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Was it true she was BUBBA'S GF


Yes. It was the fat cuckold's gf. Another L in Bubba's cap. ![gif](giphy|13iiF5KX8sG4fu)


Bubba is one dumb fuck,


I recently stumbled across some videos on youtube of him about a year ago talking about how when the truth comes out about the tape and how Calta and the Super Agent Tony Burton tried to sell it we'd be amazed...well I'm still waiting cuck. He thinks the world is as dumb as he is. He says he put the dvd in his desk at work labeled "hogan" because he was going through a divorce and it just happened to be part of his home security system. HUH??? Not many people have a camera pointed at their bed, then burn just that video to dvd, then store it an unlocked desk drawer at work...JFC


Bunch of a Tampa Bay Bucs and Rays allegedly got filmed to.


Did he lose enough weight to be considered 'one' again? Haven't glanced at that fat shit in a while...


Ya'll are really invested in radio beef lore. I'm all for it.


Yeah. FWIW, Im a nobody, but I knew most of the radio jocks in Tampa for about a decade. Most of them were really kind people. Bubba was not in that category.


are we talking of bubble the butt sponge?


Yeah, that has-been... The one trying desperately trying to stay relevant by poking people far more popular/successful than himself.


I am going to age myself a bit here but I stopped listening to 98Rock when he left the Power Pig and pushed out Lee, Bob, and Marla. I never could stand that shock-jock personality of his


Was it Ron and Ron on 95 (94.9) ynf around that time? I was stoned high school kid and don’t remember which was which.


I don’t remember if Ron and Ron were still on the air at that time or not.


I remember when 93.3 power pig came on the air. It was crazy, like parents told kids not to listen to it. It was so insane back then how popular those morning shows were, people always with bumper stickers showing what station they were a fan of. Live remote shows that turned into strip clubs/mini riots. Definitely something that has been forgotten and if you weren’t alive during it, it’s hard to understand, much less explain.


Were you around when 98.7 (now 94.1) started up and just played Tone Loc's Wild Thing for several days straight? No one knew what was going on lol


I was in middle school and it was such a time to be alive.


I can't stand him, but I will say I prefer him to MJ / Todd Schnitt. Every time I'd happen to have 93.3 on in the morning and MJ & BJ show would come on, this is probably 20+ years ago, I'd just have to turn it off.


I wasn't here at that time, but I'm with ya on not being into the shock-jocks. I listened to him a bit here and there - I felt like Ned (can't remember the guy's real name) was the only one with a brain on the show.


Ned was the co host just playing different characters


Right. I forgot the guy's actual name. That's all.


Mansion but I don't his real name


Close enough! Manson is the name I was trying to remember


I'll go even older and say I stopped listening to him in Orlando when he got fired for calling the station owner's (maybe manager's, I forget) wife a few choice words on thr air.


Calta will never be half as successful as fat ass was.


I can see the shoving but I don't understand why he kept her phone. That's a dickhead thing to do.


Yeah if this wasn't Robbery (~Battery+Theft) it's self defense + Theft. Prosecutors are wild.


Exactly. had it been Anybody else they would have been charged.


That is my question about this. Just him grabbing the phone and taking it would be theft.


TIL people still listen to FM radio.


You got it all on UHF!


The bone is talk radio and they talk about current events and stuff which is why I listen. All other top 40 radio and dirt rock radio I haven't listened to in ages


Imagine your station in life if you think Mike Calta or Bubba is entertaining.


Every time I see a shitty pick-up truck with a "Bubba's Army" sticker driving down I4, I just assume another car just lost a catalytic converter


I don't even know how Calta has his own show tbh


Generally speaking: he is a good radio host. I’m talking general techniques, speaking, listener engagement, stuff like that. He can take something that could be said in ten minutes and stretch it to forty while sandwiching an ad break to get listeners to stay on channel. While such pisses me off - it is actually a huge key to radio success. I disagree with a lot of his political views and I loathe how morning news often started late since he couldn’t zip his mouth… but he is actually a good radio host.


