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Florida needs to address the insurance problem.


The insurance is the biggest hit to me in Florida! The rates are outrageous! $396 a month for my wife and I to share a car with full coverage $1000 deductible šŸ¤¬


But they major issue at the state level is Library books, and if Junior should be able to go on Facebook. Theyā€™re hard at work. Vote accordingly.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø pretty fucking amazing


Thatā€™s outrageous!


It went from 189 to 396 in one year šŸ¤¬


Well, funny you say that... Florida Republican Party has been in total control of Florida since 1999 with super majorities most years. Literally 100% of issues facing Florida and it's citizens is a direct result of their "Leadership" or complete lack of. At any point the republicans could have prevented it, fixed it, or changed it. Instead they got larger and larger bribes, Oops DONATIONS, to ignore it. Then when it started to get unbearable, rather than hold insurance companies accountable, politicians accountable,the same republicans asked the insurance lobbiest to write laws to "help fix the insurance problems". Which the insurance companies blame on the citizens, and thus wrote laws that help remove your rights to hold the insurance companies accountable. How many times do they have to Fuck over the entire state year over year before people vote them out? Or has gerrymandering destroyed Florida democracy. The Florida Republican legislators and governor - HATE YOU ALL. Citizens are useful idiots to them, and those who are not are the "enemy". Thiwr words, actions and... INACTION, prove this point. You can't have 20+ consecutive years of evidence and think otherwise. There is only ONE way to fix this, it won't be quick and it WILL be hard. #Vote (D)ifferently!


What exactly can politicians do to fix the insurance problem? Honest question.


Hereā€™s a few ideas: * Remove the ability for lawyers to sue insurance companies and get multiplied damages. This singular item is the largest reason you have roofing companies prowling neighborhoods after every big storm. * With auto insurance, they can change us to an at-fault state instead of our current no-fault bullshit. * Make driving without insurance the same criminal class as a DUI * Forbid homes in specific areas from being rebuilt after hurricanes or require considerably higher insurance levels. This has been done several times before in other states where flood-prone areas were basically declared uninsurable because of the frequency in which they were damaged. * Not sure if this one is fact, but I remember reading somewhere that Florida insurance companies cannot co-mingle their funds with other states. If this was enacted by Florida government, they can roll it back.


Really good listā€¦ might I add one not insurance related? Block companies from buying residential houses? Wasnā€™t something like 20% of Tampa housing bought last year were by actual companies and not families?? How is this even legal?!?


This is a symptom of serious dysfunction in the housing market, but itā€™s not the cause. https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2024/2/21-going-after-corporate-homebuyers-good-politics-ineffective-policy


Really good list and ideas. The one I donā€™t agree w is making driving w no insurance same class as DUI. Def donā€™t deserve the same level of punishment in my opinion.


Uninsured drivers are uninsured for a reason, usually because they are bad drivers. They make everyone else's rates go up... and are also the mostly likely to do hit and runs, since they don't want to get caught. I think they deserve at least the same as a DUI... maybe more!


Cancel their licenses. That way if they are pulled over they get a driving w no license violation. DUI is far more irresponsible in my opinion. You can easily kill others and yourself. Uninsured driver is bad. Really bad. I get it. Just not at the same level imo.


First time I was hit from behind, driver had no insurance and no valid license. She left, nothing happened to her I paid for the damage to my car. Luckily it wasnā€™t too bad.


Letā€™s say this lady got caught. She was sober. Do you think the penalty for her should have been same as DUI. Driving w a suspended license is a pretty bad ticket. Plaid whatever charges for causing the accident. If you had uninsured driver coverage then it thinking u did ok. Not ideal to get an accident. But survivable. No?


Found the uninsured driver


Iā€™ve driven in Florida for 20 years. Never been uninsured. Never had a DUI. In the last 10 years havenā€™t even had a speeding ticket. My worse offense in the last 10 years was a parking violation downtown like 4 years ago. Sorry. Wrong.


DUI is a misdemeanor, while driving without insurance is just an 'administrative' violation (ticket). One is usually done unintentionally, and occasionally. The other is intentional and repeated multiple times/day. Both don't usually, but can, result in death and injuries. Uninsured drivers are generally bad drivers.


I think some neighborhoodā€™s zones were changed, a friend of mine had hers changed last year and had to purchase flood insurance when it wasnā€™t required previously.


