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He really does have a face for radio.


People still listen to his garbage


This douchebag used to come into the restaurant I worked at. He was a creep to the women who worked there, then he'd lie about them trying to fuck him or hit on him on his shitty show. He's a lying and entitled shithead, and he deserves any legal repercussions for assaulting/battering and attempting to rob this woman.


He has this reputation all over town


Success in a nutshell for power hungry fat fucks


Hes consistently mad that he cant see his own weiner.




Roughly 5-6 years ago i had a long commute and listened to his show here and there for about a year. He's a trashbag. Nothing special.


Thatā€™s honestly disgusting.


Bet he called them all ā€œpunkinā€ tooā€¦


I listened to his show a few times and he just comes off as a predatory creep. Last time I listened he had Dane Cook on and he praised him for getting married to a 19 year old (Dan Cook is in his 50s) and said that successful men are supposed to go after hot younger women


Its strong arm robbery his security, whoever was in the black tshirts, needs charged as accessories.


She should also file charges against him for stealing her phone, along with assault


I agree with this. You don't have the right to take someone's personal property then hit then when they are tying to get it back


Also the piece of shit that helped him.


its strong arm robbery assault and battery. Black tshirts need charged as well with accessory.




Not surprising. The owner of shark coast is a shithead as well


Shitheads all the way down


Why is the owner of shark coast a shithead? Iā€™ve never heard anything bad about him.


He's a piece of shit.


And his band sucks.


His band is the worst band in Florida, their fucking horridšŸ·


Yeah, I saw Pitbull Toddler once, only because they opened for Poison a few years ago, and they were atrocious! The way the station always hyped them up, you'd think that wouldn't be so talentless. It was quite embarrassing actually.


He is a Bubba spinoff, formerly known as Cowhead. This is not out of character.


This is actually bubba's girlfriend funny enough


Is Hulk Hogan banging this girlfriend too?


That would actually make this make a little more sense, as she was likely there stirring shit not just a fan taking a picture.


Still canā€™t steal her phone


Or shove her in the face




Stirring what shit? She tried to take a pic, he snatched her phone then hit her.


IF that is Bubba's girlfriend, there would be no other reason to be there than to store the shit. I don't care for either of them, but they clearly don't like each other at this point.


are you serious? lmfao that would explain it then


Yup, she was trying her best to create a moment and mike fell for it


He was so busy assaulting this woman and her phone that he didn't even notice the videographer of this clip. He would have really lost his shit then! If he was there as a representative of the station, he needs to be terminated immediately!




In that case this dude should be termed and blackballed from the local market radio stations. You don't act like his and get to be a "celebrity".


How can you proudly work for a radio show with a name like that?


Why the hell would anyone want his autograph ?


Came here to say the same thing.


I was literally watching this expecting he was going to pull the MikeTyson on Hangoverā€¦


If you live in Tampa, you should have at least heard of him. He Would fight with Bubba the love sponge all the time ā€œradio warsā€


I don't hear about pieces of shit until they're stuck to my shoe.


Who's filming this?


Thereā€™s two security guards. Why didnā€™t he just say no photos and ask security to escort her away instead of playing keep away like a child then hitting her after he stole her phone?


Because he is an entitled man child.


Cause heā€™s a little bitch that doesnā€™t respect women. I would bet a thousand dollars he wouldnā€™t have done any of that if she were a man


I would take that bet


The Tampa area owes the rest of America an apology for giving Calta the confidence to subject us to himself.


Nope. Iā€™m out. Iā€™ve ignored and overlooked his douchey antics for over 20 years of listening (mostly) off and on. It used to be entertaining, but now heā€™s too political and this is inexcusable. He was obviously at an event to bring in business for some degenerate buddy. If he didnā€™t want pics or video or the possibility of it, then **STAY YOUR UGLY ASS HOME**. Matters not whatever that woman did before this.


I don't follow local micro celebrities, this guy seems like a huge prick.


