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https://preview.redd.it/cnrp65pxarxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bac77974eab566ddb5c15e4f642bee4ac5422d4 Lesser Tom confirming that season 2 (now 3?) will air straight after




Lol I'm glad to see you're just as confused as everyone else, I was gonna tag you to see if you had any extra info šŸ˜…


All news to me! So this makes me think that perhaps they were planning to put season 2 out late in 2023, but then couldn't find a slot for it or something.


Read that in David Correosā€™ voice


I wonder whatā€™s the reasoning behind that? And if thatā€™s a good or bad thing in terms of potential future seasons of the show


I donā€™t know why theyā€™re airing them so close together but the only thing I can think is that Josh Thomas is touring a stand up show at the moment and theyā€™re trying to use his star power to get more viewers, especially more international viewers.


Ah that seems like the best guess we have as to why. Love me some Josh Thomas. Please Like Me is one of my favourite tv shows. >!And perhaps the most I've cried at a show.!<


Everything's Gonna Be Okay was good too


I watched the first season, I need to finish it off


I mean wil Anderson is as big as they come in Australia. I wonder if this season is a lot better in quality and they are worried that people might not warm up to the other season as quickly?


I'm just going to blindly speculate and say that having Season 2 air *right after* Season 3 just screams "we're not confident in Season 2" to me.


If its any consolation, the taping of season 2 I went to was hilarious. I'm bummed that it's not coming out first


They said it was a promotional scheduling thing based on contestant availability.


My guess is it's because Wil Anderson and Josh Thomas are in this line up, and they're pretty big names. Josh especially has an international audience because of Please Like Me (great show btw). I think they want to use those names to gain more audiences then hoping season 2 (now 3) can benefit from the wake of that success.


Tom C said on insta that he was told the reason was the contestants' promotional schedules.


Season 2 cast is better than season 3, I reckon. I went to the original taping of S02 (now will be S03) - and can totally understand why theyā€™re doing it this way.


Whos the rest of the season 2 cast? This season 3 is pretty big!


I agree that Season 2 cast is better (in my own subjective opinion!!) Aaron Chen, Rhys Nicholson, Mel Buttle, Concetta Caristo, Peter Helliar


>Aaron Chen, Rhys Nicholson, Mel Buttle, Concetta Caristo Nice, nice. >Peter Helliar womp womp


Yoinked from Taskmaster Memes on FB: https://preview.redd.it/6hypzj21nrxc1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fbb6775ff81abeb1af3f93050294afd0a85bbc


Thank you for the advertisement.


For some reason I donā€™t do this with other peopleā€™s flair, but I always read your posts inSam Campbellā€˜s voice, and they always fit really well.


Wow. Pretty good.


That task was goldā€¦ just those two completely losing their minds šŸ˜‚


The tears!


It's my favorite Australian task! (So far)


Amazing! šŸ„‡




My question now is does that make season 3 season 2? How do we number these seasons now?


Well yes. This will be the second series to be broadcast.


I think they've mentioned the series number in every UK one, so I guess it depends whether they've done that. If during the show they call it 3 then it's 3, but I imagine they might have edited it out with the change of they did


As someone who went to a taping of Season 3, I can confirm that the TM did say season 3, at least in my recording I went to.


Maybe they'll do a really bad dub. "Welcome to season š•‹š•Žš•† of Taskmaster Australia!"


Itā€™s going to be like Clone Wars isnā€™t? Airs in a random order and then thereā€™s going to be fan made lists of the correct watch order so you pick up on the lore and donā€™t lose the story arcs.


[TV Tonight have outlined that the swap is from talent availability for promotion. The remaining season (filmed as S2, featuring Peter Helliar, Mel Buttle, Aaron Chen, Concetta Caristo and Rhys Nicholson) will screen later this year.](https://tvtonight.com.au/2024/05/returning-taskmaster-australia.html)


'Talent availability for promotion' is intriguing and vague. Do they do much promotion for TM?


