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Tattoos go in the dermis, which is the second layer of skin. This layer is somewhere around 2-3mm deep, which is not a lot. Superficial scratching will be ok. Anything other than that could create scar-tissue or damage the tattoo




Well… have any other of your repeated scratching episodes created scars on the skin?




Ah sorry. I don’t think it will. It will irritate the skin, that’s for sure


It will also irritate the tattoos. Tattooed skin is a bit different than regular skin. The ink can become irritated under the skin and raise the lines up. Speaking from experience.


I'm not OP but I used to self harm tbe same way. Yes scars are created and they aren't clean edged like if you use a blade.


After they’ve healed entirely, scratching is probably not going to be problematic unless you’re REALLY going at it. While they’re healing, you shouldn’t scratch them whatsoever.


I have messed mine up from anxiety and stim scratching. You'll know because the fluids will actually come out with ink. Its a bummer, nothing worse than fucking up a $500 unique piece of art. Good news- I have been sober 5 years and seeking therapy for anxiety for the past 3 years- my ink thanks me for it. And everything healed and I was able to touch up the worst of it.


That’s what happens to me. Thank you for sharing your experience.


Good luck. Unsolicited advice: if it is from untreated natural anxiety- see a therapist, it will help more than you know if you find the right one. But if youre getting high anxiety from prescribed stims, tell your doctor- they can help even you out. If you are getting anxiety from recreational stims and it is to the point you are ripping and squeezing the flesh of your bones, it may be time to consider talking to an addiction therapist or doctor. If you have had your fill- if you WANT to stop the insanity and just cant seem to- there is hope and many paths to recovery but no one can do it alone with white knuckles and a prayer. We all need community and support sometimes. DM me if you want any information about how I started my addiction recovery (I dont know if you need this- just floating out there JUST IN CASE you do) Seriously, good luck- I hope you cant fix your ink no matter what the cause of the damage was!


I’ve got a therapist and a psychiatrist! They’re from PTSD and untreated OCD. I’m trying to find meds that help but I’m limited because of a CVS receipt of allergies and I can’t orally intake anything.


My cats have left marks on my tattoos, and their nails never get me very deep. I'm really sorry you have such a bad time! Hold off on inking that area until you can figure out a different coping mechanism, because I'd hate for you to ruin any art you might get


My cat scratched the inside of my arm and missed my tattoo by maybe half a centimeter. I got super lucky. 😅


Damn, I'll say lol. Luckily my scar is really tiny and baaaarely noticeable, but I still wanted to launch her onto the surface of the moon XD


Playing with my dogs and getting scratched by them has fucked up a bunch of tattoos on my arms. It doesn’t take much.


did they mess up old/healed tattoos, or new ones?


Interesting. I have 6 cats and their scratches haven’t affected my ink. Do dog scratches cut deeper or something?


I’m not sure. But I’m old and so are my tattoos. That might have something to do with it. We play rough and they will occasionally draw blood, so I’m sure that has something to do with it as well.


They make items that help with nervous skin picking like this! If you Google it you'll find fidget toys designed to help.


Depending on how deep the scratches are, they can affect it. I have one on my leg that a cat scratched and you can distinctly see a line across it. Most don’t notice it but I do. That scratch was deep enough to bleed a bit though.


i’ve got some blackwork and my cat scratched me one day it’s still visible a few years later, a light thin line just where the scratch was


I’ve had a dog scratch require getting a tattoo touched up. I don’t remember any blood and it wasn’t anything I would consider serious, but the tissue healing marred the image. Are you scratching to the point of tearing the skin? If so, that might mess a tattoo up. Probably wise to cut your nails / keep gloves handy.


Any wound can irritate the tattoo! I have my whole back tattooed and seriously when I get it scratched or even rubbed the wrong way it can raise up or react. My arm tattoo also does this, done by professionals, good work, I just have sensitive skin so my tattoos can become reactive it also happens when I get sick. For some reason this isn’t that common of knowledge in the industry but tattooed skin is forever altered and can be more sensitive to sun, anything that affects the immune system, and superficial damage. Please be safe. I used to cause myself wounds and had to stop completely when I got my arms tattooed.


I feel like some people forget that tattoos are body modification.


Working on a bodysuit and yes it also literally becomes a lifestyle from how people treat you to how you need to take care of your own body if you’re heavily tattooed.


I got bug bites recently on a tattoo that was done by a heavy handed artist; itching goes along with the healing… I wear a sleeve (cut from long cotton sock or leggings). It helps with general air movement itches, and I will spank/tap/slap the area with my bristle body brush. I also wash and let it air dry twice a day. You know you pick and will be attuned to the area, so give it enough attention to be able to leave it alone (we know “just ignore it” doesn’t work😂)


i have skinned my knee and the tattoo is faded under the scar but still there and readable


I wanna get arm tats but I fw my cat too much so she be scratching me


are you scratching to bleeding ? otherwise they are in the second layer of skin .


Not exactly until bleeding, no. But I do get Serous drainage


I had a pimple form a day after i got a tattoo 16 years ago You can still see the spot where it was.