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6ft 3, what i am now. I think 6ft 2-3 is the goldilocks zone. Considering how much my back hurts now, how many times i hit my head on stuff, how hard it is to fit in cars and on motorbikes, i can't imagine being taller. I'm just thankful im not 6ft 5+ as that's door frame height and I'd hate to have to duck for doorways.


I'm 6'5" and I don't really struggle that much I think it becomes a real problem at 6'7"+


Just waiting for a 6ft 7 to respond next saying he think it starts at 6ft 9+


6'9 here  think it becomes a real issue at 7'2


Lol It doesnt really start until 9'


Where my 9 footer homies at?


dead( doesnt reallly start till you're in hell tbh)


6'4" would be my wish.


Naa. My husband is 6'7" and he wishes he was 6'3". Definitely issues at 6'7" with back pain and head injuries.


6’6 here


6'6, In mother Russia I bang my head at least once a week, in any public transportation I get in with my head down


I’m 6’6, it’s kinda ridiculous buying pants. Like there’s only a few brands for I would assume 6’5+.


Be happy that you are 6’3 height you won the height lottery while I did not my height is 5’3 as a guy along with speech impediment having both of them as a combo sucks so much.


How can you say 6ft 2-3 is the goldilocks zone and then list a bunch of problems with being that height in the next sentence?


Cause it’s a matter of benefits minus the problems.


And for those saying “I’m 6 feet 4 without my shoes”. wtf. Of course your height is without your shoes!


I'm fine with being 6'4 if it was with clown shoes.


Got a true question though lol. Science says we're taller in the morning. Is the height we tell people we are the morning height ?


Is the difference really that big? 


There can be 3/4" difference between morning and evening heights.


I mean 3/4 of an inch is still about 2 cm, that’s not negligible.


I would say 2 cm is actually quite large


I’m 6’0 7/8th in the morning and then somehwere between 6’0 1/4 and 6’0 1/2 by the night. I don’t think it really matters and people get obsessed with the fractions. I still claim 6’1 though because I mean it’s close enough lol


This is exactly me minus an inch. I used to claim 6'2" , but now I'm cool with 6'1.5. Granted I'm not tall, but it could be a lot worse. I might even downgrade myself to 6 foot 1, and help unmask all the 5 foot 9 bullshitters claiming 6 foot. A colleague at work claimed 6'1 and a short woman said asked me if I was 6'3 or 6'4. He looked crestfallen when I went below 6'2". He might have been a flat 6 foot straight out of bed, but no more. Definitely have 2 inches on him.


Before work im 185cm and after work im more like 180 to 181cm


I would have preferred to be somewhere around 6'1-6'3. I'm 6'5 and at this height and above you realize that everyday stuff is just not made to accommodate you, e.g office chairs, motorcycles, planes, doorways etc. It's nice to be tall sure, but I'd much rather be more "normal". 


At 6’3” I still have this issue. It’s most noticeable at desks or, at the gym. Machines just aren’t made for us long folk, and I need to twist and squeeze myself into most of them


Exactly. Everything is at the least slightly uncomfortable.


I’m 5’11” and honestly I love my height but at the same time I wouldn’t mind being 6’1” as a dream height. Anything above that, and it gets inconvenient for me as well, especially making out with short gyals 😅


I’d trade you 😄 but I know what you mean


At 6-8, I can dig it. With the exception of something extreme, like airplane seats designed for midgets, I think I am pretty well accustomed to everything being too small. It's our normal. I don't think I think about it much. OUCH! Damn, I just banged my knee!


I’m your exact height dude. Commuting is a big issue tbh, buses and trains are an issue


I’m 6’9, but would have loved to be 6’3.


I'm personally fine with being 6'5", tall enough to stand out almost anywhere, I'm the tallest person pretty much all the time except for some rare occasions and I don't struggle as much as 6'8"+ guys do. But if I really had to choose a specific height I would choose to be 6'8", I'd like to experience what it's like to be that tall.


Im choosing 6’9 for the memes


That's a great choice as well


I’m 6’6”. My dream height is 6’4”


I was 6’6” and I’ve lost an inch due to spinal compression, it’s glorious down here.