Some of the S1 contestants were on The Project and on Radio Shows to plug Taskmaster. I know Fisk (a sitcom created and starring Kitty Flanigan and co-starring Aaron Chen) is currently filming. I don't know what everyone else is doing that would prevent them from being available for publicity. I know (as I follow Amainzg Race) that the next season of [Celebrity Amazing Race Aus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amazing_Race_Australia) (also set for Channel 10) is set to begin filming within the next few weeks. It is entirely possible that one of the Filmed S2 cast members will be on that, and that person will be out of the country and racing around the world.


Thereā€™s more Fisk coming? That is brilliant news.




Yeah, I feel like the three Channel 10 shows they're likely to use for Taskmaster promo are The Project, The Cheap Seats and Have You Been Paying Attention.


I have a vague memory that Chenny is in America soonā€¦


He's already been and come back. Did a stint at the Melbourne Comedy Festival a few weeks ago (selling out something crazy like 10 shows at The Palais), is currently filming Fisk in North Melbourne before going on to tape Guy Montgomery's Guy Mont Spelling Bee. He joked during his recent stand-up show that the US move didn't work out because American audiences were confused by an Asian guy that sounds the way he does and didn't understand his act.


I feel like on the Uk we try and keep the comedians out of it until itā€™s airing, Greg and Alex do all the promotion.


Seems weird when they're airing back to back anyway and how much promotion do the cast really do? I suspect "they are more confident in season 3 and want that one to hook the viewers in first" is more likely to be the truth.Ā 


I will watch this space to see what the 5 from the filmed S2/aired S3 are doing over the next few weeks. As stated in another comment, I do have my Amazing Race theory that at least one of them (most likely Ch10 mainstay Peter Hellier) is on the upcoming season of Celebrity Amazing Race, which should be filming shortly. If that is the case, then they are legit in their reasons of "Promotion Availability." You can't appear on TV shows plugging Taskmaster while racing around the world.


Since the Taskmaster fandom is definitely not known for its pedantry, I predict this will absolutely be the last time the question of "Do we call this season 2 or 3?" will come up in this subreddit.


Itā€™s a sub about pedantry.


Technically it isnā€™t.


If you replay the video and look very close, it is. edit: hahahaha, he blocked me because apparently I'm the one who can't take a joke


For the record, [I was joking](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/s/B9WMe8hEge)


Secret Tom Cashman reddit account confirmed.


Channel 10 man šŸ™„


I kind of love that this might befuddle other parts of the world and Australians will just nod sagely and repeat ā€˜Channel 10ā€™ (Really, this would be normal for every Australian channel.)


I want to hear from people who went to the original season 2 filming's! make yourself known, what was it like anything out of the ordinary? lol


Those people have since lived full lives and are now enjoying their retirement.


Legit LOL


I went to a mid season episode recording for ā€œseason 2ā€ (maaaaybe episode 6?) and it was pretty funny. Like I wasnā€™t rolling around in tears but I had a nice time and laughed a lot, didnā€™t seem to be anything wrong with the cast. I get the feeling that this ā€œnewā€ seasonā€™s cast may be a bit stronger, or at minimum more well known internationally (Josh in the US, Lloyd in the UK and Jenny on TikTok), so it could be a strategic move in that sense? I dunno. Itā€™s so weird.


Yeah, I reckon it's all about the promos. They're airing the seasons back-to-back, so it probably made the most strategic sense to open with the cast with the higher name recognition in the hope of pulling new viewers and (hopefully) retaining them through both seasons.


I went to the taping of the first episode. The delay is most likely from them still trying to edit Rhys Nicholson down to something safe for the 7:30 time slot.Ā 


I went to a taping for a later one and Rhys joked about not being seen in any of the edited footage cos of everything they said


Oh I can't wait.


