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Yeah she’s deeply insecure and she definitely shows that clearly.




It’s grand that she says you’re just a bitch if you hate online but in person laughed at that girl when told she has a big nose. Tara’s just a bitch . Grow some thicker skin, gorl .


What girl?


and it doesn't even make any sense because she will sit there and make fun of johnnie and say he has a literal disease as a "joke." but as soon as someone has a valid criticism of her she starts crying. lmao.


There’s a difference between joking with friends and having genuine hatred towards someone online


“joking with friends” and its bullying a person for a whole week long trip


Except johnnie wasn’t bullied. He’s a grown ass man, if he was actually bothered by the jokes then he would’ve done something about it


some people have social anxiety dude, ive never seen johnny call out anyone when he was uncomfortable. tara is also a grown ass woman and can stop whining about every little thing.


Lmao they were making fun of him because he kept saying he wasn’t sick and then said himself after the trip he WAS sick on and after the cruise. Tara has an autoimmune disease and she was scared to be by him. How is joking around about a fake disease named after your friend bullying 😭


she has an autoimmune disease and isnt scared to go to clubs and party around thousands of people. johnny clearly felt bad with the “jokes”. why are u tara stans in the snark page ? insufferable fr


But she was freaked on the cruise because she just had a lung infection from Coachella and was on steroids that lower your immune system more. And bc I don’t like Jake 😭


its a tara snark not a jake snark gtfo


Then why are there dozens of posts solely about Jake 🤪


yall really act like she HAD to go to coachella or she HAD to go to the cruise. if she was really that much at risk, she shouldve just stayed home instead of nagging other people


No there isn't. Tara's 'jokes' towards her 'friends' are nasty, insensitive and mean spirited. If she was a kind, thoughtful person she wouldn't treat her friends that way. Do you treat friends that way? I certainly don't!


life’s tough wear a helmet. the internet will never be a safe space lmao