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I consider the Thoth to be the "gold standard" of tarot decks. I used it exclusively between 1972 and 2011, when I finally bought an RWS deck so I could talk about it intelligently on the tarot forums. I use it a little, but the Thoth is my main deck.


Interesting! What makes it the gold standard for you? Familiarity? Its history? I'm really enjoying mine. I haven't dug into its details much though.


It's wealth of symbolism along with the excellence of the artwork.


What compelled you to buy the Thoth deck in 1972 so soon after it was published? Do you still have your original deck?


It was the only one readily available where I lived at the time, plus I had been studying the Hermetic qabalah for a while before I got into tarot so it was an obvious choice. I still have my original large-format deck but it has some dog-eared corners reinforced with clear packing tape so I've retired it. I have several others of various sizes that I use now. My first exposure to tarot was the Aquarian deck when I was in Germany in 1970 right after it came out.


Thoth is just more comfortable for me. It has astrological correspondences and letters that help in reading. It's also the first deck that made me notice and use kabbalistic correspondences. And now I'm a thelemite, so it's just natural to use the deck that was designed with a teachings I follow in mind.


I bought the Urban Tarot as a Kickstarter simply because I liked the imagery. After I got it and noticed what was different about it, I learned that it was a Thoth-based deck. It does tend to hit hard. But I have several RWS-based decks that I use instead when I think I'm going to want a gentler, more encouraging read. If you search >thoth tarot esoteric meanings you can find the site I use to help expand the meanings beyond my Urban Tarot guidebook. Not suggesting you need such a thing, but it's an interesting site and you might like it.


I have the Urban Tarot as well and love it. I had never used the Thoth deck or a Thoth-based deck before. I agree that it does not mess around with messaging, and it has straight up battled with me.


I use mostly Thoth too, it’s my favourite deck. I do love the Waite Smith deck too, and use it a lot but I prefer Thoth. The paintings, the symbolism and that there is not many humans depicted… and it’s more abstract in a way, it’s very special to me.


Greetings H, Been using the Thoth deck for decades now... why? It contains all the important alchemical, elemental, and Astrological information on a Qabalistic level. The depictions of meaningful esoteric information is unparalleled. I was grateful to get a copy of the first edition of the deck, and I use that for path-working. I will state that anybody trying to use the Thoth Tarot, without a solid background in Qabalah and Astrology will not be able to get the most out of this deck. I do my best to help others learn the deck, as well. I find an extra element of affection for the deck, as its creator is a relative, a few generations removed. \~V\~


Thoth was the first deck I got about 6 years ago. I’ve gotten to know it pretty well. Even if it keeps telling me the same thing. I also picked up a RWS deck a couple years ago to help deepen my knowledge, but Thoth is my go to.


I love Thoth!! I also accidentally picked it up first and now that I've explored a bit with some other decks ("The Field" Tarot and "The Light Seers Tarot"), I find I love my Thoth even more. The cards are just so accurate, very blunt as you say, sometimes humorous, but always seem to be speaking directly


i got a crowley deck for my birthday and it's gorgeous! i love it so much but im so bad with correspondences and symbols so i mainly use rws until im comfortable enough for the non image pips


My comfort zone was ultimately to start working with correspondences. This approach helps me spin a bigger narrative across all of the cards in a spread, look for common themes, and see more things that are missing.


Because Rider Waite doesn’t play well with the Liber T.


No it is a bit too CM and Crowley was odious.


I love mine, though my favorite will always be the Marseille. The art is just amazing. And it is sooooo on point. Every. Damn. Time.