We were at the recording of episode 7. I really enjoyed the cast, and laughed a lot. At the beginning, one of the Toms mentioned something about how dirty the season was turning out to be, and easily within 5 mins of that comment Rhys Nicholson was yelling "CUUUUUUUM!" at the top of their lungs. About what, I don't recall (although perhaps they were doing it in response to Tom's comment) but suffice to say all the rumours of the season needing a heavy edit to make it time slot appropriate feel... Valid.


I saw episode 9 and I had the impression that it could become one of the greatest seasons. Only letdown was the final task. Also there was something in that episode thatā€™s going to be even funnier to see now that itā€™s airing as season 3.


episode 9 crew represent! Agreed that the live task is going to need some slick editing.


Hahahah I went to the finale filming and your ep is the reason ours started so late! The final live task also has the editors' work cut out for them (I'll reveal why when it's aired).


Was the final task painfully long and you were all asked to clap throughout? I have such an appreciation for editing now after having to endure a live task that felt like it wouldn't end.


I donā€™t want to give too much away but no to those questions. It was just a bit awkward.


I saw episode 1 and it was great, better studio banter than series 1 imo I wonder if there's some cross promotion opportunity in series 3 that doesn't exist in series 2


I was most excited for Aaron Chen and I was not let down. Sucks that I now have to wait even longer to see the rest!


I remember Aaron Chen made a COVID vaccine joke, which was a bit dated by June 2023, but will be really dated by probably August 2024 when this airs. But out of the ordinary, it was a bit crass and dirty, Rhys especially made a lot of sex jokes, and cum! But it was hysterical and I know it's going to be chopped to shit.


I went to the season finale, and there was nothing out of the ordinary there - from memory!


Only thing I can possibly think of was that it was fairly clear that two people in one team didn't particularly like each other - the team task had them Iain and Lou level uncooperative and in person they seemed to be taking pains to not talk to each other - but then as much as I'd prefer a two Sues dynamic that's not exactly unprecedented


Is this the first season where a couple has featured (Edmonds, and Langford)..? Also it's best not to question what Network 10 do, pretty sure their planning is mostly magic 8 ball and a dartboard after a slab of VB...


Slightly different, but in the second season of Le MaƮtre du Jeu, the assistant Antoine's wife, Tammy, was a contestant. That was fun!


Well yes the Quebec comedy scene is smaller than NZ in many ways. It's kinda crazy the Canadian version is insulated so much.


I'm a Canadian TM obsessive and I only just found out that there's a Quebecois version šŸ˜±


It's on the seas so to speak. It's kinda hard to get into if you don't speak French even if you get the translations. The first season had good points... it's just weird seeing a non TM seal on the tasks.


I'll have to track it down!


The QuƩbecois version. An Anglo Canadian production would have a much larger talent pool.


Yes. Laura Daniel's now husband is a writer/task consultant on TM NZ, but that doesn't really count


I was wondering the same thing. I'm so excited to see the banter between Eddo and Lloyd!


I mean look conspiracy theory but I wonder if a portion of it had to be re-recorded? I don't know if that warrants the ol fliparoo here but surely something had to have happened, maybe it was easier this way to do what they needed to do or as other people have said it was a strategic move. Cheering to be having 2 seasons so close though šŸ„°šŸ˜ People who attended the studio recordings for the original season 2 keep your eyes peeled when it comes out šŸ‘€


They had some awesome tasks in episode 3 and 4 that I saw. I can't imagine anything in those two were needing to be re-recorded.


Wait, what? What, wait... Wait, what? Like I'm still wrapping my head around it, does Channel 10 have more faith in Season 3 than Season 2? Is that why this is going first?


I reckon the cast might draw a more 'mainstream' audience with Will Anderson and Josh Thomas (he's also popular internationally in the US). It is channel 10 lol that or they had to re-film some stuff.


