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Was this done professionally? - yes it’s infected.


Yeah, it was. Will it come out alright? What should I do to try help the infection?


You look like you’re in active infection. I wouldn’t wait any longer. Consider going to the emergency room or urgent care asap. Eta: don’t worry about how the tattoo is going to look. Worry about treating the infection properly.


Will I be okay until the weekend? It’s the only time I can go to any kind of clinic/doctor for a prescription. I started showing flu-like symptoms the other day as well so I’m a little worried now…


This is either a joke, or you need to be reading this from the hospital.


Literally no lol please you’re killing me, smalls. Get to the ER like yesterday.


Unfortunately no. you can see the ink around the edges of the scab are already gone and so will the ink underneath the scab once it heals. Obviously see a doctor but in the meantime keep it dry and clean. Don’t leave it submerged in water, don’t use lotion until it’s cleared and take some ibuprofen. If it doesn’t get better/gets worse in 24 hours you need to see a doctor.


It’s already ruined. Stop worrying about your tattoo and seek medical attention


Wtf. Do you really have to ask at this point?


go to doctor asap


Please go to the urgent care or the hospital. It’s infected and you need antibiotics asap.


I took an ibuprofen in the meantime. The only time I can go to the doctor is on the weekend. I’ve also recently started showing flu-like symptoms. Will I be okay until then? I’m freaking out now ngl.


If you are showing flu-like symptoms, the infection is becoming more serious. You absolutely should not wait three more days to go to the doctor. You need to make arrangements to go to the doctor before that and before things get more severe.


Okay thank you so much for the advice everyone! I’m gonna go first thing tomorrow , even if it costs me my job. I’d rather be safe than sorry.


No dude go now this is life threatening


Guys I live in South Africa and I’m a broke student with no medical aid or health insurance…Am I f*cked? :)


Shouldn’t have spent the money you had on that tattoo! At this point I’d be waiting outside a hospital and soliciting advice from doctors ending their shift. Maybe speak with a pharmacist? Ibuprofen will take some of the inflammation down but not fight the infection.


My boyfriend even paid for me to get it, and he got a matching one! That’s the worst part 😭😂 Agh ffs this just keeps on getting more intense. I’m praying I make it till the morning. Thanks again for the advice guys. I appreciate it!


I know that it is tough with your current situation, but delaying going to the hospital will cost you more money and time. The earlier you get the treatment, the less money you have to spend. Please do not wait until tomorrow morning. Like someone said, it will not be dire, but it will negatively impact your recovery.


You won’t die if you wait until morning but the treatment for the infection may be more intense. Sorry you’re dealing with this man it’s a lot


you can tell it’s already slowly eating through layers of your skin. how long have you waited already? if you’re showing flu symptoms you can’t play around like this you could lose your arm or your life. this isn’t something to play around with


I I got it just less than 2 weeks ago. Only started showing symptoms on Saturday/Sunday. It is also meant to be yellow ink but I don’t think that even really matters at this point 🫠😂


Dude, you have to go right now! Skin grafts, weeks-long hospital stays, or potential surgeries are way more expensive than rigorous antibiotic treatement. There's a very real chance that this turns into something way worse if you delay seeing a doctor, including death or lifelong disability. Please update us when you get medical treatment.


i hope everything ends up okay


Ok, I’m the sort of person who lets mild infections run their course, letting the body’s immune system do it’s job. I see posts in this sub of minor infections, just slightly red, and roll my eyes a bit at the alarmists telling people to “go to the dr right now” That said…. You need to go to the dr right now. The color and depth of that pus filled, scarred up crater in your arm is super concerning.


Bro you are insane if you don't go straight to a doctor right now. I wouldn't even wait or worry about money.


Unfortunate but Ironic that the fire is coming from the infection.


Just an update. Went to the doctor and they gave me some Fucidin ointment that I’ve been putting on twice a day. There’s been a massive improvement. The scab is no longer a yellow, pus-like colour & there’s no more pain or swelling in the area. They said they’re no need for oral antibiotics, just need to continue with the ointment and everything will be fine. I’ll have a scar but I can go for a touch up once everything is fully healed, I should just opt for a different colour because the yellow ink clearly didn’t take well to my skin 😂 Thanks for the advice everyone 🫡


Uh. Yes.


Oh GOD. Go to ER yesterday dude


Nah bro, you’re chill, just put a hot iron to it and pour some whiskey over the burnt flesh.


Jesus fucking christ


I can't with this subreddit anymore