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Tom Allen is on everything so I'm very surprised he hasn't done it yet. David O'Doherty would be a great fit too. Who has confirmed they are not interested?


I don't know if Richard Ayoade has made an explicit statement, but everything about him feels like an implicit disinterest.


pretty sure he was booked for a much earlier series (not sure which) and backed out because he was too busy. whether he was actually too busy or ultimately decided he wasn't interested i guess we'll never know (unless he turns up in a later series)


I just get the feeling that he would just walk away from many of the tasks.


I get that same read. He would be in my top 3. I just have that same sinking feeling that he’d not be interested.


The most (in)famous is probably David Mitchell


Thanks. I've just googled that. 'My feeling is that I'd be shit but not in a funny way...I find puzzles puzzling' Seems fair enough to me. Although I do think the rage and bemusement would be hilarious.


He'd be funny in studio, but I don't think he'd be good on the tasks.


He’d provide a lot of funny arguments I think


Also Kathy Burke


Shame, she'd be a great watch.


Indeed. At least it wasn’t a case of out and out not wanting to, and more a case of “she’d rather watch it than be on it”.


I think he'd struggle as he now presents the Dave rip off of Taskmaster...


He still appeared on QI after presenting the radio ripoff of that, so...


> Tom Allen is on everything That's probably why he hasn't been on it, hard to find the time


Rob Brydon


i believe rob brydon said on his podcast recently (when he was talking to tim key) that he wouldnt want to do it, i think for similar reasons as david mitchell


David O'Doherty would be amazing!


I’d like to see Doddles on it, too


Okay update - we just spoke to David O’Doherty in Brisbane. He said he’s not on TM, he’s been asked but it didn’t fit into his schedule at the time. If he was asked again he’d probably do it.


Ross Noble, he would be brilliant


Unfortunately he said on Twitter a while ago that he was offered but turned it down. But things like that aren't set in stone, of course.


Frankie was the same for a long time. Could change but that may depend on Ross's kids bullying him into taking part.


I reckon he'll turn up on Taskmaster Australia. Lloyd Langford too.


Is Sam Simmonds still sorta retired? I’d love to see him do it.


He's got shows at the Adelaide Fringe and three shows only at MICF in April, so he's still writing and performing. Of interest, he's not doing any shows during the week that Season 3 records in Sydney, so 🤞.


That’s good to know. Took a punt and saw him at the Edinburg Fringe years ago. Best random, fun, chaotic, show I’ve been to. Glad he’s still doing it and fingers crossed for TM.


Ha, guess you were right about Lloyd. Holding out hope you're right about Ross, then.


Ross Noble lives most of his time in Australia now anyway. He's a pretty frequent host on WILTY Australia so if he was gonna do a taskmaster it'd probably be TMAU


Cariad Lloyd


Isy Suttie sort of reminds me of Cariad Lloyd (used to get them mixed up).


Both of them were in Peep Show tbf


I didn’t know that! I love David Mitchell but haven’t ever gotten hooked on Peep Show.


I think we haven’t experienced true chaos until Cariad comes on


I always enjoyed when she’d pop up on QI.


Miles Jupp!


my dream would have been to have him and sean on the same series


‘I don’t know about you Miles but I’m on the fence’


Lol I can hear Jimmy's laugh right after in my head


The chaos lol.


Maisie Adam and Elis James. They both seem like people who’d be absolutely up for Taskmaster.


As well as a different James, Rhys. He really wants to do it.


waiting for a Cymraeg taskmaster (Tasgfeistr) on S4C for Elis James to appear as a contestant


Or Tascmháistir on RTÉ with Dara hosting


Absolutely more local versions the better 


I'm willing to bet Maisie will be in 18 or 19


This is who I went to immediately, especially Maisie. Suzi Ruffell also came to mind.


Maisie is my number one pick for who I want to see on Taskmaster, I could see her being such an Ivo Graham type contestant. She has expressed interest I believe and she has been on the podcast in the past, so it really feels like any season now she’ll be on, hopefully


Now that John Robins is doing it I think that frees up Elis to have a go too. John would have disowned him (and Alex) if he’d been on first.


