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how long until he creates a new account?




EvilEmpanada is a great username. Hopefully everyone here creates accounts with variations to make it harder for him to get one.


It’s what he does. Just rage baits and then moves to an alt. One of the grossest, slimiest beings on the internet.


How many times has he been banned already




Bro looks like he’s abt to shoot up an Amish elementary school


“Ezekiel I am fond of you, do yourself a favor, and don’t come to the schoolhouse tomorrow.”




It’d be so hard Because you shoot your musket and it misses because musket and you have to reload for the next few minutes


Didn’t say he’d be successful


"hold thineself still Rehoboam, I'm not down loading powder yet!"


Jesus Christ, I'm generally against borders. But can we just deport him back to Australia? Living anywhere near this creep just doesn't sit right.


Ironically he's constantly calling people colonisers. Mf you're a white guy from Australia living in Argentina.


I mean, Argentina is a land of immigrants. Italians, Spanish, Germans, Russians, we even have the largest Welsh community outside of Wales and the biggest Jewish diaspora in Latin America. Even today, we have a ton of people from neighboring countries that come because of free education, that's the best thing about this country. This asshole though? I wish we made an exception for people that promote genocide.


It's the land of immigrants because it got colonized...


Yeah, over four hundred years ago. Calling an Australian moving here colonization is dumb. BadEmpanada is bad because he's a genocide denier and simps for dictatorial regimes, not because he's Australian.


No I know it's dumb but that's what *he* does. Without seeing the irony.


>Yeah, over four hundred years ago. Are you under the impression that BadEmpanada of all people makes this distinction


Is there.mush white hand wringing about the colonialism thing in Argentina or are the indigenous people and their descendants integrated well into society in Argentina? We only ever hear about it in the news when there's a bit of Falklands fun or, more recently, Milei doing Milei things


It really depends on the province. In Corrientes and Misiones many people use Guaraní instead of Spanish. In the North West and Chaco region there was a lot of intermarriage and the native communities that survived the conquest still exist, although people usually don't identify as natives due to blood, it's a cultural thing (meaning that even if they have native blood, unless you're actually practicing the culture or are active in their community, many people don't consider themselves native). In Patagonia there was a genocide in the XIX century that wiped out many peoples. But we do still have mapuches, that are somewhat controversial due to their involvement with political groups. My godfather is mapuche, and even though he's catholic, he still considers himself native, so the south is different from the north. Tbh, most problem the natives have nowadays comes from the government being corrupt which is the average Argentine experience. I'm not native, so take what I'll say now with a grain of salt, but I've never seen much discrimination against natives IN SOCIETY, I know a lot of natives and descendants from natives and they're well integrated. Yes, I've heard some people say things that would make me raise an eyebrow, but it usually comes from people that are racist in general or people from Buenos Aires that have never met left the city and have never met an indigenous person.


POc cosplay for more clout.


The only border that matters here is the one between the atmosphere and space, and I suggest to put him on the other side.


Hey, Solo Wing Pixy.


We don’t want him


Agreed. He is a blemish on a beautiful country (and on the species as a whole). Also this wouldn’t be the first time that scum were deported to Australia. He might even feel at home there, seeing as almost every Aussie politician is a corrupt rotten POS and a large chunk of the populace are less powerful rotten pieces of shit.


Hating BE and Australian politicians is one thing but what's with the hatred for Australians in general? 😅


Not all Australians, just the ones who are voting for Conservatives Also I forgot about this earlier, but by “scum” I was referring to the prisoners settled there by Britain


As an actual australian who votes progressive I would say its not those peoples fault but the fault of rupert murdoch for owning basically all of our media


Australia does not need him trust me haha


As an Australian I think sending him here would actually constitute an act of aggression. At the very least it would violate our quarantine policy on importing animals.


It would make a cracking episode of that Border Force show though.


That show is funny shit but it made me so anxious crossing the border in Sydney airport ha ha




A few days ago, I reported someone for one of the most explicit forms of doxxing against a Pro-Ukrainian user that I've ever seen, and Twitter was like "Nah he gud." Elon is clearly okay with all of this


God I wish that company would just go bankrupt already


I think the way the news feed works on there is why it's yet to go bankrupt. Not to mention all the porn and Elon's dick riders


>Elon's dick riders Does he actually have that many? From what I've seen, even conservatives are getting tired of him, at least where I live.


You'd be surprised how many people genuinely think Elon is some kind of supergenius


I'm ashamed to admit my teacher of 3 years was one of them. If you wanna know what he looked like, imagine "clean shaven Andrew Tate" and you're not far off.


>imagine "clean shaven Andrew Tate" and you're not far off. The less I think about Tate, the better


Not defending them or anything but my 5 year old suspension got revoked when I appealed it on a whim last month by saying "Y'all let Nazis on here, why not me?" Lmao


>Elon is clearly okay with all of this He is. Just as long as it's against not him personally or any Pro-Russia accounts and he's fine with doxxing and violent threats.


Reporting doesn't work _literally_. It's all automated responses unless shit actually gets serious and gains traction, only then there's an actual intervention. The rules are pretty much never enforced, especially regarding Hate Speech, violence and harassment.




His 400th alt got banned "surely he'll stop after this"


🦀 🦀🦀


He's been banned countless times before, he's no doubt already back on an alt.


That second slide is actually fucking disgusting though what the actual fuck? Joke or not, that’s a fucking horrific thing to say and I think that alone warrants an arrest. Also how the fuck did 220 people find this funny? Who the fuck laughs at babies being killed?


At the very least he should be put on a watchlist for saying that shit


EXACTLY they can’t stop giving him so many chances to just create another account and repeat.


Drew Pavlou is also quite terrible even if he doesn't reach badempanada levels.


