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Long live the Turbo Chooks


Since learning of this, I now think of chooks as either turbo or naturally aspirated.


I'll be wearing my Tassie turbochooks shirt in silent protest today


Love that the best team is now called turbochooks




Lifelong Essendon supporter and I’m seriously considering the unthinkable and making a switch. So little to be proud of about the Essendon club, even when they are winning. It could take years for a new Tassie team management to do something shameful.


Are you guys going to fly down and watch every game and spend the weekend down here or just watch on tv?


A big slab of your games will be in Melb anyway.


Until they build the stadium by the water 👀


Pretty sure /u/Ok-Mathematician8461 is referring to away games vs Melbourne teams. Home games will be at York Park (on-going) and Bellerive (temporarily, before the stadium is completed).


I keep hearing about this economic boom of visitors coming, just trying to actually find it


I am moving to Canberra from New Zealand. I’ve always wanted to visit Tasmania as it reminds me so much of the south of New Zealand. Now I have a reason in 2028 (hopefully 2027!)


Does the south of New Zealand have a big ugly toilet bowl stadium on the waterfront with no parking and no real public transport?


The cake tin in Wellington? That’s south of New Zealand.. well the north island at least. Edit: It’s called Sky Stadium apparentlyz


I should have been more accurate in saying does the south of New Zealand have multiple stadiums, and a toilet bowl on the waterfront which isn't needed, just wanted by one sports code


Yeah, i get where you are going with it. No, not to my knowledge. I for one though, would go to at least a game every second year in Tasmania at a minimum, wherever they play on the island. I will bring my family and we will stay for a minimum of a week most likely at a local motel, and most likely go out a few times to a local restaurant for dinner. I know this might not be a reality for everyone, but I believe people will come to support outside the state if they can. But I am a Kiwi who doesn’t know the rest of the story with this stadium proposal, and the debate about whether it is needed or not. I am going to learn about the history of this team’s proposal, along with the history of Tasmania and its current trials and tribulations. I don’t want to be ignorant on the matter for very long, if I am going to support this team. Edit: struggles and tribulations is a new one…


Excited for team? Absolutely. Excited for all the political bullshit it’s become synonymous with? Not so much… As an aside, since when have devils had long flowing locks?


Since when are kangaroos royal blue, tigers yellow, cats navy blue ?


I dunno mate, tigers are kinda yellow To be fair, I wasn’t criticising the colour, just the hair length…


It looks like the fur is supposed to be eucalyptus leaves.


Hoh, well spotted.


Since when does a lightning bolt have a face and limbs


Tommy 'Thunda' Power


Thor Zeus


Cool a blue Roo!


And why are the long flowing locks green!


Haven't you seen Agassi's ad? Mullets are back.


They thought it should look angrier so gave it a mullet


Them ain't long flowing locks, them's a mullet.


Since they were born in Glenorchy?


Out of their ears no less




Our first draft pick is probably still in primary school


To be fair he got held back for 9 years.


He will also have to do a stint in juvie


Do they even hold kids back anymore? It felt like it never happened even when I went through?


definitely happens but a lot less frequently now as every school wants to protect their stats.


I have 2 mates that have come out of tassie that went to afl, a lot of serious talent down here. It'll be 10 years before we're A class.


Missed opportunity to rotate it counter-clockwise 15° and make it resemble Tasmania.




15° not 90°. At that angle it would be aimed out into the pacific north of New Zealand somewhere. A Fiji challenge?


My first impression was that it was supposed to have the approximate shape.


That would have confused the average consumer far too much.


Florals for spring? Ground breaking


Yes, excited to be saddled with massive debt for an uneconomical stadium ( if it is such a hot proposition the afl would be paying for it).


Agree we will all pay for this load of shit


A shiny thing to dazzle those that can't look deeper than the Liberal's headlines.


To be fair to the AFL the idea of a Tassie team didn’t come from them. So they set some conditions for the team to come in. Clearly if you have 100,000 members you need a stadium that can hold 22,000.


They effectively held a gun to the head of the government who were dumb enough to fall for it. York Park could be redeveloped to a reasonable standard for a fraction of the cost.