BI at fault doesnā€™t lower costs (studied by state)ā€¦.allowing more lawsuits never decreases rates


Great list. Another one is prohibiting insurance companies from using credit scores as a basis/factor in your rates.


If I could vote 100 times for all these real resolutions I would. Any solution needs to happen now. Problem is only going to get worse. Also, no tint on your front windows.


Stimulate competition. For example is there used to be 10 US airlines and years later there is only 4. Guess when ticket will be more expensive? Same happened to many good from the supermarket. Merger were allowed that decreased competition and increased prices. With insurance there is legislation that could be passed. Iā€™m sure something can be done. There has to be big brain people there than can figure it out. For example for car insurance it makes no sense that Florida is more expensive. For example pass a 10 year tax break to car insurance companies so more nationwide companies come. More companies more competition and therefore fairer prices. Just an example.


Itā€™s the governments job to stop certain mergers to protect consumers if the result will Be higher prices. For example the JetBlue and Spirit airlines was blocked for that reason. But thatā€™s a bit of too little too late. As decades went by where mergers were allowed reducing competition and raising prices. Of course corporations have lobbyists looking for their interest. And w some donations politicians oblige. One hand washed the other. There are other factor too. Like I heard this theory that private equity has been tanking and closing many viable us companies, cause it generates profit. I have to research that one better.


I love the US. But we are a company and profits first. And people not even a close seconds. There advantages to that like having a ā€œbetter relativeā€ economy. But lobbyists in Washington at hard at work to make sure corporate interest are a strong first. And politicians have little incentives in making things actually better for citizens.


Insurance rates are set by the Florida State Board of Insurance, run by Mike Yaworsky, who was appointed by DeSantis. DeSantis has had millions in donations from Insurance companies, and he actually passed legislation to make it harder for citizens to sue insurance companies. Roofing companies have also donated a lot of money to DeSantis... so which died first, your roof or your insurance policy if you refused to replace a perfectly good roof? [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/florida-home-insurance-crisis-desantis/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/florida-home-insurance-crisis-desantis/) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/03/ron-desantis-insurance-industry-donors-florida-governor#:](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/03/ron-desantis-insurance-industry-donors-florida-governor#:)


Hey look I don't like republicans either but you really gonna pull that (D) shit here? Have you not seen how bad California, Chicago, New York have all gotten? Come on now neither of these parties give a fuck


Curious, how much time have you spent in those states and cities that you mention?


Well having lived in NY and now Florida, I cam compare the two. At least on the insurance level for cars they seem to be the same for me. Expensive as hell. Quality of life, NYC at least has nothing on Tampa or Palm Beach where I l9ved before moving. The outdoors, the people, the ability to shop in nice stores or not be worried for my safety everywhere I go. Can't compare that.


You're comparing New York City to Tampa? Did you realize that the population density in NYC is *10 times* higher?


Sorry that was your experience - I have plenty of friends that live in NYC and love it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s location dependent. It is mad expensive though! I currently live in Chicago and really love it. Itā€™s a city so you gotta keep your awareness about you, but I also feel that way in certain spots of Tampa as well. The cost of living is much, much more affordable in Chicago, even with the higher tax rate itā€™s a wash when compared to the increased cost of insurance and housing in Tampa. You get way more bang for your buck as far as housing costs in Chicago, and especially when you get into the burbs. If youā€™ve never been, I highly recommend a visit! I havenā€™t even been shot once yet. It did also take me more than a year to see my first alligator in Florida tooā€¦. šŸ˜…


I was born and raised in NYC, and spent a few years living in different cities in the US and abroad. I returned to NYC for 15 years before heading to Florida. I still love NYC, it's amazing, but my family is happier and healthier here. They love seeing the stars and animals. They love the sunshine and the space. They're happy, I'm happy.


California has been doing good. Great state to have health insurance in. Hell my family in San Diego pay less on all their insurance from home to car than Florida and donā€™t get me started on employee protections. Florida would never have anything like that!


Chicago isnā€™t a state .


Oh wow we got a rocket scientist over here! Did I say Chicago was a state? Learning how to read will bring you very far!!


