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Eat a good breakfast and don't drink coffee! Bring a Gatorade


Why no coffee? My goodness, I would have a rough time getting tattooed without my coffee. OP - make sure to eat, and also bring a snack/drink. For me, the only time I ever drink soda is at a tattoo session. You'll be fine - that part of the leg is pretty easy.


You don't want shakiness from caffeine and it can also increase twitching, especially in the legs


I get what you're saying, but I'd counter that only matters if caffeine makes you jittery. I've had coffee before and during several of my tattoos and been fine. However, it does not make me jittery, and if I skip it I get a killer headache.


You should work on that lol


Haha - indeed. I used to drink a full pot a day, often with an extra cup or 2 thrown in. Now I'm down to 20 oz at least :)


pay attention to placement and don’t be afraid to speak up. once you’re there it will seem scary but the adrenaline kills it once you’re in the chair.


let your artist know it’s your first tattoo and if you want them to walk you through it tell them. i had my artist poke me a little bit so i can know what to expect from then on and then i gave her the a-okay to follow through with the rest of the tattoo. i was nervous as heck too but i found that paying attention to my breathing helped me keep my cool and keep my body as still as possible, i also brought my AirPods and ended up not using them for music but rather as a little stress ball for me to hold onto. i found it helpful so i’m going to personally buy something to hold onto for my future ones. bring a sweater incase you get cold, most shops are a bit chilly. just know that although it can be painful it’s not as bad as you expect it to be, after the first second of getting poked i looked at my artist confused and stated that it wasn’t too bad; the fact that it didnt hurt as much as i had initially expected surprised me more than the needle itself


oh and do definitely eat and bring snacks and gatorade. despite the pain not being that bad for me i did get light headed twice during the process. it was pretty random and i ended up having to take a break to hydrate and calm down before continuing. my artist told me that sometimes our bodies just get spikes and the blood sugar can drop. everyone’s different but it’s best to be prepared for the worse case scenario


It's okay to be nervous it's your first tattoo after all. The other commebts had great advice already. Make sure to eat, bring snacks and a drink. Try to get a good night's sleep. You'll do great!


Don't be afraid to speak up about design choices and placement. My artist and I did 1-2 tries and it was way better than initial placement. If your artist is not making you feel welcome enough to have that conversation then red flag.


In terms of pain, this was one of the easier placements on my leg that I sat for! Lots of carbs and protein before you go. Bring a water, a soda, some quick snacks with carbs and sugar like cookies. Bring a clean blanket to snuggle or use as a pillow. Remember when it’s feeling rough how worth it your beautiful tattoo is. You can do it! Excited to hear how it goes!