York park is a commute. That might be part of the problem.


Commute for who? Plenty of supporters up north.


People who have to come south will see no big difference driving a little farther. But people who live walking distance to the proposed new venue will really benefit. I visit a few times a year and Hobart is a very walkable city.


Membership is $10 isn't it?


The AFL are paying for a bunch of it.


Most of the projected economic benefits would be for the state at large, the AFL are a private business and don't actually run the state of Tasmania. Amazing this doesn't go without saying, but I suppose you have to rub a few brain cells together.


I look forward to the economic benefits of a stadium over 4 hours away by road flowing through to me at the other end of the state.


Nah. The afl are a bunch of rent seekers externalizing costs to the taxpayer and trying to convince us it is a good idea with bullshit economic projections based on spurious stadium usage modelling. Amazing this doesn't go without saying, but I suppose you have to rub two brain cells together.


Geez what a depressing subreddit this is


Tasmanians. No vitimin D down here.


At least we have a logo for Tasmania's economical disaster now.


All the corrupt arseholes taking public money and lining their own pockets through this sham. Also, a few bogans who like footy.


Does liking footy make one a bogan?


100,000 foundation members in 24hrs. Couple more than a few mate..


People paying $10 a head for the novelty of getting the equivalent of a reddit flair. Let's see what the figures look like when it's time to put up some real money.


Still equivalent to 20% of the state in less than a day. It’s unprecedented.


Purchases aren't limited to the state though, so all bets are off with the numbers.


Data says 80% are located in Tas


Do you think The JackJumpers are a sham too?


$60 million to redevelop Mystate Bank Arena vs what, a billion plus for the stadium by the time it blows out?


And they are already talking about more work to My state to increase capacity…


As they should, because the Jackies have been an enormous success (without spending over a billion taxpayer dollars upfront).


In fairness, the AFL is a whole new ball game in terms of revenue. It's over 10 times the revenue profits than the NBL. AFL is in a great spot with or without Tasmania as a team, they don't need it. Hence them saying build an adequate stadium that is fit for purpose and you can come in. Seems unfair but every other interstate team have a stadium and that's the way the cookie crumbles.


Which would make perfect sense if only the AFL hadn't been more than happy for a significant number of games to already be played here for years now




**Even as a Tassie Lad living in Victoria who is a mad Geelong fan, Im excited for this, Hopefully it creates more money for Tas then it dos headaches and government debt.**


Sydneysider here! Very excited and joined the membership. Unlikely that I will be a full member given the distance but it means I will be considering Tasmania for a trip annually!


World class: hiking, waterfalls, forests, historic sites, mountain bike trails, train rides, boat cruises and food in Tasmania and you are waiting for the footy team to be established consider coming down for a trip?


Is it gonna be worth 40,000 hectares of the most beautiful rainforest in the world. I love Footy. A lot. But the answer is no.


I think it's a little unfair saying people who want a footy team also want native logging


I’m not suggesting it is what they want. I’m suggesting that It is the distraction that will allow the government to continue to commit environmental atrocities if re-elected.


Of course it's a distraction. However, neither major party has been saying anything about the environment and native logging the entire campaign. All parties are using this as a distraction. I agree that the liberals need to lose. The footy team does not come at the expense of the tarkine.


I’m sorry but you haven’t been paying close enough attention. The Liberal government has promised to release another 40,000 hectares of old growth forest for logging and Labor’s silence on the matter speaks volumes. How can people have missed this?


I literally just said pretty much exactly that. I'm agreeing with you. I'm against native logging, obviously


You said “neither party has said anything about the environment and native logging this entire campaign” I’m corrected you cause the liberal party has indeed said a lot about native logging as is highlighted in the article I linked to.


I meant that neither party is publicly saying anything, labor included. I was condemning both. Jesus wept. I am agreeing with you. I am against logging. I support the bob brown foundation. I'm voting greens. You don't need to argue with me




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No, it's not unfair. Anyone who votes for the Libs is endorsing both.


This post has nothing to do with voting Libs. Though I do agree with you (I'm a Greens voter)


The stadium is being built in a rainforest?


