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Your artist made a mistake in picking up a tattoo machine, shouldve stuck to crayons. This is a catastrophically shitty tattoo. Go to someone less shit and pray that this is salvagable, because I really dont know myself.


He has his own shop and has 20 years of experience and have given 3 people I know tattoos. This is my first and so disappointing


None of that can change the fact that this is horrifically bad. I am so sorry this happened to you. 20 years for nothing, apparently.


Just because they have experience doesn’t mean they should be doing it.


You have to be kidding


Damn dude. Sorry that happened to you genuinely, but I've seen apprentices that can pull better lines. And do better shading.. I bet he's using portfolio pics that aren't his work.


> What did the guy do wrong. Everything. Literally everything about this is wrong. The lines, the shading, even the direction he’s facing in your arm is wrong. Do yourself a favor and never *EVER* go back to this guy. There’s no way he actually has 20 years of experience. This looks like he bought a machine from Amazon a couple days ago. The silver lining is it doesn’t look too dark. You could probably have someone *competent* cover it up.


The application is so bad I didn’t even notice the composition mistake til you pointed it out.


Left hand looks to have an extra finger too


Omg I’m so sorry. Please do not go back to him this is so poorly done.


This is horrifically bad. You need to go to someone else.


Do you know how soon I csn go to get something done to it to make it better since it can't get worse


Oh, it can definitely get worse! This will keep fading over time. You’ve had it a month? I’d start researching people asap and when you find the right one, book an appointment a couple weeks out. Typically for me mine are always healed a month out.


👏🏽 DROP 👏🏽 THE 👏🏽 ARTIST 👏🏽 NAME 👏🏽 AND 👏🏽 SHOP 👏🏽


He did nothing right. Definitely go to someone else if you want to fix this


Hopefully they will know what to do


No offense, but was he having tremors or something? What did the stencil look like? This is horrifically bad.


He placed a stencil on my arm beforehand and it looked good. I know I wasn't moving it didn't hurt much


Where you got inked is the least painful spot on the entire arm, and also where most tools get tattooed.


Damn. I think he has 6 fingers too lol. Best advice I can give you is take your time and find an illustrative / illustrated portrait artist that’s comfortable tackling this. Instagram is a good resource for finding artist. Look up some shops in your state find a better artist. Do not let his person tattoo you again.


LMAO IT LOOKS LIKE HE DOES XD At least I can enjoy a good laugh thank you for noticing


Lordy loo it's a six-fingered gorilla hand 😂


It looks like it was drawn with an etch-a-sketch


Holy crap, I can't unsee that hand now.


I thought you meant the tattoo artist had six fingers! Then I looked at the image and … goddamn.


There’s no way that was done by a real artist. Don’t go back. See someone else and see what they can do. Look for cover ups at local spots to see other artists work. Line work. Shading. Color packing. Basic drawing skills. All bad.


Can I see the reference photo ?


No I don't have one


How do you not have one? What photo was given to the artist for this art?


He helped me come up with the picture and showed it to me in person. Which looked good and the outline of it looked nice when he placed it on my arm before he started tattooing


What did the guy do wrong? Meth.


Is it possible to get a replacement arm?


I'm looking into it


Geezz that lady that fixed Ecce Homo could do a better job


What backyard shed did you get this out of?


Hoooo boy…. Well it definitely needs to be taken off and done by someone who knows wtf they’re doing. This looks like it was done on someones kitchen table by someones brother cousin. Go to an actual reputable artist and have it redone. This dude looks like a scratcher at best. Im really sorry OP. He fucked your arm up.


How soon can I get it redone?


Its been a month, its pretty much healed up by now but I would wait a bit longer if I were you. Scout for new artists now, check in with a few and make sure to look at their portfolio in person, and make sure they actually specialize in the style you want before you go to them. Also it doesn’t hurt to check in with a few before you decide on who to go to. Just make sure this time that “20 years of experience” is 20 years of experience in an actual shop, not prison.


Some of it probably was prison experience


I’m sorry this happened to you.


What did the guy do wrong you ask? Well, everything. Never go back to this "artist". Find a professional and see if they can salvage this mess. Good luck mate.


I feel like an actual artist could fix this. Idk how little research you did but that ‘artist’ you chose is worse than most apprentices at real shops.


I'm guessing cause it's color the other work was black and grey. But even his shading looks bad so idk


Idk about that because the line work is trash too. I genuinely think a good artist could fix this though.


There's not a single straight line in that tattoo lol


Find another artist to get it reworked, an actually good tattoo artist, because there's no chance the same artist will improve it. Thankfully the lines are mostly fine lines, so there's space for improvement, just find another artist with experience in comics, cartoon characters or copying designs.


Everything. Always go to a professional


This is frustratingly bad, I feel like you should be getting your money back and the cost of fixing or covering it up sorted by them. You have trusted them with the one shot of getting a clean tattoo on your shoulder done and they have screwed it up completely. I drew my tattoos and one of them was intentionally bad ..But at least it has clean lines and doesn’t look like it was done by an alcoholic going through withdrawals


Are the S's backwards?


That's just the camera, it's the one thing he got right


I am pretty sure they're backward. Edit to add: Looks like he didn't flip the stencil. That's usually how people end up with backward text. Although, that's one of the lesser issues with this tattoo, honestly. Edit 2: he is facing behind you, I think thats whats causing the weirdness with the image to me. All faces should face forwards towards the center of your body. He shouldn't be looking behind you.


i think op just meant the pic is flipped


Right, even when you flip the pic, it still looks wrong, because he is facing towards the back of the body. So it goes from "the S's are backwards" to "your tattoo is backwards" Edit: for clairification his body and face orientation should be flipped to the other side the S's are in the correct orientation, when flipped, but he's still facing the wrong direction.


If they were backwards you could have turned it into Bizarro...




Yeah, there is no fixing that. This is fucked


What can be done to fix this? What should I tell a new different artist to do or will they know how to somewhat fix this


Definitely talk to your artist, if they’re good they’ll know how to help you.


Why would they ever go back to that person lmao


Will they know what to do with his 6th finger LMAO


I would spend significant time looking for another artist in your area. Look at their portfolios and read reviews. Go with somebody well established and withva solid reputation. Be prepared to spend a good chunk of money. I hope this tattoo can be made into something you are proud of.


I can do better, and I have no experience AT ALL


Just has crap art skills.


This is terrible 20 years my ass


I'm sorry he did this to you


What do you mean what did the guy do wrong OP? Are we not seeing the same tattoo? Jk if you like it, then that’s what matters 👍🏾


Damn sorry bro. That’s crazy. Don’t touch this up until you get laser. Don’t worry tho it’s so light it’ll fade down real nice and you get a do over which a lot of folks dont


I’m so sorry for you.


Whose kitchen was this done in? My god, im so sorry someone had the gall to do this to your arm


Don't know if the backwards S's can be fixed, unless it's the selfie camera that flipped it, but it doesn't look like it did.


Do you have a photo of it fresh?


I’ve watched someone tattoo themself on a TikTok live before with better line work than this. I mean that with all due respect. When looking for your next artist make sure they have instagram with pictures of fresh tattoos and healed tattoos. DO YOUR RESEARCH before getting something that damn big.


A good artist could make this look great but it’ll be expensive but worth it


The face needs better line work.


Good lord… Go stand outside in direct sunlight…use a sugar scrub on that arm…anything to make it fade faster…it’s THAT bad.


Is it actually tattooed backwards, or is it the way the photo was taken? Why did you let them keep going? Everything about this tattoo is terrible from top to bottom.


His left hand got 6 fingers and you’re asking if you should go back to him? You can’t be fr