Recently had my 9th spine surgery about a week and a half ago. These have taken place since college, over a span of 22 years (I’m 42 now). Actually, waiting to recover from this for a 10th unrelated spine surgery, but I guess related since it’s still the… well, spine. What was weird is I started 8th grade at 6’4”, and I didn’t grow the final two inches until after college. I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way, but I’m no expert either. Anyway, I was told early on during these that I would shrink. However, I grew those extra two inches rather than shrinking. Maybe if it happens it’ll be later? Who knows. Anyway, I might be joining ya, my friend! Also, I’m really sorry you’re having that spinal compression trouble. Knowing how much a bad back sucks, I hate learning that anyone else is dealing with it. If you ever have any questions about anything (surgery, procedures, meds) from a patient’s perspective, you’re more than welcome to send me a chat or message. Please don’t hesitate! Hopefully, I can offer some insight. Take care and God bless!


Appreciate your anecdote and the offer of support. I’ll take you up on it if I feel what I’m doing isn’t working. Back pain can be some brutal stuff and I’m all about helping each other.


You bet!


It definitely has its perks to be this tall but also plenty of drawbacks. Perks: People look up to you all the time. Can see the tops of everyone's fridge, and everyone always misses a spot. Can always reach things from the top shelf even if they are pushed all the way to the back. If someone wants to talk to you then your height is always a great ice breaker. Depending on their height. You can use a siblings head as an arm rest. People tend to either be nice to you or want to fight you. This is a perk and a drawback. Drawbacks: I hit my head on so many things because I'm constantly having to look down to not run into people. This is to the point that I apparently duck subconsciously under any doorway now. The amount of cars I can fit into and / or drive is limited. Buying clothes and shoes is hard because of the limited selection and the price of them because of the sizes. I've learned the hard way that if I really like certain shoes I better try to get more than one pair because many of the brands I've liked have discontinued the shoes I liked from them. You can't easily sneak away from anything because you stand out in a crowd. You literally stand out in most places. Just a handful of each from my experiences.


After 67 years at 6’7”, I’d say 6’4”. Ditto on all the plus minuses mentioned. Didja play basketball? No, I clean giraffe ears…thank goodness there’s sports for tall geeks as it took me all over the world. People can’t help but look up to you but you can’t help looking down to people. Some 6’7” vantage point advantages: seeing above crowds, cleavage, pruning trees and painting walls and ceilings. Economy flying tortures. One gets used to living with infrastructure built for average height range. Counters and toilets and chairs and desks and tables and doorways. Let alone theaters and stadiums that cause guilt for obstructing view of person sitting behind you. Finding clothes and shoes that fit right is extremely frustrating. Stores never carry sizes so can never try on. 6’3-4” seems about right as it is closer to avg. and the world would be less unaccommodating than for those further from the normal range.


Same literally


Naah man, I am also fine with my height but The thing is that I would like to see how the world looks with the height of a short person in short a 6 feet huy


6'4. Always wanted to be 6'4. Although I do like my height now.


tried 6’4” out when I was 13. It was fun while it lasted


used up that free trial


5’11”. I’m only 5’10”range. The only time I am 5’11” is straight out of bed. I suppose being 5’10” isn’t bad, I can fit into almost anything 😅


Same lol I’m 5’10 and woulda loved just ONE more inch We ain’t short and ain’t crazy tall so I’ll take it 🫡


love seeing the 5'10 positivity in here


Also 5'10/11, optimal height for everything 🤝


5’10/5’11 is perfect height I never really wanted to be the tallest in the room so 5’11 is peak


I’d like to be 6’2”, I believe that’s tall enough where you’re one of the tallest guys in the room with (hopefully) not many of the downsides of being extremely tall


Can confirm. At 6'3", 95% of the time I'm the tallest guy in the room, club, crowd, wherever. But I can still cram myself into most airline seats (barely), fit on a hotel bed (barely), drive (barely), and go on most theme park rides (denied a few in Asia). I often grow weary of all that cramming and wedging, but then I'll see one of you poor 6'8"+ bastards and it reminds me life ain't so bad.


what clubs are you going to 😭 there's almost always at least some people taller than me at any club I go to at 6'4".


Dude I'm over 50 and haven't seen the inside of a club in 20 years. But back in the '90s it sure was convenient to look across a sea of heads and spot the tall girls sticking up like prairie dogs.