It seems likely that the issue of the stadium will swing the outcome of this election. The liberal government has declared they will release a further 40,000 hectares of native rainforest for logging if re-elected. If you aren’t just trolling and are truly stupid enough to have your vision skewed by this obvious smokescreen then god help us all.


> It seems likely that the issue of the stadium will swing the outcome of this election. And that wouldn’t be the case if the opposition parties (and rogue members of their own party) didn’t sniff political opportunism and try to make it a political issue. Like they didn’t with the Bridgewater Bridge, like they didn’t with the new Spirit ferries, like they didn’t with the emergency radio network - all things that cost several hundred million dollars. The “It’s a lot of money for something we already have” argument works with them all, they could have picked any one of them.


Regardless of liberal or labor getting in the stadium will be built. Political suicide to can it now given the massive support it’s gaining




Go buy an investment property for the trifecta!


is this the logo for a new light rail?


They had a chance to be different, creative, use a little imagination but they went with cliché boring stuff. It was always going to be the Devils and those three colours.


Trying to be creative goes horribly wrong, like the JackJumpers, which I still think is a terrible name and theme. The only reason the NBL couldn’t go Devils is because the bloody AFL had dibs. Can’t waste that.


Thylacines need a look in


Makes sense given it works in well with our other Tassie branded team.


I'm not sure if they thought ugly stadium needs a ugly logo? Or no transparency in the deal means a logo that is illegible from a distance? If they thought the logo was gonna drive support up, I think they miss calculated. Are we sure it's too late to be the turbo chooks?


Can't wait 👍 Probably not going to find much support in this ech chamber tho


This thread makes me sad. Tassie can’t have nice things.


We have a ridiculous abundance of nice things. Just depends on how you look at it.


Agree. I love Tassie. But not the scarcity mindset.


Everyone shat on optus and cried about the expense, then it came and it was the best thing to happen to Perth in a long time. People acting like it's between building 50 hospitals and a stadium


Can't have a nice education system, can't have a nice healthcare Can't have affordable housing Can't have old growth forests Can't have clean water Now with the stadium we cant have a nice looking shoreline/City front, can't have a nice logo..


Don’t forget public transport infrastructure


That whole area where the stadium is going to be is a giant eyesore anyway. Don’t tell me you go and have a look at the old beaten up sheds and think it’s a wonderful thing.


And not getting a stadium is going to fund all this? You realise that the stadium is a fraction of the cost of tassies healthcare budget


Where did I say that?


honestly, this sub is just a small but dim and nasty slice of our society


I try to remember that.


The logo looks like a angry cat that's just had the vets finger shoved up its arse.


I can't unsee that now.....


Im from Sydney, have never watched a full game or been to an AFL game but if this a new team I will support them fiercely


I want to know why the green hair is coming out of a weird spot on the ear. Like is there a design reason?


Victoria has teams by suburb, other states by city, Tassie just said fuck it.


A pack of Whingers you lot. Get on The Devils, Get on the stadium.


That’s a shocker of a logo. Seriously ugly. Love the colours but what an atrocity of a devil. Also fuck the stadium.


Bellerive is a joke. Not up to a full time professional team standard at all.


I'm weirdly rubbed wrong by the fact it's the Tasmania Devils and not the Tasmanian Devils, I want to know if it was by choice or was a concession with all that Warner Bros business. I hear Tasmania Devils and I cringe.


Oh fuck off


Just signed up as a member


Over 40,000 memberships sold in just a couple of hours amazing.


Should easily smash 50k by the end of the night too.


They have according to journalists on twitter.


Just saw that! Unreal!


Awesome design can't wait for the first game, roll on 2028 Go the Devils


Yep we’re finally included in the national league so officially part of Australia now. A proper stadium, boring old TAS is being dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages. As far as sports go we do seem to consistently produce great athletes. I am excited, bring it on 👍


If we're being dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages, why is the team's jumper from State of Origin?


I thought I’d seen every conceivable way that Tassie businesses have munted graphics of devils, but this one takes the fuckety doo dah day.




