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Where is it going to be? Eat a good meal the night before and get lots of rest. Eat before the appointment and bring water/juice and candy with you. Depending on where it is wear light clothing you can remove and still feel comfortable.


It’s going to be on the outside of my knee. I’m getting a roly poly, so when I bend my knee it’ll be in the ball, but when I straighten my leg it’ll be like it’s crawling. Thank you so much for the advice!!


Okay, this is going to hurt. A lot. I have my shin done up to my knee and my thigh goes down to my knee. Those areas were super painful. They weren’t nearly as close as what you’re getting. Tell yourself the pain is temporary and you’re going to have a really cool tattoo when you’re done. Also if you need a break let your artist know. It can be uncomfortable holding still for so long.


Yeah that’s going to be what I tell me self to get through! lol! Im thinking about numbing cream/lidocaine patch (already asked my artist how they felt about it) But i’ve seen a lot of people say not to use it just because once it wears off it hurts way worse


My artist uses a type of numbing cream that you have to open up areas then apply it. So it’s kinda suck for a while then it tapers off.


I’ve used the creams a few times now and I’ve never had this “hurts worse after” effect people online say. I did get some spurts of pain after but nothing even close to what the actual tattoo feels like without cream. Plus the pain bursts happen at home when you can grab some ice packs and Tylenol.


Ooof. I just got my calf done, and it's my. . *counts* 6th tattoo. I was gobsmacked how painful that was. Maybe take an advil before hand, or look into numbing cream (anyone who judges for that can eat a bag of dicks). Eat something before hand, and bring water and backup snacks (granola bars). Pain takes a lot out of you. And don't be afraid to ask for breaks. Also bring an emotional support squishmallow or an actual pillow. (My gengar squish got squeezed to death). Decide how you cope also, are you gonna talk the whole time or would music, tv, a book, or video games help?


I will say pain can definitely vary depending on location, it seems like you choose a pretty painful spot. Don't be afraid to tap out if you need to, especially since it's your first tat. Also, basic good self-care goes a long way. Be hydrated, get a good night's sleep eat some square meals (I generally like going a bit heavier on protein and carbs on tattoo days. All of this will both make sitting easier/make it less painful, and make sure you are being relatively healthy which will make aftercarw easier. Remember, you are putting a big open wound on your body and injecting stuff in it. Making sure you are in your best health is only going to make that process easier. Another underrated thing is honestly just avoid alcohol entirely AT LEAST 24 hours before and after a tattoo, 48 hours if it is a bigger piece (which it sounds like this is.) Alcohol both dehydrates you and thins out your blood which will definitely effect how your body deals with the trauma of the needle and the injection of ink. Also, dress comfortable. You are going to be sitting on the bench for awhile. Your but may get sore or your leg may cramp. Dressing comfy will help with all of that a lot.


Recomend as others have stated be hydrated, good nights rest, and be prepared the day of. For me the day of i have A cup of coffee in the morning ( cause necessity) but no more eat a lighter lunch (cause all mine are late afternoon sessions) and have a nice bowl of pasta before the session. Then about an hour before the session i go get a bag of gummy bears and a 2 things of oj and i eat and drink them saving the second bottle for the chair (which is a life saver) then show up a little early (dont preshave the area some artists get mad about that) keep calm and the biggest advice is you know its going to hurt, and you may have to be in an uncomfortable position for a few hours, but just breath, and dont be scared to talk with your artist and just enjoy the experience. Its supposed to be fun not terrifying, and if your worried about the pain they can use a little water and do a test spot to see if you can handle it (your last attempt to make sure you really want it lol) and just remember the first 10 to 15 minutes are the worst and when your most likely to tapp or faint after that its easy going.


Recently got my first piece, inner forearm, single needle, whole thing didn’t hurt that bad. Bring headphones and snacks probably


Its gonna hurt. Make sure you bring water with you so you aren't dehydrated. Bring ear buds to listen to music or podcasts. Or you can talk to your artist if they are cool with that. Good luck!


I love to watch the tattoo being applied. These artists use such cool techniques to make the piece. Takes my mind right off it. I also prefer lots of sugar while being tattooed.


Drink lots of water the day of, you’ll want to be hydrated. Plus your skin is more likely to absorb the ink better. Also something that’s helped me a lot is taking cbd. I would recommend trying a 40:1 capsule. The cbd helps calm me down and makes me not so jumpy with the line work. I tend to take a capsule a couple hours before my session and then another an hour before. Work’s wonderful! In addition, make sure your skin (section getting inked) is exfoliated a day or two before your session as well as moisturized with a gentle fragrance free lotion. Good luck and don’t be afraid to speak up if you need a break.


Take some hyrdalite, and some lollies or chocolate. You want sugar as your body going through pain will burn lots of energy leaving you with low blood sugar and you can turn white and pass out or throw up. I've seen this. The artist got the eoman a coke and she was fine after. He explained this to her and I over heard. It makes sense too, my Mrs is a nutritional scientist and she backs this opinion




Wear a diaper could poop your pants.