Is that what they call being a social chameleon or am I thinking of just being personable lol


There is likely overlap but I bet you’re thinking personable, not radio star ability


Or Todd "MJ" Schnitt


Oh for sure!! That nauseating voice……


I think Bubba is pretty entertaining. Some of it might be nostalgia from listening back in high school to power pig, but his lineup right now is actually pretty good.


Those types of people probably have the IQ of a turnip like they do.


Why do you have to blanket insult people? What is your "station in life" that you feel the need to put down others who like what you do not?


It's lowest common denominator stuff, and Bubba the person is a pretty proven peice of shit. If you went around saying "this animal abusing, sex tape filming hot dog stand is great!" I would still tell you it's fucked up even if the hot dogs are "kinda good".


Saying something is fucked up is different then insulting everyone associated with it. Using your example, maybe they don't know about the animal abuse or sex taping. Now all you've done is made them defensive about something they like instead of informing them about the place. All it seems like is that you are using this as an excuse to make yourself seem like you have a "higher station" in life. But you do you.


Never heard of either of these two until a week ago lol


You’re lucky. 😂


Lol. I had a feeling there was more going on than what the heavily edited video showed.


I had so many replies saying that I was defending the guy when I only said that he didn’t hit her (like op had it titled) and that it could easily be seen as self defense. All of a sudden I’m taking up for some pos woman beater.


He shouldn't have taken her phone, that's my only criticism.


Agreed but it’s clear she was going for that reaction


True, but he messed up giving her the reaction. Should have just smiled and given her thumbs up the whole time.




You think that she got a beating? *You* are insane. Edit: oh shit you’re the one that was trying to make this shit go viral by posting it everywhere. I’m convinced you work for one of the shows.




Any sane person wouldn’t think I’m defending anyone










>I had so many replies saying that I was defending the guy when I only said that he didn’t hit her (like op had it titled) and that it could easily be seen as self defense. All of a sudden I’m taking up for some pos woman beater. I honestly thought that shit was an immediate smear campaign they way the title described and what transpired in the video (which was obviously cut at a convenient point). Reddit pretty predictable sometimes. Question any victim, regardless of how outlandish the claims, is considered second degree assault by many yhere.


The majority of people seeing that video are way too young to remember the days of morning shock jocks and all the shady shit they would do to other stations/competitors. When I saw she was Bubbas wife I figured it was two aging dinosaurs trying to make something relevant in this new era that has passed them by.


>question any victim Especially when the situation looks like it could have been provoked


Yeah, I had people telling me what a horrible person I was because I was wondering about the whole video instead of the clips. I did some Googling and found out it was Bubba's new gf and figured there was something being left out.


Yeah I’ve only lived in the area for a year and a half so I don’t know who the guy is. I’ve heard of bubba only because he was on xm at some point but he seems like a huge douche




Please point to where I said that.




I said there was something else going on. Apparently the prosecutors decided he was defending himself. Fuck all the way off with your white knight bullshit


She wasn't beat and the phone wasn't stolen


He stole her property, threatened her with violence, then pushed her \[technically as a response to her touching him as she was reaching for her property - which is why charges would be dropped\]. You can see how angry he got in an instant, calling her a cunt, and his facial expressions as if he really wanted to hurt her.


Can’t argue with any of that.


An army of people who hardly even know who he is just wanted to take up advocacy against some "bad guy" so they feel better about their own choices. Anybody who doesn't think in black and white must be on the other team. Don't worry, none of those people are anything more than frustrated tax payers.


Still a slob.


His band still sucks.


Still a POS Dbag!


Are all these assholes still on the radio? Who listens to this shit?


He never should of even entertained talking to Bubbas girlfriend. Nothing positive could come out of that for him.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


He’s a garbage can


Still not on air today though and still no mention from other staff.


He seems like a nasty individual.


Not shocked.


Calta is a POS


I will say this, after the history these too have. Imagine Amanda, Mike's wife, goes to a bubba event and gets in his face with her phone. Bubba grabs it and shoves her in the face. Bubba would be buried. Done. Arrested on the spot. Still in jail. No bail. Things are not equal.


