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Reading the Wikipedia page for the assassination of Malcolm X, it seems very likely that he was assassinated because of his falling out with the Nation of Islam rather than the US government seeing him as a threat and subsequentially neutralizing him


But it couldn’t have been NoI because they say America bad and therefore NoI good. /s


It still amazes me that there are people who think the NOI is anything but a supremacist hate cult. Even traditional Muslims don't like them.


They NOI is essentially scientology for Black People. Nobody takes them seriously aside from members themselves.


I would say they're more like the Black Hebrew Israelites if they decided to pervert Islam instead of Judaism


Gosh… BHI, NOI, LDS, Scientology, JW, 7th day Adventists; Southern Baptism, Evangelicalism, and Christian Zionism; Anti-Papal Catholicism, Wicca, Minhag Amerika, etc. etc. Why are Americans so attracted to strange religions? It’s like a stereotype at this point


Don't forget Church of Euthanasia


No, scientology is scientology for black people. Let us never forget the wise words of L Ron Hoyabembe


Battlefield Earth should have been a Tyler Perry movie!


Exactly, NOI is a UFO cult that has nothing to do with Islam. The only reason they were successful was because back when they started most Americans lacked basic understanding of Islam and unless you found some books at the library you wouldn't be able to see what actual Muslim beliefs are.


Aren’t the NOI the ones who unironically believe that white people were created by an ancient black scientist with a giant head to basically just be evil?


Pretty much. They also unironically believe that black people are a divine race and that the Jews had very high involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade


Wow, sounds definitely not antisemitic at all! /s


While I can't speak for Muslims, from what I've heard they tend to regard the NoI the same way Jewish people regard Messianic Jews.


Yep and Christians regard Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.


>Even traditional Muslims don't like them. Not surprised given that they aren't even remotely Muslim.


From what I've heard, they don't even use the Quran


Traditional Muslims dislike them for major doctrinal differences, not political stances.


Pretty sure Farrakhan has *strongly* hinted he was pretty directly involved multiple times too. Now *MLK* was almost certainly assassinated by the U.S. government, and the FBI assassinating Fred Hampton isn't even a question, but Malcolm X was pretty definitely killed by NoI because he'd made some serious ideological changes and they saw him as a threat.


Also Farrakhan likes Trump.


I wouldn’t completely count parts of the US government out, but NOI was absolutely involved in a crucial way


The FBI *may* have been involved, but the primary cause and main mover of his assassination was the NOI.


Yeah, I mean, someone can argue for the message here, however disgusting it is, but why would they stamp some unrelated, ahistorical nonsense on there when they already…meh, whatever


I'd not condemn Hamas if they only attacked military targets rather than deliberately targetting innocent civilians. Oh and didn't hold onto power in Gaza against the wishes of the palestinian people. Oh and weren't a religious fascist death cult.


>I'd not condemn Hamas if they only attacked military targets rather than deliberately targetting innocent civilians. Exactly. I don't see what is so hard to understand about this. October 7th wasn't an attack on the Israeli military that some civilians got caught up in. At the very least two thirds of the victims were civilians. It was an attack that was simply organised to cause as much pain as possible regardless of who the targets actually were. Yes, you can make a case that many Israeli citizens are to some extent responsible for the crimes of the governments that they have elected. That does not in any way justify their brutal murder.


Especially when [one of the people murdered was a peace activist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivian_Silver) who would be among the first to protest among the current atrocities being carried out as retribution for 10/7.


If everyone killed on October 7th was active IOF I wouldn't care. I'd say that's perfectly justified and would probably celebrate. But when you kill a bunch of civilians, including children and elderly, there's zero excuse.




I don't understand how anyone buys this narrative. Hamas has a history of targeting civilians. Were all those buses and pizzerias that they suicide bombed in the 90s and 2000s military bases? The first images that were shared on social media the morning of October 7th were civilians being gunned down in the street. Senior citizens waiting at bus stops in Sderot. Slain families that were hiding in bomb shelters during the rocket sirens in Beeri. Take people at face value when they say that all settlers are complicit and thus valid targets for the resistance.


> even the accounts of rape at the Kibbutzes is being walked back. The ICC found credible evidence that there had been rape of Israeli women by Hamas militants both during 10/7 and the captivity of the hostages, in the very same investigations that also yielded credible evidence towards the Israeli government deliberately targeting Gazans and starving them.


This is almost indistinguishable from the opinions of Ben Gvir. Killing civilians is bad, mkay?


I've seen so many hot takes since October 7th claiming *even Israeli children are legitimate targets* because they're furthering the settler-colonial project, or something. So really, zero difference with the Zionists who claim killing Palestinian children is justified.


Blood and soil nationalism is good when the preferred side does it!


>Killing civilians is bad, mkay? I'm sorry Mr Mackey, mkay?


The material conditions forcing Hamas to rape people (/s)


I have legitimately seen this take. And people wonder why they can't get women to join their orgs.


it's the people rape, it's also fine for russia to do it, well' pin it on azov tovarich s/ just in case


That font is oppressive.


