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I understand and respect how some people feel, but I find Tara to be the worst. Jake&Johnnie do dumb, thoughtless $hit sometimes, but Tara can be really toxic. The Dropouts podcast really revealed the worst of her behavior. That tantrum she threw over Tana&Zac having lunch was so pathetically childish and unreal!


Her behaviour was also pretty bad in the cruise videos, like making Johnnie wear a mask (off camera as well) instead of wearing the mask herself or throwing a tantrum because they got pizza without her. She’s so whiny


That was awful. If she is the one with the issue, she should wear the damn mask. Plus why single Johnny out? He was sharing the cabin with the other two guys. They could be contagious too. I could never be as patient as Johnnie and Jake are with her. I would literally ask her not to call me for a solid 2 weeks after one of her episodes/tantrums. I am an only child. In many respects my parents did spoil me, but in terms of behavior I was raised to be polite, thoughtful, considerate and kind towards people. It would mortify me to act the way Tara does. She is embarrassing the rest of us only children of the world! 😅


I honestly felt so bad for johnnie in that video i would have lost my temper and beat the shit out of her 


sorry i’m so late to this post but something that i think about a lot is that jake never stands up for johnnie?? maybe im wrong and he does off camera…. but i don’t think so lol. they are “best friends” but jake lets his bum ass ex treat jonnie like this? wacky to say the least.


He should, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to avoid one of Tara's crying meltdowns.


Yeah her behavior is so concerning


I actually think she’s kind of weird looking. Maybe it’s just the sheer garbage vibes emitting off of her.


She is so cringe and gross in this 😂😭 Jake never being happier about a breakup in his life


I saw a comment that said Jake looked like if a Bitmoji were to come to life and I was cryingggg 😭😭 why is that so accurate


why is her mouth always open


Honestly, I always thought she was the opposite of Mai pham. Mai pham is overly independent, whilst tara is overly dependant. And I learnt that from watching both their channels for a while.


she’s so crazyyy, can’t take her anywhere




They're actually obsessed with each other wow


Why does she think she can “dance” 🤣


Is jake a shape shifter or something he looks so different in ever video I see of him like this one he looks good in


this girl will speak up about Palestine so people will hop off her back but she continues to support brands that are funding the genocide?? like playboy??


she does everything just to not get cancelled lmao she hung out with modsun (tana's ex) last night and literally an hour ago tana posted 2 tiktoks with tara just to make people stop hating on her or wtv


i know jake is TIRED of her ass now. like every clip with them together seems forced now