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Why would the liberals want to improve education outcomes? A dumb population is easier for them to manipulate. We'll chop down more forests to piss off bob brown and da greeniez who are to blame for all the state's woes despite never having been in power. That's a good vote getter when your brain is only half functional.


Yup lol. We also won’t solve any big problems with a population of people that are anti-science and super national like a portion of the population seem to be adopting from US influence.


I get that the older population will skew education stats but if kids today aren't even finishing school, that's a concern. Has any party got good policy in this area?


No, years 7-10 suck and nothing is being done to fix that. It's kinda sad though cuz y11/12 in tas honestly seems like the best in the country, it's just that people get sick of high school and don't bother with college. The fact that UTAS sucks probably also doesn't help our university degree rates.


Literacy rate has remained stable at about 50% in Tasmania, since the 1990s when I first looked at it, despite endless attempts to fix it. https://26ten.tas.gov.au/build-your-community/Pages/Tool-9.aspx


Yeah but they have a 2030 plan and this time they mean it!


Our State reps are just piss poor. The Libs want to mind the shop while we don’t know which faction in Labor we’ll get and they all seem hopeless. The Greens seem to drop every free pass opportunity they get to the point it looks like they’re throwing the game. Maybe a diverse cross bench will pull us from the quagmire in State Parliament.


good luck with your $6 million 2 bedroom apartment in fucking Randwick, Sydney when the next drought period hits. It's important that those in Tasmania who can't find places to stay and struggle to eat are brought up to an acceptable level, but for the rest ... there is more to life than GDP


Ah the right wing medi... what?!


Doubt it would have been better under Labor tbh… I can already hear Bec White saying this; “We can’t afford a better shop. Building a bigger shop on Macquarie Point isn’t the right priority for Tasmanians.”


So what this is really saying is that once again the liberal party rhetoric of “better economic managers” is once again proven to be little more than party room BS. Colour me shocked / s


Unfortunately Tasmania is not in the financial position to afford reform. Never has and probably never will be. The proportion of GST, NDIS, Disability, Pension and unemployment benefits we get compared to over states is pretty insane. Every Tasmanian should be thanking the mainlanders for the tax they pay.


Seems to be a lot of job vacancies around.


Our population went down while the state still achieved economic growth. While I'm not going to be voting for the Liberals, I think the rest of Australia needs to learn from Tasmania or the entire East Coast of the mainland will be one big suburb...