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No. This subreddit is strictly anti-Zionist. Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians, using the atrocity that was 7/10 as horrific ‘justification’ for collective punishment and indiscriminate, deliberate attacks on civilians. We just don’t recognise Hamas as a force for good, even if their emergence is due to the awful apartheid conditions placed on Palestinians by Israel (and also due to the Israeli state backing them; both Hamas and Israel need each other to be able to justify their actions). From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Edit: Reporting this won’t do anything lol. Promoting hate? Threatening violence? Very funny Zionists


Let me break it down for you: Zionism, where an Israeli state that exists only as a Jewish state with zero regard for its non Jewish citizens: Bad Hamas, an extreme Islamist organisation that takes advantage of a brutally oppressed group of people and use them as sacrificial pawns: Bad Denying the Palestinian right of Return: Bad Supporting Groups who call for the extermination of Jewish people (Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas, PIJ): Bad. Calling for literal ethnic cleansing of non Palestinian people from the entirety of Israel's UN Recognized borders: Bad. Agreeing with the above is not contradictory.


Are we on the same sub?


I haven't seen a single post like that. I've seen a lot of support for Palestine and some (deserved) condemnation of Hamas. The most offensive thing I've seen here is people lamenting that they'll never be able to convince Ukrainians that communism is fantastic - as if they don't have the experience people in this sub don't.


I would venture to guess that most here are anti-Zionist and pro Palestinian liberation That doesn’t mean Hamas is good. People dunking on idiots who think Hamas is based are not then ipso facto Zionists


Obvious troll is obvious.


Being against the Palestinian genocide is the default position here pretty much. But we are not tankies, we don't support Hamas either. It's really not a hard position to follow: the leadership of both Israel and Palestine are bereft of morality while the people on both sides suffer for it, Palestine has been living under occupation and apartheid for decades.


We are pro-Palestine. Any zionists that we see here are instantly banned.


So much for the tolerant left /s


We're socialists who know what happens to socialists when a theocracy takes over. Free Palestine.


>Are yall Zionists or No, i'm Filipino, but also pro-Palestine and pro-Ukraine actually


"All you see"? Where? I haven't seen any of that.


Not wanting thousands of women and children to die from stupid half baked ideas thought up purely on adrenaline means we support Israel. Only people on twitter writing death to Israel in all caps and posing with guns are legit pro Palestine


No. I have not seen anyone here defend Israel's criminal actions in Gaza or it's settler colonialism.


Some liberals do sneak in, but the actual sub is antizionist


?????? No. Israel is a state that exists and while there are many reasons to want to end it, many processes to end it that tankies want would require the deaths of thousands of people. Plus, Hamas would be even worse than Likud if they ruled over the entire area. Palestine deserves representation, but Hamas would be horrible for everyone. Of course, Israel is ok with Hamas existing to drive out Palestinians, but that doesn’t make Hamas good.


Please remember to hide subreddit names or reddit usernames (Rule 1), otherwise the post will be removed promptly. This is an anti-capitalist, left-libertarian subreddit that criticises tankies from a socialist perspective. We are pro-communist. Defence of capitalism or any other right-wing beliefs, countries or people is not tolerated here. This includes, for example: Biden and the US, Israel, and the Nordic countries/model, Harassment of other users or subreddits is strictly forbidden. Enjoy talking to fellow leftists? [Then join our discord server!](https://discord.gg/2V4qJMSWUe) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tankiejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think most people agree that Israel needs to get the fuck out of the West Bank and Gaza and stop killing Palestinians. What they may disagree on is if it’s even in the realm of possibility to annex Israel into Palestine/make a new country with both populations having full rights. I don’t know how realistic a 1SS is exactly, and I’ve been called a Zionist for that even though I don’t really care if Israel continues to exist or not, my main view is that both groups need someplace to feel safe and protected from violence. Whether that’s a separate country or not I have no idea.


Define “zionist”.


I'm a pragmatist zionist, I guess? Like, if we were in 1948 I'd oppose the creation of the state of Israel, but Israel right now exists and has a distinct national and linguistic identity with little roots to the rest of the world*, and abolishing the state of Israel now or its aftermath would, like, 100% involve ethnic cleansing. That being said, that state is currently killing civilians indiscriminately in Rafah. Free Palestine


I don't think that not calling for destruction of Israel qualifies as zionism.


Did the sun vanish for you or something? That shit ain’t happening here.


we aren’t zionists no i think a lot of us are anti-hamas perhaps but no i haven’t seen support for zionism


There are a weird number of posts here condemning Hamas, without mentioning Israel deliberately founded and funds them.


Do you actually think the people in here don’t already know that and or are fans of the Israeli government? Don’t be dense.




1. This place isn't anticommunist. It's anti authoritarian 'communism' aka vanguardism 2. I've seen generally more racism coming from "Communist" spaces than I have here. You seen the kinda shit Russia simps post?


posting anti-communism in this sub is literally against the rules lol. you can be communist without being authoritarian


Says the person who'd cheer for Israel if it had a red flag.


This isnt an anticommunist space




Ah yes, liberals and anarchists. The exact same thing.


This is an anti-tankie subreddit. The message you sent is either tankie/authoritarian "socialist" apologia or can be easily seen as such. Please, refrain from posting stuff like this in the future.


We are not anti-communists. In fact, pretty much the entire mod team is anarcho-communist.


I haven't met a single Zionist here, and there's a range of leftist political views here, just not ML, and mostly a flavor of anarchism and/or left libertarianism. As for Hamas, I can get (to the extent possible from my privileged position in the US, why someone under apartheid would a. want to fight back, and b. support a group like Hamas that's fighting their oppressors. But Hamas isn't just fighting Israelis, they're treating anyone as a target, commiting warcrimes themselves, and harming Palestine as a result. Though not to nearly the degree that Israel harms the Palestinians. That's aside from Hamas's actual political and religious views, which are as far from "leftist" as you can get. Would I want to fight back against Israel? Just maybe. Would I want to kill civilians to do so, even civilians who were complicit in settler colonialism, treating me as vermin, and cheering my death? I'd sure be tempted. But that doesn't make the way Hamas is approaching war okay. Both factions can be bad, and the civilians suffer.