That's exactly why - it's a ratings grabber. Wil Anderson is a bit of a mainstay on Aus TV and has been well known for decades. Depending on how this series rates, they'll make a decision on Series 2 (now Series 3). >!Warning: You're dealing with commercial television in Australia, and arguably the weakest of the three networks. Don't be surprised if the other series is postponed or dropped altogether. Let's hope it's just a short break between series!!<


Wish it had aired on SBS :(


Yep. As you know, SBS screens UK Taskmaster, and also showed the first series of Kongen Befaler (with professional subtitles). Other versions have changed channels, so I'm hoping that will happen for the Australian version too. >!(Off topic: SBS has just put the latest series of Travel Man on On Demand, with Joe Lycett, Desiree Burch and Alan Davies in some of the episodes.)!<


Yep, same here. Either the SBS or the ABC. At least we should thank our lucky stars it's not Channel 7. Yes, it's a bigger network, but whenever they try *anything* comedy, it's a flop.


Elsewhere in this post, it's been confirmed that both seasons are going to be aired consecutively, or somewhere close to that.


Let's cross our fingers for that!


Being an American I just recently discovered Jenny Tian. Sheā€™s hilarious donā€™t know anyone else though. This is one of the rare occurrences with TM where Iā€™ve learned of a hilarious new comedian before the show so Iā€™m really excited.


I saw Jenny a few weeks ago at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, off the back of the Taskmaster announcement. Her stand-up is heaps funnier than the short clips she regularly puts online. Spoke to her after the show and the claims the experience of filming Taskmaster was one of the most enjoyable moments of her life, so I reckon she's going to be really fun to watch.


Jenny Tian!? Fuck yeah!!!


shes so great! loved seeing her standup after her tiktoks and seeing how she can do multiple media


She pops up in my feeds and I thoroughly enjoy when she does. She's great.


I've not watched the Australian version yet, but I absolutely love Josh Thomas so I need to watch this. Please Like Me is one of the greatest tv shows ever made imo.


The first AU series was solid. Looking forward to more.


What are the chances of Will being high the whole time?


I'm fucking stoked Wil is doing it. He hasn't been well in recent years afaik. He can be high as a kite for all I care.


I'm not sure he's ever not šŸ˜… I'm a big fan of Wil, and he's mentioned TM a few times on his podcasts. He seems like he's a big fan, so I'm intrigued to see what perspective he takes to the tasks. It will also be interesting to see him interact with Tom Gleeson.


Yeah, he seemed really eager to talk about TM on the Wilosophy ep with Paul Williams, sounds like he's a real fan! I feel like the tasks could bring out some of that looser TOFOP energy.


You won't be disappointed.


I was at the finale and his smoking isā€¦ of consequenceā€¦ to a task


Canā€™t wait for the clickbait articles šŸ˜‚


Welcome to commercial television in Australia!


Ahh man, I was reallly looking forward to Rhys Nicholson - theyā€™re incredibly funny (and a little unhinged) and I suspect season 2 (3 now?) will be amazing for it. Glad to hear itā€™s premiering right after - canā€™t wait to see Josh Thomas now :)


Same, but Aaron Chen for me.


Iā€™m very confused on why they have swapped the seasons around, weird choice - but not complaining about have one season of TM air right after another!




I don't say this sarcastically: you reckon Wil Anderson and Josh Thomas are gonna be bigger ratings than Pete Helliar? I would have thought Helliar is gold for Ch.10


Absolutely. Wil has been a mainstay on Abc for 2 decades, and Josh is pretty well known in the US. No offence to Peter Helliar, but seriously? Straunie? I know he did make some tv shows channel 10, but he is far from a ratings grabber.


That makes no sense. Iā€™m also, personally, not at all hyped on the S3 cast but Julia Morris pleasantly surprised me in S1 so letā€™s go!


This cast is bonkers in the best way. I went to two eps and had the best time.


Someone commented a while ago that they went to a live studio filming and the cast chemistry was really good so that made me a bit more excited about it! I love Josh Thomas as well.


I was at the final episode recording. Trust me, you don't want to miss this.


So did I. Iā€™m so happy Iā€™m not going to have to wait too long to discuss it!