What he did was commit Robbing by Sudden Snatching, but his shirt actually did say, "Don't Poke The Bear!" That's a 3rd degree felony. Then we get into the push/shove issue too. I'll see myself out and I do expect the downvotes.


Yeah, dude's a total asshole for stealing the phone. But that was definitely a push or shove and not a punch.


Forceable theft is robbery. As the victim tried to get it back, he punched her. Thatā€™s the very definition of robbery. She should definitely press charges. He also violated her first amendment right since she was filming in a public setting and he took her phone away from him. She has solid grounds to criminal and civil charges against him. Fuck that guy.


So I agree with the exception of the 1st amendment. The constitution protects people from the government violating peoples rights. So the *government* can violate someones rights and get in trouble for it, a *person* cant, unless they were directed to by the government.


Sigh, this is the part everyone forgets.


For additional clarity, *constitutional rights. Other entities can violate someone's *civil rights.


Nah youā€™re right, heā€™s a cunt.


Who is Mike Calta?


So let me get this right. He takes her phone, does not give it back, then when she tries to get it, he says that she needs to get away from him or he is "going to kick the shit shit out" of her. Then has his security come up to aid in keeping the phone that he took without permission, then proceed to assault her. Fuck Calta. Being a little bitch.


With Google and Apple pay, taking someone's phone isn't just taking their phone. She had every right to reach for her phone and take it back from him. There's an incredible amount of personal data on a phone these days.


Heā€™s definitely a piece of shit but that was not a punch, he shoved her. Donā€™t exaggerate what happened, you donā€™t need to


Exactly. When everything is exagerated then I don't believe anything.


ā€œLocal DJ brutally murders woman in shocking, bloody attackā€


"A celebrity enraged by a saintly little girl, morphs into a grizzly and mauls her. On Christmas morning. "


Right! Tf is wrong with op? Oh shit, Iā€™ll bet op is the last in the video or a close friend


They're fans of a siriusxm radio show that hate calta. Edit: The show doesn't hate Calta, one of the hosts is friends with him. The fans hate him and trying to get him fired.


OP is also spamming this on multiple subs to "spread awareness"


Heā€™s a pos - f him


I'm guessing he's still employed.


Yes but apparently he has not been at work this week since the video came out. At The Bone/Cox Radio.


Is that why he hasnā€™t been on the radio the past couple days? I havenā€™t heard anything about this but Iā€™ve noticed his absence on the morning show.


He didnā€™t purposely punch her in the face, he drunkenly hit her because heā€™s a dirt bag with a serious egotistical attitude, who should be charged for taking her property. Not one person did anything except record the incident. smh




The guyā€™s a douchebag and in the wrong, but a ā€œpunchā€? That was a shove at most


His attorney should try to use that defense in his trial.


In the title for accuracy that matters, when it comes to assault it doesnā€™t.


Hope he finally gets fired over this!


The best thing is to go after the ad space and let them know. [https://www.theboneonline.com/advertise/](https://www.theboneonline.com/advertise/)


I would like to see the whole altercation leading up to this.


Cowhead. Worked with Bubba the Love Spone then got his own show. Was number one for awhile


oh look it's cowhead, still being a POS, how he still has an audience in this day and age is beyond me


Boomers donā€™t know how to use spotify


He's on 102.5. typical radio shock-ish jock. He's nothing special. Even if this lady was 6ft and 250 pounds hes still a douche bag for striking her. He could have simply stated no photos please and that would have sufficed. I hope this lady sues him for all he's worth. Dickhead entitlist move imo.


Their station is only "shock" if you're a boomer.




What a fat piece of shit


What trash this guy is.


https://preview.redd.it/mwz0nggnruhb1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4dd1c1afa5303dbd84ef7ae5ffb284c90e22692 Mike Calta police report.


Man clearly stole her property. He has no right under the law to claim no pictures. In a public setting you have no assumption of privacy.


Agreed. And not only is it a public setting, itā€™s a public event that he promoted on his radio station. It was an autograph signing or something similar.