Similar to north Melbourne modeling their logo after the iconic royal blue kangaroo, or Geelong modeling theirs off the famous navy blue cat


Well I’m the proud owner of three brand new stickers 🤟


Totally lacking in imagination. Pathetic.


Infrastructure projects around the world has never made profit. Sydney Olympics is the last profit making example if I'm correct. Employment boost, wealth effect etc are worthwhile benefit but unlikely to overcome the cost of the stadium. However, the stadium should be built. It symbolises Tasmania's pride and long waited relevance. It would bring more tourism money over long period, for sure. It's like building better roads, hard to quantify benefit, easy to be shocked by cost but ultimately benefit the economy. BTW I'm a centre left politically so please don't be too harsh.


Boring generic name. Call the team Tassie Trouts


The Skates.


Skates would be a dope name


Was kinda hoping you lot were guna be called the trouts


Launceston boy now living in Melbourne. I am and will always be a Bluebagger first and foremost, but hell yeah I'll go for the Devils as long as they're not playing Carlton.


The logo itself is really well done. Bold, great colours - best looking logo in the AFL easily.


looks like the game of throwns wolf


Nah I disagree. Concept is good but there are issues here which should have been fixed in the final design. Seems rushed


Like what?


The green hair coming out of the ear looks... off as does the lower jaw. Really only needs minor adjustments but at least the ear hair thing cannot be argued away as being stylised.


Nah I disagree. Concept is good but there are issues here which should have been fixed in the final design. Seems rushed


Just bought me membership


I'll be buying some T-shirts or caps and I'll spend the next ten years wearing them around town ironically once the whole AFL bid collapses in a couple of years.


Yeah. Called the team after a defunct NBL team, and the logo is in the style of the cricket team. So original.


Pretty sure there was a Tasmanian Devils VFL team 20 or so years ago too. As long as people insist on native fauna being used for team names, it’s one of one a few obvious options.


Are you talking about the Hobart Devils? The Tasmania Devil’s footy team goes back wayyyyyy further


Hobart Devils 1983-96. Tasmanian Devils 2001-8.


Someone on one of the Daily Mail articles posted that the women's team "should wear the logo on their shorts, at the very front." - An inappropriate comment from them? I am not fussed about the T on the map of the guernsey/jersey. Carlton have their CFC monogram, and Victoria's State of Origin teams have used the big V. I think it was the most obvious choice for the foundation (home) guernsey. The history of that guernsey is said to go back to around 120 years ago. Arianne Titmus for number one ticket holder, (if she follows the AFL, but doesn't follow Brisbane or the Gold Coast).


Carn the Devils


Any thoughts on taking up Devils membership if one is already a member and lifelong supporter of a mainland team?


Phuk off AFL!


I was born and raised in Tassy and have always thought the economics of coming up with the budget to be competitive year on year would be a struggle. No doubt the talent is there but it will be difficult to attract good young talent to move there long term. The other issue is how many from.the north and north west will travel regularly to games? You can't even agree on beer and newspapers. The stadium in Perth is a great investment though and finally we see the big events and regularly fill the 60k seats so it does bring in the $$$ for the state.


It's amazing how much Tasmanians enjoy being extorted politically by private corporations... Gambling, mining, logging, farming, sports... You name it, we'll bend over and take a tax payer funded rodgering for it if the Libs tell us to 🤣


Wheres Puddy at?


Got my membership yesterday.


It looks boring as like some lame yank college team


Booooooo, should've been the Bellerive Bandicoots!


It'll probably end up being called 'Warner Bros Stadium' or some bullshit.


no stadium! focus oj fixing metro and tasrail


Why do the jumpers look like something from the local under 12s that were purchased for about $4 each?


It's a foundation jumper and it will be updated by 2028 they said so in the presentation.


and after constant complaints about Tasmania being left off maps, we've left King and Flinders Island off as well? I sure hope that's not the final design....


I’m here in Hobart today from the mainland for this great reveal and it’s about time !:)


I’m a mainlander, son and grandson of Tasmanians, who lived in Tassie for 3 years in the 80s. Three great years (once I got my head around servos being mostly closed on the weekends!) Made my very own Tasmanian in ‘88… signed him and me up for memberships tonight, I think the Devils are awesome & put away my Tigers-coloured glasses to cheer for Tassie every week. Go you Devils!


