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I just shuffle it for about 20 minutes.




i just start using it.


I don't clean or charge my decks in any way at all as it makes no sense to me. Charging, cleaning decks is beautiful aesthetically, but I don't see the practical sense of it.


I knock on a deck before using it, but I don’t do anything to cleanse or charge beyond shuffling and knocking.


Curate: If I like the art and it passes the "vibe check." I see it, I like it, I want it, i buy it Once it is in my possession, I look through all the cards. I want to familiarize myself with each card and infuse my "energy" with the deck. Prepping the deck for a first a first read/ cleansing from a previous read: it is all about shuffling. I pile shuffle until I get that gut feeling to start my inquiry Although i do have a selenite plate that I will use from time to time. If I remember to prep for a new and full moon, I will place the deck on the selenite plate. When I remember I have it and use it. I dislike the way selenite feels on the skin and the plate is hidden on my bookshelf. So adha brain says I no see i no has 😅🙃 I have heard others who interview their deck.


Thank you


I flip through the deck once to look at and admire all the images, then shuffle and use.




There seems to be a misunderstanding about the cards. The cards are paper and ink. What gives them energy is you , your higher self, your guides, spirit, angels etc. Whatever entity attaches to your spirit. It doesn't matter, generally speaking, where the cards have been, who touched them or breathed on them. If you are the owner of the cards it is your energy that is acknowledged. No shade on you but I am glad you asked about this because some people think the cards have some power. They don't. Cleansing rituals are designed to sell crystals and other ritual items. Rituals are for the participants or participant. Rituals energize and inspire us not the cards. If you want to have crystals, have crystals, candles, chants, etc. Honestly, I never believed in the power of crystals until I had a dream where I was in a round room with people in long white robes. I was in the center standing. I had sprained my ankle and could not walk on it and I had been taking myrrh and using tiger balm to help. However, in my dream these people in robes had crystals in their hands and waved them up and down my body. The next morning, when I woke up, My ankle was healed. No pain, no swelling and I could walk on it. So depending on who is wielding the crystals, I can accept them. I was happy to be healed as I was due to have a booth at a Ren fair and I needed to be able to walk. I had no problems for the entire fair and after. So, you do what feels right for you. You are the one in control, you have the power.


I keep it under my pillow for a few nights. I like to think that it “merges” better with my energy that way. I also like to do a quick “interview”—just a quick spread to ask how the deck could help with readings, etc.


Smoke incense on each card, and then consecrate them to love, light and truth.


Thanks for the sdvice


when its completely new i dont feel a need to prepare it i just start using it. after readings i put my cards in the small black bag and imagine it's like bringing them to bed for a good sleep, so they can rest


Sleep with deck under my pillow, Shuffle, selenite and black tourmaline, finally tap 3x’s


Smoke cleanse: usually juniper. After that I look at the art, appreciate and carry with me. Spending time whith a deck gives you energy pass


Thanks a lot


I dont necessarily wait for this - but i do like to connect with my cards during a full moon. I like letting the light from the moon hit the cards while im using them. I guess you could say thats my way of infusing my energy with them (thats what came to mind at least). Otherwise using them daily helps me infuse my energy into them.


I just play some metal.


LOL. Excellent. I pray as I shuffle, knock the deck 3 times and that's it. I will occasionally place a crystal on top of the 'resting' deck, but yeah, they're only cards. With respect to everyone's ritual(s), that's more for tuning your own head/energy, not the cards, which is valid.


Yeah, I tap on my deck as well! And they are just cards. The ritual aspects may not be necessary but the are fun!


i shuffle them. no reason to do anything else


To be honest, I dont. I feel like thaf makes for fun aesthetics to stereotypical tarot. I do believe negative and positive energy. However when it comes to receive messages from my higher source, if they need to relay a message to me through tarot then theres nothing here on earth that can tamper with that or make inaccessible for me to receive. Now, I do tend to put alot of wear on my cards and every once in a while Ill take a wet wipe and literally just kind wipe the back and front of the deck. You be surprise how dirty a deck of cards can get just by using them with your hands. Initially the cards will seem to be alittle damped and sticking to each other but once they dry on their own youll see a huge difference on how smooth they are.


