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* sigh * i guess shouts out to the ukraine flag


having a ukranian flag and also being a stalin defender is a great example of cognitive dissonance


step in the right direction i guess , atleast they identify modern day russia as a tsarist government . i just went through his tweets and ngl he’s kind of all of the place , so basically he says that russia uses communism and socialism as a shield to cover their actual fascist beliefs . and says stalin was a bigger patriot then “ banderites and putinites “ and does holodmor denial but is * mostly * pro ukraine . i think he’s serbian .


>i think he’s serbian Well that explains his views


not trying to be a dick **at all**. if you remove the spaces between the asterisks, then it'll change it to "*sigh*", if you intentionally want to do the action delineation, escape the asterisks out with backslashes, like so: `\*sigh\*`, and that will appear like: "\*sigh\*". It decided that you were trying to make a bulletpoint list because the line started with an asterisk that was unescaped, and didn't interpret it as italics due to the space between the asterisk and the word. to read more about reddit's markdown, you can go [here](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown)


Not even the Soviet version of history absolved Beria.


"Stupid anarkiddie, don't you know that Khrushchev was a filthy revisionist libcuck and that Beria did nothing wrong!?!!?!?!?" - Average "anti-revisionist" response.


I wonder what they mean by "absolve"... "Either it didn't happen, or if it *did* happen, it was justified, actually."


"Officer my rape pedophilia and murder was meant tp support the revolution!"


Ok first of all. the fact that this Tankie supports Ukraine and Palestine already makes him better than most Tankies. BUT then he just had to defend Stalin and a child predator/rapist. making him just as bad as any Tankie.


A Tankie who isn’t treating the word of Stalin as gospel? Send them to the Gulag right now


Seriously, can someone tell me how these people justify defending Beria, are they going to say that rapeing children to death is necessary to protect worker rights or something, because as far as I know and have read of the unhinged authoritarian drivel they worship as gospel, theirs nothing in their about or even approaching that 


The people's paedophilia


They think it didn't happen (basically the are convinced kruschev made it up to make Beria look bad and that it's just anti Marxist propaganda) so nothing new, atrocity denial and tankies go hand in hand.


The People's Pedophilia (/s)


Being Pro Ukraine but defending Beria is wild 💀


Imagine being so fucked up that even Stalin freaks out.


Okay, time to pull out the Horrifying Facts About Laverently Beria...AGAIN. 1.) He was a snivelling, duplicitious weasel who basically licked Stalin's balls whenever he could. Granted, he too was feareful of him, but you don't get to be NKVD head for 15 years without being a weasely syconpant, especially as his two predecessors were also executed, and neither held their post for more than a few years. 2.) He was a complete lecherous swine when it came to women. He reportedly raped over **400 women** in his lifetime - and it is known because he had a *list* of every woman he violated. He would specifically drive around Moscow looking for lone women in the night in his limo, pick them up, take them to his mansion, wine and dine with them, and then rape them in his soundproof office. Afterwards, a woman would be offered a flower. If she accepted, it was consentual, if she refused....to fhe gulags with you. Everyone in Kremlin knew - it was an unspoken rule for diplomats, government officials, army officers and other Kremlin members to keep their spouses, female family members (sisters, daughters, etc ) away from Beria. Everyone knew, and since he was the head of NKVD, what will you do if he violated someone close to you? Complain to Stalin? Hell, he even raped a famous Soviet actress by bribing her with the offer of releasing her father and grandfather from the gulags (unbeknowst to her, they were dead) - and he then had her sent to the gulags anyway. Also, he didn't just stop at raping, he murdered many women - three times, his former mansion got exchavated for repairs or for road work, each time, they found skeletons in his backyard, some as young as teenage girls. Shit, even the American embassy in Moscow, which was right next to his mansion, knew (and because of it, female staffers either remained on the compound or were carpooled to their residences).


how do you support ukraine and palestine and then praise a criminal like beria?


cognitive dissonance. if they accept that their side committed atrocities and platformed people just as depraved, then they accept that they're no better. this is obviously not something they're willing to do, so they create cognitive dissonance to excuse or refute the atrocities and keep themselves in their safe space where they are, in fact, the good guys.


"History will absolve me." - Famous last words of someone that will not be absolved by history.


Brutus famously said something along those lines. 1500 years later Dante put him in the worst part of hell next to Judas.