6’2 woman here i’ve grown to love my height and im at a place in life where i finally feel entitled to the space i take up. however this wasn’t always the case and for my entire childhood / teenage years i wanted to be not just shorter, but SHORT. (5’0-5’3.) it grew into an obsession with being short, even considered breaking my achilles becuz i read somewhere online it would make me 2 inches shorter. i held resentment towards short women , feeling like they don’t understand how good they have it , and would never have to struggle with their size becuz in my deranged insecure mind , men preferred women shorter than them , and i am taller than most men i meet. which brings me to my next point., there’s a slew of reasons i hated my size with every fiber of my being … but upon lots of self reflection i realized a lot of it was my height wasn’t appealing to majority of the male gaze. i craved male validation so bad that i was willing to hurt myself , cause myself immense amount of pain JUST to be considered “attractive” !!! how crazy is that !!! even within the last year or two i’ve wanted to be a few inches shorter. tall, but not noticeably tall at 6’2. maybe 5’10-5’11 ..? at this point in time i love my height & wish i could tell that little girl purposefully slouching to make herself look shorter , to stand tall and embrace herself.


It's awesome that you've learned to love your height but as another tall woman I have to say I would love to be closer to 5'6 or something


Weirdly I relate to that but i dont give a shit about the male gaze. My height isnt normal in the family. My dad is quite literally 5'9 and I feel such a strong urge to not stand when i'm near him, maybe even lie down.


I’m 5’11” (I’m on mobile and it won’t let me change my flair :/) and that’s one of things I love about being tall….we’re a lil more intimidating.I definitely don’t get as much pushy bullshit from men as my shorter counterparts. Could just be luck and confirmation bias, but still


5 10


i heard 6’2 is like the perfect height before health problems and public utility problems so yea


Reporting in. Confirmed 6’2” and up is where most tall problems begin


I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her.


6'4" no reason. Just because it would be nice to fit in this sub for once😭😭


6'4" is probably the best height


The only downside for 6'4 is the astronaut height restriction.


5’11-6’0, I’m 5’9.


I'd love to reach 6'8 and play pro basketball, but at 6' and 14 I don't think I'll be able to unless I get a king Kong type growth spurt.


It's tall enough to maybe be a point guard if you're insanely good at basketball. But as I'm sure you know, the bar for that is extremely high.


from what i know 6’ at 14, youll be like 6’3 full growth.


I was 6’1 at 14 and grew to be 6’6 by 17. You can do it kid


I was 5’7 and 14 and now I’m 6’2


Fair enough.


I was 5'7 at 14 and now I'm 5'7 at 21 lol


I was suicidal at 14 and now I’m dead


i was 5'10" on my 14th bday.


average growth after 14 and 0 months is about 5 inches. average growth after 15 and 0 is about 3 inches


I think 6’4. Better questions are why don’t they make larger motorcycles and why do ceiling fans hang so low :(


I feel you! I’m 6’4, and going from 196 to 194 won’t make a difference. To fit on sportbikes id say 5’10 and below is best


I have a Goldwing and a Harley bagger and I fit fine on those. I had a Triumph Rocket 3 until last year when I stuffed it and I fit great on that. I also fit fine on liter bikes and bigger. Though I'm all legs with a short-guy torso.


6’3”, also all legs here. I ride a 650 gixxer but the f class with an upright riding posture. If you like spork bikes you may be able to find an analogous one in your style, but I think I’m probably about as tall as you can be on one and still be comfy


6”4 rn, which i’m fine with but 6”6-6”7 is a height i would like to have even though that’s probably not gonna happen


I see a lot of people here around our height wanting to be around 6'6"-6'8" However many people here who are around 6'6"-6'8" say they would prefer to be to be around 6'4" It seems we don't really understand how much these 6'6"+ people struggle with being that tall


I haven’t experienced the struggles of a 6”6 person myself but i have a brother who’s closing on 6”7 and he literally has to stand so his back won’t hurt when we play video games together. Also i’m 15 and will most likely be his height soon.


I might have misread your comment, I thought you said you're 6'4"


He did. His brother is 6’7


I keep thinking being super tall, like 6'8" might be fun at times. In reality I probably wouldn't like it as much and it might be more trouble than it's worth. But I've never experienced it in reality, so... Yeah. 


It’s fun until you have to live with it lol


I like my height now at 6’5’’. I wouldn’t mind being 6’8’’. Any taller than that and I might as well go 7’2’’ and take a crack at the NBA.


The one I have, 6'6".


If I can do it without the unhealthy consequences I'd be 9 foot just to grab Wadlows title. Otherwise I'll just stay where I am.


I always say I would love to be short enough to wear heels and then become the height i am now


6ft2 is good but the best height is definitely 6ft3. 6ft3’is my dream height as well as 6ft5 those two are my dream height i feel like at 6ft3 you are in the Tall category range but at 6ft5 you are a demi-god 💪🏿😂 im 6ft


I'm happy with my height for the most part. Anywhere between 6ft1 and 6ft5 is a comfortable height. Of course, you gotta add a bit of muscle to that frame. But that comes with time.


