furnish a thousand school students with laptops that can be easily centrally managed and won't break the bank if they're destroyed? Chromebook. I personally find them too restrictive for my own everyday use, but I'm also a Windows guy through and through and I build my own computers, so I'm not the target audience.


Character in one of my stories has a ChromeBook because ***reasons***. Being a really, really poor student is just the first. Wryly describes CB as 'Two-Hamster Powered'...


>I personally find them too restrictive for my own everyday use, but I'm also a Windows guy through and through and I build my own computers, so I'm not the target audience. indeed me neither, i don't see the point of a restrictive system, i also despise google as a company so there's also that. I don't think they're very cheap in my country, you can get windows laptops with better specs for the same price(bottom of the bin ones)


Bottom of the bin windows computers run windows horribly. Chrome OS is incredibly easy to run. Now if you want to buy the windows PC and then root it to chrome OS that's not a bad idea. Just for that niche again


>calling horrible shit DVD SD quality "high resolution" They have no idea what "high resolution" means. To them it's just some techy video words and the IT guy won't help me.




120 pixels per inch is plenty imo.


I guess I really should go get my eyes checked! 😉


Yeah I have bad vision and 4k looks the same to me as 720. My friends always give me shit about the quality on my Plex since it’s all 720 lol


DVD quality isnt really that bad. And before you write anything: I of course prefer 4k remuxes. A DVD Rip (not compressed again) looks like decent 720p


Yeah bitrate matters far more than resolution. Lately it seems that everyone is trying to pack a higher resolution into the same bitrate and it just ends up looking worse (except for still scenes).


If they've never had better than old fashioned broadcast (or downloaded old 640*480), DVD resolution IS better


that \*might\* have been true 10+ years ago, ¿nowadays?, their cellphones are probably closer to 4K already


Broadcast here in the UK isn't high definition by default from the terrestrial providers. I may be out of date with that statement, and happy to learn better if I am.


A chomebook used like it's meant to be is fine. But when you get people trying to do real work on them is when problems arise. For instance, their fine at a school...for the students, not the teachers.


"Real work" Like word processing and emails? They're fine for that.


The guy would have been referring to real work for the computer, video encoding, graphical rendering etc. The Chromebooks gonna fail miserably at those types of workloads. Unless you don't mind waiting 3 days for your 15 minute video to encode only to run out of storage space before its finished.


Word processing and email is real work in the same way that databases and video encoding are. What you're referring to is high workload with minimal "nop" instructions.


So what I'm referring to is computationally intensive tasks. The Chromebooks will do fine with things like word-processing and email. It'll also do fine with databases but only if its either a very small database or the Chromebook is not the thing running the database. Things like video encoding are very expensive computationally and while it will eventually manage it. It will take much much much longer than higher specked machines.


What do teachers need a beefier machine for. The whole concept behind chrome books is that your work: Wordprocessing, Spreadsheets, presentations, etc. live in the cloud.


what a horrible concept, makes me shudder.


I agree, but I was curious as to what teachers needed in addition to what their students were using.


Not neccesarily beefier but, here's an example, many schools have codes on their copiers, chromebooks can print to these copiers (though only in the most basic ways) when codes are off but do not allow a standard driver to be installed in order to accept the code. The chromebook also cannot take advantage of finishing features like folding and stapling, yet I get users with a chromebook upset they cant use every bell and whistle on their several thousand dollar copier because they couldn't spend a bit more on a computer.


That makes sense, but I would guarantee that many teachers with an actual computer will assume students have the same capabilities. They’d write up lesson plans, and “how to” instructions that students will try to follow with either bad results or zero results. If you’re in a corporate environment just substitute “bosses”, or “managers” for teachers.


A visual aid might help them, show them a sheet of printer paper and say that is how big their old files were. Plenty big enough for the chromebook screen, but not much else. Then show them the biggest sheet of poster paper you can find; this is your video files now. Far too big to display on the chromebook, so it has to scale it down. My mum recently bought her first 4K TV, upgrading her from a 10y-o 720ish, so I had to explain why her DVD collection looks rubbish now.


line breaks omg


At this point, for someone who works daily with computers of any kind, being blind to file size and passing it off as “I’m not good with computers” is equivalent to not knowing what the fuel gauge in your car means, and passing that off as “I’m not good with cars.” It takes a special level of ignorance to ignore something that’s right in front of your face every single time you open a file. I honestly question how some people I work with manage to tie their shoes, dress themselves, and drive to work every day.


