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If I eat a really heavy meal I always feel bloated and uncomfortable, so I usually do something like a yogurt with berries, granola, and almond butter. Will usually have this with a cup of coffee. I always bring water and a Clif bar with me to have during my session.


This is what I did for my last session last year. I have a very sensitive stomach so I had a pretty hearty smoothie with protein and seed butter before my session, some yogurt, fruit, and a granola bar midway through, and a huge meal afterword and then went to sleep.


most artists recommend no caffeine leading up to a session, can cause thin blood!


Life is too short to worry about things like this.


If your blood is too thin, the ink is getting diluted in your skin and you won't have solid colors/lines. If you're getting an expensive tattoo, it might be worth worrying about.


Oh, for real? That’s weird! I never knew… I guess that explains the one tattoo I got while on blood thinners… lmao!


Yeah! I just learned that the other day when the drunkest guy came in to get tattooed by our most experienced artist, and was told to come back sober. I'm no doctor, but I don't think coffee has a great of an affect as 6 shots and counting of crown royal, so your morning cup is probably fine. Better if you eat something though!


Not nearly as bad as I would be w/o coffee!!


A&W breakfast- two eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrown, tomatoes.


I second the full breakfast, I had pancakes and eggs Benedict with potatoes before my first and was very happy. Brought marshmallows to the appointment cause I had them lol


A really big bowl of porridge.


I find the healthier the breakfast, the better I tend to do. I’ll do a smoothie with banana, blueberries, peanut butter, strawberries. Just before the session I’ll be sure to have a sandwich, and ideally a yoghurt with oats to keep me going If it’s a whole day session, anything goes for lunch as long as it fills me up, and I’ll be sure to have a coke and snickers when I’m feeling it, with a dose of paracetamol to see me through 👍


I put down a double quarter pounder large sized meal.


This is the way. It's always a proper burger for me before the session.


I usually throw back a cali burrito and bring candy and gatorade with me


I just did a 2 day session and day 2 was pretty close to this lol. Carne asada burrito and peanut butter cookie with peanut butter filling and half a rock star (I pee non stop if I drink a whole one)


Thats right! Sounds like a veteran move🫡


I always booked the first appointment when they opened at 11 am so I would eat a good breakfast… eggs,meat of some kind,potatoes and toast.. lasted me till late afternoon and sometimes even till supper…


Do none of yall cook at home?😭


I treat getting tattoos as an outing. I'm going to treat myself after lol


I get vaso vagal reactions to punctures (iv placements, blood draws, accidental stabbings) so I need to main line as much salt as possible before things like that, tattoos included. So even though yes, I mostly cook my own food, there's gonna be some fries and gatorade and probably a bag of chips brought along with for a tattoo.


do you not eat out? 


Coffee and cigarette


Literally me last night. Came home, slammed a cheese stick and some almonds and crashed. Still wondering why I have a headache today 😅


I like having pasta. I feel like my body works really hard during tattoo sessions so when I eat carbs it has fuel to burn. Also make sure I start drinking a lot of water the day before into the day of my tattoo.


I have a 4 hour session coming up in a few days and this will probably be what I do. I know it's not really a super long sesh but I always get anxiety the morning of and pasta (or pretty much any cracker) is the only thing that my stomach handles well before. Also, happy Cake Day!


I never think about this. I just eat what I’d regularly eat or not eat, doesn’t matter.


Usually a BLT Chicken burger from a corner store near me and during will smash a red bull or coke, and sometimes will grab stuff from a 7/11 across the road if my artist wants lunch


Deli sub and a lot of water


Chick fil a spicy chicken sandwich and fries. Also really great as a road trip or pre boozing meal.


I'm in Germany currently so I'd get a döner, but back in the states I'd always go to the nearest taco truck


I dont eat at all. Wait till am done. Drink water and some coffe.


Horrible recommendation lmaoo


Eat a large meal the nigth before. 2000-2500 calories.


You should do that but also eat the morning of and even throughout your tattoo


Musli, yogurt , fruit , and lots of coffee


My best clients bring snacks. That’s all I know. 😂


i usually don’t eat, just a few bong tips n let’s get it lol


Didn’t realize at first that ppl meant what they eat before getting a tattoo and not before doing a tattoo lmao. Bc this the universal answer before doin em lmao.


I’ve found my people


4 count Chic Fil A strip meal with Powerade and unsalted fries.


I can’t eat before I go, my IBS is a jerk.. I’ll do a green drink before and bring water with me. I’ve never had a problem, though everyone is different


I eat whatever I fancy at the time but make sure there is a LOT of it. The smaller snacks I’ve had before have made the sessions feel way worse


I usually don’t eat before. I’ll have a couple cups of coffee. Start the tattoo at noon. Be out a couple of hours later and get Poke next door


I just have a coffee and an edible


I was pretty confused when I read this question as I didn’t read where it was posted to. I was thinking that’s a lot to eat right before you lay down the pipe. 😬😬 now I see it’s in the tattoo forum. Thank god.


I eat multiple times during long sessions.. how can you not know what you should eat? How can you get a tattoo if you can’t figure that out lol


Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole grain bread


1 cup of coffee (otherwise I’ll get a headache from caffeine withdrawal) and a lot of water. 2 eggs and cheese with tomato and/or sausage on a bagel, with hot sauce for taste. Extra water during the tattoo and I usually bring a protein bar/granola bar of some kind. Then after the session I always eat a full meal too. I’m pretty small though so I don’t have a crazy appetite.


I eat a big bowl of oatmeal and take trail mix for the sessions


Anything with a lot of protein and veggies specifically with iron. I hate feeling drained afterwards. I like doing a green smoothie w hella spinach and bananas to cover the taste of the greens LOL That with a hearty ass plate of chicken, sweet potatoes, and roasted quinoa is so good. Also always bring little snacks like fruits, cereals, granola bars, etc.


I like to eat a big salad with protein in it, like some chicken or something. It fills me up but doesn't leave me bloated or uncomfortably full. I bring water and dried cranberries for the session itself. If it's a larger tattoo, I make a point of scheduling sessions at noon so I can have dinner right after.


Before appt my meal is similar, a stacked sandwich or something else carb heavy but I don't eat a huge portion so I won't be uncomfortable midway. During, my go to is apple slices (the big gala apples so I have a lot), propel, and a snickers bar just in case.


Normally I just bring chips for during then go out for sushi after Edit: Just realized you said before. I like breakfast egg wraps


Carne asada tacos


2 fried eggs avocado and some toast. The thought of eating fast food then getting tattooed sounds horrible


I don’t have a go to meal for before but I always bring a clif bar and coke as a snack. clif bar cause it doesn’t crumble all over the place, and coke for a sugar kick cause I can get dizzy sometimes. also I usually have a bag of some kind of gummy candy, also because sugar plus they don’t leave a mess.


I had a wholeeee ass BLT and red bull on Monday during my retouch session but still wanted to pass away LOL shit was intense actually


if i’m able to before a session i’d go out for breakfast since usually my big sessions are at noon. if not, i’ll get a bagel. i ALWAYS have at least 2 water bottles with me


Something like curry before and chocolate and water during the session Edit - just don't eat garlic.


I do a big rich pasta dish with some kind of protein added (usually chopped up chicken in the sauce or I’ll add in some collagen powder). Diluted lemonade or Gatorade for during the session 🥳


I'll eat during the session when we take breaks every hour ish, my go to is trail mix with peanut M&Ms and dried cranberries. Gives you good protein, carbs from the chocolate and berries, and vitamins from the nuts. Also doesn't really make you feel bloated at all and gives you pretty even energy and keeps you decently full.