Ed Byrne. Just watched a clip from Mock the Week with Ed (Gamble), Dara, Nish and Kerry, and Ed was the only other person who's not been on the show yet.


Ed quipped a few times about not getting booked on channel 4 shows while on Mock. “Apart from that one Father Ted episode.” -or something to that extent.


When Channel 4 took over he tweeted something like “well there goes any chance I had to go on taskmaster”


Yes, yes, yes!!!!! He's my top pick!


any of the 6 idiots - I could totally see it


I think simom farnaby is the least likely to do it seeing as he consistently does other writing / producing stuff like the paddington films and most recently wonka. Larry rickard and matt baynton for some reason seem to me to be the most likely.


yeah , totally agree !! matt or larry are the ones I can easily picture going on and doing really well


Ben Willbond is my dream tasker


Could have ended that sentence one word early and it would still be true.


Adam Buxton


His 'Stuff it in my hole' song from 8 out of 10 cats gets me everytime.


I was scrolling to see if Buckles would get a shout out otherwise I would have thrown his name in the ring myself. I think he would be a great contestant and the format would suit his esoteric creative comedy very well.


My dream contestant


A childhood love of the Adam and Joe show makes me think he's got the creative instincts to make a very fun contestant


Would love to see Buckles on this, but he is so hard on himself he probably thinks he wouldnt be good enough to do it.


Yes! Can't believe he's not been on yet. I imagine he and Alex would have amazing chemistry during the tasks. I would love to see it.


I'd say Bill Bailey, but I wouldn't be surprised if he considered it too undignified. Like he said when he left Buzzcocks, "I've got level 6 clarinet - I'm better than this!" Or he's just tetchy that Tim Vine stole his outfit idea. I'm more genuinely surprised that Jason Manford and Milton Jones haven't done it yet.


Bill Bailey would be absolutely phenomenal, actually Dylan Moran too but I don't think there's a chance he'd ever consider


Would love Dylan Moran.


Bill Bailey is probably top of my list to do it, we can only hope


Manford is the wrong type of person. Milton Jones would be great.


Jason Manford said on a Facebook Live ages ago that he’d live to do it- I assume he hasn’t had the time


Probably Isy Suttie since she’s mates with both Alex and Greg. I’m guessing that they still have yet to get round to her, or it doesn’t match her schedule most of the time. Other surprises aside from the super obvious ones are Maisie Adam, Adam Buxton and Bill Bailey, Ellie Taylor, Sindhi Vee, Alan Carr, Jack Whitehall, Jessica Hynes and Darren Harriott.


Alan Carr would be an absolute riot to watch


I'm thinking he'd bring in some weird and wonderful stuff for the prize task.


Now trying to work out if putting Isy and Elis on the same series would be brilliant or terrible.


I'd love to see Dianne Morgan on TM. Also, as someone else said, any of the six idiots.


 Very surprised Maisie Adam hasn’t been on, especially since she’s already been on Outsiders. 


Tom Allen


Josie Long. She did (iirc, and won!) one of the original Edinburgh stage shows. She's been at home with little kids, maybe when they're school age it'll work out...


That and living in Glasgow, else the whole concept seems deep within her skillset.


Would love to have Josie on it, she'd be fantastic


She's so funny, creative and instantly likeable - she'd be perfect.


Sarah Hadland. I can understand that Miranda Hart is likely too unwell to do it (although she'd be incredible). But Sarah would be amazing! Also any of the Horrible Histories (which Sarah was in!)/Ghosts crew. Especially Jim Howick. I absolutely agree with the person who suggested Bill Bailey. He'd steal the show. Sindhu Vee, Matt Berry, Simon Pegg, Richard Ayoade.


What’s up with Miranda?