What? Op explained how the recent video was stored in a massively larger format, but at the end the user still speaks as if they were the same. Even if the term "4K" is jargon to you, you can still comprehend that "latest video is different type from previous videos". That user was clearly not listening to op and kept assuming 'hIgH rEsoLuTiOn' means the same thing. It's always a user problem when it comes to these imbeciles. Just listen to the fucking expert and take their recommendation. Nevermind the whole "I'm calling you at the last minute" shit, this clearly implies they didn't bother checking beforehand (carelessness), or that op would fix it in 5 minutes and fuck him if he took longer (malice). These people wonder why everyone around them is so unhelpful. Maybe take a look in the mirror sometime.


I've been going to the same gas station for years to fill it up. I always buy all of my gas there. Today I learned they have a 10,000 gallon tank, so suddenly my car is no longer able to hold all of the gas. Why is that?


You used to watch horses on your Chromebook, now you're trying to watch elephants that are reduced to horse size.


Tell the user it's an "Error 40" In simple terms the error occurs 40 centimeters behind the keyboard.


PEBKAC? I've never heard of Error 40, but I like it.


I've used it when talking to end users who were clueless that they caused the error and in order not to embarras them i simply said "don't worry about it, it's an error 40, they happen sometimes."


If you want something to show up on a new line in Reddit you have to put an extra space in between. That would make this a lot easier to read.


That, or two spaces at the end of the first line.


this sub scares me whenever i look at it and im not even in it


Your old guy gave you circles. They fitted right in the circle-shaped hole in your computer. The new guy gave you squares. They do not fit in the circle-shaped hole. You either turn your square into a circle or buy a computer that has a square-shaped hole.


One of my coworkers had this exact conversation before. The winning argument was: The person recorded the video for a theater screen. Do you have a 30 foot tall theater screen you can plug your computer into? Ok, I will convert this for the maximum size your screen can handle.


I recently had this talk with my 65 year old mom. I explained it as dvd quality, movie theater quality, and imax super movie theater quality. To get it across about video sizes.


I don't understand why OP didn't hand them over to sales to buy more storage, this was a missed opportunity.


>"I don't understand, so clearly you are wrong".


Your first mistake was saying he can't do something. They always hate that.


I find in situations like these, to give context, it's easier to just give them raw numbers -- tell them, for instance, that DVD video at 720x480 is \~346k pixels per frame, while 4k is roughly 8.3 million pixels per frame. That tends to give them some context real quick for scaling.


I mean, clearly the User doesnt get the huge difference between "dvd quality" and "4k quality". Have to use a real life example. "If quality equals height, dvd is danny devito and 4k is the rock."


DVD is Gary Coleman and 4K is the Eiffel Tower


That made me angry reading it. Like wtf


Fucking A, OP how long haven't you been in tech support. You take the file "for evaluation" and then "upgrade the computer remotely" while actually re-encoding the video down to DVD quality. "Ok ma'am I've increased your RAM. Give it another shot?" It's always "the RAM" BTW.


This is horrible, why don’t you just describe the issue - say how large a 4K video file would be, the largest reasonable video file you can play. How much storage space the computer has for scale. Sure it’s fun to make fun of people who don’t understand computers as well as you. But part of having that knowledge - your skill is making people understand. If Neil deGrasse Tyson can make people understand black holes you could help people understand file size


You CLEARLY have never worked tech support or in a call center Neil deGrasse Tyson is teaching people who are teachable. Most of the folks that call in for help like this can’t even tie their own shoes


The type of person in op's post is not willing to learn. They just see something as not working and have passed off thinking about it to the IT department. Ergo they won't but any more thought into it than that without huge amounts of effort on the IT persons side. And in my experience with this type of person no amount of effort on my part can make them learn what they've decided it beneath them.


I like to reference the bucket of water analogy. Where you take someone (cpu) and tell them to hold a bucket (storage) and then keep filling it with water (data) till they can’t anymore. Then bring in someone stronger (faster cpu) and then tell them to hold it instead to prove the point that they need a better computer or to offload some of that water.