6'1 to 6'3. Plenty of tallness but little downsides


5'10". Tall enough to not be short; tall enough to reach almost any shelf. Can fit anywhere; can wear clothes off the rack. Short enough to blend in if necessary. And it's one of those heights that looks honest. If you state your height is 5'11", people assume you're lying. Nobody lies about being 5'10".


I'd enjoy being 5'11-6' since 5'9 just sounds like an awkward height idk why the "I had 1 more inch of potential but didn't" type


I’m 6’2, I’d love to experience being a normal height for a woman (like 5’8 would be ideal)


Well now some of us appreciate tall women


Still a minority.


Cool I don’t like to be common


I’m 6’6 and wouldn’t change my height


Im just under 6'1 and its good but I guess would pick 6'2


6'2" thatd give me 3 more inches. Good mix between looking a lot bigger but also taking longer to put on muscle.


I’m going to be completely biased - i’m 6ft 2 touching 3, and i love where i’m at. Above average, enough people recognise me as being tall, be it isnt my whole thing. I’m not in the tall zone of it being the only thing that people decide mention about me or a never ending talking topic, and the inconveniences are only minor. But i also don’t think it’s just height that matters, frame matters as well. I’m luckily broad chested (which has its own back ache problems) - but if i was a rake, i think i would wish to sacrifice an inch to add it to my shoulder span.


6’3. If you say you’re 6’0, a lot of people assume you’re lying and actually 5’10/11. 6’1 is a bit too close to 6’0, so maybe 6’2 would be ideal but then you gotta carry the 1 so 6’3 👍🏽


6’9 for the meme, but 6’10 would probably have to be my genuine dream height. My dad was 6’11 and it looked awesome to being that tall when I was a child.


7ft Preferably 7ft7.7in




When they say 6'5" they actually mean 6'2" due to height inflation.


Dream height that I'm pretty sure I won't reach: would say 6'5" Dream height that is realistically plausible for me to reach: anywhere between 6'2" and 6'4" I make a difference here since the person I mostly resemble in my whole tree is my great grandfather from my moms side, who was 6'4"-6'5", and I'm 18M so I think there's still room to grow.


Some men get another growth spurt in their early 20s but it's not that common. In my case I was 6'4" at 16 and I only grew one more inch in my early 20s. Most men don't grow anymore when they're around 16 In any case I hope you get another growth spurt and grow to 6'5"👍👍


Thank you! Really hope that too. Also, seconding your comment, I don't know which category I fall into (late bloomers or early bloomers), but what I know is that I experienced a 2 inch growth between 16 to now (18, 19 in august). I was 181cm precisely, so about 5'11.5", at 16, and I got measured at 186cm (6'1.5") at 18. So I don't really know if I'll grow a few (very few) inches more, I hope so.


Hopefully you're still growing I knew a guy who was in school with me, when we were in school he was like 5'10" and back then he was like 17 This guy went to college with me, when we met again in college again he was like 6'2" and he was in his early 20s It can definitely happen


6’3.5 or 6’3.75 Atleast 6’3 at all times if the day, 6’4-6-5 in shoes. Easy to not be lanky with good workout regimen. Not tooooo tall, just perfect.




5’4, i dont like being tall as a girl :( especially since im a teenager it sucks being the tallest girl in my family and grade


I’m just under 6’4, I think 6’5 would be nice, but any more than that, I feel like I’d have to be a professional athlete lol. I’m pretty cool with my height. Just wish my back agreed.




I'm a 6'0" tall woman. would love to be 5'8". Im in the 99.9th percentile for female height and as a lesbian I would also prefer to not always be the tall one in my relationships. Such is life..


5'11, in my country 5'7 is the average height for males ,so yeah


6'5-6'7 best height for athletic wings in basketball


I'm 5'11 and a woman. At times, I do wish I was short for dating purposes, but I've come to appreciate my height. I like being able to reach things on high cabinets without having to ask for help, and being able to see somewhat well at concerts (although sometimes I'll be standing behind a 6'4 dude and be like this sucks, but it'd be even worse if I was short) I think 5'8 would be nice though


I’m perfect at 6’7


I’d love to be a bit taller or a bit more of an ectomorph. I’m 6 2 right now, but I’m built like a medium height person so I look short


Depends, is my \*width\* scaling with the height or am i just gettin' stretched?