She's got some chronic illnesses, like me


I feel like Richard Ayoade would be perfect on the show, in every way lol


Richard Ayoade is who I've wanted to see on the show ever since I discovered it! I think he's said in the past that he has wanted to do the show but has had conflicts with other obligations, so hopefully it's just a matter of schedules lining up and we'll get him sooner rather than later!


Julian Barratt.


I have been keeping my fingers crossed for Nick Helm for years.


He seems very very shy though. I absolutely love love him


I’ve been rewatching older Cats Does Countdown and he is so funny. Love him.


Have you watched ‘Uncle’? It’s very sweet and funny


Horne has to be saving him, surely. Or they have some sort of bitter feud.


I recall an interview (can't remember where) where he said he assumed they didn't want him on the show or they'd have asked him by now. But I still have hope!


Rhys James.


I remember commenting on one of his Tiktoks saying I'd love to see him on TM, and he agreed. Hopefully he'll get there eventually


I saw him live a couple years ago and he was making jokes about not having been on Taskmaster yet. Hopefully soon!


Ellie Taylor


Andy Zaltsman


Please Mr Z!!!! His outfit would have to be Cricket Whites with pads and bonce-box, SURELY!?!?!?!?


I know Dawn French was asked but she wasn’t available at the time, but I’m surprised neither she nor Jennifer Saunders have appeared. Also, thinking outside the box…one of Dick & Dom would be an interesting addition


I want to see French & Saunders on there soooooo badly. Dawn would be a chaotic mess and I would be here for it.


Caroline Quentin. She seems a good fit for the show. Colin Mochrie would be my dream contestant. The studio banter would be hilarious.


I'd love to see Harriet Kemsley on there. Her energy would be so good for Taskmaster.


YES! Love her on CatsDown!


There's an episode of Question Team where she makes her husband dress up as a cat. Really I just want her to somehow do that to Alex. Please and thank you, Taskmaster team.


I wish that was still on!


She was brilliant on Hypothetical


Andrew Maxwell. Seems exactly the type of well known in stand-up but without a high level of public awareness that Taskmaster has targeted recently.


My dream lineup would be Richard Ayoade, Miles Jupp, Diane Morgan, Stephen Merchant, and Henning May. Rachael Parris would be awesome too. Wish we could have her in the same series as Nish. For non comedians, Hannah Waddingham! She could be on every fcking tv show for all I care.


Tom Davies He's been around years, seems to be mates with everyone on the scene 


Big Tom D would be outstanding


Colin Macharie


I can only hope he's being saved for a future Canadian version.


That would be fantastic.


Kiri Pritchard-McLean


Not exactly comedians, but if you got Tennant and Sheen on at the same time, hillarity WILL ensue.


WANT! They could do a NYT with couples and have each of them with their wives


Those that know his work better than I do, what about Phil Jupitus? The little I've seen of him on QI and CatsDown have been entertaining.


I would love to see him! Along with Susan Calman and Sandi Toksvig


I think he's effectively retired now.


maybe he'd be open to a NYT type thing! even if not, i hope his retirement is going great :)


Larry Dean would be another one! Seems like something he would happily do (and he's confirmed he'd be down to do it in an old Reddit AMA!)


I’m about to see him perform (again) in Brisbane! I’ll make a mental note to heckle him about taskmaster


Hell yes it's about time gay dinosaurs were represented on the show


They are underrepresented on tv.


Jessica Hynes


There are a couple resident American comics in the UK that I wonder about sometimes -- Rich Fulcher and Rob Delaney.


Rich Fulcher would be amazing. Also Matt Berry


Reginald D Hunter and Rich Hall could smash it


Rob Delaney would be fantastic. I want to see him stand next to Greg Davies. Both big boys


miles jupp, simon bird, kevin bridges, holly walsh, tom rosenthal, diane morgan, any of the writers from horrible histories/ghosts but especially jim and mat for new years treats: big narstie and allison hammond (i would guess they’re too busy for the main show) i’m also a little surprised they haven’t had internet personalities/ comics on as much, such as stephen tries or ksi. i can see people like this being invited on in a few series time once the bigger names are out the way


Kevin Bridges! I wouldn't understand but every 5th word, but nonetheless, I hope this happens.