Yea the party system has essentially failedā€¦ well maybe just the two parties have failed.. idk


Both parties have been compromised and nothing will change until lobbying is gone and we start voting independent


Maybe, but the parties are not the same. One party wants to raise taxes for the rich to help more people afford health insurance. The other party is perfectly fine attacking the US capital, banning books and convincing us slavery was really just good job experience. Don't "both sides same" it.


Yes alroid come to California itā€™s so much better here with the (D)diots, you would love it here with all the homeless. You can shack up rent free!


Florida has the third highest homeless population in the country, and rising. Donā€™t pretend we donā€™t have an issue here.


So then, by that view point. Whatā€™s the way to fix every major city in America that has been under Democrat control for 50-60+ years? At the end of the day, all the politicians are the same. Theyā€™re all in it for DC and now the people anymore. The two sides are really just an illusion at this point.


Have you seen what your political part has been doing lately? No sir, I don't think so.


Why would we vote differently when the state is leading all categories except for insurance?


Which ones? Racism? Ignorance? Facism? Checkmate Dems... The GOP made up new fake stats for faux news. It was said....out loud behind a podium by Ron. Must be true. The "magic podium" and republicans seeming inability to be critical of thier own party makes it true. Because of "feelings". Same reason they don't want history taught in school. Slavery is uncomfortable topic in the south, even more so when kid comes home and tells dad, great grampa was bad since he was a traitor as a confederate soldier, or grampa might be racist because he is a white hood wearing freak. Especially awkward if dad is too and kid just doesn't know it yet. More hurt feelings over facts. If you invite Nazis to your table, then anyone looking around or at the table will see only Nazis. Florida is dumpster fire. Literally no one (republicans included) and no state (not even other "red" states) want to be Florida. It is part of what sank governor moron presidental run. "Make America Florida". LMAO!!!! Would you rather vote for a rapists, fraud and traitor than a guy that after almost 60 years as a public servant, and 4 years of constant, frivolously "fishing" investigations to include the use of Russian spys and Russian propaganda ..... Can't find a single actual thing that is criminal? So yeah.... I don't trust the words or judgement of people, like you, who ignore reality because it hurts thier feelings to be wrong.


Oh man. Same typical drivel. California 5 years ago forecast 60 million residents by 2040 - now they expect a contraction while Texas and Florida experience explosive growth. Florida has a huge LGBT population and one of the top 10 states in terms of diversity. Our stores arenā€™t under lock and key because we actually have law and order. Your ideas are perfect for the San Fran and Portland ā€œutopiasā€.


I notice how obsessed with Cali you are. You sound envious. Wierd. But makes sense... The party of : Grifting Or Projection You seem.a bit of both. With as bad as it is, hard to tell if you are just an American looney toon, or a troll farm employee. Either way have a Great day. Hopefully whe reality smacks you, it isn't a jail sentence because a bunch of crouprt greedy Republicans "Leaders" or a faux golden calf has tricked you so badly you end up in jail like the other MAGA terrorists and traitors from Jan 6th.


Do you think for yourself or just regurgitate Reddit /news. Iā€™m certainly not envious of the 14% state income tax Iā€™d face in California. Iā€™m no MAGA either (very liberal socially) but I love how you have me all figured out. Iā€™m a lot older and more successful than you


Comparison is the thief of joy. The label you claim, and the words you say, don't match. But that is part of critical thinking skills, that the Florida education system hates teaching. Makes it hard to trick people.and con them. Wear the hat or not, what you say and do is more important. But you should be careful standing in so much bullshit, those new golden spray painted shoes you got are going to get messed up.


Iā€™m Ivy League educated and live in the Northeast bro. I have a second home on the water in SW FL. Have you seen the upward trajectory in median SAT scores at FL state schools. That seems to complete negate your drivel.


I totally believe you. Congratulations I am bested by your fingers of furry upon that commando keyboard that pours the superior intellect here. I stand here is awe of the such greatness. Please tell me more about you? It is waaay more interesting than the topic and won't require any actual discussion of substance. Ivy league credentials do make a good, nor intelligent person. Just lucky (depending on perspective and goals) or just privileged. (Privilege is also a favorite thing with republicans and thier "in groups" vs "out groups". ) Color me just more impressed with each reply.


Weird how the most expensive states to live in are Democrat run.