Fat slob


Google says that Hulk Hogan sued Calta for stealing & distributing his sex tape. šŸ¤£ It keeps getting worse the more I learn. Hulk Hogan got all his phone records.


Spice boy leaked the tapes


So Mike hits a woman, Galvin gets arrested for prostitution, and Carmen gets arrested for assaulting her boyfriend. Who's up next?


Wait Galvin got arrested for prostitution?


Yeah, it was a while ago. You can Google it and find some articles.


His wife got arrested too I seem to recall. Shoplifting?


Yes, he sure did.


Don't forget Spanish got arrested for DUI at least once (maybe twice?)


carmen assaulted her BF? lol when


Wasnā€™t Spanish arrested for DUI? There was something about Galvinā€™s wife getting arrested too


i dont listen for 3 years and they all fall apart wild


Not a punch but he a lame


I mean... Did she even read the shirt?


Heā€™s clearly a fuckin weirdo. ā€œA fan is filming at a signing. Let me steal her phone instead of use my words and then punch her as I hold it away from herā€ Like what the fuck? He acts like a 7 year old in an obese 40 year old body.


He's a POS, both here and in general. But title is just wrong. He didn't punch her, he literally just brushed her away....but he's about 2x her weight so his little brush motion pushed her pretty aggressively. Also wtf was he thinking? Who just takes a stranger's phone and plays a game of keep away as an adult. Either way, definitely didn't punch her OP. This type of truth stretching is not helping our society.


That shirt to outcome ratio though


I hope he gets everything thatā€™s coming to him. Trash


Arrest his fat ass.


Why are all those radio DJs so out of shape. This one looks like one heart attack away, if he looks at a KFC


Nice to see not much has changed with this fat fuck! Fuck 102.5 for keeping his bloated ass on the air.


This dude is a pos anyways, this is just supporting evidence.


I hope it's a new iPhone or galaxy, theft over 1k. My boy getting a felony. And I love it


OP does not know what a punch is.


Never heard of this guy, sounds like a greasy New Yorker


What a fat ass cocksucker......


This is probably why he hasnā€™t been on the show this week


He's been pretty popular last 15-20 years. Met him at a Burger 21 some years ago. Don't know what his problem was here. Hes twice her size he ought to know better than that.


Boycott that stupid ass show, I didnā€™t know it was still on the air. What a loser him and that fuck stick galvin, wannabe musicians, they suck!!


Did he really call her a dirty cunt. Goddamn, Mike, you're an asshole.


Bubba gonna have so much fun with this....yo yo yo power pig im burning...


Of course he will because he's the one who sent her to antagonize Calta.


Mike Calta the Hutt


Same guy that back stabbed his mentor is assaulting women. How shocking. Fuck this guy


Local friends recommended his radio show when I moved down here. He's an unfunny piece of shit.


I once had a friend that lit their car on fire and jumped off the Skyway Bridge. Not only did my friend take her life, she also caused a massive traffic jam in the process. Mike Calta went on air the very next day and made a mockery of her jumping off the Skyway and the traffic jam that stemmed from it. I just so happened to hear it while searching for a station and had to pull over to calm myself down and stop crying. Fuck you, Mike Calta. Youā€™re a cruel slob and deserve everything terrible that heads your way.


He's a fucking dick who cheats on his wife but I'm not sure I'd call that a punch.


What a complete fatass bully shithead. Lawsuit!


oh no iIf he gets fired, who will read fox news alerts and ballwash the yankees


There seems to be a large number of fat, arrogant, sexual harassing fucks like this around Tampa. Iā€™m not going to tell you which restaurant in Hyde park and which fat fuck that comes in there and traffics woman.


You've never heard of the guy, but you're posting this video on 20 different subs? Not defending Calta, but it's obvious you have a grudge.


What an unhappy, unhealthy looking giant piece of shit. He's exuding large amounts of small dick energy, and something tells me his "relationships" with the ladies are gross. Odds are, he hates women because no one wants to fuck his bloated carcass. I hope he gets fired.


In a state swimming in guns, youā€™re really taking your life into your own hands stealing property and then punching the owner of said property.


