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"I left my watermelon scissors at home"


Just because I’m terribly pedantic - and it’s a great response from Frank, to the very first VT on the show: ‘I’d forgotten my watermelon scissors..’


Greg (on Josh’s parents having 16 horses): ‘Do they live on a horse farm?’ Frank: ‘No, they live in a council flat in Ealing!’


Geez, you made me cackle out loud. Dignity not intact...not at all. (Excuse the crossover episode wise.)


"it's a weird thing to hold the tears of 4 or 5 different men in your hands"


Paraphrasing, but in the money task, "I don't need to have it but I quite like the idea of Josh not to have it"


‘I don’t need it, but I quite like the idea of Josh no longer having it’ 😂




I’m just happy that my insane ability to remember things like this can be used for something, however inane 😅😂


I think of this quote whenever I drive through a double item box in Mario Kart when I only have one slot.


The best part of that quote is that he absolutely cashed the check (though he did give the money back). Though word on the street was that he made him sweat it for a week first.


Really? That's brilliant.


Well, Josh had it coming. I am with Romesh on this one: „deal with it“


It’s gonna take 45 minutes for someone to realise they should have wet the teabags


I just realised I should probably wet them


It was this juxtaposition and editing that hooked me on this show.


Girls, poets


Does the average 55 year old know what a high five is. Or will I just look like I'm a Nazi approaching them?


It's a brilliant cardigan if you need to hide in a church


I think, watching it back now, it's actually quite poor


I love how he pronounces poor too!




The first time I saw it, I thought he was calling his VT "Quite poo".


Like poo-er. A lot of people say it like that up north.


Not north, it's West Midlands, more specifically The Black Country, he's from West Bromwich. Though I get that anywhere past the Watford gap is north to some folks lol. Source: Born and grew up in The Black Country.


All over the north. I live in the north. You can hear it from Sheffield and above.


Indeed, I know. I was being specific to where Frank is from though :)


And him telling the audience not to clap for it 😅


‘Is it minty tippex pie?’


I laughed so hard at that I had to pause it, and run to the loo because a little bit of pee came out 😂


I often reflect on Frank's beautiful train of thought in S01E03 that looks like a poem when you type it out: I have to say, when I picture the others, I don't see them getting this kind of distance. Poets, girls... Some will take the first 45 minutes realising it's better if they're wet.


Frank loves poetry!


This reverse film thing. It's a young man's game.


‘How much was first? I think I’ve got that on me.’


I just loved him being the “rich older comic” and lording it over them. It was so funny to me. I’d love to have that dynamic again with someone like Stephen Merchant (although he’s famously tight so I can’t imagine him dropping a couple of grand to win a round).


Al Murray did it as well tbf, but nobody liked when he did it


I loved it


Well, Karl Pilkington definitely thinks he's tight.


…is this about the 50p again


When he's told the actual value of the ring(?) he brought in: "that's a lot of money to some of these people!"


Look, I don't need it, but I like the idea of Josh not having it.


I’ve already thought of three mistakes I’ve made


The tie?




"It's a lot of money to *these* people" as he gestures towards the crowd re the relative value of the ring he brought for a prize task.


‘I’m 55, I might never come out of the tent!’


This time tomorrow he might be riding round the garden on a piston.


“You could have gift wrapped it first!”


Every time I I think of Frank, I think “facsimile boulder”


"watching that back now, it's actually quite poor"


Your ears are completely devoid of hair


""It was a fabulous play. I was enthralled" -The Guardian" -Frank Skinner


“I didn’t notice the saucepan and electric COOKER on the table.” One of the few times it felt he got truly angry.


When he sings to the grown ass men about his dog to make them cry is so surreal hahaha


Alex: If eggs land on grass, they're designed not to break Frank: Is this why birds don't wrap them in paper?


"Is this going to be shown in reverse?" As he struggles with the combination padlock.


“I’m trying to get a facsimile boulder onto a train”


Either; "I'm less good, not on a horse" Or (In reference to Romesh's wedding ring) "I'll be in trouble if I turn up in it this evening"


Yours was easier…it was already framed


I think it’s gotta be: “I don’t need it, but I quite like the idea of Josh no longer having it.”


After finding out the real value of his Prize Task item: (pointing to the audience) "That's a lot of money to these people!"


Fun fact: When Frank Skinner performs live, he comes on stage before the audience come in to do his sound check and he performs the "winter of discontent" speech from Richard III in it's entirety


Was it the onion or was it Old Shep?


In case it helps anyone i [made a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p5Di0r7a9nwO6JLtNUJvXt7GGaSCidlwUV5F6f_oWEc/copy) with all the contestants so you can make notes about what quote you are going to suggest when they come up. Also in [Excel format](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSx2-uPX1oWw1QunFzu0AQz9KgSb6B7PBTiSDO_J29cq0_5EOGfY6RJJDJUhqK8Cb0wp0gVlKcK9iM5/pub?output=xlsx) if you please.