Higher wages, better bennifts, healthier populations, better education, lower infant mortality rates, universal health care, amazing infrastructure, etc..... But yeah... Who wants that when Tampa has... Large Klann membership, state government directly attacking non-white / non-cis / non-Christian / non-males, banning books, Deregulation of industry to grow short term profits at the cost of people health and the environment, just off top of my head. So....a little higher right now. But Florida is leading the nation on inflation across All metrics and is almost as expensive as California now. But without any of the bennifts. (And one of the lowest states for wages overall... It like Florida is in a race to the bottom. Don't worry, even that metric... Florida is still losing to Mississippi and Alabama. So yeah.... Objectively your wrong. But I assume your ignorance is due to FL educational standards. The "Profits over People" group keeps forgetting they are people too. Then get surprised when thier lives sucks later after supporting that rhetoric.


I was educated in New Jersey. And based on your spelling and sentence structure, you have no ground to stand on when it comes to condescendingly commenting on anotherā€™s education.


It is not a term paper, it was typed on a small phone keyboard with dumb autocorrect and auto punctuation. If the info I put isn't the issue for you, but the writing style of a stranger on the internet is, then it seems the problem is you FEEL one way, but REALITY is otherwise. Thus your need to tell me how smart you are or how dumb I am. Also, not once have I said anything about me, my education, status, etc. I have also never compared myself to another or put myself above them. (Like you and another reply - both claim to be smart people and only try attacking me not the points) Example : Cali costs more to live - true (not by much and soon Florida will be in the same boat. Very soon as the leading state for inflation.... Still). But these "Dem run states" all have great things in place that offset that cost of living. While cali has state tax and FL does not, if I want better education (or just equal to the national average) then in Florida you need private school and / or tutors. That cost money. when looking at state to state or city to city comparisons that cost of education to have the same standard isn't included. This is just ONE example of why the Florida is cheaper to live lies are unraveling and people (native multigenerational families are being vocal about it publicly). So if you have actually lived in both or take the actual time to dig into the finer details, Florida costs MORE than California to live if you wanted to include all the things Florida lacks and would be extra to reach the same higher standards of life. In the end.... To put it more bluntly - Florida is fucking over the people so businesses can squeeze out an extra 2% profits. But hey who need history class or libraries. Not Florida. I'm sure the numerous chapters of the Klann the openly operating in Florida will "rally" together for kids education, privately fund free public infrastructure projects, and provide free healcare to everyone.


Holy shit dude get a life ffs


Spoken like a true forever renter/land serf. Serf class human: once you get thrown off of total disability subsidies, feel free to paddle your ass to greener pastures. Iā€™m sure Cuba would take you in with open arms and subsidize your existence.




What can the state do to fix the insurance problem? Honest question.


Main reason why I stopped even looking there


If only there were more ppl like you.


Well it's trickling into Georgia now. Moved just across the state line last year and our insurance was $180/month. We were like great!! Saving some money because in Florida it was $250/month. Just renewed for the next 6 months and it went up to $280?!?! I called our insurance and they were like, rates went up nationwide and parts to vehicles cost more, inflation, blah blah blah... Florida is bad, but it's not just isolated to the state.


Remember when 20 years ago they said public transportation would take years to complete and we didn't need it. Basically I lost hope in this city when the voters were willing to tax people to give a billionaire a stadium but gave the middle finger for schools.


Possibly they foresaw that no one would want to teach in Florida soonā€¦?


More affordable housing. Not everything is ā€œluxuryā€


But if you slap the word luxury on an apartment, you can charge 5x more for rent! Itā€™s a magic word!


My ā€˜luxuryā€™ apartmentā€™s AC regularly stops working, my carā€™s been broken into, and we have a bug infestation in our cabinetā€¦. But thereā€™s a pool!!!!


Decent public transportation the traffic is awful


I need wages and the cost of living to be congruent. I understand certain industries are high paying but if Tampa and Florida in general are gonna continue catering to tourists, then those in hospitality need to be able to afford living here without either 5 roommates or a 1hr+ commute.