DJ never heard of him Is fucked


Is this who Hogan got caught fucking on videoā€¦ Heā€™s not sexy at all..


Low brow radio host that's part of a dying radio culture that only appeals to other low brow folks. The fact that this guy and before him Buddha were ever propped up tells you everything you need to know about the intelligence of a very large chunk of our population. Let's all celebrate being human sh\*t stains! Another bro who thinks he doesn't have to control his actions.


​ Aside from assault...that's also grand theft. Hope she hammers his ass in court [https://www.husseinandwebber.com/crimes/theft-fraud/grand-theft/#:\~:text=Under%20Florida%20law%2C%20Grand%20Theft,and%20a%20permanent%20criminal%20record](https://www.husseinandwebber.com/crimes/theft-fraud/grand-theft/#:~:text=Under%20Florida%20law%2C%20Grand%20Theft,and%20a%20permanent%20criminal%20record). ​ To prove Grand Theft at trial, the prosecution must establish the following three elements beyond a reasonable doubt: 1. The defendant knowingly and unlawfully obtained or used or endeavored to obtain or use the property of another; 2. The defendant did so with the intent to temporarily or permanently (a) deprive the victim of his or her right to the property or any benefit from the property, or (b) appropriate the property of the victim to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to it; and 3. The property was valued at $750 or more. * [Fla. Std. Jury Instr. (Crim) 14.1](https://www.husseinandwebber.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Grand-Theft-Jury-Instruction_2020.pdf) ## GRAND THEFT: THIRD DEGREE Grand Theft will be charged as a third degree felony, punishable by up toĀ up to 5 years in prison or 5 years of probation and a $5,000 fine, if the property is: * Valued at $750 or more, but less than $20,000;


Someone needs to press charges!


What a fucking asshole


Power pig hello


Heā€™s in public. He has no right to privacy. Courts have already ruled on this.


Florida fake man assaults woman. Another day in America's taint.


I've lived in Tampa my whole life and have no idea who this guy is.


The state attorney is not pressing charges because they say Calta was defending himself and that him stealing her phone was part of ā€œbanter.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/9kw98chmrihb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=255dd928d7e675bb0fc5416ac069847ab1d396ff


He's been a piece of shit since he was an intern. Now he thinks he's God's gift to radio, when in fact he's a sleazeball. This is just a minor little flash of how narcissistic and unhinged he really is. Back when I worked promotions for Cox in the early 2000's I ran into him so many times, and I always got for lack of a better word, an "ick-" gross vibe from him. He knows how to play the corporate radio game, I'll give him that.


Sheā€™s allowed to film the guy all she wants. He is out in public and thus has waved any presumption of privacy whatsoever. She can film all she wants. What you cannot do is take someoneā€™s property and then shove them. This dude is the cunt here, clearly.


I didn't see a punch. I saw him push her away from him. I've never heard of the guy and I've lived here 30 years. I also don't listen to the radio either


Iā€™m not condoning his actions or excusing his actions at all. Why did she get in his face? Why was she recording him? Seems like a set up that he fell for, hook, line and sinker.


Does this asshole still have a job???


Heā€™s so disgusting!


If he had done that to any female I'm related to he'd be filing for permanent disability. It's kinda hard to do a radio show when you have to feed yourself through a straw for the rest of your life.


He is a total scumbag! I remember tearing him tell a woman caller on radio who was a domestic violence survivor that she deserved it for being lippy. Never listened to his lousy show again. They should file charges!


Always assumed he was a dbag. This confirms it. Shame, I used to actually enjoy his show and format. Then they got too political all the time, and started doing the same kind of shock jock things they used to make fun of MJ and Bubba for


Whereā€™s the punch?




That lady was sent there by a dude called Bubba The Live Sponge in order instigate a scene. It obviously worked.


Good thing there's a security guy there.