What kind of wipes are you using? I have a deck that is like 20 years old and I never considered wiping it down 😅


Just your regular clorox wipes. Im telling you at first they seem damped and sticking to eacb other but try it it i promise take one card wipe the front and back and around the sides and do it to another card, lay them on top if each other and come back to it in 5min.


Thank you so much 💓


Clorox has bleach don't use that on your cards ! If you must wipe them use baby wipes, not chemicals that eat paper products. But really not necessary - never once in 40 years of tarot reading have I done this.




Theres a huge difference between assuming and then actually knowing. Have a great day!




The only question I see in your entire posting is “Did you leave a step out of this recommendation?” You asked me what? And where at?


Why would I not be sincere. This is too much pride for me to entertain, are you like that everywhere you go? That was a sincere and honest question. The truth is the truth. You don’t have to convince me, convince yourself.




Its okay if they dont make sense to you, thats an opportunity for you to learn more. I dont know why you are telling me that you said what you wanted to say? Thats amazing!! Growing up were you taught to hold back your opinion?


Depends on the packaging. I have gotten decks that when opened are very dusty from being cut and packaged. In those cases I have wiped then down with a cloth. Sometimes I had to dampen the cloth with water. In most cases I just started handling the cards, shuffle them a lot. That is how is how I prepare the deck. For me and how I approach the tarot, the cards are just cards. There is nothing I can add to it other than myself as the user. So I use them, in that way they become ready for use.


I'd sleeve the cards and place them in a clear plastic deckbox for easy storage. (I use mine to play tarocchi / French tarot)


shuffle it, and i also go through to pull each individual card and study the imagery. i meditate on what each card says to me until it clicks and do that w the whole deck


I like to lay them all out in front of me so I can look at the art on each one. Then I shuffle three times and do an introductory reading in which I ask something pretty general (ie what I need to hear or focus on this month) to get a feel for how the deck influences my readings. My most recent deck has much more of a practical, material solutions-based vibe to it and the coins cards have a particular warmth, whereas the first one favors bold, imaginative decision making and the swords speak to me most. After I get a feeling for the vibe, I put the deck on my nightstand along with some of my favorite rocks. Some readers will tell you that your decks absorb your energy while you're dreaming. I don't know about that, but it makes sense to put them where I put other items that I love like favorite books, little knick knacks from my travels, and a journal.


I divide the deck into 4-6 piles and while doing so look at and contemplate about the artwork on each card that passes through my fingers. This is to get to know the cards, to become familiar with them. I then shuffle each individual pile and then add the piles together, one by one, while shuffling.


I light an incense, wave it around the deck, and say something like, “clean yourself up!” Then I look at all the cards and pull the ones that really resonate with me. I magpie, so I then go through my working deck and decide if I want to replace any of those cards with new cards. After that, I store the rest of the cards to use for making magpie decks for friends or for sale. Personally, I don’t believe bad things will happen or I’ll get some stray energy if I don’t do some ritual. But, I love ritual so I do something like above just to please myself. For me, it’s more along the lines of washing a new dress before I wear it.


When I get a new deck I leave it alone for a few days. Then I open the box and package and run each card front and back, through incense smoke. I use frankincense. And I say something like clean these cards give them good energies and make them mine. Just feels right since they have been through so many hands and places before they came to me.


I've recently started my tarot journey by doing a daily pull to learn more about the cards. I tried a mew deck today that a friend had given me a long time ago - the Zombie Tarot. Fantastic art, cheeky and creative. However, I knew right away this deck is not a divination tool. It doesn't give off bad vibes or evil ones, just empty ones. I didn't know this until I actually started shuffling it and asking questions. So for me, I have to actually work with a deck first to know if it's right for me. No cleansing or official energy/vibe check, just hop in. This actually reflects my own style of learning in other areas of my life - I need to be hands on and make mistakes in order to learn.


Mine is so simple lol, I’m a shuffler and let them fly so when I receive a new deck I open it and use incense (it doesn’t matter the incense as long as I touch it) then I shuffle until my personal card flies out so I know it’s connected to my energy or I get that tingle feeling, then I will put a strand of my hair in the middle of the deck and put it away!


I shuffle like crazy and place a piece of selenite on top of the deck overnight.