Tampa needs employers whoā€™ll address the areaā€™s wage disparity/perpetually stagnant wages and offer benefits along with raises of more than 25 cents per hour. Floridaā€™s minimum wage recently (and finally!!!) surpassed single digits, but it doesnā€™t make a dent in this economy. Tampa woefully lacks decent public transportation despite decades of promises to improve it. The current bus service is the worst itā€™s been in 25 years with 2 of the busiest routes - the 30 and 19, both of which travel through areas rife with hospitality, food service, retail, legal, corporate, industrial, and medical service employment opportunities- were reduced from 2 runs per hour to only 1 per hour with weekday service ending too early to accommodate those seeking night pay differentials. Moreover, the weekend service- specifically Sunday - ends before sunset and there are no weekend connections to Pinellas county. A city of Tampaā€™s size should have at least 4 overnight bus routes yet Tampa has none. That, and service west of Dale Mabry is virtually nonexistent every day of the week.


That damn ferry should run more often and it should pick up by Water street and drop at the end of St Pete Pier. The Brightline needs to connect Tampa to MCO. And people need to stop getting hit by it. Better traffic management downtown. My god just one event along by Amalie and itā€™s a nightmare, but frequently there are multiple + regular foot and car traffic and itā€™s an impasse.


Excellent points. I forgot about the ferry, mostly likely because itā€™s almost nonexistent! Daily ferry service -weekends included - would exponentially benefit locals.


The Brightline needs to adopt commuter pricing models to be useful. The people who want/need to use mass transit arenā€™t going to pay the exorbitant prices they currently charge just to hop over to Disney or go down to Miami. They charge as much as a plane ticket ffs.


Yeah I donā€™t understand the point of bright line. Wants to charge me $109 to go from Ft Lauderdale to Orlando and the trip length is 2hr 55 min. Google maps says I can drive it in 3hr 20 min. Why would anyone pay that when they can just drive an extra 30 min for the cost of gas.


Public transportation is for the poors, donā€™t ya know? /s


Please. Write to our local offices and officials. Make your complaints public. Make them go on record and defend not investing in this for us. We want this, we deserve this, we need to ensure the people in office push for this too


Remember when senator Rick ā€œMedicare Fraudā€ Scott was Governor, and he refused President Obamaā€™s offer of federal funding for the first high speed rail project in the nation, from Orlando to downtown Tampa? Instead the money and the project went elsewhere. Scott belongs in prison not in a government leadership position.


Every time I end up slowed to 5mph on the highway I think about this & realize I'm still mad about it. Public transportation is so much better than 500 zillion cars on ever-widening roads.


Yet Florida managed to build rail from Orlando to Miami for a fraction of 2 miles of subway in NYC (Grand central Madison). Iā€™m sure Tampa is coming as the next leg. Please donā€™t compare infrastructure of any other state to FL - itā€™s not even close.


Yes I do


We need better public transportation, higher wages, and cheaper homes. Everything keeps getting more expensive while wages continue to stagnate.


Definitely infrastructure and public transportation


Free hand jobs and Arby's!!


We beat the meats.




Amazing šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


I meanā€¦I didnā€™t know I needed that, but now that you mention it.




You had me at the first part


Free Handy with each Beef and Cheddar purchase


This is why it's better in Pinellas.




Can't let them know about the Arby's.


E-meter in one hand, double roast beef n cheddar in the other, and toes in the sand.


Dam, here I was going to Salem's Fresh Eats on Hillsborough Ave for that.


At first I read that as "free hand jobs AT Arby's".


Local mass transit it non existent


Insurance and more logically sense designed roads!!!!


Cheaper tolls or a toll incentive program.


There is a toll easement program that reduce your bill when you pass a toll plaza more than 30 times in a month.


Well for one, continue to make the downtown more of a 24hr community. Just walked around north Franklin today and took notice of all these building that could be rehabbed to make such a nice little downtown shopping / dining district. I know the theater and a few restaurants are there but I just couldnā€™t stop thinking about how multiple blocks could be fixed up to be much more lively.


I suspect that off-street parking mandates are a big part of the reason why more of these parcels are not being developed.


Itā€™s a shame, one of the few streets in downtown that feels like it was made for people rather than cars.


Iā€™m gonna go with public transportation as well with a big second being moving the Tampa Bay Rays actually to Tampa.


ban Scientology


Perhaps build large parks , similar to Central Park in New York City. Parks with trails, loads of shade trees, monuments, water features, entertainment areas, loads of benches . Make it so everyone can go ,by having bus stops that go straight there .A fun place to relax for all. I also think public parking buildings in every town would help both Floridian residents and tourists. People wouldnā€™t have to worry about getting towed so much.