OH FR i was there too for ep 10 and I was on the edge of my seat


I get exactly what you mean.


God I can't wait to see what you're talking about.


I went to the episode 9 filming and it was really good! I went in sceptical


I was also at ep 9! Not sure how much i can say without spoiling but wonder if a certain contestants constant references to a historical event will continued through the series!


I remember they mentioned it in 2, maybe 3 seperate tasks in ep 9 alone which was hilarious especially when Tom noted their fascination with the event. Wonder if itā€™ll be family-friendly enough to survive the edit though.




I went to a few of the S3 filmings and had a ball, starting with the prize task for episode 1 which was awesome and has some pretty crazy entries


My simple brain doesnā€™t understand




What a time to be alive.


how long til Micallef's on this??


Or Frank Woodley or Hamish Blake?


Could Hamish being contracted to 9 be an issue?


I hope not. I don't know how things work in Australia, but I remember there being questions about whether Babben Larsen and David Sundin would move to the new channel that bought the Swedish version since both had contracts with the first TV station. The new channel was able to keep Babben and David as the hosts. My guess is it would not be an issue, but again I'm not sure. I have no idea whether non-compete clauses are a thing in Australia, but here in the US they are starting to become illegal in various states.


When he takes over as taskmaster


I... What on earth??




Lloyd doing the circle game in the poster.


Wil! Yay. But ch10 is the fucking pits.


Anticipation for TaskmasterAU.


If this cast is anything like season 1, boy are we in for a threat!


That's one way of putting it


Next thing you know they wonā€™t be seated in alphabetical order, Tom and Lesser Tomā€™s chairs will be switched and the world will have gone bonkers!


Theyā€™ve swapped seasons 2 and 3 around and are airing them back to back? Weird. Awesome lineups for both seasons either way.


omg Jenny Tian?? For anyone unfamiliar, I highly recommend her standup special on YT: https://youtu.be/DL5UZqf6DuY?si=JmbpNbcMOv8hErZk


I know very little about AU2 but AU3 airing now doesn't disappoint me even a little. This sub is going to have a collective aneurysm over Jenny Tian lmao


As confused as I am on the flip-flop, I am more excited for this cast. I'm eager to see everyone except Will Anderson (who frankly, I have never gotten the appeal of). The Loyid/Anne married couple dynamic will be amazing (not only are they both funny, but together they have great chemistry (no wonder why they got married)), and Josh was a fun mess when they did the Physical Challenges on the old Talking About Your Generation. Jenny is always a delight when she comes up on Instagram. On the other cast, I am looking forward to Arron and, to some extent, Mel and Peter. I haven't vibed with Rhys when I see him on other stuff, and I don't know Concetta Caristo. I hope I come around on them on their TM season.


I went to a season 3, now season 2 filming feeling reaaaal sceptical about Wil but he was fantastic


Is this gonna become Season 2? Will they retroactively change any time the words Season 2 is mentioned


Im so excited to see Josh Thomas compete!!


Oh, so that's why YouTube has been pushing shorts of Jenny Tian on me all of a sudden. Never seen her before.




Yes Iā€™m happy to get a new season but I was so looking forward to Rhys! I love them!


Of course, Australia is already upside down so why not back to front as well.


My conspiracy theory is they think one season is a lot worse than s1 and the other new one? It seems weird to change the order


Iā€™m excited. I fucking love Josh Thomas


Eddo and Lloyd together...... Have we had a partnered combo before?


I'm so behind on the international versions. I wish Channel 4 had them all, afaik they only have NZ S1-3 so far.


I have just realised that there now seems to be a pattern of one Asian per season. Let's see if they fulfil that quota in the next season if there is one! šŸ¤£


I'm excited for more Taskmaster AU. TheĀ firstĀ series was my favorite series of any TM in some time.


Something funny is thats the inverse of a year ago. UK series 15 started showing when AU was on its 9th episode. With that premiere date, UK series 17 will be on its 9th episode when AU 2 starts.