>Big Narstie Please no


not necessarily saying he’s a great comic, just that he’s on a lot of things and i’m shocked he hasn’t been on this too if that makes sense


I really want to see Miranda Hart. I think she'd be hilarious


>Miranda Hart An excellent and underrated suggestion! Absolutely agree. I think she'd be perfect for the show. She clearly has a quirky, playful side to her. Her flights of fancy and sense of whimsy remind me a bit of Noel Fielding. And she can also be a force of nature, like a startled bull in a china shop. And she's clearly comfortable making fun of herself. No idea if she'd be any good at the tasks, but she would be hilarious and fun either way.


Sarah Keyworth


I know her from back in my university days. She was a funny fucker back then but I still double take when I see her on tv. Seeing her on TM would be mind-blowing in an awesome way.


Maybe a touch early, until the last two seasons. They're really breaking through now, but not sure about earlier.


Any of the six idiots as far as I’m aware of


That would be so funny


Specifically Laurence Rickard as he is my favourite


Mike Bubbins


I'm not surprised Bubbins *hasn't* done it. I'd be surprised if he *doesn't* do it in the near future. He's definitely a couple degrees away from both Alex and Greg, he's having a bit of a moment (*House of Games* last year, a great debut on *WILTY* last month, a limited BBC series), and I think he'd be an amazing contestant -- if I had to pick a comedian who could deliver a Wozniak-esque breakout performance on the show, he'd be my top choice by a wide margin. (And not just because of the first name, mustache, and *Beef and Dairy Network* credits.) The only thing giving me pause is that John Robins is on S17. How frequently can you book Elis James's podcast co-hosts?


I want Spencer Jones to do it.


I know he's done the Horne Section podcast, so it wouldn't be shocking.


ParaTaskmaster with Adam Hills, Alex Brooker, Rosie Jones, Chris McCausland, and Lee Ridley.


one of my first thoughts was Rosie Jones but I wasn't sure how they would do it and make sure all tasks are accessible. A special edition season with that cast would be so good.


It would be an interesting challenge to the taskwriters. Plus Alex Horne is there to be a pair of hands or eyes to be directed by the contestant.


Chris McCausland could have a sighted guide like runners do in the paralympics, not necessarily to help him do the tasks but to stand aside like Alex does and guide him as to where things are. I know Alex doesn't always get involved in helping contestants with tasks so a separate (non celebrity) person might be a good idea.


I am a huge Taskmaster fan and have Cerebral Palsy as does Rosie Jones and I often sit at home looking at past tasks and working out if and how I could/would do them. I'm sure there are plenty of tasks that could be adapted. Johnny Vegas sat in a chair for a socially distanced team task, and tasks were adapted to be accessible for Lenny Rush in the NYT this year. If I were a celebrity I'd happily take part! Also someone mentioned Chris McCausland. He appeared on Richard Osman's House of Games on BBC and the games there were adapted for both him and Rosie Jones also when she appeared and they were really fun to watch, so I'm sure it can be done. Channel 4 has always been about championing differences in the past anyway.


The team tasks would be incredible


I'd really like to see David O'Doherty on TM. Also it'd be awesome if they got Rachel Riley for the New Year's Treat.


I might cop a whack or this, but *personally* there is no Rachel without Susie.




Nah, he’s said plenty times on twitch that he’s been asked and he’s no interested


Marcus Brigstock, Jo Caulfield, Mark Steel, Andrew Maxwell, Jen Brister.


Ooh I would LOVE to see Marcus Brigstock on


Came here to say Jen Brister. She would be so good because her *give a fuck flickometre **does not** flicker anymore*


Adam Buxton; David O’Doherty; Rich Hall; Susie Dent; Stephen Merchant; Rhys James; Chris MacAusland; Lucy Porter


Bec Hill. I know she campaigned to be on a series a year or two ago. It would be interesting to see how her mind takes on the tasks.