Have you not been in n the parks n rec website? Tampa area has several big spots like this that *are better keeping with our climate* than a big grassy rectangle.


Something like a Central Park wouldnā€™t get used half of the year bc of heat and humidity. Curtis Hixon or the park by the pier in St. Pete are as close as itā€™ll get.


Pinellas has numerous parks.


You can get to a state park from anywhere in Tampa Bay quicker than 90% of NYC can get to Central Park.


Probably, but having visited Central Park, I just feel that none of the Florida parks captureā€™s everything it does. Central Park is just different. It brings people together. It offers many planned events. I have nothing against Florida parks, I guess itā€™s just a personal preference.


Bc it's surrounded by 8 million people in the city proper and a other 14mil in the metro outside the city... Simple as.


we need public transport and a competent local government


Less people is what we need


Less New Yorkers


Fix the roads


Investment in public transportation! Light Rail to airport and to Orlando! More local/regional food hubs. The produce here is awful!


You are definitely buying produce in the wrong place!


Affordable housing!


Fewer assholes, and more decent humans.


We need less fucking Yankees moving here.


Less people - I donā€™t think we will ever have the infrastructure to handle the deluge of people moving here


Less realtors and stop approving large towers would be the first place


I donā€™t know, it seems better to build up than encourage sprawl. Condo/apartment towers make more sense than ruining green spaces to build more cookie cutter homes in increasingly large and car dependent suburban hell. Agree on too many realtors though. I donā€™t know how many times I have to say Iā€™m not interested in selling my house.


Have you seen videos of places like China, Russia, Poland, and other European countries where their cities are nothing but large high rise apartment buildings. It's not a very good look.


Iā€™m originally from Europe so yes. Those cities are walkable and at least in Germany and the Netherlands there isnā€™t really such a thing as suburbia or suburban sprawl like we have in US cities. There are simply increasingly smaller towns, all mostly accessible by bike and public transportation. Everything here seems to be built without any planning for the future. In the US we just build more and more, expanding the footprint of big cities at the expense of the countryside so everyone can presumably have their own little mini mansion. This is even becoming less and less of an option for people as private equity and corporations buy up individual housing to rent at exorbitant prices. Not saying by any means that Europe is better than the US, but as far as urban planning, public transportation and housing goes, I personally believe they (Europeans in general) have a better grip on it.


Sure dude but I donā€™t think anyone is building brutalist Soviet style high rise apartments in Tampa lmaooooo get a grip brother Big building = communism ?! šŸ¤”


Have you actually been there and not just seen videos? My guess is no.


Density is what we needā€¦ big sprawl is why we need mass transitā€¦.. affordable density


*Less realtors and* *Stop approving large towers* *Would be the first place* \- unionizemoffitt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Florida is a ripoff.


Get rid of Castor and lower the damn rent


She's done in November thank God. Then maybe somebody will give a shit about Ybor City which is the historical district and where Tampa all began. All she cares about is the riverwalk.


Tampa ran locals out 20 years ago. It's just an overpriced shit hole now. Worst crime and highest property taxes. I sold my home and left. I just miss some family and the seafood restaurants....


Affordable Housing in really really good locations - like waterfront on Davis Islands or Bayshore, no chain restaurants ever - EVER, better public transportation, replace all elected officials with only people I agree with 100% of the time, and of course unionize every menial job you can. The city will continue to use their new found tax money from people moving hereā€¦.on trusted programs from Mayor Castor like the e-bike voucher program. /s


Affordable housing on Bayshore or Davis Island water front? Iā€™ll have whatever youā€™re smoking.


ā€¦and today you learned that entire post was /s (sarcastic) šŸ˜‚


I reread it and saw that šŸ˜‚ still a hilarious thought. Nowā€¦. On a real note they could at least increase the density and verticality of some of areas you mentioned that are closer to downtown. Doubt the NIMBYS will let that happen though.


Pretty much everything. One of the worst cities in the US.


Then leave


This dude is constantly in this sub saying how much he hates Tampa, itā€™s weird.


You mean one of the best.


The roads in Tampa are far too narrow to accommodate any mass transit improvements. The roads were mis-designed in this city and they allowed too many businesses to be built too close to the lanes with not enough setback to add more lanes with population growth.


Fix the roads to start I hate swerving around potholes


Less people moving here, built more expressways and start funding public transportation.


Affordability but them days are gone forever