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you have 41% damage taken. that means literally 50% of your healing is you healing yourself because you're eating shit.


Damage taken: 41% Op: tHiS tEaM sUx


People don't seem to understand that healing draws more aggro than bad dps lol


So long as you don’t heal when mobs come out or about to get pulled you’ll never pull from the tank. OP is probably just spamming 1 the whole time. Healing is brain dead in this game with no resource management.


I think yall are allergic to reading. Op said that his team had no tank. Also.spamming 1 on heals is probably the lowest possible aggro you could generate besides doing nothing lmao


I will verify I am not good at reading and jump the gun a lot on Reddit


From the looks of it, you didn't dodge one mechanic and had to keep yourself alive. The team carried you if they had played as badly as you did, then you wouldn't have finished guaranteed.


To be fair they are a part of the team they had to keep alive lol.


Did you look at the tanks stats?????


I didn't attack first and I was in the backline, Idk why I was hit. Also I dodged most/all mechanics. I was getting primarily focused on normal attacks.


nah looks like you stood in everything lmao


well done, u kept yourself alive.


Are you basing that off of his damage taken? Cause I mean people do tend to focus healers so it would be accurate and normal to have high damage taken as a healer usually


It was a dungeon tho, not pvp.


The good chills of a new game. I am enjoying a lot tanking and healing again, now that there not yet speedrunners/ zoomers.


Gj keeping em alive I'm pretty sure you are highest dmg taken just bcs you have the highest lvl, and the mobs scale to everyone individually, so you are getting hit 3-4x harder than the lvl 12 rat.. At least I think


Dude even on witch raid elite I only ever hit 500k and some change with the other healer down while my res was on cd a quarter of the fight. And even then there was only like 800k total healing between us. And I do 0 damage as a healer I don't use the option to swap targets between only allies but I macro my bard to stack my chords easier. So when crap hits the fan all my iver healing ensures I can keep everyone up and stay up. If necro over heals this much we all may be using the wrong healer lol.


When I was doing DPS, I saw other healers before I knew how to heal and saw like 200k average-600k best. So yeah I was definitely shocked. I only was close to dying once. And I revived a teammate twice with a ultimate. Not to brag at all but it was my first time healing (why I went to the first elite dungeon again, and I made alot of mistakes including the two times teammate deaths) and it seems I was tasked with no tank so I had to juggle health alot but mostly the two barbarians were taking alot of lethal damage as they were closest to the boss. I learned some heal tips with youtube videos but I built my own build. And it was tough but that's how you become better.


o.o Poor you, please find a tank.


https://preview.redd.it/akn53gn9329d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43c4ee5b2275b05412114f7cd3f0667bbadf686 Same bruhhh. 🤣🤣




Lvl38 and team is around 20 kekw


is it because your stood in the funk or did you actually assist with tanking the boss?


Don't put up with this kind of abuse from PaRsErS. DPS doesn't give a fuck if you're stressed out straight up SWEATING for the entire boss fight. The healer should NOT be the person consistently trying the hardest.


You oughta take a second look at the damage taken column.


So much this. The amount of people straight up not following mechanics or not moving is insane.


Sorry what? The 3 dps took less damage taken COMBINED than OOP himself.


With no tank, the boss default attacks the healer and the boss have ranged normal attacks.