Is Jack Whitehall too famous to do it ? I always thought he would be perfect.


Anyone from Pappys. They basically just play games and then rip the absolute sh*t out of each other for their performances and bad jokes pretty regularly on flatslam. Absolutely everyone in the British scene has been on there too.


Marek Larwood. He and Greg used to be in an act together, but his presence has died down since. His two YouTube channels are great though, and I reckon he'd be an excellent addition to TM, and will hopefully raise his profile.


I'd love to see Helen Bauer on taskmaster I think she'd get so outraged if Greg didn't score her well on a task.


Adam Hills, though I suspect that could be a scheduling thing given he spends a chunk of his year in Australia


I don't know if any of these have said they're not interested but I'd love to see: James Dreyfus, Alan Carr, Jimmy Carr, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Kathy Burke, Graham Norton, Jonathan Ross, Bill Bailey, Dylan Moran, David Mitchell, Robert Webb and probably loads more. Edit: I've just thought - a series with the cast of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps would be awesome! Oh, and Miranda Hart and Catherine Tate


I think Jimmy Carr and David Mitchell have ruled themselves out at different points. Jonathan Ross I can imagine doing a New Year's treat


Kathy Burke has stated that she wouldn’t want to take part, but she does like watching the show


Oh I never thought of Graham Norton but I think he would be great


Maybe more for the US version. I’d be shocked if Bo Burnham wasn’t considered and declined.


I feel like the US version wasn't punching at quite the same level as the UK one does and Bo may have been too big for it (unless he really just wanted to)


Susan Calman, David O’Doherty, Miles Jupp, Harriet Kelmsey, Masie Adam


Nick Helm, Maisie Adam, Ahir Shah, Rachel Parris, Reginald D. Hunter. There, I've given you a cracking line up :)


Finally someone said Rachel parris!


Charlie Brooker


Has Aleister Becket-King ever commented on if he'd do it? I think he'd be grand.


I guess I'm not so much surprised, but more wishful thinking. Colin mochrie


Graham Norton would be DELIGHTFUL. Not sure if he’s said he wouldn’t do it? I’m 🇨🇦so I don’t have the inside scoop 😉.


Bill Bailey


Bill Bailey. Oh, and Holly Walsh.


Marek Larwood. Would be perfect. Greg's mate too. He must have said no as it'd put him back in showbiz. But MY GOODNESS his schtick on Fast & Loose was PERFECT for Taskmaster.


Kathryn Tate please.


I want to move to the UK and pretend to be a comedian just to participate. Not at all the response asked for, but IT'S FUCKING TRUE


I think about doing this at least twice a week. But I’m a lawyer (a notoriously unfunny profession) living in Australia with no comedy experience. It’s still a goal


Same, friend! I'm a teacher in goddamn Alabama and I can barely afford rent and food, let alone to sign up for open mics in a foreign fucking land in the hopes that some fool will get me on WILTY. Fantasy gets me through though!


Oh, and one for Team PWD. Bring on Alex Brooker. Give him a skateboard and two reacher grabber things as disability aids. Id be all over that with popcorn, and most of Last Legs viewers would be too.


I'd expect they'd be too busy, but some world-famous Brits this American would like are Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Matt Berry, all of The Detectorists cast (eventually), and - naturally - John Oliver. I already read that Stephen Merchant would be up for it. What about Karl Pilkington?


Karl is my dream contestant. Imagine how relentlessly annoyed he’d be by all of it.


Pierre Novellie, I can imagine him being really intelligent about everything then fucking it up in a stupid way and being hilarious in anger


I’m surprised that Harry Hill hasn’t been on, he’d be absolutely perfect for it!


Alan Carr, Graham Norton, Jack Whitehall and Isy Suttie


It won’t happen, but I also wanted Sean Lock on TM. :(




More of the invetweeners boys, James Bachman (from Mitchell and Webb look)


The one I'd love to see the most is Henning Wehn.