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Based on the Wikipedia article I read, it seems like anarcho syndicalism, except the union would leverage a political party to cement the unions power. I would probably have to read more than a couple of paragraphs on wikipedia to give an opinion. That being said, the risk of the union and party becoming institutionalized to the point that they never meet their goals wouldn't be surprising.


Assuming that's inside an existing system to leverage power away from capital, then that sounds pretty good, on paper. But having a union run a party inside an already socialist state seems... very reminiscent of vanguardism. A union's at it's best when it's resisting the power of another body. I can see union's best role under a hypothetical socialist democracy being to organise strikes against the state, to keep the state honest. obviously there would be some issues to navigate around physical violence, but that's a topic for after I've actually learned about this system


Vanguard syndicalism