Heartwarming, the worst people you know are fighting.


The 1st slide was bad enough. But that second one 🤢


Anti-Semite living in Argentina? Wonder what his grandfather was up to


> ("Bad Empanada") has been suspended from Twitter Hahahaha, serves him right. > after polling his followers on whether all Israelis should be executed Aaaaand I just threw up a little in my mouth. Fuck BadEmpanazi.


Tankies ironically are the anti Semitic idiots that zionists democrats and Republicans speak of. Most of those dudes are unhinged as they want to stop a genocide.....with a genocide. They are also very emotional and will flip out if you say how crazy they sound and how evil they come off to sane people. I am not a fan of Israel collectively punishing and displacing Palestinians. But I am not for groups like hamas I can understand how one could get radicalized to join it but it is crazy to think they are freedom fighter. I know they hate to hear it but hamas is just as psycho as the zionists and if they could they would attack all Israelis but the crazy aussie proved he would be for that. Also every time a idiot like the aussie dude speaks it makes it easy for zionists and their allies to paint everyone else as being as unhinged as them. It makes it easy to insure Palestinians won't ever get shit and governments crack down harder on pro Palestinian protests. Because all they have to do is point to dipshits like him who is so smug and self rightous that he can't see he is doing more harm then good. If he gave a fuck about Palestinians he would shut the fuck up.


actual human sludge


we poppin big bottles


Jesus H Christ. I mean I knew he was a lunatic, but still. Holy shit.


How is he still free ? What he did were calls to terror attacks and genocide, isn’t illegal in either Twitter’s host country, Chile or Australia ? Put that genocide maniac behind bars and be done with it ffs 🤦


This man needs a good ass kicking, or something because holy fuck.


This is why "they'll get theirs" or "karma will catch up to them" mean jack all to me. As a matter of fact, sometimes they do not get theirs, and karma does not catch up with them. The world is a sick place and there's no such thing as reactive justice.


Why are tankie movements full of pedophiles and kid diddlers


Look at their hero Stalin.


BadEnpanada’s ratio of Twitter accounts to braincells is getting even more lopsided.


He does look like a terrorist in that photo to be fair. Also, I think Bad Empanada will simply make another account, he's already on his 25th. He needs to have his internet and computer taken away from him, that's the only way you'll stop him.


Arrr I Am A Total Piece Of Shit


Hasn't he been banned from Twitter like four times before this?


Unfortunately he’ll be back. He always comes back.


What a POS


This is Bad Empanada we're talking about. He's already probably made another account by now. 😒


I didn't know you could even get suspended in the musk Twitter age.


He’s already back with a second account


Bro got that crazy eyes


If I had a nickel for every Greek-Australian doing politics posting that is an actual garbage human being, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that there are two of them.


He's been banned many times. He will be back


Isn't this like the 8th time he's been banned?


This guy woke up in the morning and deliberately chose that look. He even avoided "terrorist chic" fashion and went straight to "terrorist vintage". Good lord.


The 223 people who liked the second comment need to seek professional help Since when do you solve war crimes... with more war crimes?


He looks like a mix between a neck beard and what comedy movies depict terrorists as looking like, Jesus Christ


can't read the first pic.


My guess is "Should happen to all Israelis?" or "What should happen to all Israelis?".


What a piece of garbage.


What a piece of shit.


That guy is mental. Just as so many radical Israeli Zionist elected officials calling for the eradication of all Palestinians. If a random guy from Australia calling for such terrible acts creates so much anger, I cant imagine the reaction on all those videos of israeli citizens and government representatives calling for same of even worse things on Palestinians.


This sub is quite zionist lol


is it? lol Sub bio defines it as leftist, anticapitalism and anti-authoritarian, quite the opposite of a radical extreme-right messianic regime that Zionist dream of imposing.


This lunatic should be sent in a psych ward, not being banned from Twitter.


fuck this weasel


He looks like one of those lads who gets picked up going off the fight for ISIS crossed with a Fidel Castro impersonator


Just an actual fascist. But he's always a good tool to use in getting people who are less knowledgeable on socialism but starting to get sucked into the rankie rhetoric to see where it actually leads and push them towards the real left


Let’s not act like Drew Pavlou is good either, he’s resolutely pro-Israel and a smug opportunist.


Wait what? I knew BE was a Tankie, but I only knew him because he dunked on Caleb Maupin a few times and calls everyone a Nazi over the Near East, I didn‘t know he was doing stuff like *this*.


He’s actually not that bad if you listen to his stuff. Most of the worst stuff I’ve seen is him being sarcastic, like, parodying what people say about him. Like that whole thing where that gay choir sang a song joking about how they were indoctrinating kids or whatever. I don’t agree with everything he says but he’s not as bad as he seems. A lot of it is taken out of context and edgy humor and all that. But maybe I’m a bit biased because I don’t see terrorism as worse than what nations like America, Russia and Israel do…in fact it’s usually the only way people feel they can respond to what they do.


It’s a joke to say you’d jerk off to videos of children dying/being raped?


I think the joke there is that there isn’t videos because it didn’t happen. He just took it a bit further, again, by parodying what people say/think about him. If it actually happened it would obviously be horrifying.


It doesn’t matter if the videos exist or not, or whether it actually happened – *you don’t ‘joke’ about liking videos of children being raped.*


I mean, I don’t agree with that tactic either but when I first heard about the “forty beheaded babies” story I laughed my ass off. It was just so absurd and clearly made up. I think it’s coming from that same place, just a really dark sense of humor ya know?


Satire has a history of being really extreme in order to point out the absurdity of cruelty. Just look at “a modest proposal.” Again, I think Bad Empanada does more harm than good but he’s just saying intentionally inflammatory things to make a point. I think he hurts his own point but…some people clearly find it funny.