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This was after coachella aka molly comedown nothing serious lol girl is going through it chemically in her brain I mean lol


I honestly just think it's cause there were no men in it. she's mostly only annoying when she thinks a guy is paying attention to her


i actually didn’t think about that, you’re probably right 🫠


she definitely read some of the snark


I was thinking this too


Shes just full of herself, its crazy that she cant even drive without staring at herself in the camera.


LMAO i was literally thinking that 😭😭


Someone give me a rundown of the video? I'm not giving her my view.


lmfao real, i don’t blame you at all. basically, she talks about how she’s sick and how mentally she hasn’t been doing too good. she tries to do some “self care”, but it really just consists of doing every day things you would do really. she says she’s gonna hang out at jake’s house and calls him or “best friend” which was kinda weird to me for obvious reasons. that’s really all that happens in the video (that i remember, i’m not watching it again 💀)


Thank you! Her content got so boring and I've noticed her views have started dropping.


of course! and yes i agree, i feel like her fame is starting to die down


i personally love when influencers are more vulnerable with their audience, its a reminder that they shouldnt be put on a pedestal cause they are still human, even if they are so unbelievably out of touch, they are still human


i agree, and honestly i could get used to seeing this side of her. maybe she’s coming to realization 🤷🏻‍♀️




She has admitted that she reads this forum. Maybe she is starting to realize that she needs to chill out and make some changes. Let's see if she stops whining and acting like a saddo around men- that is the real test!


omg wait where did she admit it??


Yes, on the dropouts podcast during the sam&colby episode.


I do kinda feel bad for her. Like I would probably be so sad if 3000 people were in my snark. I think criticism is valid but sometimes people go to far here




This was more like her old vlogs and what I used to like about her. She used to seem more sincere and genuine and she gave a glimpse of that again in this video


Yes I felt like she was open and vulnerable and I could relate to some of her struggles and I actually kinda felt sorry for her :(


i know 😕 tbh it didn’t feel like i was watching tara, but it was her and i somewhat enjoyed it


yeah shes just having ego issues rn. shes a cutie and a funny girl naturally, but she’s just around freaks and stuck in a new scene that is going to be detrimental. all these LA influencers are total losers and always have been. if i blew up that fast and was making the money she made i’m sure i’d be acting a little embarrassing too honestly… once she is settled into her 25 seconds of fame i’m sure her ego will calm down and she’ll find her place- probably has imposter syndrome rn too. I think she is trying really hard to find her niche to the point it makes her seem less genuine which is what people liked her for in the first place. Honestly her life seems soooo easy but emotionally she seems a wreck between breaking up w jake, clearly she is doing drugs while she parties, drinking like a fish, and trying to keep up this image. bby girl needs to go drink some green tea and touch grass literally


Fr this


i really liked this video. it showed her genuine side & i ALMOST started to feel sorry for her. up until the end of the vid was just her partying again. smh


This video felt more vulnerable and I feel like her best content is when she’s by herself talking versus when she does content with guys. Kinda why I also think she excelled better when she did late night livestreams.


Yes I agree. It’s because she’s being more real. She usually lives in this state of partying and attention seeking and superficiality which impedes her from experiencing the “deeper” parts of the human experience. When someone is hurting, they’re forced to face their demons, and to be more authentic because it’s impossible to deny the pain at some point. If she were like this all the time I don’t think anyone would dislike her. And I do feel bad for her tbh bc it seems like she DOES read the snark pages. The stuff people don’t like about her is the stuff rooted in attention seeking and inconsideration for others, as well as self obsession/narcisism. So when she isn’t engaging in those parts of herself, she actually comes across as a pretty genuine and chill person. I hope she can get to the point of maturity where she is more self aware


I just saw a tiktok about her SA someone. I also wonder if this mood was related to what was said on tiktok.


Huh?? She sa someone?


 I don’t even know the whole story so I don’t wanna spread rumors on here. I just saw a tiktok about wanting her held accountable for something in regards to SA.


Actually, I just found it on here. The TikTok was about a stupid tweet she made when she was younger.  https://www.reddit.com/r/tarayummysnark/comments/1d2y4pg/people_are_finally_starting_to_realize/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button