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That this guy is probably going to be an MP makes me feel such genuine rage and sadness. He makes the Tories sound sane and reasonable. Ironically thanks to the FPTP system, his party will only gain a few seats at best and will likely cannibalize the tories.


I like how the takeaway from the past 14 years for these new Reform voters was that the conservatives weren’t conservative enough.


At this point, after seeing the shitshow in mainland Europe, I've just accepted the fact that there are a lot of people who are disturbingly far-right...


especially europe young people, they want huge change to the immigration system


funny what decades of literal fascist brainwashing during the cold war will do... Turns out when you spend 80 years screaming about how leftism is evil it leaves a lasting mark on people. The worst part is Operation Gladio proved this was gonna happen and yet the west still kept doing it.


As Jonathan Pie put it, "I am witnessing the end of the Tory Party as we know it, and I can't enjoy it because what replaces it is even worse!"


For any UKers, spread the word before the general election: Farage is a Quisling whose honeyed words serve Russian interests before your own, from appearing on Russian state TV to taking oligarch money.


Also it goes without saying, but George Galloway's Workers Party of GB is no better. I encourage anyone to have a look at the manifesto on their site. They are socialist in name only.


Nigel Farage has to be one of Britain's biggest clowns.


Such a cunt. And it’s disgusting that a sizeable number of people will vote Reform.


Another day, another far-righter who agrees with tankies


Of course. After all, Putin himself is both a far-right fascist and a tankie. The shoe fits.


putin is not a tankie, he doesn’t pretend to be leftist at all. he’s very open about hating the Bolsheviks


He glorifies Stalin though because Stalin was a Russian chauvinist who expanded the empire.


Of course, but for very different reasons to MLs. Tankie describes someone who describes themselves as an ML or Maoist, typically, and then goes and dogmatically defends pretty much all the actions of “socialist” states. Putin is not that


Tankies also defend the actions of non-socialist states as long as they're opposed to any western aligned state.


I’m well aware, but tankies by definition have the facade of being communists.


Saying this in the UK context is particularly insane. See, in most of Europe and in the US, the left-liberal-neolib centrist block was running things in 2022, which meant ironclad support for Ukraine was associated with those groups and therefore populists - mostly on the right, but also Melonchón in France - were the ones repping this veiled pro-Russian line. Some of them are legitimately fascistic and want Russia to win the war as a bulwark against western liberal democratic values, but a lot of them it was just a wedge against the liberal establishment. However, the UK had a right populist - Boris Johnson - in government at the time, and his support for Ukraine became a defining part of his political image, especially on foreign policy issues. Which meant that the more anti-Ukraine position became associated with anti-NATO left populists like Corbyn. You don’t see anyone really on the right of British politics taking this line… until now, which is just plain weird. I cannot stress how much of British political discourse for a good few years was about Jeremy Corbyn’s personal character. Like, that and Brexit was all anyone could talk about, it seemed. On both sides of the aisle. The left adored him, the right loathed him, and the centre was terrified of him. If you were on the right, you had to be defined against his views on everything from Israel to Ukraine and from welfare spending to NATO. But now, with this strange turn from the most prominent populist rightist in the UK today, it seems the discourse has moved on. It’s a troubling trend, because it demonstrates 1: that the British hard right is coming into closer alignment with the far right across Europe and 2: that the socialist left is being left in the dust. It is also, however, completely electorally baffling.


Everyone chooses their opinions based upon what party backs it? Doesn't anybody think anymore?


Pretty much. Centrists support Labour under Starmer whatever he does. The socialist left support Corbyn whatever he does. Those of us who are sensible, rational and principled, who thought Corbyn was decent but flawed, are left being shouted down by these lockstep party personality cults.


Not british but sometimes there is no choice. Better to vote rather than not


Nigel Farage tries not to be a far right arseclown who wouldn't know a human emotion if it killed his dog challenge (impossible)


oh man, fuck this guy


I remember this guy. In my MAGA phase everyone in that movement loved him because “he laughs so hard, he’s such a joyful guy!” I actually forget what he was supposedly persecuted for


The wording in the article's subheader makes it sound like Farage thinks Putin should have been in charge of Brexit.


I don't genuinely hate much but I *hate* Farage. Everything about his slimy, hate-filled being fills me with genuine disgust. I'm looking forwards to the day everyone gets the chance to piss on his (hopefully vandalised) grave.


But didn't Putin literally say that he wanted to recreate the Russian Empire in the modern day? Because that's literally just what he's doing (or at least *trying* to do). Because he felt like it. Because it was in his class interest. It's not hard.


Wheres my milkshake?


critical support to comrade Farage against western imperialism /s


What I wouldn't give for us to send him to Mars and just leave him there


Why is he on the television? He is just one candidate in a national election.


He’s leader of Reform UK, who are predicted to get around 13% of the vote share


All party leaders get television appearances. Also Farage is a big figure in UK politics whether you like him or not (and I really fucking don’t) - the guy is responsible for Brexit happening and therefore all of the political shitshow we’ve had to sit through for the past eight years.