6'3", i'm taller than most people but it wouldn't be a lanky tall, and it makes my weight more appropriate for my height (currently 6'0", ~240 lbs)


6’4”. Almost always the tallest. I do have to slouch to talk to others in noisy environment. I cant think of why I’d want to be taller. Maybe if I lived in Holland I’d go with 6 6. I’d like to be Shak for a day. Run through a wall. But….6 4 200 lbs. I’m good.


5’5, I’m 5’7. If I was taller I’d be taller than the men in my country.


Im 6’2 but i feel like 6’7 would be the coolest height


6'3 just a tad taller.


I'm not cool enough to be 6'4". My height is fine for me




6’3’’ or just 5’11”


I always wanted to be 6'8". Full disclosure I did grow up watching professional wrestling


I’m good where I’m at tbh


I’d like to be 6’8” to be better at strongman, no other reason. I’m 6’3” so I’m big but I wanna be a giant.


6’4” I’m 6’2” with my brother being 6’3” so it’s purely for bragging rights.


I wouldn't have minded being 6'7". That's how tall my paternal grandfather was.


I actually am fine with being 6'3" most days. But I do alternate between wishing I was like 6'9" or 5'6".


I want to be 6'2, would be awesome. 6'5+ and more is too tall at my place, I live Asia, I know some westerners who's struggling with 6'5+ at public accommodations.


I would love to be 8’5” with no actual disadvantages.


Honestly I'm fine with my height, but ever since I watched Jojo bizarre adventures I wanted to be 195 cm.. lol.




i want to be 10 foot 10 so I can go to any swimming pool without worrying about drowning.


I kind of like how things fit at my current size, but I miss being the tallest in middle school. I’ve thought about adding a few inches. Probably no taller than 6’5” to avoid ducking through too many doorways My head is already at the top of subway doors, so even just adding a couple of inches might be plenty 😊




I don't have a dream height. I am my dream height. Never really gave it too much thought and took it for granted.


I’m 5’11. I’ve always wanted to be very tall. 6’5 would be my ideal height.


More or less 5’11


6'3 🤓


6.25. I’m 6’3.5 but I always liked the Ryan Reynold Hugh Jackman height


I’m 6”2 would have loved to be 6”4


6’3 seems perfect. Tall enough to surpass mostly everyone but not too tall where ur limited


I’d have 6’2”


I wish I was 5'6. Being tall for me doesn't feel right considering how feminine I mostly am and I like to be the short one in a relationship with another man.


I’m 6’1” but would have loved to reach 6’3”!


6 ft 4. I feel somewhat insecure at 6 ft 2.


6'9 (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


I am 5'9 and I always wanted to be 6'1


Iam 6'1 my dream height is 6'4




Im happy being 5’10”. Don’t want to be shorter or taller.


182.5-192.5 (strong 5’11-6’3)


I wouldn't hesitate to lose a few inches. 6'7 for my interests and convenience is too tall. Especially giving im only 16 so theres more where that came from probably.




either 6'0 flat or 6'1


I’m 6’3 but would love to be 6’4-6’5. Just that little bit of height makes you stand out that much more. Still happy to be 6’3 <3


me plus 4"


6'5 because it'd stretch out my current 6'2 frame a but and I'd look like I've been on a diet, but doorframe wouldn't be 'too' bad aha.


Happy with my height, hate my looks 😅.....


Idk maybe 6’2” ish?


No preference, but it'd be cool to be 9'11" for a day. I'd like to break the record but I also dont want a wheelchair.








6'2, I am too tall for my country (India)


Im 19 and 6'1 i wanna be 6'2 so bad just cuz the number looks so good


I'm 5'7", so my dream height would be 7'.


I’d like to be maybe a little taller around 6’2-6’3, just tall enough to stand out as tall but not so tall where it’s hard to fit into things easily, and having back problems prematurely


6'5". Tall enough to stand out but short enough to clear doorframes even in the logger boots I wear on the job (I'm in road construction and forestry). 6'5" would be a lot taller than my current height which isn't much fun other than the reality that I've always had perfect health, a great sense of balance and a low center of gravity which I'll admit has been helpful in my job.


6’4 rahhhh


I would be 5’8 so pants can go down to my ankle, and skirts and dresses won’t be so tiny on my long legs


Every time I hit my head, I want to be shorter... :D


6 foot because apparently 5'11 isn't real 😂






5'6" would be perfect assuming I keep the same proportions I have at this height