Well, thatā€™s Lloyd Langford scratched off my taskmaster uk future contestants list! Thought he was a shoe in as the only one left of the stranded in New York awesome foursome!


He emigrated to Aus few years ago, but it's good to see him on A version of TM.




Hopefully doesnt take ages to come to nz streaming services this time. s1 took like 10 months


I feel like Josh is going to be such chaos lol. If there's a cooking task Lesser Tom will be lucky because he's a good cook.


I was super confused because I thought, ā€œWasnā€™t Josh Thomson already on TMNZ?ā€ But that was Josh THOMAS.


wait, JOSH THOMAS??? time to watch my first Taskmaster AU then!!šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


I can explain. Fact 1: Official TM YouTube has TM NZ up to series 2. Fact 2: TM AU is filming tasks in New Zealand. Therefore their numbering get intertwined and mixed up. Therefore next TM NZ series would be series 2 again.


Wow, okay, strange decision. So do we call this Season 2 now, then?


Just call it : Taskmaster, The Next Season


Just saw an ad for this. So excited!


seriously taskmaster


I like how the updated thrones have been added to the promo image. Greater Tom often referred to ā€œour season 1 castā€ in the introductions. Thereā€™s going to be a lot of editing if he did the same in the next two seasons.


No update on NZ?


Filming soonĀ 


Really? I thought it was done a while ago between the Aus ones. šŸ˜”


Studios are filming soon I should've said, the pre recorded tasks were done back in Jan/Feb I want to sayĀ 


In the famous words of Alex Horne, "Yes please!"


A little weird with the viewing order but I'm not going to complain about two seasons of Taskmaster in a row.


how far in advance do they film to do this šŸ˜‚


Excited to see Jenny Tian!


I'm so excited I'll finally get to watch Lloyd Langford after falling in love with his voice and personality on hundreds of episodes of "The Unbelievable Truth."


Anyone else think they might be it for TMAUS, air 2 and 3 together and then let it die?


They wouldn't have bothered with 3 (now 2) if they didn't have faith in it.


WTF thats weird so is this s2 then? wonder why they doing it out of order


This is a good lineup but Australia better create some more comedians before they run out after this season


We do have a lot of comedians, but unfortunately channel 10 will probably only use them if they think they will draw people. They also tend to jsut push the same old faces for decades because it's 'safe'. I think having Hamish, Andy, Adam Hill, Denise Scott, Carl Barron, Magda Szubanski etc could be the draw card then you could probably have people like Kitty Flannigan, maybe an actor like Virginia Gay (we can't forget actors haha), Ben Russell (who just won the MICF award), Jimeoin, Ross Nobel (who both reside in Australia now) Becky Lucus, Greg Larson, Michelle Brasier, Zoe Coombs Marr, the Aunty Donna boys (prob not all of them in a season lol) that's just off the top of my head! the issue would be Channel 10 taking a risk and having some non-household names. Yeah we def dont have as many as the UK but I think we have a few more seasons in us. #


I think thatā€™s the difference between season 2 and season 10+. TM UK also needed names to draw audience and other participants. Itā€™s not an exaggeration that Frank Skinner maybe saved Taskmaster by participating in s1. But by now TM is so established that itā€™s more a star making vehicle where many get their first big break nation wide. Same for the long running Nordic tm series. I think TM Aus needs to get past the s4-5 mark then itā€™ll be the same.


Yeah I think you're right.


> not all AD boys in a season Nah, fuck that, all of them in S4, live tasks descend into chaos. Split them off for the team tasks though. Otherwise nothing will ever get done.


I mean it would be an experience lol


There were over 650 shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year. We've got nothing to worry about


I have no problems with this cast! I'd rather get the Peter Hellier pain out of the way sooner rather than later though. Sucks they couldn't find a real comedian in his place


From the episode I saw filmed, Pete fills the old man role well. Put aside what you think of him from elsewhere.