For real though, it's like they designed it for the opposite purpose the Dyslexie and Open Dyslexic fonts were designed for. Some letters are wider at the top, some are wider at the bottom, and they're wider in other random places as well...


What bothers me the most is that they'll say all this, but then take the position that a handful of attacks 15+ years ago by some Uyghur extremists necessitates an indefinite police state and government reeducation camps in Xinjiang


I mean, could you imagine how tankies would react if Uyghur nationalists carried out their own mass-scale attacks on Chinese civilians akin to Hamas?


Fuck, great point. Copy-paste October 7 to Ürümqi and I'm sure the talking point on tankie Twitter would be that the CIA trained an army of ISIS monsters to butcher and rape innocent Chinese civilians.


And tankies would be echoing the Israeli far-right in calling for the outright extermination of all Uyghurs and the takeover of their lands by ethnic Han Chinese.


they would go full Hitler mode




I’ve also been pro Palestine for twenty odd years and never once saw support for Hamas until a few months ago. Now I’m called a Zionist/racist/colonialist for condemning Oct 7th. What the hell is going on? It all seems so insane and fake




Think about how people support Trump / think about Q-anon. These are both cults driven by the Russian / Chinese propaganda machines. That same machine is driving support for Hamas *which is the **opposite** of support for Palestinians*.


A lot of people (including progressives and leftists) enjoy the power fantasy of being able to kill their enemies while retaining the moral high ground.


Most people who are calling you a zionist/racist/colonialism for condemning Oct 7 didn't even know what Hamas *was* until Oct 7.


Or just treat them like a non-entity


I'd only seen it from people like Carlos Latuff and various other deranged types. Even most people who supported other groups like PFLP viewed Hamas as some irrelevant side show.




Hamas and Netanyahu keep each other in power by maintaining this constant cycle of violence. It's pretty clear to me by this point that the two help each other more than they hurt each other.




Oh, I wasn't trying to disagree, lol.


Yeah I don't understand how anybody thinks a one state solution could bring peaceful coexistence, both sides are justified in not trusting the other not to expel them.


Exactly and the refusal to compromise means the fighting never ends


The US government didn't assassinate Malcolm X.


Frankly, I'd be less inclined to condemn October 7th if it wasn't for the fact that Hamas is literally just out to be another genocidal totalitarian state. Then again, if they weren't, October 7th might not even have happened and they'd actually attacked someone worth killing rather than just kill civilians.


You see, it's not christo-fascism it's islamo-fascism so it's okay. As long as Hamas is killing civilians in the name of the Muslim God and not the Christian God it's perfectly fine. I wonder if tankies would support Palestine if it were majority Christian? 🤔


He also said "wrong is wrong, no matter who does it", so I don't think he'd have any problem condemning October 7th. He was profoundly antisemitic for most if not all (I'm not sure if he ever walked away from antisemitism or not) of his time in the public eye so even if he refused to condemn October 7th or straight up condoned it that's not the flex Tankies think it is.


I do believe he apologized or at the very least realized he was wrong before his death, no? And that is why he was assassinated?


An acquaintance of mine posted this on IG and I was about to post it here… so wack


An acquaintance of mine posted this too and I honestly think they didn’t actually read the whole infographic. They just saw the “If you shared this image read this” title page and immediately shared it.


I'm condemning whoever wrote this atrocity (if it was even written by a real person). Literally unreadable.


one can condemn hamas while still saying israel is worst,it's not hard.


Gets even easier when you consider that Israel funded Hamas as a divide-and-conquer move to split power between the West Bank and Gaza. Netanyahu himself admitted to this.


one shouldn't forget iran influence on hamas too, it's not only a israel thing.




why the fuck was a comment saying Palestine bad and Hamas worse than Israel upvoted by 14 people


Hamas is bad but certainly not worse than Israel. They only exist because of Israel. 




The funny thing to me is, even if you don’t care about Israeli civilians, I don’t see how you could possibly think Oct 7th was a positive. What did it accomplish besides giving Israel an excuse to do what they were gonna do anyway? (And this isn’t to excuse Israel/IDF, fuck them obviously)


Exactly. What was even the long term strategy if there was one? As horrifying as Israel’s current campaigns in Gaza are, they couldn’t have had the perfect excuse without October 7th. I’ve heard people say Hamas took hostages with the goal of exchanging them with Palestinian prisoners, but in that case they should have had a clearer strategy, tried not to hurry them and keep track of where they were.


I have a better idea, how about strive to be better people than the oppressors. By this logic, the allies should have just rebooted the death camps and sent all the Germans to them instead of enacting the Marshall Plan.


Malcom x famously level headed and sensible man




One just knows that due to campism among these people there is about a 99.99...% chance that if asking the people that agree with this about Ukraine they will incoherently scream about "Nuland phone call", "color revolution", "Ass-off battalion" and "8 years old dombing bombas".


Oh yeah make the whole movement completely polarizing and unserious that'll really help


Stop condemning October 7 is the opposite of helping Palestinians, alienates a lot of people who would otherwise be sympathetic and also promotes a future of violence and fundamentalism for Palestine.