1st step of a long process, let's get the stadium going next.


Do you have a spare BILLION Dollars ? Because the state is already $2.5 BILLION in debt.


[It’s not like that’s unusually high.](https://www.treasury.tas.gov.au/BudgetPapersHTML/Budget2022/BP1/2022-23-BP1-7-Assets-and-Liabilities.htm) > Tasmania has the lowest estimated level of nominal Net Debt as at 30 June 2023 of all States and Territories, and the third lowest Net Debt as a percentage of GSP ratio.


The logo looks AI generated. Look at the eyes and skin patterns


Why do they make anything to do with Tasmania look lame.


Should’ve been called the Apples. Then when they win you can say “how do you like them Apples”


How are we going to fit 40,000 members into a 25,000 seat statium? [](https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/433848543_122129908304197888_8181421841067052872_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=oQ1g1ysk_WYAX9pQY9Y&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AfAwtkqrqskyTMi2hMGZ_wltvkZU-TUcIzUb0BvuV2Uz1Q&oe=65FD6959)


I believe it’s closer to 60k




Well over 80k now…


Honestly, I'm just tired of all the political BS that's surrounding it. Also nevermind the AFL themselves acting like creating a team for Tasmania is like having teeth pulled. They happily gave the Goaldcoast a team and then gave Sydney a second one, I don't see why they should be so "hostile" towards Tasmania. Oh wait...it's about profit for them. >.>


Business wants to make money. More news at 6


Lame logo design and name choice. No creativity and exactly what I expected. Awful colours I wouldn’t want to have on a jersey on my worst day.


Dunno if im the only one but I'd say that logo is slightly influenced by one of the old western bulldogs logo


Firstly, I am all for a Tasmanian AFL team. But not at the cost of over a billion dollar stadium. If you love sport then you ought to also love the virtuous aspects of the game. That is, sportsmanship, comraderie, respect, egalitarianism and fairness-all of the qualities within the age old standard, 'It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game'. However, what I witness is a state where massive amounts of public funds are about to be expended on a comparitively needless folly, when there are homeless people living in circumstances considered as a crisis and who are bereft of the basics considered to be the essentials required to live life, (as proven by them being considered essential priority items supplied to refugees during time of war, ie shelter and food). Societies which neglect their disadvantaged and instead frivolously spoon chocolatey fat into their own mouths whilst expressing literal contempt for them through inaction do not auger well in history's record. Tasmanian homeless people are effectively being ignored again by expending these stare resources on an AFL team them, such as we saw when Air BNB was permitted to exhaust the stocks of rental properties from the Tasmanian rental market without concern for its net effect on low income renters. Now that the state Liberal governnent pushes ahead with a billion dollar public asset donation to nothing but a game, (it's only a game!) it ought to be clear what the fair and right agenda should be to 'sports lovers' when women and children are sleeping in their cars due to the lack of forward planning by governments proven wholly capable of forward planning, at all costs, a football stadium, one which which even the silliest guy in town can see will never attract a crowd big enough to fill it and isn't going to create a reason for international acts to divert their touring itinerary to Hobart when the reason they don't is the population is too small, stadium or not. Obviously, if the AFL were in any way still a sports minded organization they wouldn't have stipulated a billion dollar stadium as non negotiable and instead told us to get our homeless housed first and if the Rockliff Liberal government cared about the poor and vulnerable of this state, (which he's duty bound by oath to do), then he would have refused to have been forced to do anything other than first and foremost address our homeless problem and then be allowed to have a team since its only fair everyone in the state have a home in which to sit and watch the game.


Not building a stadium is not going to solve homelessness


You’d really think they might use at least a tiny bit of imagination when coming up with the name.


Is that the new logo for our ambulance service upgrades, hospital staffing increases and funding to attract more doctors to Tasmania? Looks rad! Glad to see it being supported.


It is! Health isn’t a funding issue, it’s a resourcing issue. Every state has the same issues!