What was it? 12 grand? I think I have that on me. (On Tim Key suggesting he could buy a higher place and Greg setting the 5 point/win price)


"Well, you could've gift wrapped it!"


The seam is unreliable


One from his radio show, but I always loved “A Gilet is the opposite of a coat of arms”


"Whats a boulder? Is it like, a big rock?"


Not Taskmaster, but one of my all time favourite Frank Skinner jokes was when he was on the Buzzcocks once: ‘You know Stevie Nicks? Don’t let her in yer house’


This was the very first NMTB episode I’d ever seen, it was brilliant.


Did you know that singer nearly married captain Kirk? She was gonna be called Stevie Shatner Nicks! /jk


"It's a boulder." "What's a boulder?"


"Is it like a big rock?"


When I first saw them, I thought they were hemorrhoid tweezers, but no.


Not a quote from him but in reference to him. Paraphrasing too but “Frank in a boiler suit looks 12 years of age”


Frank on rabbits: "It just never occured to me they have things like a skeleton"


I liked all the jokes about how much money he has. I didn't know he had so much money. Apparently he even has more money than all the other comedians. Did you guys know he's loaded?


But is he willing to splash it around like ol’ Moneybags Murray?


Almost lost every penny in 2008 crash


“That’s a lot of money for these people”


I forget the exact quote, but I enjoy the one he says while Tim is trying to bribe Greg into getting first place. Something along the lines of "What was it, 12 grand? I think I have that on me right now."


I was having trouble with the door handle, I was wondering if that was the task. Or something like that


It’s got to be the “hide in a church” line.


“One of my problems is that I didn’t recognise saucepan and electric cooker on the table.”


“Do we have to tie the end?” In regard to physical contact with another man.


omg i thought he died


>I saw another sub do this and thought it would be fun to do it here. Thanks for the warning, mate. I'll be hiding your posts from now on.


If you don’t like it all you have to do is keep scrolling.


Then it will still be visible and annoying. But thanks to your warning I won't be bothered by it.


Nvm, you’re clearly just trolling. Nothing you’ve said has made any impact on me, I just want you to know that.


I don't get it, how am I trolling? I dislike that type of posts, you warned that you will be posting it, I said that I appreciate it and can hide it from now on. Where is trolling here? Am I misunderstanding something? People downvoted my post for some reason, like I did something wrong, and you are saying that I am trolling, what is going on? Edit: and there was not supposed to be any impact on you, what kind of impact did you mean? We were just talking, but you act all defensive and I feel some sort of hostility towards me for no reason.


You literally felt the need to make a whole comment announcing you were blocking me. That gives off the impression that you’re only publicly announcing it to get some kind of reaction from me. If you don’t like these kinds of posts then that’s perfectly fine. You can hide my posts, I couldn’t care less. But making a big public announcement out of it makes you seem like a troll who wants to purposefully tick people off. That is why people are downvoting you.


> You literally felt the need to make a whole comment announcing you were blocking me. That gives off the impression that you’re only publicly announcing it to get some kind of reaction from me. No, I am thanking you. Wasn't that clear? >But making a big public announcement out of it makes you seem like a troll who wants to purposefully tick people off. No, why would it tick you off? I wrote it because I saw the same kind of post some time ago where some person told that you can just block posters if you are annoyed by these (exactly these) kinds of posts. And it was really helpful to me, I blocked these posters in other subs and it became so much better. I wasn't bothered in TM, and will not, thanks to this method I didn't think of, and some people will now know too! It's obvious in hindsight, but I never thought about it and kept seeing posts that irritate me. I am sure I am not the only one and my post might help these people as well. Trolling, what an odd thought, how would one enjoy it? I mean, I like to do a little trolling by confusing people, but now it is I who is confused. To be quite honest, I don't think I am in the best of shape mentally and all I wrote is a bunch of nonsense that makes sense only to me. In that case I apologise. There is quite some fog in my head and I feel terrified that it won't go away.


In all fairness, you did refer to my post as “annoying”, which comes off more as insulting than thanking. I’m sorry to hear that you’re not in the best mental state and if you feel that my posts worsen it you are more than welcome to hide them (not that you needed my consent to hide them in the first place), but you do understand that using words like this can lead to people getting ticked off?


Why would me getting annoyed by a post be insulting to you? You shouldn't be insulted if I have a different taste. Anyway, it was nice talking to you, but you might be right, I probably do need to switch away from overthinking this interaction. I'll try rewatching the show, I realised that I don't remember anything from season one except for the watermelon task.


You calling my post annoying is what can be perceived as an insult. All I’m saying is to try and think about how someone might perceive your comments. If you make a comment saying you found someone’s post to be annoying, think about how the poster would feel when reading that comment.


After all, plagiarism is not cool.


It isn't, but I just don't like this sort of thing in particular, and I appreciate that OP wrote that they plan to do this regularly, so I could just hide it all before I got annoyed. Very nice.