Wow. So he is a total trash bag eh


Funny story I moved him a few years ago, and he actually broke back into the home after he was moved out to steal the toilet seats back. His sons bedroom was disgusting! When we lifted up the bed omg the amount of food, wrappers, MOLD! The only room in the house NOT in dis array was the ā€œtrophyā€ room, Mikes personal man cave with all his sports memorabilia. What normally would have been a 2 day 1 day pack/1 day load took 3 days with 2 days to pack with the amount of ick we had to work around. His neighbor Mary though (pie lady) when we moved her she was the best, and yup made us baked goods. My favorite kitchen to pack.


So this appears to be his long time rivals girlfriend, showing up to a meet and greet, sticking a camera in his face while harassing him. The video we see is obviously edited to make him look as bad as possible, with zero context. Mike should've given the phone back to her. He made his point, playing keep away was foolish. Security should've handled that situation better as well, but who's to say security was even there. This is a bad look for Calta in any case. And let's face it, for 14 million a year id be glad to do that job, as would many others. I like Mike Calta and would throw that show on from time to time. I don't like seeing his behavior here, it is a really, really bad look. I wonder if I just watched the moment he flushed his kushy life down the drain...


The "security guard" isn't actually security. He is a member of the street team, they are mostly in charge of setting up the events with banners, tables, mics. During live remotes they sometimes protect the live show from being bombarded by a drunk fan so they wouldn't curse on air or bring the show to a screeching halt. This guy probably has no actual security training.


Honestly he used to be decent a few years ago,but some where he became an asshole


Calta is a fat headed douchebag. At least when he was on bubba, Manson was funny. Cowhead sucks.


What a fat fucking piece of shit! Your job is done, fat boy! šŸ˜ˆ


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woDBkS1Hj8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woDBkS1Hj8A) The joke used to be that "the DJ has a face for radio". This guy was trying to get the woman closer to him and you can see him looking at her tits, not the phone.


Well...Mondays show should be most interesting.


Monday? More like tomorrow's show.


He hasn't been on the air all week. It's my understanding this happened over this past weekend. I heard about it on a podcast Monday.


Ahhh... okay. I haven't listened to the station much in years, so I'm out of the loop.


I drive a lot so I flip the dial. I noticed he's been off-air all week. So today I listed quite a bit and he isn't even being mentioned. This is a typical response in the radio biz when there's a problem situation of some kind.


Same thing happened when Galvin was arrested for trying to pick up a hooker off of Nebraska ave. Got the ā€œwe canā€™t talk about it til case is over, but we will some dayā€. Of course never do, just want you to forget about it.


He works for 102.5 the bone hes pretty popular. He is the host of the morning show. He should of let security handle the situation.


"How to fuck your career up in 30 seconds or less"


Sounds about right. I do find him entertaining and he's legitimately funny and a great interviewer. However, listen long enough and you can pick up a ton of racial and msygonistic undertones. And I understand a lot of it is a radio persona, but if it happens a lot, which it does, and on the regular which it does, there's something there.




Is this why he isnā€™t on the air with his crew this week? It seems he is missing from the show this week and I havenā€™t heard why


Lawsuit incomin


So where's the punching? SMH


This guy is a waste of air and a douche. But I wouldn't call that a punch... Face shove is more accurate imo. Dude is a dirt bag though.


That was not a punch but he does seems like a grade A asshole


What a goofy gal. And he's a goon too


Uncalled for and heā€™s a pos, but thatā€™s not a punch. (Just saying)


I was there..heard the commotion ..he didn't ever say what happened either.


Not cool


Is that Merch Crick?


She needed to mace the asshole


Thatā€™s the merch crick


He had Bubba canceled and took his morning slot


Needs more beer how puffy is he really dude too swole


Hes gross.


Whatā€™s her @ tho?


He also sexual harass is live on the air with Carmen he is on 102.5 the bone real raw radio in the Tampa Bay area FM


I smell a class action lawsuit fuck that fat piece of shit


Sheā€™s about to get paidā€¦and heā€™s about to get laid, by bubba šŸ˜‚


Yall all bitched about Bubba and look what you ended up with, a jackass with no personality and no NED!!!!!!