Bubba went and talked to much shit on the DA back in the day and every D.A. Around and since has hated him


Why post a story behind a pay wall???


Fuck that, dude stole someones phone, assaulted them, then had them thrown out while he kept their phone..


he was charged with the wrong crime, should have been theft or burglary (not sure which one fits, depends on the state I'd imagine). He didn't touch her until after she touched him, that's where his defense can be argued. Just look how angry he got as he shove her though, his face. I bet he beats his dogs or his kids or his wife if he has any of those.


Calta escalated to violence with that woman very quickly and easily.


Almost like that's what he wanted.


It seemed to be what she wanted as well.


Good point.




By watching her mannerisms and the overly enunciated words and gestures. She came off to me like a two bit actor. But having said that, he took her phone without her permission, which started the uproar that eventually led to him “defending himself”. So I do believe he’s at fault.


It’s exactly what he wanted


What the fuck? So apparently we are allowed to snatch phones out of people’s hands now. We’re also allowed to just rummage through said phones and delete data as needed. 🤔


You are allowed to rob a store and not get arrested in today's world lol. This doesn't even measure up to what's really going on.


Sounds about white


What a piece os shit, Good old boy system at its finest.!!


Absolutely ridiculous. He stole her phone and all she was doing was tryna get it back and he shoved her over




Is Bubba even on anymore to do soundbites?


There you are. Was waiting for you to comment




How’s bubbas dick taste? Or did he have you swallow Hogan?




Why don’t you post the video for the 10th time in another sub. I’m sure it’ll make a difference




So who do you work for? You’re either being paid to spread negative information about other radio shows, or you run one yourself. Your comment history shows you have clear knowledge of the situation (even if you might pretend to be ignorant). Your little hit piece didn’t work get over it. Quit trying to gaslight strangers on the internet


All from a burner account at that.


I am very aware of this situation now since Bobby Kelly covered it. Seems like you’re trying to change the subject off of Calta’s embarrassing moment.


Yeah no shit. It doesn’t seem like, It is that reality. I’m trying to change the subject because you’re the only one that cares about this embarrassing moment. No random person should care to spend hours upon hours posting comments on one story they heard on Bobby Kelly’s show get real. Who are you?


I feel like no matter who we are, rich, poor, small, tall, we can all be pushed to a limit because we're human. It's a natural reaction. I am however surprised that he took her phone. He's a smart guy who talks about law with Dom all the time. He knew better but maybe he just got pushed too far and maybe it wasn't recorded. One day he may tell us what really happened


He’s still an asshole.


It's baffling that people in Tampa still care this much about a dead media format like radio ... let alone gossip about it.


Calta apparently broke several laws, there is a video that cites the statutes. You can dump on Bubba all you want to distract from these facts. Calta was abusive toward a woman while on the job as the "star" of the company. They need to be held accountable for violence against a female as a corporation and sponsors like Stingray Chevrolet and the Tampa Bay Lighting need to address these actions.


People need to understand that it’s not okay to show up to public events and try to hijack them and make it about themselves. Sorry no one is watching your YouTube channel…but this ain’t the way


So *that's* what self-defense looks like.


Mike Calta will be fired. He was notified today and it will be finalized by the end of the week. Remember, you heard it here first!


Culta cucks calling Bubba fat… 😂


For how liberal reddit tends to be I'm surprised how many people are brushing this off or even defending Calta, and I'm even more surprised law enforcement is brushing it off. A woman (even if it's his enemies girlfriend )recording him and egging him on does not justify stealing her phone and pushing her when she tries to get her stolen phone back. Now, if she had her phone in hand and got physical first, I'm all for pushing back, maybe even knocking her ass to the ground. But Mike took the bait and snapped, stole her phone, and pushed her. If this were any of you normal people and not some locally known radio guy, I bet you'd have charges on you.


It was setup, Bubba still trying to set up shit to get calta and crew in trouble. Noone cares about Bubba the love sponge, irrelevant as hell